• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 174 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 4 out of 174

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  1. Nov 24, 2021
    A simply amazing album. It seemed almost average on the first listen, but after putting some time into it, I can't stop listening. Every track is brimming with emotion and the inovation is clear. the nurturing indie rock songs and then the pounding of the drums beating along with a large thud. Wolf Parade is Canada's latest and greatest thing to come out since Stars or Arcade Fire. It isA simply amazing album. It seemed almost average on the first listen, but after putting some time into it, I can't stop listening. Every track is brimming with emotion and the inovation is clear. the nurturing indie rock songs and then the pounding of the drums beating along with a large thud. Wolf Parade is Canada's latest and greatest thing to come out since Stars or Arcade Fire. It is beautiful lyrically in some songs even though the lyrics may not make as much sense you can feel that they wanted to make sure Collapse
  2. Aug 16, 2015
    Whatever happened to the excitement of music discovery? If true listening pleasure is to be reduced to a couple great records a year, it's a damn good thing Apologies to the Queen Mary is one of them. 9.6/10
  3. Dec 17, 2012
    Took me a long time to delve into what Wolf Parade were all about. Apologies To The Queen Mary is an impressive debut. They make indie rock intricate and awesome again. No one track sound the same. First five tracks are brilliant, and the rest are great. All In All, dan Boeckner is a fantastic musician and a wonderful lyricist, and Wolf Parade are a great indie band, and so is this LP. B+
  4. Jan 30, 2011
    Based on the quality and originality of the songwriting and the musci itself, Wolf Parade should be known by more people. Arcade Fire were the first indie band I listened to, and so I will always love them, but Wolf Parade are not afraid to go beyond the norm. "Shine a Light" is possibly me favourite song on my mp3 player
  5. JustinB.
    Sep 21, 2007
    It's crazy that is isn't even good enough to be in 2005's top 30. this album is simply breathtaking and great.
  6. HollisG.
    Aug 16, 2007
    So close to a 10. This is one album that has remained in CONSTANT rotation for me over the past 2 years. Unlike some of the negative reviewers on here, I really like that Wolf Parade has two different song writers with very different styles; I think it adds to the sound and makes the album more exciting. My only criticism is that there are a couple songs on here that I skip every time, So close to a 10. This is one album that has remained in CONSTANT rotation for me over the past 2 years. Unlike some of the negative reviewers on here, I really like that Wolf Parade has two different song writers with very different styles; I think it adds to the sound and makes the album more exciting. My only criticism is that there are a couple songs on here that I skip every time, their inadequacy all the more apparent next to some of the great music on this record. Expand
  7. EricC
    Mar 23, 2007
    Easily one of my all-time favorite cd's. You Are A Runner, Hungry Ghosts, and Shine A Light are my favorite songs of the year. Every time I take this cd out of my stereo, it only finds its ways back a few days later. I found out some people don't like the vocals, and I just insult those people in the best way I can think of. Everything this band does is amazing. They better roll Easily one of my all-time favorite cd's. You Are A Runner, Hungry Ghosts, and Shine A Light are my favorite songs of the year. Every time I take this cd out of my stereo, it only finds its ways back a few days later. I found out some people don't like the vocals, and I just insult those people in the best way I can think of. Everything this band does is amazing. They better roll out another cd soon. Expand
  8. MarekV
    Sep 29, 2006
    They really come with a new impresive sound!
  9. grayrabbit
    Aug 23, 2006
    I just purchased tickets to see Wolf Parade at Kraftbrau in Kalamazoo, and I thought I'd check Metacritic to see if there was a new release that I didn't know about. Then, as usual, I wandered down to the user reviews for this album. My two cents worth is that this is one of the top five albums that I heard in 2005, and for what it's worth I listen to a rather wide variety I just purchased tickets to see Wolf Parade at Kraftbrau in Kalamazoo, and I thought I'd check Metacritic to see if there was a new release that I didn't know about. Then, as usual, I wandered down to the user reviews for this album. My two cents worth is that this is one of the top five albums that I heard in 2005, and for what it's worth I listen to a rather wide variety of rock, pop, folk, classical and hip-hop music. I'm no musical scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but this is a very satisfying CD. I'll Believe In Anything didn't hook me like it did many reviewers, but this album doesn't have a weak moment in my mind. It is strong throughout and Modern World, Dear Sons and Daughters... and especially Shine A Light blew me away. Expand
  10. o
    Jun 14, 2006
    Not one of the thirty best albums of 2005? You're crazy or you didn't bother to listen to it a second time. These guys are the goods, their live show wrecked anything else I saw come through nyc, no mistake, this is one of the very best of 2005.
