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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    FINALLY an album after so much time and they choose that song as the main track Lisa's solo Lalisa wes better
  2. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wish I could see some depth in these songs. It's also known that they don't write their own music, which probably limits them. As a non kpop fan who just started getting into KPOP, it's hard to judge work with such formulaic method, it's just so typical of others in their genre, more flash than actual musicality Expand
  3. Apr 14, 2023
    A majorly disappoiting debut album. A distinct sound and message as expected from a debut album was not delivered. the melodies are extremely repetitive and predictable. The lyrics have no clear message, with an excessive use of aave, theyre a bit hard to listen to.
  4. Dec 5, 2022
    I dislike this album with a passion. It feels like it's full of empty words and bad rap parts full of blaccent. The company just threw something together to appease fans. The work of the girls seems superficial and bland. Full of self praise and tearing down other women. Not very girl power if you ask me.
  5. Jan 12, 2023
    mmm.. I can't like their songs no matter how hard I try it's so bad thank god it will be their last year as a group!
  6. Dec 7, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Más de lo mismo, una y otra vez las mismas frases sin sentidos, con falso empoderamiento, sonido pegadizo y sonidos rimbombante Expand
  7. Dec 6, 2022
    Is dont know I suposed that always is the same music anda I Don't like for nothing sorry
  8. Dec 6, 2022
    uhm... just listened it i and i found nothing really memorable... alt ought i don't like How you like that... probably it was the most impact-ful song
  9. Sep 26, 2022
    yikes. everything sounds the same, teddy needs to retire or take a long vacation.
  10. Sep 19, 2022
    is bad! all this song! ----------------------------------------------------- bad
  11. Sep 18, 2022
    Pienso que teddy se aprovecha del fandom y da otra vez lo mismo pero de otras palabras, lo mismo de siempre expresado en otras palabras. Aburrido
  12. Sep 17, 2022
    Album soso y con poco carisma. La unica canción decente es su Title Track pero como sus fans carecen de conocimiento musical obviamente no es la más escuchada. Junto con Stay, LSG es la unica canción de BP que muestra ALGO de musicalidad, el resto de cancion es basura remezclada siguiendo las mismas formulas para hacer cada vez canciones que de lo repetitivas que son solo te producen ascoAlbum soso y con poco carisma. La unica canción decente es su Title Track pero como sus fans carecen de conocimiento musical obviamente no es la más escuchada. Junto con Stay, LSG es la unica canción de BP que muestra ALGO de musicalidad, el resto de cancion es basura remezclada siguiendo las mismas formulas para hacer cada vez canciones que de lo repetitivas que son solo te producen asco y agonía. Podrán ser todo lo pegadizas que quieran, pero eso no quita lo poco involucradas que se encuentran esas chicas en sus canciones y carrera. Son muñecas usadas, caras bonitas sin talento, solo Rosé se salva. Expand
  13. Aug 22, 2022
    Cheap sounding album. No growth from past works. Still silly raps. No lyricism. No great vocals. No harmonies. Just a basic kpop kids bop album.
  14. Jul 17, 2022
    this is the worst album I ever hear, it's so bad I would never recommend this
  15. Jul 16, 2022
    generic and no personality, nothing copyright and artistic identity, the album's purpose is to talk about female empowerment, but it's all written by a man and let's be honest what an uncreative album name
  16. Jul 6, 2022
    I do not like. the songs are boring, they sound very much alike. nothing is good here.
  17. Jun 13, 2022
    It's not a good album. Some of the songs are generic and have the same rhythm. It's not innovative.
  18. Jun 13, 2022
    What kind of noise is that?
    I hope one day they do something really good, not just generic and boring.
  19. Jun 13, 2022
    They didn't served with this album. All thr songs were same like before and boring. I forgot this album existed
  20. Jun 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is just not what I expect it is. So many blinks were saying this album was so good but in reality it’s a mess. The over use of different loud sounds were just not it. The vocals were pretty good but i think there’s one member who just sounds like screeching instead of singing. It’s too high pitched! Not in a good way. I don’t recommend other people to listen to this and for those who said that it’s a bop lied. Expand
  21. Jun 12, 2022
    poor quality no creativity got great lineup but managed to hide them in the tracks with no use of them
  22. Jun 12, 2022
    no good at all empty album empty songs very repetitive and childish writing
  23. Jun 12, 2022
    Classic kpop sounds, mediocre, if you want to keep your ears healthy I advise you to skip this album.
