• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 253 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 253

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  1. TomS
    Feb 8, 2004
    wonderfull album, they are sooooo goood
  2. TyreeL
    Apr 1, 2004
    I love this cd its the best cd in the world ... i love tom he is so hot .. this is my favorate band ever i love this cd
  3. FrankieM
    Sep 9, 2004
    This album is the shit and any one who is a downer can go suck cock
  4. dank
    Feb 2, 2005
    it was awesome they were awesome live and in songs and lbums this album was very well done i was very happy with it
  5. EvanB.
    Jan 1, 2009
    A lot of critics could never take blink-182 seriously because they presented themselves as young adults who never really wanted to mature. However, boxcar racer really set tom up to start writing darker material. Their last album is a classic because bands have been trying to match it ever since and haven't been able to. This album really reset the bar in the pop-punk genre. Compared A lot of critics could never take blink-182 seriously because they presented themselves as young adults who never really wanted to mature. However, boxcar racer really set tom up to start writing darker material. Their last album is a classic because bands have been trying to match it ever since and haven't been able to. This album really reset the bar in the pop-punk genre. Compared to the new crap that's out now by the academy is... and all those bands, blink-182 is an unbeatable force. If critics were to shed all of their past impressions of this band and give the album a chance and see it at face value, they'd understand all of this. Expand
  6. LarsF
    Nov 29, 2003
    mind blowing
  7. tylern
    Dec 1, 2003
    Blink 182 has always been a personal favorite of mine, and i think that's because we've matured at the same rate. With each album release i've found myself at about the same spot as the band. Lately i've been feeling like their poppy one dimensional songs of the past weren't quite doing it for me anymore. So when i popped in the cd i wasn't very sure what to Blink 182 has always been a personal favorite of mine, and i think that's because we've matured at the same rate. With each album release i've found myself at about the same spot as the band. Lately i've been feeling like their poppy one dimensional songs of the past weren't quite doing it for me anymore. So when i popped in the cd i wasn't very sure what to expect. Then i was totally blown away, their catchyness still exists, but their songs are now in depth looks at angst love and other things that every person alive can relate too. Older, harder, faster, better. Bitchin cd Expand
  8. laurenb
    Feb 7, 2004
    this album totally rocks! ive been a blink fan for a while now and this is the best cd of theirs by far. the first time i heard the cd i didnt think it was that great but soon i realised it was a great album with strong lyrics and songs. blink 182 rule!
  9. ReneeR
    Mar 20, 2004
    This album is overall the best album for the future of Blink 182. This album should go gold in the U.S. because of how good it is.
  10. Kent
    Nov 26, 2003
    Kudos to blink for trying something new this time around. I love the old stuff. I love the new stuff. Musically and lyrically, this disc is richer than anything they've ever done. If you want the fart jokes, go to the concerts...mark and tom will still deliver.
  11. FrostT
    Apr 2, 2004
    This c.d is heart warming and fun at the same time. It fuses old skool punk, with new pop punk. I definitely like their other c.d's. a lot to, but this is definitely one of their best. I miss you is one of their best songs yet.
  12. JessieV
    Apr 23, 2004
    I personally think that Blink-182 is the best band ever! Every C.D they release they improve they always get better it feels as if they just started and they're so great! I believe that they're not finished ... they have a wonderful career and I hope that I can still listen to new blink-182 songs from today until the rest of my life!
  13. katleinh
    Sep 8, 2004
    this cd kicks ass and i know that it will never go out of style. This cd is for you Cory!!! woo
  14. Nick
    Jun 12, 2006
    Blink 182 grew up then split up, this is their best work by a long way, some people obviously haven't listened
  15. frankc
    Jun 23, 2006
    this is a very amazing cd. infact all blink 182 cd's are amazing so the critics that think blink 182 should get put out of their misery (playlourder) well you can go fuck urself!! Have fun!
  16. DanB
    Aug 26, 2006
    blink's best album, a true punk rock masterpiece, a necesity for any CD collection, and in the ranks of Green Day's "American Idiot". It's honestly a shame that theri all-too-early break-up stopped them from continuing in this direction.