  11. mr.hankey
    Jun 3, 2006
    Was it one of the best of 2005?.... Yes, it was because of the nurturing indie rock songs and then the pounding of the drums beating along with a large thud. Wolf Parade is Canada's latest and greatest thing to come out since Stars or Arcade Fire. It is beautiful lyrically in some songs even though the lyrics may not make as much sense you can feel that they wanted to make sure the Was it one of the best of 2005?.... Yes, it was because of the nurturing indie rock songs and then the pounding of the drums beating along with a large thud. Wolf Parade is Canada's latest and greatest thing to come out since Stars or Arcade Fire. It is beautiful lyrically in some songs even though the lyrics may not make as much sense you can feel that they wanted to make sure the lyrics represented their personality in some way. Apologies to the Queen Mary had many high points that were really a foundation for the album. The album really balances itself when it comes out with the music for instance the first few songs are good and then it starts to become average then after that around the middle of the album everything is nearly perfect. It amazes me how they can come up with such melodies and sound as if they were just creating their own mess. Wolf Parade is a huge success and deserves all the good reviews it can get. Modest Mouse may have sort of sold out ( not really ) but Wolf Parade doesn't in my opinion resemble them at all and that is one of their highest qualities. Expand
  12. Alan
    May 4, 2006
    A better-than-average album--you can tell there are excellent songs under there, but the production has made the band Modest Mouse-tified, which doesn't really play to their strengths. A good start--but this band isn't the second coming of anything as of yet. And ditch Issac Brock, that would be a good start next time around.
  13. JonathanS
    Apr 26, 2006
    Nice sound, but not very special. Bad lyrics too!
  14. GioS
    Mar 31, 2006
    One of the best albums of 2005. Canada has had an all-star lineup this year!
  15. Wayne
    Mar 28, 2006
    Stunning, brilliant, and over all one of the best albums of 2005. As one reviewer called them a more reserved Frog Eyes, they are so much more than that. Wolf Parade goes straight for the heart and keeps on pulling at its strings.
  16. seamusm
    Mar 28, 2006
    The Queen Mary has sailed away without me, i'm afraid....kind of disappointed with this cd
  17. Chupacabra
    Mar 12, 2006
  18. dans
    Mar 9, 2006
    It's a great album. Jack, you are the hippest of hipsters. Frog Eyes are pretty conventional themselves.
  19. PatW
    Feb 3, 2006
    This is one wicked album. Gets better everytime i listen to it. This heart is definetly on fire....
  20. Bob
    Jan 28, 2006
    Great album the lyrics are greats and it is so easy to listen to the high quality of music from this talented band. This is made better when out alone in the dead of night listening to it while walking alnoe.
  21. colinm
    Jan 11, 2006
    the arcade fire were but a voice crying out in the wilderness wolf parade are our rock and roll messiahs
  22. jack
    Jan 6, 2006
    Wolf Parade are like Frog Eyes if Frog Eyes played conventional indie rock. But for those of us who love Frog Eyes, as I do, a more conventional version of that band just isn't of much interest
  23. laurene
    Dec 21, 2005
    lyrics drums flawless
  24. MartyY
    Dec 20, 2005
    The album lacks a tad of the despairing emotion from their pre-Sub Pop EP, but the album still rocks hard. Great songs, great arrangements, great vocals. Every time I listen to "Dear and Sons and Daughters..." and "I'll Believe in Anything" I forget whatever I'm doing and I get lost in the music. Why I haven't been in more car accidents is a miracle.