  24. Jun 12, 2022
    é péssimo, muito ruim pior álbum do mundo. vocais péssimos e isso nem pode ser chamado de rap.
  25. Jun 12, 2022
    Se incomodar meus favs, eu incomodo os seus.
    Olho por olho, dente por dente, avaliação por avaliação.
    Mandem suas favs trabalharem.
  26. Jun 12, 2022
    I can't believe I waste my time listening to this. I hear they where biggest girl group but can't touch spice girl music
  27. Jun 12, 2022
    Not for me. I decided to give their music a try and I didn’t like it but the girls are pretty and dance well I guess.
  28. Jun 12, 2022
    Sucks. Repeating music do better. 6 years into the career still can't make good music.
  29. Jun 12, 2022
    I remember when i listened to this awful album, Im still recovering from ear problems. Listen at your own risk cuz let me tell you its a complete waste of time and health.
  30. Jun 12, 2022
    The two titletracks are so bad. Only Lovesick Girls sounds good. But it cant make up for the other tracks which were pretty repetitive and the lyrics were just as bad
  31. Jun 12, 2022
    It is just as awful and uncreative as every other thing that generic kpop group releases, it's sad that some stans pretend to like it only because the girls. YG is showing again how easy is to take money from teenagers with a bad trap music style plus the influence of what is currently trending and a bad girl concept to make young girls feel empowered when the only thing the company reallyIt is just as awful and uncreative as every other thing that generic kpop group releases, it's sad that some stans pretend to like it only because the girls. YG is showing again how easy is to take money from teenagers with a bad trap music style plus the influence of what is currently trending and a bad girl concept to make young girls feel empowered when the only thing the company really wants is their money. Expand
  32. Jun 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sinceramente, o álbum não é bom… Mistura várias batidas pré fabricadas que todos já ouviram em qualquer “farofa” pop. Tinha potencial por ser o primeiro álbum delas mas não atingiu as expectativas. ICE CREAM: Não é legal fazer uma música com duplo sentido, letra obscena e um mv infantilizado com itens para crianças e atuação infatil… Na verdade isso é muito problemático. PRETTY SAVAGE: Também não é legal ser um grupo que supostamente prega por “empoderamento feminino”, mas fazer uma música cujo a letra exalta corpos magros e desmerece corpos gordos… Sem falar nas comparações baixas e rivalidade feminina. Resumidamente, o álbum não é coeso, não possui nenhuma música marcante para o público e em grande maioria não teve sequer ajuda de alguma membro na composição/produção. Realmente decepcionante. Expand
  33. Jun 12, 2022
    Same recycled EDM beat garbage. Sounds the same as literally every other Blackpink song. Plus this band can't pick up a pen to save their lives. Every song is written by Producer Teddy giving misogynistic lyrics to be screeched out by YG Entertainment sock puppets while simultaneously preaching feminism and female empowerment. Example, the lyrics to Ice Cream (once again being covered bySame recycled EDM beat garbage. Sounds the same as literally every other Blackpink song. Plus this band can't pick up a pen to save their lives. Every song is written by Producer Teddy giving misogynistic lyrics to be screeched out by YG Entertainment sock puppets while simultaneously preaching feminism and female empowerment. Example, the lyrics to Ice Cream (once again being covered by the same overused EDM beat) completely sexualizes women, which may not have been so bad had the band written it themselves as it could have been seen a women's sexual liberation but instead was written by a male producer which just made my skin crawl. Don't even get me started on the "raps" on this album. Apparently, if you rhyme words kind of fast while speaking in a blaccent and throwing gang signs, that puts this joke of an album in the hip-hop genre. Expand
  34. Jun 12, 2022
    Awfully plain and as their fortcommers it also fell flat (triple flat threat) after so much waiting I had no chioce but to leave the fandom
  35. Jun 12, 2022
    Anyone who wants to get a glimpse at purely fabricated music with its only focus being the visuals and the least priority being the actual music, here you go. Enjoy
  36. Jun 12, 2022
    One of the worst albums I've ever heard, total waste of time. After waiting for years and this being their first full length album, I was extremely disappointed. The songwriting is lazy, the production was terrible and the lyrics just do not make sense. I would be so embarrassed to make my fans wait for ages and then drop this absolute trash of an album. Wish I could give it a rating inOne of the worst albums I've ever heard, total waste of time. After waiting for years and this being their first full length album, I was extremely disappointed. The songwriting is lazy, the production was terrible and the lyrics just do not make sense. I would be so embarrassed to make my fans wait for ages and then drop this absolute trash of an album. Wish I could give it a rating in negatives, so generic and a complete waste of time Expand
  37. Nov 24, 2020
    Some of the sons are really good and have some deep like Love To Hate Me or You Never Know which was a pleasant surprise, however, sadly, most of the songs follow the same formula blackpink have been stuck for years, the similar beats, the similar lyrics. of course it works, that’s why they use that formula so much, the problem is, at some point it becomes tiring.
