• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 429 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 24 out of 429
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  1. Sep 27, 2016
    Shock and awe -- the album.
    Hits like a 10 ton truck. The most visceral music experience you can have this year. The Fight Club of Hip Hop records, this record hits fast and hard, the brevity of the record (around 45 minutes long) goes a long ways in keeping the album fresh throughout. As someone who respected Danny Brown before, but never bought into the hype, I have officially been
    Shock and awe -- the album.
    Hits like a 10 ton truck. The most visceral music experience you can have this year. The Fight Club of Hip Hop records, this record hits fast and hard, the brevity of the record (around 45 minutes long) goes a long ways in keeping the album fresh throughout. As someone who respected Danny Brown before, but never bought into the hype, I have officially been converted. 100% essential.
  2. Feb 3, 2020
    Atrocity Exhibition is daring, dadaistic, visceral and complex. As rhymes as beats has an impeccable technique and care.
  3. Sep 27, 2016
    Atrocity Exhibition is another classic album you would expect from Danny Brown. The instrumentation is incredible and the rapping on it is fantastic. One of the best rap albums of 2016.
  4. Sep 28, 2016
    A dark and twisted adventure, Atrocity Exhibition is a horror film in music form. Danny takes you down to the lowest points and thrusts vivid imagery at every turn. This album goes so hard it's amazing.
  5. Sep 28, 2016
    By far the best Danny Brown album so far! If you liked XXX, but wanted more out of the beats in general (in a way that matches the mood of the lyrics) than this is for you. If you only like side B of Old and don't like dark, trippy music, then this definitely not for you. This album throws you for a ride like no other.

