
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. I've smiled and whistled right through every listen. But I haven't felt overwhelmed even once.
  2. Doss on his own delivers a more controlled sound that recognizes quality over quantity without falling off the deep end of electro-dabbling, a fault that plagued some of OTC's later recordings. The result is clear, concise and powerful.
  3. Here's my big problem with Age of the Sun: the ending.
  4. There's lots of good stuff on Age of the Sun. It's just that sometimes, there's a bit too much of it.
  5. A meticulously crafted pop album that's as well suited for curling up on a bleak winter night as it is for driving with the top down on a bright summer day.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    The Fix is Bill Doss, here trading soundscapes for soft-focus songs dressed in late-'60s filigree. [8 Feb 2002, p.76]
  7. Like XTC's Skylarking, the Sunshine Fix's Age of the Sun utilizes the song-cycle form to take listeners on a warbling, blissed-out journey that revolves around the life-giving power of the sun as a central theme.
  8. Uncut
    Undeniably the work of a modern underground pop maestro. [Apr 2002, p.113]
  9. Alternative Press
    A middle-of-the-road OTC record heavy on angelic vocal harmonies and light on innovation. [Apr 2002, p.84]
  10. Resembles Doss' prior work, except that many of the deliberately obscure sonic filters have been removed.
  11. Magnet
    This may be more apple peel than you care to chomp on for a sloppy experimental pop act making its debut. [#53, p.92]

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