
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Carrabba's work is so specifically stuck in adolescence that, even if it's presented in a prettier package as it is on A Mark, it's still very difficult for anybody past sophomore year in college to really connect with his music.
  2. Gil Norton's production has taken the band to new heights, allowing the music to have as much grit, substance, and dynamics as the lyrics.
  3. Blender
    As a songwriter, Carrabba is growing: this album shows more melodic and tonal variety than his previous efforts. [#18, p.118]
  4. Musically, DC continue to improve, supplementing their acoustic, sparse approach with radio-friendly pop and tracks that subtly ebb and flow; just beware of a few lightweight and labouring moments.
  5. If you're not already part of the Dashboard faithful, these tortured-by-love songs get to be a bit much.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    Expands the parameters of the band's earlier acoustic-based sound, with the addition of electric guitars and more complex drumming enhancing frontman Chris Carrabba's emo-lite songcraft. [15 Aug 2003, p.77]
  7. An exceptional album filled with passionate, intense, and highly personal songs.
  8. Q Magazine
    This is the sound of a superstar in the making. [Nov 2003, p.107]
  9. A Mark is the first time he's let the musical intensity match the lyrics.
  10. As with Carrabba's earlier work, though, the problem with A Mark is the utter lack of personalized context in which his heart-on-your-sleeve songs operate.
  11. Spin
    For a 28-year-old, Carrabba remains remarkably fluent in the language of teen heartbreak. [Sep 2003, p.107]
  12. Most of the excesses inherent to the subject matter and songwriting style are cumulative; if you take A Mark track by track, it's quite an accomplished set of (admittedly similar) songs.
  13. A Mark... dramatically improves on its predecessors, thanks to a much broader array of subject matter and a newfound emphasis on full-band arrangements that strip away--or at least drown out--his penchant for whiny navel-gazing.
  14. Uncut
    He's dispensed with the grittier elements and plumped for a straightforward US college rock backing, with dismal results. [Nov 2003, p.112]
  15. A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar will be the album of the Indian summer, warm and wistful all the way through.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 57
  2. Negative: 4 out of 57
  1. Jan 4, 2020
    This album has something for everyone. The rock version of hands down that would become the definitive dashboard song is just a small piece ofThis album has something for everyone. The rock version of hands down that would become the definitive dashboard song is just a small piece of this underrated album. The only weak spot to me is "if you can't leave it be might as well make it bleed" but everything else here shines. Full Review »
  2. Sam
    Oct 21, 2007
    Every CD Dashboard puts out is amazing! I like his first two bc they are personal, but the high energy of A Mark is also amazing! Definitely Every CD Dashboard puts out is amazing! I like his first two bc they are personal, but the high energy of A Mark is also amazing! Definitely the best band and songwriter out there. Full Review »
  3. Strawberry
    Oct 4, 2007
    I caught the last minute of the song "Hands Down" on the radio, and immediately went out and bought the album. I can listen to it over and I caught the last minute of the song "Hands Down" on the radio, and immediately went out and bought the album. I can listen to it over and over again. Songs like "Bend and Break" never get old. Full Review »