  17. RichardE
    Jan 13, 2007
    Definitely 10. One of the top 00's albums
  18. andrewa
    Jan 14, 2007
    this albumcan be much more widely listened to for teens to 40 plus.
  19. EmilL.
    Feb 19, 2009
    This may not be their greatest album, but all songs are interesting and have something that make them very good to listen.
  20. louiss
    Mar 1, 2009
    This album is amazing they showed a more mature side which i loved and i cant wait for there new album.
  21. mary
    Nov 21, 2003
    This cd is sweet i odnt know anyone could rate it under a 10
  22. JoeC
    Nov 21, 2003
    It's great. I love it
  23. razman
    Nov 26, 2003
  24. Luke
    Nov 29, 2003
    Best blink CD out there.
  25. Paul
    Dec 18, 2003
    If you're a close minded punk who can't grow up, you wont like this. But it's really fucking good.
  26. TuomasK
    Dec 19, 2003
    Blink 182 rocks as usual! I want this CD NOW!
  27. kidpunk
    Mar 22, 2004
    finally these guys are back! there better than ever. i give these guys so much props
  28. shyk
    Mar 29, 2004
    I love this cd...but i miss the stupid dorky guys. i really don't want them to grow up cuz then they'll be just like every other punk band. forget that! weirdness and freakyness rock.
  29. SamJ
    Jul 13, 2004
    This is the BEST cd ive ever heard! After you finish reading this go out and buy it. NOW!
  30. lucy
    Aug 26, 2004
    i love this cd its the best cd in a long time
  31. MelissaS
    Jan 23, 2005
    its the best, its a very good cd, i listen to it 24/7
  32. estys
    Feb 15, 2005
    This guys really rock it their best cd EVER!!! i specially liked the ¨I miss you¨ song it was something that they have never done and its relaxing . I LOVE THIS CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. JonathanG
    Jul 17, 2005
    By far my most favourite album
  34. StephenR
    Jul 25, 2005
    No question their best album, Blink-182 keeps what makes this punk-alternative band great and adds maturity to an album that remains a refreshingly satisfying listen throughout the duration of the CD.
  35. NafanM
    Feb 22, 2007
    Love the album not there best but its up there some classic songs on here!
  36. SteveF
    Feb 27, 2007
    This is my favorite album of all time, i still listen to it everyday. Everything is done perfectly, the lyrics are amazing and the drumming is some of the coolest stuff i've evr heard. If they could've kept this up for a couple more albums they surely could've cemented they're status as one of the greatest bands ever. I think part of the break up might have been the This is my favorite album of all time, i still listen to it everyday. Everything is done perfectly, the lyrics are amazing and the drumming is some of the coolest stuff i've evr heard. If they could've kept this up for a couple more albums they surely could've cemented they're status as one of the greatest bands ever. I think part of the break up might have been the fear that they couldn't top this album, because, for the audience it truly is perfect and a materpiece of the genre. Definitely the greatest "pop-punk" album of all time, if you can even call it that anymore. Expand
  37. TylerV.
    Jun 11, 2007
    The 10 above would be an 11 if possible. This album is probably the best since the millenium. Keep in mind this is that band that existed in Brittney Spears, and N*SYNC's shadows. The band that never really got recognition before Enema of the State. This album is epic, and some people say it came out of nowhere, but people should have seen it coming. Take Off Your Pants and Jacket The 10 above would be an 11 if possible. This album is probably the best since the millenium. Keep in mind this is that band that existed in Brittney Spears, and N*SYNC's shadows. The band that never really got recognition before Enema of the State. This album is epic, and some people say it came out of nowhere, but people should have seen it coming. Take Off Your Pants and Jacket was literally an announcment that Untitled was coming. The maturity in this album stands out from the rest of Blinks albums. Mark Hoppus was never that great of a bassist, but his vocals, and song writing exceded the chemistry of other bands vacalist. simply put mark just fit in. Tom was also a decent instrumentalist.. but nothing great. Travis Barker is one of the better rock drummers of the decade.. in the rock genre. What seet blink apart from the others wasn't skill, it was their chemistry in the face of a lack of extreme talent. This is a excelent, complete and outstanding album. Blinks one huge last hurrah. Expand
  38. taylors.
