• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Sep 3, 2013
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  1. Dec 19, 2014
    Este álbum debut de Ariana es sin dudas perfecto, un gran álbum con geniales canciones , entre ellas destaco ''The Way'' , ''Honeymoon Avenue'' , ''Daydreamin'' , ''Tattooed Heart'' , ''Piano'' , ''Baby I'' , ''Right There'' , ''Lovin It'' y la canción de MIKA ''Popular Song''. Perfecto.
  2. Dec 17, 2014
    Ariana Grande's debut album is unexpectedly amazing. The 90's pop/R&B vibe on it with her angelical voice made this album a big standout. "Yours Truly" it's just like a Mariah Carey album when she used to made great albuns.
  3. Dec 16, 2014
    I really can not decide if that me or My Everything is the best album of Ariana, her voice can make any music be good, its simplicity makes this album it more special. Certainly a great album
    Highlights: Tattooed Heart and Better Left Unsaid
    Lows: Almost I Never Enough and Daydreamin'
  4. Dec 15, 2014
    A spectacular debut by the young Nickelodeon star. People were really surprised by the vocals and content of the album. Haha at the people who thought Yours Truly was gonna be full of bubblegum pop and **** like other generic Disney / Nickelodeon stars. Her vocals are literally flawless, and the first three tracks are a great first impression. Tracks 11 and 12 (Popular Song and Better LeftA spectacular debut by the young Nickelodeon star. People were really surprised by the vocals and content of the album. Haha at the people who thought Yours Truly was gonna be full of bubblegum pop and **** like other generic Disney / Nickelodeon stars. Her vocals are literally flawless, and the first three tracks are a great first impression. Tracks 11 and 12 (Popular Song and Better Left Unsaid) seem a little out of place, but those minor missteps aside, this is one of the best debuts of 2013. Expand
  5. Oct 11, 2014
    This album is flawless,this is my favorite album in 2013,Ariana showed the world that she is not that stupid little red hair by her amazing voice.This album brought R&B back ,even though this album flopped.But still an amazing album
  6. Oct 7, 2014
    After 1 F****** Year, I'm still in love with this album. The vocals and the instrumentals are incredible. I'll hope she does some day another album so great as this one.
  7. Sep 27, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Seu álbum debut é um R&B e pop viciantes. Soube fazer boas músicas, só não escolheu os melhores singles. Mas isso não tira a qualidade dessa obra-prima. Expand
  8. Sep 23, 2014
    Um dos trabalhos mais bem realizados por uma artista teen. Algumas faixas realmente deixam a desejar em quesito sonoridade, mas nada de tão inusitado. Dei minha nota, de acordo com a percepção que tive ao avaliar sonoramente cada faixa do "Yours Truly" e sua parte lírica. Em seu total, é um bom álbum bom para o tipo de música que temos hoje no mercado de jovens cantores internacionais.
  9. Sep 14, 2014
    This album was a decent debut for this girl. Shame her second album sucks donkey balls. She's succumbed to pressure to become like every other singer out there right now. Sad. I thought Yours Truly was a nice slice of R&B/pop though. Would recommend it.
  10. Aug 27, 2014
    Um dos melhores álbuns de estreia que já ouvi vindo de uma artista tão jovem. Sem prometer, esse álbum cumpriu todas as expectativas, músicas como "Tattoed Heart", "Right There" e "Honeymoon Avenue" são especiais e fascinantes, dá vontade de ouvir cada vez mais. Espero que para os próximos trabalhos a Ariana mantenha essa sonoridade gostosa como a do Yours Truly e não caia muito noUm dos melhores álbuns de estreia que já ouvi vindo de uma artista tão jovem. Sem prometer, esse álbum cumpriu todas as expectativas, músicas como "Tattoed Heart", "Right There" e "Honeymoon Avenue" são especiais e fascinantes, dá vontade de ouvir cada vez mais. Espero que para os próximos trabalhos a Ariana mantenha essa sonoridade gostosa como a do Yours Truly e não caia muito no mainstream. Expand
  11. Aug 26, 2014
    Glad she wasn't Miley Cyrus 2.0 with her debut album. It's like new Mariah Carey. Favorite songs: Tattooed Heart, Baby I, Almost Is Never Enought and Better Left Unsaid.