  38. Jun 10, 2022
    It's okey like there's some good songs but not so many ...and I felt the beat just repeating
  39. h4n
    Jun 10, 2022
    To be honest; it lacks creativity and dynamic. Every song is just the same uninspired vocal, lame rap and beatdrop.
  40. Jun 10, 2022
    Very basic boring songs. noise music. An album you never want to hear... K
  41. May 23, 2022
    kids bops and sounds like generic kpop, nothing new for BLACKPINK. It sounds cheap sometimes, lyrics are not amusing. Choreo and production is the main foundation of this album. Love Sick Girls is the only song I liked. I feel like they won’t rebrand in any time and will still stick into this sound. They needed that break from media.
  42. May 3, 2022
    I can't understand how bad BlackPink's songs can be, it's a pity, this group reserves more.
  43. Apr 28, 2022
    generic album, nothing new same sound they have always used, they don't involve in their music production and relay on the producers, no memorable lyrics, sounds or music, just same generic
  44. Jan 29, 2022
    El album mas básico de estas mancas y, aun así, sus fans se atreven a dejar malas reseñas en otros album de kpop que debutaron en esta plataforma. Solo les gusta la música básica y para mover la cuca asquerosa que tienen.
    Lastima que la critica apoye a otros álbum y tengan mejor reseña que este álbum mediocre.
  45. Aug 30, 2021
    muito ruim como tudo que elas se propõe a fazer.. vão ser sempre surradas pelas maiores da Ásia !!
  46. Aug 27, 2021
    A mix of 2013 songs leftovers that were too bad to release at the time, and still are.
  47. Aug 23, 2021
    Só não dou 0 para esse lixo sonoro pois ao menos elas deram mais um armamento nuclear para a Coreia.
  48. Jul 24, 2021
    didn't like it.. tbh the beats are so overused empty lyrics everything's a mess!
  49. Jul 24, 2021
    epitome of mediocrity. no artistry and lyricism on their members' part and they completely relied on the producers.
  50. Jul 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. bad song. Their talent is being overestimated. They're as popular as they are now by singing Teddy's music Expand
  51. Jul 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Música genérica, todo el álbum parece un remix de dudduddudu, ojalá no vuelvan a sacar más música estas tipas Expand
  52. Jul 23, 2021
    Only 8 songs for a full album and then naming it THE ALBUM . Blakcpink can do better than this . It would've gotten much lower ratings if it wasn't for Selena Gomez and cardi b
  53. Jul 22, 2021
    It's always the same "in your face" attitude from their past releases. The album is generally dull and the lack of creativity in the b sides makes it less worthy to be a long anticipated album
  54. Jul 22, 2021
    Lisa needs to leave yg even she can't solo carry teddy's lazy ass anymore, so disappointing
  55. Jul 22, 2021
    long wait for a whatever album tbh. over rated while their peers are underrated in comparison
  56. Jul 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mmm no es lo mejor que han hecho, la mayoria suenan como canciones recicladas... Esperemos que el siguiente sea mejor! Expand
  57. Jul 22, 2021
    Is this a whole album? Is THE ALBUM a complete album with only 8 songs? It's just nonsense for 24 minutes.