    Jun 26, 2007
  39. CuylerF.
    Feb 29, 2008
    Wow! It seems like theyr'e songs have really matured. And the Instrumentals are great, the songs are a lot deeper. They are easier to listen to. My favorite songs on the album are Down Obvious Violence and Alwways. Still my favorite album of all time! Blink better get back together.
  40. PaulF
    Nov 19, 2003
    A great new sound, and not just for the band. A very good listen
  41. FakEman
    Nov 24, 2003
    So much better than their last couple of albums, the band is definately more mature
  42. ChrisJ
    Nov 29, 2003
    Simply fucking amazing. Best record they've ever made.
  43. kristinalee
    Dec 15, 2003
    they r sooo great!!!i love them!!! there music has changed a little, but it's still Blink 182!!!i love the song "feeling this"!!!
  44. samc
    Dec 24, 2003
    its fucking amazing i command u all to buy this album it fucking rules!!!!!!!!
  45. AntonioR
    Dec 23, 2006
    a classic !.
  46. Aug 11, 2010
    This is the best album ever. period. F the rest of u haters. don't like em. Blink 182 will go down as one of the most legendary bands ever. I've been playing this album for 5 years and it still amazes me. and yes, i listen to other music than them but nothing tops this album.
  47. Oct 20, 2010
    Perfect album. All the songs are amazing. Tom Delonge and Mark Hoppus are the best at what they do in their genre. Travis Barker is the worlds best drummer. This album is a lot more insightful and serious than their other work, but could be their best material. Fav songs: asthenia, go, and feeling this.
  48. Aug 19, 2011
    Simply put, this is the best album, and forever will be the best album that they will ever make, in my eyes. Each and every single track on this album was created with the greatest of detail, they spent close to 9 months making this album. It just flows so well and each track is brilliant for it's own reasons. This album will forever hold a place in my heart, it was the best fair wellSimply put, this is the best album, and forever will be the best album that they will ever make, in my eyes. Each and every single track on this album was created with the greatest of detail, they spent close to 9 months making this album. It just flows so well and each track is brilliant for it's own reasons. This album will forever hold a place in my heart, it was the best fair well present they could have given us blink fans before they broke up, I would have been excited to see where they would have went next without them breaking up, hopefully Neighborhoods will follow this tone. Expand
  49. Nov 6, 2011
    I think that this change in atmosphere is good but I dont see why people are complaining the sound is relatively the same as precious albums but a slight change in lyrics and theme, their is nothing bad about that, great album one of my top 3 favorite Blink albums
  50. Mar 7, 2013
    Blink-182 presents one of the best rock albums ever created to mankind.
  51. Dec 22, 2013
    The last band I would expect to lyrically mature was Blink 182. Not only did they mature, but they took the maturing direction extremely well. The music sounds more artistic, the lyrics smarter, and the new instruments help the tone. Not to mention, Robert Smith's guest starring in the acoustic "All Of This" just makes it that much better.
  52. Nov 22, 2014
    I seriously do not know why it has an 86 rating. This is one of blink's best albums. All of the songs on here are perfection and never get boring. Mark Hoppus, Tom Delong and Travias Baker did a wonderful job producing this album. One of the best songs on this album is Stockholm syndrome because of the great guitar lead and bass tabs. lets try getting the a 90 score :)
  53. Apr 6, 2016
    Perfect album. All the songs are amazing. Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus are the best at what they do in their genre. Travis Barker is the worlds best drummer. This album is a lot more insightful and serious than their other work, but could be their best material. Fav songs: asthenia, go, and feeling this.
  54. Sep 29, 2017
    This album is AWESOME. Seriously it's the best **** I've ever heard! Some songs like "Miss you", "Asthenia" or "Always" are sooo good. They'll never get old and they'll stuck in your head. I love Blink 182 so much!