  12. Aug 23, 2014
    Flawless, catchy beats set Ariana apart from all of her fellow similar-aged ex-teen competitors. Yours Truly comes together as we witness the rise of an A-class star.
  13. Jul 11, 2014
    Ariana knows how to use her powerful voice, beautiful songs with beautiful melodies and an impeccable arrangement, she kills all teens singers, including Demi Lovato.
  14. Jun 27, 2014
    An amazing R&B album and a great debut for Nickelodeon star Ariana Grande. This is an album that you will replay over and over again, until get you get tired of it of course.
  15. May 10, 2014
    Mariah Carey. Regardless of who inspires you, one artist who copies another to the T, should not be considered an artists. Mariah Carey has the most unique voice in modern pop music history and should not have been touched. Ariana Grande virtually robbed Mariah. Its not acceptable, unless pop culture blinds you, as it does the great majority (pop culture IS bias and prejudice [it mattersMariah Carey. Regardless of who inspires you, one artist who copies another to the T, should not be considered an artists. Mariah Carey has the most unique voice in modern pop music history and should not have been touched. Ariana Grande virtually robbed Mariah. Its not acceptable, unless pop culture blinds you, as it does the great majority (pop culture IS bias and prejudice [it matters not if one is commoner, president, professional, etc]). More so, MUSIC is much more than just vocals, and Arianas music is nothing special. Considering every aspect, then, Arianas music is a 4 or 5 of ten at best. Expand
  16. May 8, 2014
    Espetacular! Ariana Grande sem dúvidas é mais nova estrela da música da geração atual. Além de ter uma voz quase inacreditável para uma garota tão nova, suas músicas são muito radiofônicas e agradáveis. "Yours Truly" é um grande album alá Mariah Carey.
  17. Apr 24, 2014
    Ariana Grande began his career now but anyone can not deny that she has the potential and talent to achieve a stable career, the songs from their first album has lyrics and sounds awesome and very well written, it is spectacular and essential to a young artist and if it continues reap good fruit in his career.
  18. Apr 15, 2014
    Ariana's irresistible and heavenly sweet voice makes you forget the songwriting's crap to the ears and brain. But only for awhile. Anyhow, it's hard to complain about Ariana, since this her debut. But who knows? Her potential is simply unmatched, and we need a producer and a songwriter to harvest and use that.
  19. Mar 19, 2014
    Does she perhaps use a bit too much Mariah C. influence? Probably. Still, she certainly does it justice with strong vocal performance throughout the album. Beats and hooks are consistently catchy and ear-grabbing, as Ariana seems to have mastered the ability to create hits. The features don't detract from the album, and even provide a nice shift in tone. Honestly, I don't think sheDoes she perhaps use a bit too much Mariah C. influence? Probably. Still, she certainly does it justice with strong vocal performance throughout the album. Beats and hooks are consistently catchy and ear-grabbing, as Ariana seems to have mastered the ability to create hits. The features don't detract from the album, and even provide a nice shift in tone. Honestly, I don't think she could have done any better with the style she chose for this project. It still feels like bubblegum pop at times, but her skill makes even the cheapest subject matter fun to listen to. Definitely recommend dis. Expand
  20. Feb 22, 2014
    All the songs in Ariana's album are great, filled with power and the whistles are fun to listen to. Overall, its a strong album. This is one of the best albums of the year.
  21. Feb 18, 2014
    Ariana Grande has a spectacular voice, which has a very high range (similar to Mariah Carey). All the songs are magical. Some are danceable while others are pleading ballads. Simply Amazing. This album is simply a gift, from Ariana truly.
  22. Feb 9, 2014
    For years we have been tolerating debut albums with material lyrics, unoriginal music style and terrible live performances, and they become popular, then gradually forgotten. Pop songs are mostly just club-friendly with unchanging drums and similar lyrical content. These people are selling singles. No one cares about the quality of a whole album. With several pop songs reaching top of theFor years we have been tolerating debut albums with material lyrics, unoriginal music style and terrible live performances, and they become popular, then gradually forgotten. Pop songs are mostly just club-friendly with unchanging drums and similar lyrical content. These people are selling singles. No one cares about the quality of a whole album. With several pop songs reaching top of the charts, then you work is done. Congratulations to Rihanna and Katy Perry for that. When Mariah has number one hits in the 90's, at least Mariah has a golden voice and occasionally produced a great album like Daydream. It becomes rare to really enjoy a nice vocal performance from female artists these days.

