
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Amazing Grace is far from a bad album, but it's not an especially compelling one, either.
  2. Easily the least indulgent of the releases for the group thus far.
  3. Alternative Press
    Pierce's organic approach on Grace makes the album feel exquisitely intimate, personable and warm. [Oct 2003, p.138]
  4. It may still sound beautiful, but too often Amazing Grace comes off as mere formula.
  5. Blender
    The mood is too inconsistent to connect. [Oct 2003, p.127]
  6. Much of 'Amazing Grace' is the tired evidence of a man rehashing the same ideas - rather than sounds and movements - like a robotic, assembly line Andy Warhol.
  7. Entertainment Weekly
    [Pierce is] not averse to thrash; songs like "Never Going Back" find him crawling around in broken glass like Iggy, a supplicant for love. [12 Sep 2003, p.153]
  8. A return to form, though, doesn't imply a return to greatness.
  9. The elements of free-jazz, mopey techno, and hypnotic riff rock find familiar combinations as Pierce's peace, love, and drugs philosophy takes on a perfunctory turn.
  10. Mojo
    For every song that reacts against the last album, another chimes perfectly with its mood of epic redemption. [Sep 2003, p.101]
  11. Pierce seems to have lost the magic that he once seemed in total command of.
  12. There is absolutely no doubt that this is an important album.
  13. While the songs aren't that different from "classic" Spiritualized, the method in which they were recorded presents a whole new set of sonic possibilities.
  14. Outburn
    The sound is taut and tough, with a much more spontaneous sound than previous efforts. [#23, p. 101]
  15. Even in its most inspired moments, Amazing Grace lacks the fiery intensity of any of Pierce's previous outings.
  16. More difficult when played initially, you will find yourself becoming immersed in it, a generous reward for your initial endeavours.
  17. It is a Spiritualized album in every sense of the word: bombastic, beautiful, energized, dynamic, and for some damn reason, just a little emotionless.
  18. Q Magazine
    An orgy of harmonica, squalling guitar, plodding ballads and ill-fitting minimalist trousers. What on earth is going on? [Oct 2003, p.113]
  19. The Bible talk and the vintage-guitar distortion sound so rote it's hard to imagine Pierce is baring his soul rather than just plumbing the depths of his record collection.
  20. Spin
    Amazing Grace is at peak moments an amazingly graceful representation of MC5/Stooges skid marks on a psychedelic superhighway. [Oct 2003, p.112]
  21. Indolent, perturbed and volatile, Amazing Grace finds Pierce checking his wide-screen Spectorian visions at the studio door; he has opted, instead, for a coarse mix of electrified Southern gospel and somnabulent balladeering that has produced the most urgent Spiritualized album since Electric Mainline.
  22. At its best, Amazing Grace® finds Pierce and his many supporting players piecing their disparate moods and sounds into moments of catharsis only Spiritualized could create. But too often, those ingredients are doled out separately, as the album jerks through jarringly integrated fragments that should have run together seamlessly.
  23. Even in the current climate, they sound unique.
  24. The Wire
    This is drivel inflated to whole new levels of bombast. [#235, p.72]
  25. Uncut
    Another Spiritualized album. Another great Spiritualized album. [Oct 2003, p.120]
  26. Under The Radar
    Amazing Grace is loud, dirty, sloppy, and crude. But it rocks hard. [#5, p.103]
  27. Urb
    Amazing Grace holds its place in the ever-evolving sound of one of the most momentous bands of the past decade. [Oct 2003, p.86]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 3 out of 23
  1. Apr 30, 2012
    i don't know why people keep insisting that this album is so bad... the best album to come out of spiritualized/spaceman 3... come on!! thei don't know why people keep insisting that this album is so bad... the best album to come out of spiritualized/spaceman 3... come on!! the ballad of richie lee? hold on?
    when was jason pierce so "on the money" in other records? and the 2-3 minute blastoffs in the middle are just what you need in a bombastic spiritualized album.. they are breathers.. "never going back" is absolutely neccessery where it is!
    best record out of a great band (and this review is written after sweet heart sweet light already came out)
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 19, 2011
    Absolutely incredible, just like the majority of Spaceman's discography. There are some absolutely breathtaking moments to be had here,Absolutely incredible, just like the majority of Spaceman's discography. There are some absolutely breathtaking moments to be had here, filled ripe with emotion. Full Review »
  3. WillieL
    Aug 12, 2006
    Whats wrong with you people? WHATS WRONG?! This is another wonderful album from Pierce. Sure, its no Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Whats wrong with you people? WHATS WRONG?! This is another wonderful album from Pierce. Sure, its no Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space, but what is? Take to mind that illness disrupted this recording and the songs like Hold On, Oh Baby and Lord Let It Rain on me really have effect. A great album. If not their best. Plus a Spiritualized parody for you - "Lord, Im On Heroin". I thought it was funny... Full Review »