  25. JohnN
    Dec 14, 2005
    Best album of 2005.....I've got to think that those people who gave this a 1 or 2 weren't listening to the same CD as I was. At first listen it did seemlike a modest mouse clone (which ain't half bad), but after 2 or 3 listens you see much more. I would give this a 10 just for I'll Believe in Anything, which is one of the best and most powerful songs I've heard in Best album of 2005.....I've got to think that those people who gave this a 1 or 2 weren't listening to the same CD as I was. At first listen it did seemlike a modest mouse clone (which ain't half bad), but after 2 or 3 listens you see much more. I would give this a 10 just for I'll Believe in Anything, which is one of the best and most powerful songs I've heard in a while. Expand
  26. Mack
    Dec 10, 2005
    Album of the year??? or "... Everything we can ask for from a modern indie band..."??? Are we listening to the same record? This ranks as one of the least imaginative and least creative albums this year. It only got one listen, and there was not a single catchy or appealing moment to bring me back. Come on, this is a criminally overrated album. And what's with the super-review below? Album of the year??? or "... Everything we can ask for from a modern indie band..."??? Are we listening to the same record? This ranks as one of the least imaginative and least creative albums this year. It only got one listen, and there was not a single catchy or appealing moment to bring me back. Come on, this is a criminally overrated album. And what's with the super-review below? This is Modest Mouse part II, plain and simple, and it doesn't deserve all this hype. Expand
  27. RyanD
    Nov 30, 2005
    Meh . . . Over hyped, over rated album.
  28. seamus
    Nov 21, 2005
    they might sound and be influenced by this or that, but look past comparisons and look at the beauty that is "Apologies to the Queen Mary"
  29. MikeyB
    Nov 19, 2005
    As someone who could give rat's ass about "indie cred" or being in-the-knowier than thou, my criticism might not mean much.... but I have to say, these guy's are good. Even better than good. They were better when they were called the Talking Heads, but WP does a good job of channeling the post-punk spirit. I don't fully get the Arcade Fire references, I do see the Mouse As someone who could give rat's ass about "indie cred" or being in-the-knowier than thou, my criticism might not mean much.... but I have to say, these guy's are good. Even better than good. They were better when they were called the Talking Heads, but WP does a good job of channeling the post-punk spirit. I don't fully get the Arcade Fire references, I do see the Mouse influence, and they aren't all that different from their peers, but not too many bands are. Anyway, just two cents from someone "outside" the indie world. Expand
  30. BenJ
    Nov 17, 2005
    Complete tunless dirge. Put next to Arcade Fire this record is a complete joke. Sack one of the vocalists, drop a keyboard, get a bass player in and a decent producer. Overhyped Rubbsih Record Of The Year.
  31. KeithR
    Nov 16, 2005
    I've purposely waited awhile to review this fantastic album which has become an indespensible part of my musical rotation over the past month. I've taken in all the too-much-like Modest Mouse critisism and heard numerous people compare this band to Arcade Fire and I'm here to disagree on both accounts. Yes, Issac Brock produced the album, and yes Spencer Krug does sound a I've purposely waited awhile to review this fantastic album which has become an indespensible part of my musical rotation over the past month. I've taken in all the too-much-like Modest Mouse critisism and heard numerous people compare this band to Arcade Fire and I'm here to disagree on both accounts. Yes, Issac Brock produced the album, and yes Spencer Krug does sound a great deal like Brock, but that is where the simlarites end. Not to mention the fact that the other talented lead singer of this band (Dan Boeckner) brings a distinctly different feel to his contributions. The depth of the lyrical content of the songs on this disc shames anything ever done by MM and that's no easy task. I find a deep emotional connection to many songs on Apologies to the Queen Mary including what I consider to be the best song released in many years, "I'll Believe in Anything," which is about an all-consuming need to be emotionally involved in a relationship that builds and builds with waves of guitar, keyboards and distorted wind instruments untill Krug's (and the listener's) soul is laid bare for all the world to see: "Give me your eyes, your blood, your soul and your ghost" and "I'll take you where nobody knows you and nobody gives damn - either way" are pure