    Finally we have Ariana to give us something fresh, classy and enjoyable. And the songs are memorable. The girls is selling an album, not singles. It is inevitable for people to compare Ariana to Mariah all the time. With the crazy vocals and Pop/R&B Diva-ish music style, Ariana is kind of what we all want as the new generation's Mariah Carey, without all the diva stuff. It will be interesting to see what Ariana Grande delivers us in the future. With the voice, the look and the heart she got, she'll go pretty far.
  23. Jan 28, 2014
    Ariana's debut album Yours Truly is truly impressive. From its incredible production to Ariana's strong vocals, this album is a winner. Personal favorite song: Honeymoon Avenue.
  24. Jan 3, 2014
    perfect,music trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  25. Dec 13, 2013
    Yes, Ariana's cd deserves a 10, in my view, a soulful, fun, old school r&b cd, which is actually very rare to find in this day and age love to sing along to her songs, which are also beautifully composed the fact that she grew up ten miles away from where I was raised, in south Florida, is an added bonus, as well as the fact that she is a vegan and a dog lover love you, Ariana, and bestYes, Ariana's cd deserves a 10, in my view, a soulful, fun, old school r&b cd, which is actually very rare to find in this day and age love to sing along to her songs, which are also beautifully composed the fact that she grew up ten miles away from where I was raised, in south Florida, is an added bonus, as well as the fact that she is a vegan and a dog lover love you, Ariana, and best wishes for so much future success! Expand
  26. Dec 6, 2013
    Good vocals, good production, good music. Ariana just teached disney-stars how to do a good album without looking immature. She is likely to have a big career.
  27. Nov 27, 2013
    Um dos melhores álbuns lançados em 2013, Ariana conhece o potencial vocal que tem e as músicas selecionadas para esse álbum exploram muito bem isso. Não por acaso, tem constantemente sido comparada a Mariah Carey.
  28. Nov 11, 2013
    This album isn't completely truly, reminds me Mariah Carey's album, like oh wait Ariana Grande needs be more creative, she needs write with a lot of songwriters, and some of her songs are so boring, She has a beautiful voice but when she stops making music boring and perhaps be more creative maybe she can write a beautiful song alone, but let's be truth Honeymoon Avenue, Almost Is neverThis album isn't completely truly, reminds me Mariah Carey's album, like oh wait Ariana Grande needs be more creative, she needs write with a lot of songwriters, and some of her songs are so boring, She has a beautiful voice but when she stops making music boring and perhaps be more creative maybe she can write a beautiful song alone, but let's be truth Honeymoon Avenue, Almost Is never enough,Tattooed Heart are amazing songs with those beautiful Lyrics, and yes Ariana Grande is very talented, but it's still annoying and boring, uncharismatic. Expand
  29. Nov 7, 2013
    MC.. I do't find her like MC at all.. but she got a MCish vocal ability Popular stands out as a fun duet a pretty decent ,likable effort She could easily pull off We Belong together( teenage version)
  30. Nov 3, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Absolutely one of the best albums of the year. Yours truly for a first album is amazing. And by someone this young is impressive. What's amazing about this album is her voice. Ariana's voice is a gem to listen to and something you can't really find by singers these days. This is one of the best of the year because of that. Stand outs are the way, honeymoon avenue, and my favorite tattooed heart. The only reason why this Doesn't get the full ten is because only 2 songs popular song and you'll never know are the ones I don't like. Expand
  31. Oct 8, 2013
    A little work of art from beginning to end, Ariana takes this opportunity to show her voice, letf aside in her cancelled Nick show "Victorious", what makes me think she should cancel her current Nick show before it damages her singing career. The song are, in the most, very well written, like "Honeymoon Avenue", "Baby I and are enyojable, but the album could have been more enjoyableA little work of art from beginning to end, Ariana takes this opportunity to show her voice, letf aside in her cancelled Nick show "Victorious", what makes me think she should cancel her current Nick show before it damages her singing career. The song are, in the most, very well written, like "Honeymoon Avenue", "Baby I and are enyojable, but the album could have been more enjoyable without Big Sean interrupting the sequence with his shouts. Leaving some rapping moments aside, "Yours Truly" is an efficient and successful adult contemporary work, that revitalizes American pop music, while other people are clearly trying to destroy it. My opinion is that Ariana should get a Grammy nomination this year, and I'm not a man who exaggerates things. Expand
  32. Sep 20, 2013
    First off yes we get it she sounds like Mariah Carry. So don't even try to start your review with she can't sing.