  55. Jul 31, 2019
    this is simply the BEST and most ambitious blink album ever, they didn't care about changing things and experimenting with sounds, they actually provided songs that until these days someone can't stop listen to. Great songs like Violence, Easy Target or I'm Lost Without You ends up sticking in my head all the time, and others like Asthenia or Stockholm Syndrome just blows my mind
  56. DannyBoy
    Apr 19, 2005
    NOOO BLINK-182!!! Why did you have to break up?! you have just released your best album ever!!!
  57. stevej
    Jul 26, 2005
    This cd blows me away and i think its blinks best work to date because by changing their song formula and style it allowed them to show how strong there sound production and recording really is. This cd takes many twists and turns along the way and the mood changes quite a bit. This allows each song to have its own sort of style and even environment. There are plenty of cool studio sounds This cd blows me away and i think its blinks best work to date because by changing their song formula and style it allowed them to show how strong there sound production and recording really is. This cd takes many twists and turns along the way and the mood changes quite a bit. This allows each song to have its own sort of style and even environment. There are plenty of cool studio sounds and effects and i even think Blink 182 took an idea or two from the very musically talented Pink Floyd. Another side of the album is the dark side and if you will emo aspect that Blink took from The Cure. The last major feel i got from blink 182 was the choppy distorted guitar chords of Tom Delonge which no doubt reminded me of his solo project BCR. The guitars are distorted loud and fast picked but are still somehow easy to make out and blend in with the rest of the music beautifully. I myself first got into Blink 182 during the summer of 04 when my good friend introduced me to a hallucinogenic drug called magic mushrooms. Being an open minded person I reluctantly ate the bag of the shrooms and hung out at his house. Once it started kicking in i put on his head phones and listened to new blink and must say i was really fucked up but really amazed at what i was hearing. So if you smoke weed or do another drugs i recommend listening to this for an optimal sound experience worth taking. Overall Blink 182 is a great cd and I wonder in five or ten years from now if Blink will be remembered as a well respected act because of this cd or if they will be remembered for there pop years when TOYPAJ came out.....................I guess only time will tell. Expand
  58. GrantT
    Feb 14, 2004
    they keep on getting better and better , this album has it all , i cant stop playing it , cant wait for them to venture out to australia again
    May 12, 2004
    This album is different in a cool way. Its weird and i like weird. I have every album and i luv 2 listen 2 blink cos its always quality music that cheers u up. I hate the critics that try 2 hard 2 hard 2 b cool and give blink a hard time they just took the meaning of music critics and rubbed it in the dirt. they can take their f*#^ed ratings and shuve them up their @$$ cos blink f*#^in This album is different in a cool way. Its weird and i like weird. I have every album and i luv 2 listen 2 blink cos its always quality music that cheers u up. I hate the critics that try 2 hard 2 hard 2 b cool and give blink a hard time they just took the meaning of music critics and rubbed it in the dirt. they can take their f*#^ed ratings and shuve them up their @$$ cos blink f*#^in rock in a punk rock sort of way. Expand
  60. DanielP
    Apr 19, 2005
    I never really was a fan of Blink 182, that was until I heard 'I Miss You'. This is easily one of the best songs they have ever done. Then came 'Down', also great, and then 'Always'. Blink 182 matured with this album, and started releasing songs that would become classics, not just #1's, then never heard again. This album has some truly great moments, I never really was a fan of Blink 182, that was until I heard 'I Miss You'. This is easily one of the best songs they have ever done. Then came 'Down', also great, and then 'Always'. Blink 182 matured with this album, and started releasing songs that would become classics, not just #1's, then never heard again. This album has some truly great moments, such as 'I Miss You', 'Stockholm Syndrome', 'Asthenia' and 'I'm Lost Without You' 'I'm Lost Without You' really shows where Blink-182 have matured. It goes for six minutes, and the verses are so non-Blink (based on previous albums) that it is really refreshing. I thouroughly enjoyed every moment on this album. Great job, their best album yet. One of the good things is there is also less swearing, which is quite refreshing as well. P.S. Have a listen to the first 10 seconds of 'Anthem Part Two'. I thought it was pretty funny. Expand
  61. TonyImportant
    Nov 20, 2003
    There's something so different about this album. They've really learned how they should sound. Enima can eat it's shorts, this one is the best EVER
  62. juliap
    Nov 24, 2003
    I love this cd!
