
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Feb 5, 2016
    By the end of Anti, Rihanna may not arrive at any definitive conclusions about her art but she's allowed herself to be unguarded and anti-commercial, resulting in her most compelling record to date.
  2. Feb 1, 2016
    Its muted mood and tempo may be initially disappointing for an artist who's been at the forefront of pop and, often, innovated it.... A closer listen, though, shows Rihanna harnessing the moody, intimate sounds for a novel purpose: to open up and let us peer into how complicated her adult life has become.
  3. Jan 28, 2016
    With its sense of unease, quiet, and longing, much of Anti is unlikely to grab ears on first listen or play well to Rihanna’s broadest base of fans. But it is an interesting artistic curveball in her heretofore hits-driven career.
  4. Feb 18, 2016
    It might not have had a huge single to push those extra sales, but it feels real, it feels soulful, and it’s a representation of Rihanna that she will hopefully still be proud of 15 years on.
  5. Feb 1, 2016
    Anti takes risks and disregards convention in a way that only a true superstar like Rihanna could pull off.
  6. Feb 1, 2016
    The only real ‘surprise’ about Rihanna’s eighth album is just how challenging it is, not to listen to but to enjoy. Sonically, Anti is defiantly low key with very little to quicken the pulse.
  7. 91
    Rihanna’s most intriguing project yet, even if there’s no clear smash amongst its 13 tracks. In many ways it’s her most deliberately uncommercial album yet, but don’t let the low-key THC vibes fool you: every harmony, drum beat, and transition on Anti is painstakingly finessed.
  8. Jan 29, 2016
    ANTI is perhaps her most complete and confident record to date.
  9. Feb 23, 2016
    In many ways, ANTI is a step in the right direction for Rihanna, creatively.
  10. 80
    Her most adventurous by far.
  11. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2016
    It's confusing, with flaky endings and mood swings, and an utterly compelling mix of not caring at all and desperately caring. [Apr 2016, p.87]
  12. It’s not quite the revelatory departure we might have hoped for, and has the rich but unfocused feel of something worked on perhaps too long with obsessive fervour, but it’s also subtle and interesting; an intriguing soundtrack to an era of change.
  13. Jan 29, 2016
    Not every song is as outstanding as the next, but at points, Anti is incredibly satisfying and sufficiently distinct from her other efforts--very much worth the wait and the bizarre roll out.
  14. Feb 1, 2016
    ANTI is a rich and conflicted pop record, at its most interesting when it’s at its most idiosyncratic.
  15. Jan 29, 2016
    Sadly, with Anti the intent and promise is more admirable than the end result. There’s a certain dreary joylessness to it that saps any energy the songs might possess.
  16. 75
    What we have instead is a brooding, oddly sequenced, and scattered collection that defies easy categorization.
  17. Q Magazine
    Feb 19, 2016
    It's an intriguing scrapbook of ideas and frequently enjoyable, but could use a banger or tow. [Apr 2016, p.112]
  18. Feb 9, 2016
    Rihanna delivers the best LP of her career. It's not chock full of huge singles; it takes risks and may well alienate the more casual element of her fanbase, but really they should have grown up with her over the last decade (otherwise newbies should stick to "Good Girl Gone Bad" and "Loud").
  19. Feb 1, 2016
    This is an album that forces us to question the boxes we've placed Rihanna in all along.
  20. Jan 28, 2016
    The ultimate impression the album leaves isn't just that of an artist who failed to follow through on her vision, but who never bothered to conceive one in the first place.
  21. Feb 1, 2016
    ANTI is Rihanna’s first aesthetically personal album, and throughout its disorderly roaming, it remains revelatory in a strict sense; it’s a musical step sideways but an artistic step up.
  22. Feb 1, 2016
    After a three year album hiatus, Rih has rendered her most profoundly authentic and effortless act of rebellion yet – she’s making the music she wants to make without a singular fuck. Anti-pop, anti-album, anti-industry, anti-expectation, anti-perfection.
  23. Jan 29, 2016
    In the end, Anti’s tracks combine to create a picture of Rihanna at her most relatable and enthralling.
  24. Jan 28, 2016
    It’s hard to work out from its contents whether in a few albums’ time its author will be back to churning out neon-hued anthems or embedded even deeper into the musical leftfield, because its contents are neither the kind of unqualified success that confidently maps out a future direction or the kind of unmitigated disaster that requires her to beat a hasty retreat.
