• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Sep 29, 2017

Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17
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  1. Sep 27, 2017
    If Younger Now seems slightly scattered as it flits from song to song, it nevertheless adds up to a portrait of a pop star so confident of her swagger, she doesn't bother with such niceties as old-fashioned flow.
  2. 75
    On Younger Now she is fully her father Billy Ray’s daughter, leaning into the echoey twang of spaghetti-Western stomper “Bad Mood,” rhapsodizing about dirty feet and backyard creeks on “Inspired,” and duetting blithely with godmother Dolly Parton on the summer-­camp jamboree “Rainbowland.”
  3. 80
    Who knows which Miley Cyrus will emerge after the rootsy and real Younger Now, but we recommend enjoying Country Miley for as long as she lasts.
  4. Sep 28, 2017
    The songs are deliberately low-affect, if short on personality compared to her other albums. But the attention-getter is the finale "Inspired," where she writes a folksy country ballad to express some of her fears about climate change, with the opening lines, "I'm writing down my dreams/All I'd like to see/Starting with the bees." In this context, it's refreshing to hear from the Old Weird Miley again.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 749 Ratings

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  1. Sep 29, 2017

    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record,

    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record, and it’s way more alternative than i’d say “country” and i dig it a lot. i can tell miley wrote a lot of these songs from her heart and that’s why i love it so much.

    i just wish the roll out was better for such a great album. and i honestly think, the wrong singles were chosen - younger now, bad mood and thinkin should’ve been the singles before the album dropped. personally, malibu doesnt capture the feel of the record and younger now opens the album perfectly and explains this whole “change” magnificently and i think if YN was the first song heard w/ the video the era would’ve been handled smoother (by the gp too).

    and also, im curious to see how this’ll do. i know miley will have a #1 record im just curious as to the critical acclaim it’ll get and im sure she’s going to get grammy noms - this is a grammy album. and despite her not making as mainstream music as demi, selena or ariana; miley remains the most creative ex act honestly.
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  2. Oct 2, 2017
    Good Album, amazin. something different from what we're used to listening to. We not only see evolution in its letters but also in theGood Album, amazin. something different from what we're used to listening to. We not only see evolution in its letters but also in the evolution of its feelings. Full Review »
  3. Sep 29, 2017
    Good album overall, but she could’ve made some songs better

    Good album overall, but she could’ve made some songs better
    Good album overall, but she could’ve made some songs better

    Good album overall, but she could’ve made some songs better

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