  63. JordanB
    Dec 16, 2003
    I am tempted to give this album a lower rating, but it's just so rare in music today that an artist can surprise you with a new release and improve so much so quickly. Their last album, "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket," and their sudden, meteoric rise to crapdom made me hate the band, but they actually put effort into this latest album and it has made me a fan once again. This will I am tempted to give this album a lower rating, but it's just so rare in music today that an artist can surprise you with a new release and improve so much so quickly. Their last album, "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket," and their sudden, meteoric rise to crapdom made me hate the band, but they actually put effort into this latest album and it has made me a fan once again. This will probably not make a Blink fan out of everyone, but anyone who is a fan or ex-fan of the band will enjoy this album. They retain their catchiness but also mature and expand. Travis Barker, the drummer, is brilliant and Mark and Tom are slowly getting better at their instruments, vocals, and songwriting ability. I wish that more bands would try as hard as this one has. Expand
  64. KenS
    Aug 30, 2004
    I'll start this review by saying that I did not like Blink-182's earlier albums. When this album came along, I was encouraged to listen to their new album. I reluctantly agreed, and was blown away by this album. This album is very well produced, mixed, written, and performed. I'm a big fan of the guitar and drum sounds that they were able to get. Though some of the songs I'll start this review by saying that I did not like Blink-182's earlier albums. When this album came along, I was encouraged to listen to their new album. I reluctantly agreed, and was blown away by this album. This album is very well produced, mixed, written, and performed. I'm a big fan of the guitar and drum sounds that they were able to get. Though some of the songs are a bit too emo for my taste, this is a very powerful album regardless. I should warn all you blink fans that a good number of you will not like this new album if you are a bigger fan of their previous work. But I still encourage all of you to give it a listen. Expand
  65. mikejagger
    Nov 29, 2003
    very cool new sound
  66. KevinS
    Dec 1, 2003
    I was really suprised by their music on this CD, but it looks like change is good!
  67. RichR
    Dec 1, 2003
    These guys and this band are great! All this I keep reading about newfound maturity and all; seems like most of the people saying that never heard Box Car Racer. Anyway, they always have great lyrics, complex/unique arrangements, fine musicianship throuthout. The drummer, especially, is an amazing musician, doing something different on every track. This is one of the best bands in the These guys and this band are great! All this I keep reading about newfound maturity and all; seems like most of the people saying that never heard Box Car Racer. Anyway, they always have great lyrics, complex/unique arrangements, fine musicianship throuthout. The drummer, especially, is an amazing musician, doing something different on every track. This is one of the best bands in the country right now. (The guitar player is excellent, also). Expand
  68. NjoiF
    Dec 7, 2003
    With the exception of a couple of song that could be improved, an otherwise brilliant cd that is by no doubt their best yet. Blink 182 have just made their first great deviation from their usual style, a deviation that will undoubtly bring many more great cd´s to come in the future.
  69. MikeS
    Jan 17, 2004
    Great! You know, I even didn't know anything about blink-182, till I made friends with someone, who just loves it! So, I foud out that blink-182 is a great group!
  70. MarkT
    Nov 19, 2003
    Sonically, their best album yet, it lacks the toilet-humor of their previous offerings, which may alienate some fans, but it makes for a much stronger album that is much more serious, yet catchy as ever.
  71. MitchW
    Nov 24, 2003
    I really like the new guitar style, and the techno that is in some of the songs flows pretty well. But be warned: This is not "Dude Ranch" or "Take Off...", but it is good. Definitely buyworthy.
  72. PoonDawg
    Nov 25, 2003
    Completely different from the rest of their albums. Yet still just as enjoyable. A whole new image from Blink, as previous comments would say, more mature. It's some good stuff!
