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Generally favorable reviews- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 39
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 39
  3. Negative: 9 out of 39
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  1. Jul 18, 2022
    She’s amazing ! Omg this album gives so much hope of what is coming later on her career she’s a very talented artists
  2. Jul 21, 2022
    Amazing, this album is just amazing.
    Atmosphere is so magical, like a hug to the heart, the lyrics are hopeful.
    Her best work.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    This album is just amazing. The lyrics move between self-aware humour and bleak honesty, and the music swings seamlessly from rock, bossa nova, pop, and balladry. It feels like Bea’s truest and most creative expression of herself yet. Love it sm!
  4. Jul 15, 2022
    great album. what more can i say! songs such as beatopia cultsong, 10:36 and talk really stick out to me. lovesong is a beautiful ballad, and sunny day is a happy rock song. love it!
  5. Jul 19, 2022
    best album she ever made!!!! grammy come here rn bc she deserves it album of the year
  6. Jul 19, 2022
    im beatopia you can see how she’s exploring new genres, and how she’s grown more mature in her lyrics. for me, might be her best work until now. love every song!
  7. Jul 30, 2022
    An amazing feel-good album and Bea's most cohesive body of work. The Fake It Flowers follow-up offers an even more mature and vulnerable side of Bea as well as a new and fresh Beabadoobee sound that comes with the same nostalgic feel that Bea does the best.
  8. Aug 22, 2022
    I love soooo much bea My favorite song is see you soon I love this album .ks
  9. Sep 20, 2022
    It's never quite as compelling lyrically as it is musically, and the second half in particular quickly descends into indie singer-songwriter cliche on both fronts, but the delectable sonic fusion of indie rock, noise pop and industrial elements that "Beatopia" offers alongside Beabadoobee's stellar vocals on its best cuts keep the record afloat as a derivative but still enjoyableIt's never quite as compelling lyrically as it is musically, and the second half in particular quickly descends into indie singer-songwriter cliche on both fronts, but the delectable sonic fusion of indie rock, noise pop and industrial elements that "Beatopia" offers alongside Beabadoobee's stellar vocals on its best cuts keep the record afloat as a derivative but still enjoyable nostalgia-laced sugar rush of a listen.

    Choice Cuts: "10:36," "See You Soon," "Talk," "Lovesong"
  10. Jul 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this album. I haven't listened to her previous work but this is such a sad but with an optimistic feeling album. It is comforting and easy to listen. I def will check out her other stuff Expand
  11. Jul 15, 2022
    Beabadoobee is at her most coherent and softest on Beatopia, a new peak in her career. It's a mature piece of work, with Bea fully (and finally) embracing her own unique bedroom-rock style and pushes it further. It's sensitive, simple while still feeling grandiose, although sometimes a bit cliché, but everything blends so well it's barely noticeable. The only negative could be from theBeabadoobee is at her most coherent and softest on Beatopia, a new peak in her career. It's a mature piece of work, with Bea fully (and finally) embracing her own unique bedroom-rock style and pushes it further. It's sensitive, simple while still feeling grandiose, although sometimes a bit cliché, but everything blends so well it's barely noticeable. The only negative could be from the editing room, cutting down a few songs that fell short. It's not perfect, but it's Beabadoobee's closest step towards perfection to date.


    ///// SPOILER /////

    Honorable Mentions:

    10:36, Ripples, The Perfect Pair, Broken CD, Talk, Lovesong, Fairy Song, Tinkerbell Is Overrated

    Least Favorites: You're Here That's The Thing
  12. Jul 15, 2022
    this album honestly blew me away it’s so perfectly written and made. that’s all i can say abt it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Jul 21, 2022
    The result is a mish-mash of commercially viable tracks and more whimsical excursions that her fans will cherish but might leave others feeling warm, then cold.
  2. Jul 19, 2022
    Beatopia is an album which shows Beabadoobee still experimenting to find her voice – that doesn’t make it a bad album, rather a slightly uneven one. There are enough moments, such as the gently soaring See You Soon, which hint that she’s due to break out of her cult status and become a major star sooner rather than later.
  3. Jul 18, 2022
    Fans looking for more of Fake It Flowers' sass might initially be disappointed, but Beatopia's quiet confidence and well-rounded musicality feels like Beabadoobee is laying the groundwork for a long and varied career while remaining true to herself.