lyrical mastery and convey the depth of the conviction of the singer's love. I have not heard a musical build up as intense as this since "Untitiled" off of Nuetral Milk Hotel's swan song which leads into the tear inducing "Two Headed Boy Part II" "Dinner Bells" is another haunting Krug piece that is melancoly and forelorn and makjes the listener think deeply about their own mortality and the lives of loved ones who have come before them. "Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts" inspires us to think about our place in life and whether or not we're living up to the expectations, real or imagined, of generations of our forefathers (and foremothers, if their is such a word): "I've got water and I've got holes." is an exceptionally descriptive line. Boeckner's songs tend to be more upbeat in tempo, but equally introspective. The breakdown and subsequent chorus in "Modern World" is catchy and addictive, while one can't help but recall the sounds of Wilco, circa Summerteeth, when listening to "Same Ghost Every Night." In fact, Tweedy's influence is so strong that this could easily mistaken for a missing track off that album. "Ghosts" of ancestors can be found all over this rewarding album, and that is the only connection I can see between Wolf Parade and Arcade Fire (that and the fact that they toured together). Musically, they are entirely different animals. Overall, I can't recommend "Apoligies to the Queen Mary" enough and it's right up there with Sufjan Steven's "Illinois" for albumn of the year. Expand
  32. AlexP
    Nov 12, 2005
    Sounds like they
  33. Smaz
    Nov 9, 2005
    Everything we can ask for from a modern indie band. Apologies delivers with scintillating vocal synths and catchy guitar riffs, yet at the same time presenting an assortment of songs that can't help but draw references to Modest Mouse and the intricateness of Yo La Tengo.
  34. Evangeline
    Nov 9, 2005
  35. ShaneM
    Nov 8, 2005
    Comparisons to Arcade Fire are off the mark. This is rehashed 80's, typical of the new "indie" sound, done by so many these days - British Sea Power, Bloc Party, Interpol. If I hadn't grown up in the 80's I miight find this fresh. Not a bad album just nothing new.
  36. ColinK
    Nov 1, 2005
    Best band to make it off the Canadian Indi sceen in years.
  37. ac
    Oct 31, 2005
    awesome album. one of the best new indie bands!
  38. TipsyM
    Oct 31, 2005
    Keep in mind my opinion is after one listen. I don't care to give this Wolf Parade joint more like I've been told I "should." What I can tell you is this pretty much sounds like every other example of introverted indie-rock. It'll be used on the O.C. in no time. Anyone who adores this stuff (see: nearly every post above this) is obviously looking too much into this or Keep in mind my opinion is after one listen. I don't care to give this Wolf Parade joint more like I've been told I "should." What I can tell you is this pretty much sounds like every other example of introverted indie-rock. It'll be used on the O.C. in no time. Anyone who adores this stuff (see: nearly every post above this) is obviously looking too much into this or trying way too hard. Expand
  39. RickardB
    Oct 31, 2005
    amazing really
  40. JimM
    Oct 28, 2005
    Has it's moments, just not that many. Seems we are really in the grand "Age of Hype" lately... Can't stand the singing... If you like "Clap you hands..." you'll dig this I suppose. Both releases havd been soooo hyped I couldn't resist... wish I had... or at least listened to them before buying... But I loved the Arcade Fire and the latest Broken Social Scene so thought Has it's moments, just not that many. Seems we are really in the grand "Age of Hype" lately... Can't stand the singing... If you like "Clap you hands..." you'll dig this I suppose. Both releases havd been soooo hyped I couldn't resist... wish I had... or at least listened to them before buying... But I loved the Arcade Fire and the latest Broken Social Scene so thought I'd continue that journey in a way. But this was a wrong turn. Maybe if I was new to "indie" music, it'd be different? But 20-some years into it... guess I was hoping for more. Expand
  41. BenO
    Oct 28, 2005
    At first listen, the similarity to Modest Mouse is the most noticable thing. However, repeated listens reveal that this band has a lot more to offer, and it's ultimately an even more enjoyable listen then some of Modest Mouse's best.
  42. GIJoe
    Oct 27, 2005
    nothing new but worth a listen. typical of recent indie rock. listen to more music (get a good foundation) not just what is currently hyped. if u need to listen through SO many times before appreciating any creative nuances then it's probably not a very fresh sound.
