• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 391 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 32 out of 391
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  1. Oct 7, 2016
    I'd like to give her a 10".

    it just has a certain quality about it that is difficult to articulate. Perhaps the word I am searchign for is "ineffable." I was certainly ineffable at university and the ladies wanted nothing to do with me. So yes, maybe I kept an open mind and when opportunity knocked in the form of a the captain of the football team, I said yes. We were together for
    I'd like to give her a 10".

    it just has a certain quality about it that is difficult to articulate. Perhaps the word I am searchign for is "ineffable."

    I was certainly ineffable at university and the ladies wanted nothing to do with me. So yes, maybe I kept an open mind and when opportunity knocked in the form of a the captain of the football team, I said yes.

    We were together for three years but he always had his "girlfriend" for his parents and the media. But I felt that he loved me truly and when I started incorporating large gourds into our relationship I could see in his eyes that it was a gamechanger.

    Though he dumped me at graduation I threatened to go to his now fiance with the photos we took an he backed down and agreed to pay me good money for 5 years. He married her and had a kid so I didn't bother him for payments after that. I heard they divorced not long after. Shocking!

    Anyway I'm down in Key West doing what I love with my dancing and have moved on. But to be honest, if I'm grocery shopping and I go past the sweet potatoes a small smile appears on my mouth and I say to myself, "A.J., A.J." and for a moment we're back together again.