  73. LeslieR
    Nov 26, 2003
    Love the duet with Robert Smith, who would have thought!
  74. SusanC
    Dec 21, 2003
    This album is one of their best albums to come. They were gone for awhile and came back with glory and gold. Blink 182 are gold.
  75. Mar 8, 2013
    Another excellent album by Blink-182. It is different from the previous album, and it's not on the same level of Enema Of The State, but there are many great songs. I love I Miss You, Always and Feeling This. Some songs are uninteresting (The fallen interlude and All Of This I don't like Robert Smith), but the rest is good.
  76. Oct 9, 2015
    Wonderful album! Reminds me of being a teenager again! They are my favourite band and certainly did not disappoint with this album! They really seem to have grown up with this album and it's still recognise-able as being Blink 182
  77. Feb 25, 2019
    Blink 182 takes a step from punk to polished, diving into melodic and thematic variation from the teeny albums preceding. While their emotion and struggles lay bare, the band's sound still finds footing in catchy, driving pop-punk anthems.
  78. Aug 17, 2021
    In my opinion, one of the best albums Blink has put out to date, along with "Take Off Your Pants And Jacket". A totally interesting direction, maybe not everybody's thing but it definitely works fine for me. Songs like 'I miss you', 'Feeling this' and 'Stockholm Syndrome' really improved the style Blink had over the few Records before.
  79. daven
    Sep 22, 2006
    Maturity and Blink-182 in the same sentence. Who would have thought? The funny thing is that right as Blink-182 perfected their punk-pop wise assness on Take Off Your Pants and Jacket they decide to down a totally different path. The punk still exists and so does the pop, but only slightly as alternative seems to be taken the main stage. This won't stick in your head as much as their Maturity and Blink-182 in the same sentence. Who would have thought? The funny thing is that right as Blink-182 perfected their punk-pop wise assness on Take Off Your Pants and Jacket they decide to down a totally different path. The punk still exists and so does the pop, but only slightly as alternative seems to be taken the main stage. This won't stick in your head as much as their past CDs, but it is their most adventurous CD and probably their most enjoyable as well. Expand
  80. SuleimanM
    Mar 15, 2008
    A great ending for a great band.
  81. Nov 23, 2010
    Just an awesome album in general, way more mature, intelligent, and deep than usual. Musically, it's more than the sum if it's parts and the parts are awesome. Still, it's not without flaws.
  82. Jan 10, 2013
    Definitely different, but I prefer it from anything else they've ever done. It has nothing to do with anything else they did prior, and I suspect that's where a lot of the distaste comes from. But the music is pretty darn good for a rock album.
  83. Jul 1, 2011
    Blink-182's self-titled album is superb, it's everything pop-punk was SUPPOSED to be: it had personality, it was fun, energetic, didn't take itself TOO seriously with the exceptions of the songs that really meant something. Somewhere along the line, pop-punk lost those sensibilities and as much as Blink haters love hating, Blink-182 were true pop-punk, not the pop-punk nowadays that has noBlink-182's self-titled album is superb, it's everything pop-punk was SUPPOSED to be: it had personality, it was fun, energetic, didn't take itself TOO seriously with the exceptions of the songs that really meant something. Somewhere along the line, pop-punk lost those sensibilities and as much as Blink haters love hating, Blink-182 were true pop-punk, not the pop-punk nowadays that has no personality, no feeling. Brilliant album, the others are brilliant too, check them out. Expand
  84. j30
    Sep 28, 2011
    Light, catchy album with some unexpected twists. Probably their best to this point.