    Fav Tracks:
    Aint It Funny
    White Lines
    Get Hi
  6. Oct 6, 2016
    This is undoubtedly Brown's Magnum Opus, and will probably remain his best for a long time. He and his producers came out with what might be the wildest, most insane and off-the-wall hip-hop record of all time, let alone this decade. There are no boundaries, no sound, no topics, no genres, no samples and no styles that are off-limit. From the psychedelic and low-key Downward Spiral to theThis is undoubtedly Brown's Magnum Opus, and will probably remain his best for a long time. He and his producers came out with what might be the wildest, most insane and off-the-wall hip-hop record of all time, let alone this decade. There are no boundaries, no sound, no topics, no genres, no samples and no styles that are off-limit. From the psychedelic and low-key Downward Spiral to the inspiring and triumphant Really Doe to the acid trip that is When It Rain, this album features a wide variety of different emotions and stories, most of them rapped in Danny's trademark shrill flow, but with necessary calmer tracks that chronicle his rough past. With no bad or mediocre tracks in sight, this album is nothing short of a treat to your ears, while simultaneously destroying your ears with whacked-out, out-of-this-world beats courtesy of Paul White, The Alchemist, Black Milk and Danny Himself. Expand
  7. Sep 28, 2016
    Experimental, humorous, daring, challenging and ahead of its time. Danny Brown pushes the boat out to unmarked water in his new album by challenging the listener with experimental beats and his hilarious rhymes. One of the best albums of 2016 and a new bench mark for hip hop; Danny has once again pushed the boundaries of rap, well done Mr Brown.
  8. Sep 29, 2016
    Danny Brown's transition from Fool's Gold to WARP records may have rattled some die-hard fans. For others, it was exciting because it opened up the door for Danny to return to the strange, experimental instrumentation and style that seemed to fade away after the release of Old--and he did in fact open that door. Danny is mercilessly spitting witty lines, wonky wordplay, and varying vocalDanny Brown's transition from Fool's Gold to WARP records may have rattled some die-hard fans. For others, it was exciting because it opened up the door for Danny to return to the strange, experimental instrumentation and style that seemed to fade away after the release of Old--and he did in fact open that door. Danny is mercilessly spitting witty lines, wonky wordplay, and varying vocal deliveries all over these unconventional instrumentals. It needs to be made clear, however, that this is no XXX. XXX was the introduction to Brown's personality, and Atrocity Exhibition is the lens Brown places in front of your eye to see his world and experience his consciousness. This record is a journey riddled with nightmarish imagery, hints of overdose, and covered in cocaine residue. With Atrocity Exhibition, Danny Brown is cementing his name in the ever-changing rap game, and continues to open doors for up and coming hip hop hopefuls. Expand
  9. Sep 30, 2016
    This is one of the best experimental hip-hop albums I've heard in the last five years. Danny Brown returned from "Old" with a true masterpiece that is dark and twisted. His ability to rhyme over beats that are uncharacteristically jarring is the most impressive aspect of this project. After most songs, I find myself wishing for one more verse, but I am also happy that this album isThis is one of the best experimental hip-hop albums I've heard in the last five years. Danny Brown returned from "Old" with a true masterpiece that is dark and twisted. His ability to rhyme over beats that are uncharacteristically jarring is the most impressive aspect of this project. After most songs, I find myself wishing for one more verse, but I am also happy that this album is condensed to 45 minutes. This is Brown's best album to date and should not be overlooked or underrated by critics. Expand
  10. Apr 18, 2017
    One of the best experimental rap albums of all time. Both lyrically and musically made to think through and really a "what the **** am I listening to and why do I love it" vibe. I don't blame anyone for disliking this. He's about as far from regular hip-hop as you can get. The things he raps over I can barely even begin to allow myself to call them beats. He rapped over a ****ing AfricanOne of the best experimental rap albums of all time. Both lyrically and musically made to think through and really a "what the **** am I listening to and why do I love it" vibe. I don't blame anyone for disliking this. He's about as far from regular hip-hop as you can get. The things he raps over I can barely even begin to allow myself to call them beats. He rapped over a ****ing African tribal chant and it's a ****ing highlight. Expand
  11. Feb 23, 2020
    Amazing album.Every single song is great.Production is amazing.Danny's rapping is top notch.Every guest appearance is great.The flow of the album is great.Love this album one of my favourite albums of all time.
  12. Jun 14, 2018
    Experimental hip hop at its best. This album will make you feel like your the one going through the downward spiral of drug addiction, paranoia and depression that Danny Brown is going through. Best experience I've ever had listening to an album.
  13. Oct 4, 2019
    I voted 10 but I wanted 9.5 or 9.6 actually lol. I just want to say that this artist is difficult to get into, but when you do, you can dance to even his most depressing songs. But anyway, even if you hate his voice, you cannot deny his 70k samples and beats are not dope and his lyrics very dark. My favourite album cover and my favourite album right now.
  14. Jan 23, 2020
    AMAZING album, this is a masterpiece. its a amazingly executed piece of work about drug addiction with great lyricism and great artistry. this is a top 3 album that has dropped in the 2010's. his voice, while sounding very weird on the first listen fits the album perfectly.
  15. Feb 3, 2020
    Honestly one of my favourite experimental albums, the favourite from Danny's line up. The beats are honestly stellar, though they may be a little tough to listen to for some because of the tricky nature of this kind of music. The dark story the tracks tell, is really captivating, while being lyrically clever. Danny takes us for a real trip on this piece, he goes from high to low and toHonestly one of my favourite experimental albums, the favourite from Danny's line up. The beats are honestly stellar, though they may be a little tough to listen to for some because of the tricky nature of this kind of music. The dark story the tracks tell, is really captivating, while being lyrically clever. Danny takes us for a real trip on this piece, he goes from high to low and to high again with the themes of the music and his voice. Really stands out, at least for me. Expand
  16. Apr 7, 2020