  58. Jul 22, 2021
    Rehashed beats and typical sound. Wish they'd try a different sound... Hoping they do soon.
  59. Jul 22, 2021
    so tem BOMBA ate mesmo dame tu cosita seria uma melhor track q essas tenebrosidades desse albumm
  60. Jul 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. First the albuma nd its b side is not written by the artist another waste of time Expand
  61. Jul 22, 2021
    Terrible. I was expecting more but it was same repetitive stuff again again again. Hope they do better next time
  62. Jul 21, 2021
    This group doesn't innovate. The same kind of songs in every album. The album is not interesting to listen to. I hope they can try new sounds on the future, and please, lyrics that doesn't go like pam pam pam rum pum pum. It is fine sometimes but not in every song...
  63. Jul 20, 2021
    just too short and with repetitive beats, the album is too weak and feels like everything they've released before. both tracks look very weak and don't show everything they could, apart from the lyrics that seem very disjointed and misspelled.
  64. Jul 18, 2021
    mediocre songs and questionable vocals lol. at least they served on the ballad
  65. Apr 15, 2021
  66. Mar 17, 2021
    Todo el album suena igual, el album mas mediocre hechop por una girl band que no influye en nada. Dede tonos repetitibos como DUDUDU THAT THAT THAT ICE CREAMINGGG, letras que ni ellas mismas se dignan a escribir y album en donde no pusieron un dedo de ayuda
    1, por LoveSick Girls, a pesar de tener pesima letra y voz, lo salva los ritmos
  67. Jan 14, 2021
    Absolutely no song stuck with me. The only song I could actually see myself listening to is pretty savage but even then I didn't enjoy it that much.
  68. Dec 27, 2020
    generic pop, just the beats changes but lovesick girls is really good, the only song in the whole album i can listen without had a headache.
  69. Dec 20, 2020
    an album with extremely generic and bad songs, no creative process and the whole album full of beats and touches of other songs. for a group that took four years to release an album, they shouldn't even have released. This album without creativity is a sonorous horror
  70. Dec 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It took them four years to come up with this? Wasn't worth the wait honestly Expand
  71. Dec 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Quite a boring album all together. The best feature was Selena Gomez but even then I still can’t understand why people like the song Expand
  72. Dec 7, 2020
    Really loved the rythm and song compositions. But the thing that really messed it up for me, it's the songs production. As a production lover, this really makes me sad.
    Lovesick girls, the title track, really sounds messy. There's no clarity on the song components and the excessive echoing makes it weird to me, and hurts my ears. Definitely, the whole album is a skip for me, and a
    Really loved the rythm and song compositions. But the thing that really messed it up for me, it's the songs production. As a production lover, this really makes me sad.
    Lovesick girls, the title track, really sounds messy. There's no clarity on the song components and the excessive echoing makes it weird to me, and hurts my ears. Definitely, the whole album is a skip for me, and a definitely goodbye to Blackpink.
    Nothing to save on my playlist, honestly.
  73. Dec 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The definition of what anyone who doesn't know thinks kpop is, generic songs as and without identity, basic and recycled beats and letters so shallow that they do not talk to each other. It looks like a compilation of singles from previous years, it's basically a playlist with separate songs. Expand
  74. Dec 6, 2020
    This album is full of collaborations only with the greed to enter a market, only two songs are good but all the others seem recycled
  75. Rof
    Dec 4, 2020
    I don’t know what the special of this album. the song has no meaning. and the concept of the song has not changed. they can't get out of their comfort zone.
  76. Nov 27, 2020
    First of all we agree that it is not an album it is an ep, second they are all pure generic songs too exaggerated commercial this ep does not give any message simply this album is horrible in the music industry
  77. Nov 27, 2020
    Lyrics makes no sense. I think, they justwanted to make Blackpink a phenomenon but they should improve in writing songs in this album.
  78. Nov 22, 2020
    There is nothing new or fresh about this album. This was a very big disappointment.
  79. Nov 21, 2020
    Only song that is good is Lovesick Girls the other songs are avarage or terrible
  80. Nov 20, 2020
    Uno de los peores álbumes ,genérico ,cero vocales,no me atrae y no me gusta.