  43. JeanT
    Oct 26, 2005
    For me, it's the best album of the year (with Arcade Fire, of course, but better).
  44. KristiC
    Oct 25, 2005
    wow! frog eyes and arcade fire put together, this is the best thing I've heard in a while.
  45. MartiH
    Oct 25, 2005
    A good LP that grows on you with repeated listenings. It is reminiscent of Modest Mouse, but that's not a bad thing. I recommend it.
  46. AlfredT.
    Oct 22, 2005
    Arcade Fire has the better, more emotion-driven live show but Apologies to the Queen Mary surpasses Funeral....well, almost. But, it's still damn good.
  47. tr
    Oct 21, 2005
    If your not totally into this record by the third listen then something is wrong with you!
  48. AaronS
    Oct 20, 2005
    fantastic debut, all I can say is Oh, Canada. Watch out Americans, Canadians indie bands are taking over, from Broken Social scene to Arcade fire and Metric, now we can add Wolf Parade. Were colonizing the indie scene, deal with it, oh and when where done colonizing we'll take CYHSY for good measure.
  49. T-WiLL
    Oct 19, 2005
    Solid album on the whole. "Shine a Light" is hands down the best single of 2005. Give the rest of the album a few spins before you pass judgement. Its hooks will eventually set in.
  50. J.R.
    Oct 19, 2005
    After over-rated albums by CYHSY and others we finally have an album that lives up to the hype. Clap Your Hands for Wolf Parade!
  51. AlanAlda
    Oct 18, 2005
    Alan Alda says it is just ok. " Eh " sums it up.
  52. Brad
    Oct 18, 2005
    This cd is a perfect combination of indie hipness and unhip sincerity. I don't understand why someone would dismiss them as a modest mouse rip-off when the only real similarity is that one singer's barky voice is similar to that of Isaac Brock. Good songwriting should not be denied just because a band has a lot of buzz and Modest Mouse/Arcade Fire connections. This is a truly This cd is a perfect combination of indie hipness and unhip sincerity. I don't understand why someone would dismiss them as a modest mouse rip-off when the only real similarity is that one singer's barky voice is similar to that of Isaac Brock. Good songwriting should not be denied just because a band has a lot of buzz and Modest Mouse/Arcade Fire connections. This is a truly passionate and moving piece of work. Expand
  53. TomB
    Oct 12, 2005
    if this was the first indie album I ever heard, yeah I'd be excited about this. But since it's about the 10,000th, it's real ho-hum. Some nice parts, some grating, but ultimately no better or worse than a dozen other indie releases this year.
  54. coryh
    Oct 11, 2005
    This album is so good. I saw them awile ago and played their EP to death. The album ruins a few of the strong points of older versions of the songs, but the rerecords and new tracks more than make up for that. Best album yet this year. And it will be the best of the year, IF the Arcade Fire dont get a new album out.
  55. RaulJulia
    Oct 11, 2005
    So this is it. The hottest thing since CYHSY or Sufjan's ne one. Well, let me tell you...I have listened to it now 8-10 times and it keeps getting better. It is not as portable as its MM connection, even with Mr. Brock's production. Worth the time for sure.
  56. Benny
    Oct 6, 2005
  57. [Anonymous]
    Oct 5, 2005
    I was doubtful when I bought this CD, but I was very wrong. One of the best CDs this year. Much more listenable than Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, the vocals are much better. Equally good as Arcade Fire's Funeral in my opinion.
  58. JosieS
    Oct 5, 2005
    I'm obsessed with this album and constantly nagging friends to check it out.
  59. DrewK
    Oct 5, 2005
    This CD wins the "Most Overrated/Overhyped Offering of the Year" award. It's pretty good, especially considering it's a debut LP. But Wolf Parade is just treading the well-worn path of groups like Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire and CYHSY. There's nothing here that you haven't heard before. If you like indie rock you'll be pleased, but don't expect to be blown away.
  60. LeeG
    Oct 4, 2005
    Great album. Great band name. "Shine a Light", "Hearts on Fire", and "I'll Believe in Anything" stand out but there isn't one back track.