    I still listnen to songs on this album on a daily basis. This album is a masterpiece of music. The darkness and trippy aesthetic and psycho as well as psychedelic feeling and sound of this album is simply amazing. This is an album that you'll either love or hate.
  17. Feb 3, 2021
    Crazy album that takes you through the highs and lows of a paranoid addict. Danny combines dark and at times hilarious lyricism with some of the most insane beats I have ever heard. Favorite tracks are Downward Spiral, Lost, Ain't It Funny, White Lines, and When It Rain.
  18. Apr 6, 2022
    This album is one hell of a trip. Danny spits about the horrors of drugs and a way that only he can. His beat selection is at an all time high. His higher registry really brings a whole new vibe to the album. Experimental hip hop at its finest.
  19. Aug 24, 2022
    My favorite Hip-Hop album of all time, just an awesome ride. Ain't It funny is in my top 5 Rap songs of all time
  20. Jan 19, 2023
    It felt so damn wrong to give this an 10, but then again it felt right to give it a 10. Guess what, I HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH THIS ALBUM WHAT SO EVER. This is a beautiful masterpiece, and I would listen to it again.
  21. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  22. Sep 28, 2016
    It's pretty tough to stomach at first. Even by Danny's standards his voice is shrill and unhinged. The beats are some of the darkest, occasionally sparse beats you've heard. But by the end you just kind of stare back in awe about how twisted and weird it was.
  23. Oct 13, 2016
    Atrocity Exhibition is unstoppable, one of the most beautiful messes that I've ever heard, Brown really did something different here, wilder and more experimental but in the same time he maintained his style, giving us an original work with a big effort in trying to move forward in his career, visiting different sounds.
  24. Oct 31, 2016
    What I expected from Danny is what I ended up getting, and that is a dope and out-of-this-world project. Danny is at his all-time highest when it comes to levels of insanity, and it is continuous from beginning to end. He gives us many examples of nightmares, fears, and signs of depression, while still giving us instances of insanity, and he showcases it perfectly throughout this wholeWhat I expected from Danny is what I ended up getting, and that is a dope and out-of-this-world project. Danny is at his all-time highest when it comes to levels of insanity, and it is continuous from beginning to end. He gives us many examples of nightmares, fears, and signs of depression, while still giving us instances of insanity, and he showcases it perfectly throughout this whole canvas of dark art. What I wasn’t a big fan of from his previous record was the EDM part of the album, and he completely strips that sound in this project. While I didn’t think the EDM sound was terrible, I still thought it was forced due to Danny’s behavior as a whole, but I digress. Danny still pulls through with his lyrics and the stories that he tells, and I’m glad his writing ability is still top-notch. Probably my most enjoyed aspect of this album is the production played throughout the whole project. The samples and different sounds that all of these producers pull together are brilliant, and I want to give a special shoutout to frequent collaborator Paul White for his fine work put into this piece of work. Paul has had a busy year with Open Mike Eagle’s collaborative album earlier in the year, and now with the majority of this record as well. I see a very bright and well-deserved future for Paul White, and it’s safe to say that he’s one of my favorite producers out right now. Also, I would like to give one more shoutout to Earl Sweatshirt for completely murdering that verse, can’t wait for his album. Now, coming back to this project, I believe that Danny will go down as one of the greats in Hip-Hop solely due to what he has accomplished in the game. He is unique, likable, and deserves all the credit in the world for what he has done with is art throughout his career. Although I am head over heels for this album, I believe not everyone will love this project. This is for a pretty niche crowd, but for those that enjoy listening to amazing forms of Hip-Hop will fall in love with this album. I can’t say enough great things about this man, and I would love to see where he takes us next in the future. Expand
  25. Sep 30, 2016
    Nobody in the rap industry sounds like Danny Brown vocally. ATROCITY EXHIBITION goes out of its way to make sure no one sounds like Brown production wise, as well. Danny's flow is complimented by some of the strangest beasts hip hop has ever seen. With OLD, Brown still had one foot in the mainstream and one foot in the Upside Down. This album is all Upside Down. This is Danny Brown's opus.
  26. Sep 29, 2016
    Danny brown never disappoints it's been 3 years and he's improved since old which is a good thing. I honestly like this project more than XXX now we wait for gangsta gibbs up next
  27. Sep 28, 2016
    This is Danny's third major album and arguably his best. Danny brown goes more experimental on this than ever. The production on Atrocity Exhibition is outstanding, unique, and weird. These beats are the best I've heard this year. Danny's demeanor on the album is much more serious than old or xxx, but he still has those clever punchlines and wordplay. Danny paints pictures in your head ofThis is Danny's third major album and arguably his best. Danny brown goes more experimental on this than ever. The production on Atrocity Exhibition is outstanding, unique, and weird. These beats are the best I've heard this year. Danny's demeanor on the album is much more serious than old or xxx, but he still has those clever punchlines and wordplay. Danny paints pictures in your head of his struggles with fame, drug use, social commentary, and past stories of his struggles. Only Danny can make an experience like this, and music like this. This album may be my favorite Danny brown album, and it's the best album I've heard this year so far.
    Favorite tracks: Downward spiral, Really doe, Lost, Ain't it funny, Pneumonia, From the ground, When it rain, Today, Hell for it
    Least favorite tracks: Get Hi
  28. Apr 16, 2017
    Classic Danny Brown album and some of the most abstract and unique hip-hop you will find. The production is stunning across the album, 'Ain't it Funny' being a highlight. Danny's drug fuelled lyricism is once again outstanding and this album really encapsulates his darkest moments whilst being entertaining throughout.
  29. Jun 21, 2017
    Slinging dope on the east side streets of Detroit at the age of 18 and doing time by 24, an early death was always a possibility for alternative rapper, Danny Brown. But with his increasing level of fame and success, the uncertainty of death has become maddening for him, as reflected in his latest LP, Atrocity Exhibition.