    Cero especial .
  81. Nov 20, 2020
    isso é um album ? ta mais para show de horrores, as musicas são as mesmas do antigo albums delas, pretty savage horrivel letra gordofobica, How you like that parece uma bomba atômica, lovesick girls sem comentários pop generico, nota para o album: 0/0
  82. Nov 13, 2020
    the songs kinda sound the same. i was expecting more 'coz a lot of their fans brag about it, i expected a lot and it made me disappointed,
  83. Nov 12, 2020
    tanked as usual keep making the same trash music and keep collabing with mediocre artist especially cardio vascular so we are not streaming at all
  84. Nov 11, 2020
    This can't even be considered an album, it was a release with so much publicity and it was short and mediocre, you can see the desperation of the company for wanting to take a group to a market that requires a quality contribution.

    It seems that not even the collaborations helped, nor the Beats, it seems a recycling of their previous work. Not even the pile of bundles helped them to sell
    This can't even be considered an album, it was a release with so much publicity and it was short and mediocre, you can see the desperation of the company for wanting to take a group to a market that requires a quality contribution.

    It seems that not even the collaborations helped, nor the Beats, it seems a recycling of their previous work. Not even the pile of bundles helped them to sell well in a US

    I definitely wouldn't buy this crap.
  85. Nov 11, 2020
    a whole song in the album sounds similiar melodys with too much random lyric like "teretetetetet" it's so weird.
  86. Nov 10, 2020
    it is cool, it's blackpink, it is a good debut. but it is really too short.
  87. Nov 9, 2020
    I love the production but some songs are note replay worthy. And only 8 songs for an album? Other artists release way more, this should've been an ep rather than an album. So dissappointed
  88. Nov 1, 2020
    Perfect album
    beautiful song
    I love them all
    how you like that?
    of course I like that.
  89. Oct 30, 2020
    This is NOT music. All the songs sound alike, they didn't sing much, just speak some random words. And 8 songs for an album? Is this a joke?
  90. Oct 19, 2020
    too much edm and couldn't feel like listening to music. Even if it's called dance music, it didn't sound like that, I felt like listening to motor sounds
  91. Oct 16, 2020
    Extremamente genérico. É igual a qualquer mini álbum delas. Músicas ruims que são plágios e só feitas para hitar.
  92. Oct 13, 2020
    love sickgirls a unica boa ja que é um plagio de girls just wanna have fun o resto conseguiu sem uma bomba nem mesmo a cardi salvou por isso nenhuma das duas subiu na hot 100
  93. Oct 6, 2020
    I just wanna say, it is a good album, but it is too overrated and the sounds are basically the same, than the Selena and Cardi's participation seems totally unnecessary. The tea is up.
  94. Oct 6, 2020
    I was kinda disappointed in this album. After 4 years they might gave come up with something better.
  95. Oct 6, 2020
    It was definitely not worth the wait. The only thing moderately interesting are the collaborations, the rest, forgettable
  96. Oct 6, 2020
    Good rhythm on the album and good songs, but it lacks meaning and passion on the lyrics, also participation of the members. It could be better.
  97. Oct 6, 2020
    Hope next album will give more type of genre. I expect much from this album. My fav song from them is you never know.
  98. Oct 5, 2020
    Overrated songs, basic lyrics, auto tunes everywhere.. though you may expect a huge, life changing songs there when you look at the amount of producers that have participated in the making of the album but no theyre all even lower than basic.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Oct 6, 2020
    Crammed chockfull of crowd-pleasing EDM pyrotechnics and cheeky one-liners, The Album is undeniably a product of a well-oiled, state-of-the-art pop machine, but it feels stuck looking back to tried and true trends in both K-pop and Western pop music.
  2. Oct 5, 2020
    The Album showcases their signature style of blending genres and influences to create songs that are just as classically pop as they are identifiably BLACKPINK.
  3. Oct 5, 2020
    Overflowing with confidence, Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa conquer each track on The Album with their vocal ability (both singing and rapping) and effortless charm, switching up styles to offer something for every type of fan.