    No she is no Demi Lovato but yes Yours Truly is better then DEMI.
    Baby I, Piano, The Way, Honeymoon Avenue, Lovin' It, Right There, Popular Song, Almost is Never Enough, Tattooed Heart, basically every song but Better Left Unsaid are great, Yes it can sound the same after a
    First off yes we get it she sounds like Mariah Carry. So don't even try to start your review with she can't sing.
    No she is no Demi Lovato but yes Yours Truly is better then DEMI.

    Baby I, Piano, The Way, Honeymoon Avenue, Lovin' It, Right There, Popular Song, Almost is Never Enough, Tattooed Heart, basically every song but Better Left Unsaid are great, Yes it can sound the same after a while, but that doesn't mean they get terrible after a while. If I had to name my top 10 albums of 2012. Yours Truly, will definitely be in there probably the top 5. She and Zendaya are 2 surprising delights of this year. Yes you need to by this.
  33. Sep 18, 2013
    Ariana Grande has been a talent to watch this year as the 20 year old slowly fades away from Nickelodeon and works on her solo career, now most debut albums for former kid stars are hit or miss. Thankfully "Yours Truly" the debut album fro Grande proves to be a success with well written songs, great production value, and Outstanding Vocals from Grande herself. The album starts out with theAriana Grande has been a talent to watch this year as the 20 year old slowly fades away from Nickelodeon and works on her solo career, now most debut albums for former kid stars are hit or miss. Thankfully "Yours Truly" the debut album fro Grande proves to be a success with well written songs, great production value, and Outstanding Vocals from Grande herself. The album starts out with the single "Honeymoon Avenue" which has some similarities with Timberlake's opening track "Pusher Love Girl" mostly for it's Violin and Strings at the beginning. the first half is ballads that shine because Grande provides plenty of Depth to each track with her own signature style. The second half is more fun and meant to be taken lightly which is a different approach from most pop albums, but "Yours Truly" manages to pull off this scheme very well. There are a couple of problems, some songs in the middle drag on a little, also it's not a very thoughtful album, the messages here are mostly about young love, nothing more, nothing less. But still "Yours Truly" is one of the more enjoyable pop albums to come along in a while, and proves that Grande has the chops to pull everything off on her own. Expand
  34. Sep 17, 2013
    Beautiful debut album by Ariana Grande, her voice is flawless and the violins and various instruments give a certain depth to her music which you don't hear a lot of in pop anymore.
  35. Sep 13, 2013
    An unexpected delight. Expectations were at low as possible seeing as how Ariana is a product of Nickelodeon. Each song is beautifully serenaded by Ariana Grande and superb voice. Ariana doesn't come off as another pop artist trying to whore her way through pop culture. Finally the world has a mature, respectable, and truly talented artist.