    The music on Atrocity Exhibition acts a soundtrack to Brown’s
    Slinging dope on the east side streets of Detroit at the age of 18 and doing time by 24, an early death was always a possibility for alternative rapper, Danny Brown. But with his increasing level of fame and success, the uncertainty of death has become maddening for him, as reflected in his latest LP, Atrocity Exhibition.

    The music on Atrocity Exhibition acts a soundtrack to Brown’s paranoia- his high-pitched nasal delivery hammers down an abrasive atmosphere that varies jabbing horns with lurking bass and trash can percussion. This jarring instrumentation culminates in a sound that feels like a fusion of 90s gangster rap, experimental jazz, and tribal music.

    Album opener, “Downward Spiral,” immediately sets the stage- Brown is battling a vicious drug habit that has him in a constant state of paranoia. The track burns slow, as Brown stumbles around a clanking beat and screeching feedback. “Rolling Stone” is more soulful in its chorus courtesy of Petite Noir’s vocals, but isn’t any more comforting as he sings, “In my mind I feel so alone. Just release me.”

    “Really Doe” switches things up as a squad banger that’s more conventional in its rap themes- being hard as **** bragging about riches and **** Its creepy bell melody and boom bap drums make for an extremely hard hitting groove that has Danny Brown and guests going off- Brown hammers down the beat with 16th note syllable gunshots, Earl Sweatshirt bobs and weaves through the verse with his offbeat rhyme scheme, and Kendrick Lamar’s stop-go delivery keeps everyone guessing.

    Whereas the first five tracks slowly build an intensity, “Ain’t It Funny” says **** it’ and unleashes all hell. With its stomping four-on-the-floor rhythm and blaring horns, the track plays like a disco song for meth heads. Amidst the chaos, Brown finds a dark humor in how he’s throwing his life away to drugs. On tracks “Today” and “When It Rains” he defends his self-destructive behavior as him “seizing the moment.” A seize the day mentality is great in that it has him consistently hitting the beats hard, but it does him no good when it has him hitting that glass dick even harder.

    Between the madness and paranoia are a handful of tracks that let the listener gather their senses. Brown gets lifted with the appropriately titled, “Get Hi,” and slows things down with the meditative R+B track, “From the Ground.” The most fun to be had is on “Dance In The Water,” a get-up-and-shake-your-ass number whose funky bass and tribal rhythm will be hilariously reminiscent of Donkey Kong Country to any Nintendo fanboys (Checkout Candy’s Love Song).

    Will it last – the fame, the fortune, the women, the drugs – Will it all last? The question endlessly tortures Danny Brown on Atrocity Exhibition. There isn’t a single track that provides definitive answer the question but closer, “Hell For It,” promises he won’t go down without a fight. But what does that mean when the person he’s fighting is himself? Therapy? Maybe. More Drugs? Probably.
  30. Sep 29, 2017
    Danny is one of the best rappers in the game right now. He has good lyricism, great production, and the hip hop GODS Kendrick Lamar, Ab Soul, and Earl Sweatshirt on ONE SONG!! Only complaint is that Danny's voice CAN get annoying every once in a while. 9/10

Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. 90
    On “When It Rain,” Brown shouts, “You ain’t heard it like this before,” like a madman. Atrocity Exhibition proves him right.
  2. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    If Atrocity Exhibition doesn’t connect with quite the same power, it’s not for lack of commitment or craft. [Oct 2016, p.53]
  3. Nov 4, 2016
    A thematic sequel to 2011 breakout mixtape ‘XXX’, Danny Brown remains rap’s most unique force.