  85. Feb 2, 2012
    blink-182's fifth album is very different from their previous raunchy album, Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. They have gone for a more mature sound, incorporating experimental elements into their music. This album actually turned out very well, earning the band higher acclaim from older audiences. With the experimental approach (especially with "All of This," featuring vocals from Robertblink-182's fifth album is very different from their previous raunchy album, Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. They have gone for a more mature sound, incorporating experimental elements into their music. This album actually turned out very well, earning the band higher acclaim from older audiences. With the experimental approach (especially with "All of This," featuring vocals from Robert Smith of the Cure) blink-182 has put out another worthy record. Expand
  86. Mar 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is My number 3 In my blink-182 Ranking this has classic blink songs Like I miss you and down but alot of the songs are short and fuller tho most of the songs have there quality's FAVORITE SONG: I MISS YOU
  87. SidneyA
    Mar 2, 2005
    Monkeys eat dolphins-unfortuunately blink one eighty 2s newest release is unchararistichaly shit compared to there old stuff.
  88. andrewg
    Jan 3, 2004
    I was suprised by how not horrible this album was. I'm really not supposed to like Blink 182, but this album isn't all that bad.
  89. sdsj
    Aug 26, 2004
    not as good as toypaj - too dark
  90. [Anonymous]
    Jul 24, 2005
    This album is far from the best of blink 182 that we got in the earlier stuff in songs such as pathetic and wasting time.
  91. TheGuy
    Jan 21, 2006
    What happened Bilnk 182? Yeah, it's OK, but... Wasn't Enema of the State a LOT better. It's a nice CD, Blink 182 NEVER makes mistakes(exept for Buddha, but itu need some time to "fine tuning"), and this disk wasn't the exption. It's just that the other disks heard better, the old "light" style was cooler.
  92. Jan 25, 2012
    I liked the older albums but really screw all you a-hole punks just because they have taken a different take on pop-punk and rock doesn't you have to hate on them, punk is outdated anyway
  93. Aug 21, 2012
    'Enema Of The State' was nearly perfect, 'Take Off Your Pants..." was good and sadly, this album is another level lower. It starts very cool with "Feeling This", which shows both sides of love and then there are all those meaningless, unspecial songs. Like "Violence": It lasts 5:20 and what does it bring to us? Nothing! "Mother's Day" (on the yellow version of TOYPAJ) had more meaning than'Enema Of The State' was nearly perfect, 'Take Off Your Pants..." was good and sadly, this album is another level lower. It starts very cool with "Feeling This", which shows both sides of love and then there are all those meaningless, unspecial songs. Like "Violence": It lasts 5:20 and what does it bring to us? Nothing! "Mother's Day" (on the yellow version of TOYPAJ) had more meaning than this one! The album is good because blink-182 can't be bad, but it's way lower than their last albums. Obviously they didn't take enough time to make it. "I Miss You" is their best song of all time and makes the whole album a bit better, Robert Smith is cool in "All Of This" and "Here's Your Letter" is another good love song. But there are these disappointing songs who destroy the album. Expand
  94. Mar 10, 2018
    Honestly, kind of overrated but has some really good songs mixed with some filler tracks.
  95. JoshuaT.
    Nov 19, 2003
    Not bad, but certainly not the Blink you know and love. Listen to this one before you buy it.
  96. punkrocker
    May 1, 2004
    wtf happen to blink, they fucked it, they could have been legends but then they go and turn emo. people don have to mature as they get older, take nofx for example. every cd up this fukin rocks (in a poppunk sought of way) but this emo shit sucks
  97. ash?????
    Jul 20, 2005
    im not a big blink fan but this was ok.....
  98. matt
    Aug 8, 2004
    disapointing. i am a very devoted blink fan, but take off your pants and jacket was so much better.
  99. GaborA
    Mar 1, 2004
    Ripe fruit never tasted so terrible. They have proven that no matter how much they mature they simply cant produce decent music. Its time to cut down the tree before more awefull fruit develops or one of the seeds spawns another blink knockoff.
  100. MK
    Nov 24, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. The disc does meander in spots, and its most achingly sincere love songs become cloying, but it's easy to both enjoy and appreciate Blink-182's effort and evolution, especially when hooky pleasures continue to function as its primary stock in trade.
  2. Blender
    Blink-182 have found a new, angrier way to never leave junior high. [Dec 2003, p.135]
  3. Blink-182 is a challenging listen, although not for the reasons one usually associates with Blink-182.