  36. Sep 13, 2013
    This girl is the bomb! Her debut album is a throwback to 90's RNB which I totally love, her voice aww dayum! I'm a 19 year old guy and I dig this! This is one of those albums where I like all of the tracks in it. It has that 50's vibe in songs like "Piano" and "Daydreamin". The only one that is not the best but still good is "Popular Song" in my opinion. Overall, I totally recommend thisThis girl is the bomb! Her debut album is a throwback to 90's RNB which I totally love, her voice aww dayum! I'm a 19 year old guy and I dig this! This is one of those albums where I like all of the tracks in it. It has that 50's vibe in songs like "Piano" and "Daydreamin". The only one that is not the best but still good is "Popular Song" in my opinion. Overall, I totally recommend this album. Don't judge her album that it might suck just because she's just one of those Nickelodeon teens, I judge her by that before and I was totally wrong, she gain my respect! $10 well spent. I usually pirate songs but NOT this one. I can't wait for her next album! She's the one to watch! New best artist of the year goes to her. Expand
  37. Sep 13, 2013
    This girl is the bomb! Her debut album is a throwback to 90's RNB which I totally love, her voice aww dayum! I'm a 19 year old guy and I dig this! This is one of those albums where I like all of the tracks in it. It has that 50's vibe in songs like "Tattoed Heart" and "Daydreamin". The only one that is not the best but still good is "Popular Song" in my opinion. Overall, I totallyThis girl is the bomb! Her debut album is a throwback to 90's RNB which I totally love, her voice aww dayum! I'm a 19 year old guy and I dig this! This is one of those albums where I like all of the tracks in it. It has that 50's vibe in songs like "Tattoed Heart" and "Daydreamin". The only one that is not the best but still good is "Popular Song" in my opinion. Overall, I totally recommend this album. Don't judge her album that it might suck just because she's just one of those Nickelodeon teens, I judge her by that before and I was totally wrong! $10 well spent. I usually pirate songs but NOT this one. I can't wait for her next album! She's the one to watch! Expand
  38. Sep 11, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Letter clean, sounds just as can stir a crowd, also let us homes, just admiring the monstrous vocals that girl who still has much to learn. Understand the maturity mixed with innocence in his lyrics. All teen romantic mood is something to vague to her, since it is his strong voice. Hardly ever want to hear this stuff and totally new. Expand
  39. Sep 11, 2013
    That's the real R&B right there. She's the most amazing thing that ever came out from Nickelodeon. A true masterpiece from a true singer. "Yours Truly" shows the true perfection from a 20 years old girl. She is just like a mix from Aaliyah and Mariah Carey.
  40. Sep 9, 2013
    Ariana's beautiful vocals help propel this album into being one of the best pop releases of the year with ease. Her song topics are limited, but nonetheless, that is far from a negative as she has mastered this area of music.
  41. Sep 8, 2013
    Great Album, she has such a huge voice. The tracks are beautiful and well-written. Although The album has two bad songs (Piano and Better left unsaid), It's a good album. I'm going to buy, for sure!
  42. Sep 7, 2013
    One of the best albums of 2013. Ariana has a pure and unique voice, that sounds perfect with the melody of the songs. She did a great job with Yours Truly.
  43. Sep 7, 2013
    Ariana Grande's beautiful voice is one for the legacy, but her various collaborations with other artists are hit and miss as well as the lyrics and the style of pop music.
  44. Sep 6, 2013
    Amazing! I loved the songs: Honeymoon Avenue, Right There ft. Big Sean, Better Left Unsaid, Piano, Lovin' It, and You'll Never Know. I also liked Popular Song ft. Mika, Baby I, The Way, and Daydreamin'.
  45. Sep 6, 2013
    Your Truly is in my opinion quite possibly the best album of the year. It's nostalgic sound to the 90s and Grande's vocal is what get s to me. This album deserves Grammys and Grande deserve recognition.
  46. Sep 6, 2013
    I have heard a lot of albums this year and I have to say Yours Truly blew me away ...Hey this album is amazing you can hear a lot of instruments good melodies that sound of the 60`s and the most important a strong and Flawless Voice! I personally think Ariana is the revelation of the year She has to win a grammy for best new artist Ariana Grande you have all my respect and supportI have heard a lot of albums this year and I have to say Yours Truly blew me away ...Hey this album is amazing you can hear a lot of instruments good melodies that sound of the 60`s and the most important a strong and Flawless Voice! I personally think Ariana is the revelation of the year She has to win a grammy for best new artist Ariana Grande you have all my respect and support thanks for bringing real music back Expand
  47. Sep 5, 2013
    This record is a bit underwhelming, most of tracks turn to be boring and too much similars, anyway Ariana is a strong vocalist, for sure she can do better on the next one.