    Great album.
  2. Oct 9, 2016
    Diferente de sua irmã mais velha que é uma grande estrela da música pop e tem compromisso de trazer coisas mais mastigadas e de fácil acesso para não perder popularidade, Solange Knowles é mais compromissada como o R&B alternativo. Trazendo todas as boas referências que ela experimentou no seu EP lançado em 2012, "True" que divide composições de produções de Dev Hynes e músicasDiferente de sua irmã mais velha que é uma grande estrela da música pop e tem compromisso de trazer coisas mais mastigadas e de fácil acesso para não perder popularidade, Solange Knowles é mais compromissada como o R&B alternativo. Trazendo todas as boas referências que ela experimentou no seu EP lançado em 2012, "True" que divide composições de produções de Dev Hynes e músicas maravilhosamente pegajosas como "Losing You", Solange nos traz agora em 2016 um trabalho que não tem a mínima intenção de ser breve. Com 21 faixas, "A Seat at the Table" traz mais uma vez a relação com sua irmã Beyoncé, pois assim como o "Lemonade", ambos abordam o racismo e as crescentes discussões em torno disto, provocadas pelo movimento black lives matter que tem mais força a cada dia. O feminismo também está presente em seu álbum em letras como "Don't Touch My Hair" e o diálogo em suas interludes. O álbum é recheado de ótimas participações como de Kelela, Blood Orange/Dev Hynes e os mais conhecidos Lil' Wayne e The-Dream.
    O estilo do disco é transcendente, o que acaba por fazer com que os ouvintes de artistas distintos como de Arcade Fire, por exemplo, apreciem a obra. A intenção da artista aqui é longe de fazer um trabalho que venda massivamente (mesmo assim, "A Seat at the Table" debutou em 1º lugar na Billboard 200 dos Estados Unidos), tal pela quantidade de faixas e interludes, mas de expandir suas ideias e se redescobrir assim como artistas D'Angelo e Erykah Badu faziam.
    O terceiro trabalho lançado por Solange é afirmativo e com certeza já é uma das boas surpresas de 2016.
  3. Oct 3, 2016
  4. Oct 26, 2016
    Absolutely stunning work with interludes from various family members and talks of how it is to be a black woman in America at the moment. The whole album flows together concisely and powerfully. The most exciting surprise is Lil Wanye's personal cameo which is some of his best emotional work to date.
  5. Oct 9, 2016
    This album is artfully crafted, produced and lyrically stunning. The most amazing part are the interludes that basically make "the table". I felt like I was sitting there with all those people, listening to their stories and struggles and trying to understand this world we live in and why coexistence is so close, yet so far. Thoughtful, intricate, socially relevant and internally personal.
  6. Oct 5, 2016
    Solange's best work to date. The songs and interludes flow seemlessly together, her vocals are soft and brilliant. Cranes In the Sky is the standout...
  7. Oct 8, 2016
    One of my favourite album of the year. A soothing album to calm you down and make you think on social issues. I was already a lover of her previous work, and clearly we can hear a lot of growth!
  8. Oct 5, 2016
    This is a truly masterpiece. Gosh. It gives me awesome feelings every time I listen to it, so finest, so flawless, bold and beautiful. She needs more recognition.
  9. Oct 3, 2016
    This is Solange's best work to date. The songs and interludes flow seemlessly together, her vocals are soft and brilliant. Cranes In the Sky is the standout.
  10. Oct 6, 2016
    This album is amazing, thank you Solange for this! I'm so excited for this era of your music, could you and beyonce be on a featuring song please? Write a song about you both relationship, must be an interesting one OMG.
  11. Jan 29, 2017
    There was once a time when Solange's name would not be brought up in a conversation without mention of her big sister. Who will not be named here in my review! THIS IS A SOLANGE AFFAIR! A darn good one might I add. Solange has blossomed into one of the most talented living artist currently. Her songs have a certain depth to them that is dreadfully lacking in most LP's being released today.There was once a time when Solange's name would not be brought up in a conversation without mention of her big sister. Who will not be named here in my review! THIS IS A SOLANGE AFFAIR! A darn good one might I add. Solange has blossomed into one of the most talented living artist currently. Her songs have a certain depth to them that is dreadfully lacking in most LP's being released today. Most music is generally the same, only difference is the artist who sang/composed it. Solange is not one of those people! Her music has passion and meaning. She has a story to tell and boy does she tell it. Every song is brilliantly executed and crafted to met the highest of standards. Picture the R&B arena as a school, with Solange has it's undisputed valedictorian. It's absolutely heart warming to see her finally get the respect she has deserved for so long. She is a fierce songwriter who should not be overlooked in Trump's America. She'll no doubt be a leading voice addressing all wrongs perpetuated against her people. Expand
  12. Oct 3, 2016
    A Very strong Pro-Black (Never Anti- white) message, sang with angelic vocals. However I wish there were more diverse beats. Solange has really out done herself with what looks to be her most commercially and critically successful album yet.
  13. Oct 11, 2016
    Creo que Solange y Beyoncé están arrasando éste año, el álbum es bastante bueno, tiene buenos ritmos, es pegajoso, enserio son muy buenas artistas y se merecen todo.
  14. Oct 3, 2016
    A Very strong Pro-Black (Never Anti- white) message, sang with angelic vocals. However I wish there were more diverse beats. Solange has really out done herself with what looks to be her most commercially and critically successful album yet.
  15. Oct 3, 2016
    The album is jam packed with revelations of Solange as a person and revelations of Solange as a black woman in today's society. I have been a strong follower of Solange for the last couple of years and A Seat At The Table is by far her strongest album and one of the best albums of 2016.
  16. Oct 3, 2016
    Não tem o que negar, esse álbum é maravilhoso, desde quando escutei "Losing You" saberia que Solange apenas nos iria surpreender com sua arte e este álbum é a prova disso.
  17. Oct 7, 2016
    Wow. Impressive material by Solange. She surprise us all with this fresh sound and images. Cranes in the sky is a treat, great melody, perfect lyrics. 2016 is the year for the Knowles sisters.
  18. Oct 21, 2016
    An album that is so obviously meaningful and important to the songwriter, Solange, who took years to perfect these songs. You can really feel her emotion- her happiness, her pain, her love, her struggles. She put every bit of herself into this album. You can tell her commitment to making a masterpiece with true feeling in it. I am so thankful for the hard work, because the outcome is anAn album that is so obviously meaningful and important to the songwriter, Solange, who took years to perfect these songs. You can really feel her emotion- her happiness, her pain, her love, her struggles. She put every bit of herself into this album. You can tell her commitment to making a masterpiece with true feeling in it. I am so thankful for the hard work, because the outcome is an incredible thing to witness. Expand
  19. Dec 28, 2016
    I had to drink a cup of water for a little relief after listening Solange's "A Seat at the Table". While listening the songs, I noted that Knowles wanted to make a smooth-rough work, with her soft voice and the background instrumental while she sings about the black people condition. Even with two other older albuns, "A Seat a the Table" made a place for Solange in the world of music,I had to drink a cup of water for a little relief after listening Solange's "A Seat at the Table". While listening the songs, I noted that Knowles wanted to make a smooth-rough work, with her soft voice and the background instrumental while she sings about the black people condition. Even with two other older albuns, "A Seat a the Table" made a place for Solange in the world of music, being one of the best albuns of 2016. Stunning piece of art! Expand
  20. Jan 7, 2018
    this album is an important piece of history.