  61. DanC
    Oct 4, 2005
    Sensational debut, that takes their earlier EP's and expands the soundscape of them. Fucking great live band and really nice dudes as well
  62. B.O.Braxton
    Oct 4, 2005
    THis AlBuM RULzZZZ111!!!!
  63. PhilipF
    Oct 3, 2005
    High highs and not very low lows. Gets boring in the middle but finishes strong. Not as consistent as Funeral or CYHSY, but still very good.
  64. JakeM-
    Oct 2, 2005
    Au contraire, Chris S, and any other nay sayers. Head and shoulders above all the other indie also-rans, like (especially) Clap Your Hands Say No....er Yeah (no really, just say no). This time, do believe the hype.
  65. BenA
    Oct 1, 2005
    Seriously the best thing I have heard in a long time. This one deserves all the attention it is getting and then some.
  66. AdamX
    Oct 1, 2005
    It is great, but I don't caculate this as a 91 overall... and it is nowhere near the best of the year... get Sufjan back on top! After 38 reviews and an average of 90 he deserves the top.
  67. kenjim
    Sep 30, 2005
    Satisfying on every level. This is the freshest album in years.
  68. ShawnA
    Sep 30, 2005
    As close to perfect a debut I've ever heard.
  69. JoeG
    Sep 30, 2005
    A simply amazing album. It seemed almost average on the first listen, but after putting some time into it, I can't stop listening. Every track is brimming with emotion and the inovation is clear. Definately my favorite album of the year, surpassing even Twin Cinema in my eyes.
  70. NickK
    Sep 30, 2005
    It's obvious by my numeric rating that I think this album is a great piece of work. Further, for those of you who just die for comparisons and categorization, Apologies sounds like a solid cross between Beck's mid-career work and The Arcade Fire. It's exteremely fitting that this band and the Fire are touring together, thereby providing audiences with a consistent, and It's obvious by my numeric rating that I think this album is a great piece of work. Further, for those of you who just die for comparisons and categorization, Apologies sounds like a solid cross between Beck's mid-career work and The Arcade Fire. It's exteremely fitting that this band and the Fire are touring together, thereby providing audiences with a consistent, and building, concert experience. There's definitely something in the water in Montreal. Now, let's just hope The Stills can evolve just as well.... Expand
  71. BayardR
    Sep 29, 2005
    "I'll believe in anything" is just stunning.. my god what is going on in Canada?
  72. renén
    Sep 29, 2005
    hands down, or is it up?? doesn't matter, this should be record of the year
  73. Chupacabra
    Sep 29, 2005
  74. KyleJ
    Sep 29, 2005
    "I'll believe in anything" might be the best song....ever. Seriously.
  75. SeanT
    Sep 29, 2005
    This is a pleasant enough indie-pop album, but there's nothing new here to warrant anything near the "album of the year" status people have been heaping upon it. First of all, it sounds way too much like last years over-blown hype machine, the Arcade Fire. Both bands use the yelping, i-wish-i-was-david-byrne style of vocals that is just a little too trendy right now (i.e. every This is a pleasant enough indie-pop album, but there's nothing new here to warrant anything near the "album of the year" status people have been heaping upon it. First of all, it sounds way too much like last years over-blown hype machine, the Arcade Fire. Both bands use the yelping, i-wish-i-was-david-byrne style of vocals that is just a little too trendy right now (i.e. every single new band is doing it). Basically, it's OK, but it's not life-changing (by the way, I find it funny that metacritic used the "they'll change your life" quote to sum up allmusic's review, when I'm pretty sure that was just a sarcastic reference to Garden State). Expand
  76. J.G.Reid
    Sep 29, 2005
    Yawn. I treid to like it, I really did, but after several listens all I hear is by the number indie rock. There is nothing particularly new or interesting here. It's not bad, just painfully average.
  77. DavidR
    Sep 29, 2005
    I agree with the comment that it falls flat after the intro song. Based on the hype and the single, I had hoped for more. Its not terrible, but it is released in a time of much, much better music being released.
  78. sunkilmoon.
    Sep 29, 2005
    a storming debut for sure. however, those familiar with the ep's that come before this album know that this album isn't as good as it should of been. isaac brock put his mark down on some songs and sucked the life out of them. if it's not broke, don't fix it. yes?