  48. Sep 5, 2013
    Impressionante o poder desta menina de apenas 20 anos. O seu álbum de estreia vem cheio de músicas viciantes, fofas e dançantes. Com letras doces, adicionando a voz angelical da Ariana o CD torna-se conquistador. As participações de Big Sean, Mac Miller e Nathan Sykes são feitas sem alterar a essência do trabalho. Uma das coisas mais inteligentes que a Grande fez foi passar três anosImpressionante o poder desta menina de apenas 20 anos. O seu álbum de estreia vem cheio de músicas viciantes, fofas e dançantes. Com letras doces, adicionando a voz angelical da Ariana o CD torna-se conquistador. As participações de Big Sean, Mac Miller e Nathan Sykes são feitas sem alterar a essência do trabalho. Uma das coisas mais inteligentes que a Grande fez foi passar três anos trabalhando nessa obra prima, nenhuma crítica negativa deveria ser aceita neste material de excelente qualidade.

    No mais, um grande sucesso para a Ariana. Que o álbum venda bastante e que ela siga conquistando um grande público. Indicações ao Grammy tornam-se iminentes, e por quê não, vencer não verdade? Yours Truly, conquistando a cada ouvida. Recomendo!
  49. Sep 5, 2013
    Great album. Only bad songs are Popular Song and Almost Is Never Enough. Every other song is great. She's a much better singer than all of these other teen stars and she has a bright future ahead of her.
  50. Sep 5, 2013
    This album is amazing, Ariana Grande is really talented. There's no way to compare her to any other teen artist, she's so superior, his music is so mature. I love it!
  51. Sep 5, 2013
    Ariana fez um álbum espetacular e totalmente incrível. incrível ver como a menina de PYHU amadureceu e cresceu. A produção do álbum está impecável, assim como os vocais da Ariana.
  52. KED
    Sep 5, 2013
    A fantastic debut album for a fresh new artist. She has the voice and it's all she needs. You'll Never Know, Tattooed Heart and Daydreamin' are the best songs while Piano, Popular Song (song by Mika where she's featured) and Better Left Unsaid are the weak points. The weakest point of the album is without a doubt the sound, almost every song sounds the same and it can get boring in a few listens.
  53. Sep 5, 2013
    Ariana Grande first debut is spetacular, a strong album with great songs and Ariana's powerful voice make this one of the best album I ever listening this year so far.
  54. Sep 5, 2013
    This girl is definitely one of the greatest talents that entered the biz in a long, long time! And the amazing thing is that, instead of wasting that incredible voice on the bubblegum pop most people her age do nowadays, she decided to bring that late-90's urban/R&B/soul feeling back to the charts, and I think we're all grateful for that! And yes, her vocal-style and songs do remind me ofThis girl is definitely one of the greatest talents that entered the biz in a long, long time! And the amazing thing is that, instead of wasting that incredible voice on the bubblegum pop most people her age do nowadays, she decided to bring that late-90's urban/R&B/soul feeling back to the charts, and I think we're all grateful for that! And yes, her vocal-style and songs do remind me of Mariah sometimes, but do you guys really see that as a bad thing? Collapse
  55. Sep 5, 2013
    This new vocalist debut is all kinds of underwhelming. From the obvious marketing product feeling to the general basic feel it gives to the plain and simple rip-off of a bigger artist and legendary voice like Mariah Carey´s. It´s a big fail. Either the girl evolves and finds herself in the future or her career is almost dead before taking off. Such a better album is being released thisThis new vocalist debut is all kinds of underwhelming. From the obvious marketing product feeling to the general basic feel it gives to the plain and simple rip-off of a bigger artist and legendary voice like Mariah Carey´s. It´s a big fail. Either the girl evolves and finds herself in the future or her career is almost dead before taking off. Such a better album is being released this same week: John Legend´s "Love in the future". And Janelle Monáe´s "The Electric Lady" the week after. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Yours Truly is more tempered and less likely to put you in a beaming state of catatonia.
  2. Sep 25, 2013
    A relatively safe debut where much of the takeaway is the salivating at Grande’s potential.
  3. Sep 23, 2013
    Yours Truly is a very safe record. Mostly written by two of R&B's most mawkish hawkers, Babyface and Harmony Samuels, it’s built on cliché and tradition, and written professionally to a fault.