    what it talks about is really important and it does it with great lyrics and great production full of soul and
    made with love.
  21. Dec 5, 2017
    Love this album. Not only it has a great energy but also beautiful and empowering messages embracing the black culture. Simply amazing. One of her best material.
  22. Sep 19, 2018
    Great songs, great production, entertaining throughout, great writing, top album.
  23. Feb 10, 2019
    This album is incredible. I love her voice, the lyrics are perfect and productions are magnetic. It isn't for Beyonce's fans!
  24. Sep 14, 2022
    Solange knows who she is, and she doesn't need her father, mother, and powerful older sister Beyoncé. To the sword, she challenges her in the era of Lemonade with an ambitious project, musically and lyrically, reaching into the hearts of people who feel a social gap between different cultures, to be bridged of course. Reading like a crane, high in the sky, it transports to its polyartisticSolange knows who she is, and she doesn't need her father, mother, and powerful older sister Beyoncé. To the sword, she challenges her in the era of Lemonade with an ambitious project, musically and lyrically, reaching into the hearts of people who feel a social gap between different cultures, to be bridged of course. Reading like a crane, high in the sky, it transports to its polyartistic dimension, which will lead us to new innovations. Best track: "Don't touch my hair" Expand
  25. Jan 24, 2020
    There is something really mysterious about this album but at the same time, something that calms your mind and puts you at ease. I listened to this album as I saw online about how it was the "best soul album of the decade" and I have to say, I greatly agree with that statement. Before listening to it, I thought it was going to be another bad mainstream pop album, but then I put it on andThere is something really mysterious about this album but at the same time, something that calms your mind and puts you at ease. I listened to this album as I saw online about how it was the "best soul album of the decade" and I have to say, I greatly agree with that statement. Before listening to it, I thought it was going to be another bad mainstream pop album, but then I put it on and dam is it beautiful.

    The greatest song on this album is "Cranes in the sky" and I think this song in particular is what defines the message of it. A song about Solange putting away pressure and giving the listener a beautiful soothing song with amazing vocals. I have to say, this album really puts you in another world, it gives you a sense of escapism comparable to a video game because what Solange does is create a variety of tracks with amazing uses of instruments (such as the piano) that puts you at peace. This album doesn't scream at you, cry at you but it essentially prays to you. It tells you that someone is listening to your troubles and that is what I love the most about it.

    This is also another album I can listen to without skipping a track. I love how it made me judge it at first but after listening to it all I can say is wow, Solange is an amazing artist in the psychological department. This is the ultimate "escapism" album comparable to Marvin Gaye's "What's going on" and I love it. I'd recommend this to anyone because if I like it, keeping in mind I'm a heavy hip hop head, then anyone else would like it.
  26. Nov 14, 2016
    Subtle but strong. With a lot of interludes, but they are not filling, they actually keep the flow of the album real good. Solange finally proves the power she has. One of the best albums of the year, for sure.
  27. Nov 21, 2016
    It's stupid to say that this is just music, I mean, there's so much culture, discussion and strenght in this album, like it can trascend the state of being just art and become a source for identity and history. However, if it comes down to purely what reaches the ear, Solange's A Seat at the Table finds her in a position of self-empowerment, universal access and thought-provoking lyrics.It's stupid to say that this is just music, I mean, there's so much culture, discussion and strenght in this album, like it can trascend the state of being just art and become a source for identity and history. However, if it comes down to purely what reaches the ear, Solange's A Seat at the Table finds her in a position of self-empowerment, universal access and thought-provoking lyrics. The interludes give cohesion and guide you through it all, they give you words worth on checking them out, they have wisdom between the lines. The production gives vibes of the last three decades and still feels fresh. This really made me pay attention to other point of views in the struggles of being a black person in the society nowadays, it's kinda revolutionary in some way too. Totally blown away by it. Expand
  28. Jan 14, 2017
    An album that signifies Solange's final step out of her sister's shadow, an aggressive and soulful record that perfectly addresses the racial tensions of today.
  29. Nov 28, 2021
    Solange career had seemed scattered. Her sound felt forgettable, a mere voice in the cacophony of female RnB. A shadow in her sisters iconoclastic success. But with the release of the "True Ep" an interesting side of Solange began talking shape. The alluring synths of "lovers in a parking lot" to the opening dev hynes groove of "losing you" seemed to be the foundations of an originalSolange career had seemed scattered. Her sound felt forgettable, a mere voice in the cacophony of female RnB. A shadow in her sisters iconoclastic success. But with the release of the "True Ep" an interesting side of Solange began talking shape. The alluring synths of "lovers in a parking lot" to the opening dev hynes groove of "losing you" seemed to be the foundations of an original sound,more intresting lyrics.