  79. PaulM
    Sep 29, 2005
    The most exciting and captivating album I've heard in quite a long time.
  80. BradleyK
    Sep 29, 2005
    One of the top five albums of the year easily.
  81. Charles
    Sep 28, 2005
    While i would rate Illinois as the best album of the year, this is a clase second and it does have best i have heard this year Ill believe in anything
  82. GregR
    Sep 28, 2005
    I cannot stop listening to this album. easily my new favourite band.
  83. JohnnyJ
    Sep 28, 2005
    somebody please turn off the hype machine. this album is derivative in the worst way and fails to rise above the pedestrian throughout its running time. comparisons to arcade fire and modest mouse are not to be believed.
  84. matta
    Sep 28, 2005
    Total mind-blowing stuff. Modest Mouse and Arcade Fire comparisons have been given, and although this band may have been influenced by both bands their sound is more fully realized. Up there with Illinoise and Black Sheep Boy as album of the year.
  85. FaulknerM
    Sep 28, 2005
    simply remarkable.
  86. JimmyD
    Sep 28, 2005
    Just shut up and listen.
  87. RansomC
    Sep 28, 2005
    oh my god!!! so, so, so good. it's like hearing the white album for the first time.
  88. JohnnyCool
    Sep 28, 2005
    Wolf Parade owe about as much their sound to the Arcade Fire as Soundgarden owed their sound to Nirvana. The comparisons are ONLY because they come from the same scene. Their respective sounds come from very different places. I personally prefer Wolf Parade and this album to anthing I've heard in a long, long time.
  89. PatrickM
    Sep 28, 2005
    Isn't this what indie ought to be? This album is fun, engaging, enthralling, and just straight-up cooler than the mainstream would ever give us. Also, do yourself a favor and see them live with Arcade Fire this fall, it will prove to be a very rewarding experience!
  90. BradK
    Sep 28, 2005
    Spencer's yelping lyrical flow in Dear Sons and Daughters... is perfect. Wolf Parade embody rock, the ideals of Halloween sounds, pain, thinking, and other crisp visions.
  91. JustinA
    Sep 27, 2005
    I agree with michael s. This album owes much to the success of the Arcade Fire, but there's still no denying that: a) They do a much better job of it than CYHSY; b) This is one of the year's best albums. Most of the songs make you want to jump up and dance - there's a perfect combination of pop sensibility and rawness at work.
  92. RossC
    Sep 27, 2005
    I'm with Chris S: Overrated. Spencer Krug's voice is a rake on a windowpane. I don't know how anyone could dance to this for 5 seconds, let alone "all night long." (Is SubPop salting the readers' forum?) Definitely preview before you buy.
  93. ChelseaD
    Sep 27, 2005
    Great debut, one of the best CDs this year.
  94. dano
    Sep 27, 2005
    Album of the year thus far.
  95. NajeebA
    Sep 27, 2005
    One of the best albums of the year. Hands Down.
  96. michaels
    Sep 27, 2005
    it seems the arcade fire invented a new style of music, adopted by clap your hands say yeah! and now wolf parade. one of the best abulms i've ever heard and i'm still only on track 7! thank you, you adorable parading wolves
  97. MarioI
    Sep 27, 2005
    hands down the best album of the year.
  98. TimothyB
    Sep 27, 2005
    My ears and ankles are broken from dancing to this all night long.
  99. ChrisS
    Sep 26, 2005
    Falls flat after the great opening track. Certainly can't compete with this year's freshest produce, Hold Steady, The New Lows and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.
  100. JoshuaO.
    Sep 26, 2005
    The best album of year, imagine Arcade Fire with staying power.

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 32
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 32
  3. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Wolf Parade do what they do better than anyone in recent memory.
  2. On paper this all could sound average, but Wolf Parade's true talent is transforming the everyday into the unprecedented.
  3. They’ve cleaned up their grungy guitar lines (thank you Sub Pop), reworked a few of the best songs from their early EPs, and the result is undoubtedly the best contender for the Arcade Fire/Broken Social Scene-helm of 2005.