  25. 80
    Oh Rihanna, it was so worth the wait.... This album shows Rihanna hitting back at anyone who ever said her voice could only do certain things and showing them she can do anything she wants to. Such attitude; no apologies.
  26. 70
    As a whole, Anti might not be as provocative of a statement as Rihanna hopes for it to be, but it’s still fascinating to see an artist in the midst of a metamorphosis.
  27. Jan 28, 2016
    Anti is a chaotic and scattershot album, not the product of a committed artistic vision, or even an appealingly freeform aesthetic, but rather an amalgam of approaches, tones, styles and moods.
  28. 40
    There is nothing wrong with Rihanna’s default dead-eyed vixen delivery--it’s one of the seven wonders of the pop world. But ironically, she actually sings the hell out of this record. If only more of these songs could actually carry the weight of Rihanna’s bid for freedom--a bid that is, ultimately, half-baked.
  29. Jan 28, 2016
    This, for better or worse, is clearly the music Rihanna likes: leftfield, stoned and strange. It is Rihanna without hits. This strange album, released without warning over the internet for free, may well be a reflection of the fact that not even her own backers really expects this to be a commercial blockbuster. It is more an exercise in rebranding, transforming the hit girl into a serious artist.
  30. Jan 29, 2016
    ANTI is folk music played in a video-drome circularly projecting a 360° image of sprawling, semi-wilderness on fire as a compassionate, loving apocalypse. It’s a charged bleeding heart of sponsorship and exclusivity thrown into the throat of Yosemite. It’s a white horse galloping fiend-like across the continental divide, with a hoof-print-tire-tread that could pull the land apart.
  31. Uncut
    Feb 29, 2016
    One of the most coherent and surprising big-ticket pop albums in years. [Apr 2016, p.79]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 2154 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Jan 28, 2016
    Totalmente inesperado e diferente de tudo que Rihanna já fez. Conceitual, boas batidas, boas construções harmonicas. Valeu bastante esperarTotalmente inesperado e diferente de tudo que Rihanna já fez. Conceitual, boas batidas, boas construções harmonicas. Valeu bastante esperar por esse tempo para ouvir um álbum com tamanha qualidade como musicas como Kiss It Better, Love on the Brain e Higher. Rihanna terá que lutar agora, mais do que nunca para se superar cada vez mais. Full Review »
  2. Jan 28, 2016
    critics are so funny, they basically just said "this album has no clubbangers or chart toppers, and its an R&B album from a black pop artistcritics are so funny, they basically just said "this album has no clubbangers or chart toppers, and its an R&B album from a black pop artist which is something different that we werent expecting or were used to, so lets give it a **** rating". I saw no logical explanation as to why they didn't like the album. but its whatever. Full Review »
  3. Jan 28, 2016
    ANTi, surely the world, is the most urban and risky album of Rihanna's career, but most of all the album has a more focused direction and canANTi, surely the world, is the most urban and risky album of Rihanna's career, but most of all the album has a more focused direction and can remain obscure and understanding the ears of those who hear it.

    With several postponements and exchange executive producer (change Kanye by Travis was a mistake, in fact), but there are plausible ranges as "Consideration" - which brings the wonderful SZA and opens the album with all serenity - "Desperado" and "Needed Me" (well centered , sensual and challenging), the wonderful cover "Same Ol 'Love" by Tame Impala and ballads "Higher" and "Never Ending".

    The album also has tracks that resemble the soundtrack of the film 50 Shades of Grey as "Kiss It Better" and "Love on the Brain", which are extremely hot tracks and fitantes. Overall, the production focused on the R&B and Hip-Hop has made the album becomes a little homogenic, yet well thought out and prepared.

    But not everything is rosy, the biggest error of the album is Rihanna have discarded the three singles: FourFiveSeconds, **** Better Have My Money and American Oxygen. As much as the tracks had about help of Kanye West, could be easily embedded in the context of the album.

    Finally, it is a risky, challenging and serene album that brings a new Rihanna's vision to her career - the music chameleon who's always in search of new to his discography.
    Full Review »