• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Sep 29, 2017
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  1. Sep 29, 2017
    Younger Now é um álbum gostoso de se ouvir, mas tem algumas faixas bem enjoativas que eu não ouviria 2 vezes seguidas. Enfim, eu amei o álbum, mas algumas faixas como "Inspired" não são as minhas favoritas.
  2. Sep 29, 2017
    This is album pure art, Miley is back with an album completely different but still she done very well, Love Someone, Thinking and Bad Mood are the best songs, Rainbowland is a really good country song n. Younger Now is the best female album of the year with Melodrama
  3. Sep 29, 2017

    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record, and it’s way more alternative than i’d say “country” and i dig it a lot. i can tell miley wrote a lot of these songs from her heart and that’s why i love it so much. i just wish the roll out was better for such a great album. and i honestly think,

    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record, and it’s way more alternative than i’d say “country” and i dig it a lot. i can tell miley wrote a lot of these songs from her heart and that’s why i love it so much.

    i just wish the roll out was better for such a great album. and i honestly think, the wrong singles were chosen - younger now, bad mood and thinkin should’ve been the singles before the album dropped. personally, malibu doesnt capture the feel of the record and younger now opens the album perfectly and explains this whole “change” magnificently and i think if YN was the first song heard w/ the video the era would’ve been handled smoother (by the gp too).

    and also, im curious to see how this’ll do. i know miley will have a #1 record im just curious as to the critical acclaim it’ll get and im sure she’s going to get grammy noms - this is a grammy album. and despite her not making as mainstream music as demi, selena or ariana; miley remains the most creative ex act honestly.
  4. Sep 29, 2017
    Абсолютно удивлен работой Сайрус! Очень свежее, смешанное звучание придает пластинке особый шарм. Каждый трек по своему интересен. Вот уж действительно, не ожидал от Майли чего то подобного. Очень интересно наблюдать, как она меняется, из альбома в альбом и растет как артист в первую очередь!
    p.s. а ловато может и дальше штамповать безделушки, в жалких попытках создать что то, хоть
    Абсолютно удивлен работой Сайрус! Очень свежее, смешанное звучание придает пластинке особый шарм. Каждый трек по своему интересен. Вот уж действительно, не ожидал от Майли чего то подобного. Очень интересно наблюдать, как она меняется, из альбома в альбом и растет как артист в первую очередь!
    p.s. а ловато может и дальше штамповать безделушки, в жалких попытках создать что то, хоть отдаленно напоминающее хит.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17
  1. Oct 16, 2017
    This is a thumpingly disappointing and consistently milquetoast set of songs riddled with lyrical banality, done-to-death melodies and wispily thin production.
  2. Oct 12, 2017
    Younger Now is a hookless, joyless, profitable success.
  3. Oct 4, 2017
    Where her past albums felt messy but painfully sincere, Younger Now comes off as safe and overly sanitized, with the frisson that made Cyrus a star all but entirely blasted away. ... Still, the album has some plainly good songs.