    2016 was a year of happening,event's began unravelling. Black death hadn't been new but it had finally found an audience in pop culture. Kendrick Lamar's 2015 opus had provoked a discussion that was far from over. Solange would continue that conversation in a more abstract format. Formed amidst breakdowns & panic attacks ASATT has a layer of apprehension beneath each song. Nearly 2min of meditative empowerment start off the record,encouraging resilience in the stunning "Rise". Following soon after in contrast is the paranoid "weary",where she's staring at every detail of her world with distrustful eyes of an abused animal. There's an exhaustion implied by the repetition but like this album intends, there's room for hope, it's never apathetic. The smooth sigh of "cranes in the sky " take a burnt out search for peace. Lifes problems are fought against but never solved . There's a comforting tone casting each attempt ("working away " "slept it away ") as hopeful exercises.

    Features are like casts in a play, essential in fulfilling the story. Lil Waynes appearance add a angered edge to an amply titled"Mad" which handles passive aggressions easily or the sampha additions to the stellar "Don't touch my hair ". Mining from collective black experiences it's no surprise a song like "F
    U.B.U" clarify the albums target. ("Don't feel bad if you can't sing along /just be glad you got the whole wild world ")the features even out the edges for her lyrics . Whilst "Don't touch my hair " harkens to a frustrating phenomena where non black people try touch your hair or ask "is it real?" . Another higlight,"Don't wish me well" gives a recovered Solange leaving behind burdens.

    Interspersed with interludes which sample conversations and guide the albums narrative, although risking interrupting the albums flow it instead creates a deep narrative you can engage in . Her father's harrowing retelling of incidents of racism to master P's thoughts on working hard,moving on &success.

    ASATT is an exceptional &versatile manifesto on what being black means or is in a world where relics of slavery still stand.
  30. Nov 25, 2020
    Breathtaking. 'A Seat At The Table' is a bright trip through the reflections of Solange. This album is melodic, pure, deep and catchy while carrying an unavoidable message. The alternance of testimonies and interviews and 'real songs' is smooth and never brittle. Solange's voice alone is worth the detour. Featured artists are each a stone in the edifice of this project. Production also isBreathtaking. 'A Seat At The Table' is a bright trip through the reflections of Solange. This album is melodic, pure, deep and catchy while carrying an unavoidable message. The alternance of testimonies and interviews and 'real songs' is smooth and never brittle. Solange's voice alone is worth the detour. Featured artists are each a stone in the edifice of this project. Production also is amazing. Altough the album is 50-minute long I had the little impression that it runs out of breath at the end. Tracks slowly begin to be similar to each other. But that's the only disadvantage I see in this striking project. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jan 6, 2017
    It’s a master-stroke on a landmark record of staggering intelligence, depth and musicality.
  2. The Wire
    Dec 21, 2016
    She draws you into the shadows and crumbling concrete of America, a nation in which, as Knowles pointed out in a recent online essay, “a former Ku Klux Klan leader is running for Louisiana senator.” [Dec 2016, p.54]
  3. Dec 13, 2016
    Here's an album of beautiful R&B songs, and she's chosen to intersperse them with messages of black empowerment.