• Record Label: Ipecac
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 128 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 128
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  1. Jul 23, 2020
    Wow! What a hard-hitting album, this record is an absolute beast of a 48-minute experience. With Crashing, Distorted snare drums littered throughout this project. Absolutely terrifying vocals and exploding guitar work. I will say that this album is certainly not for those who don't like sour abrasive music. This is an album that takes time to digest, its intensity is unrivaled even byWow! What a hard-hitting album, this record is an absolute beast of a 48-minute experience. With Crashing, Distorted snare drums littered throughout this project. Absolutely terrifying vocals and exploding guitar work. I will say that this album is certainly not for those who don't like sour abrasive music. This is an album that takes time to digest, its intensity is unrivaled even by today’s standards. Tracks such as City Song, Ocean Song, and Guest House have become my absolute favorites. This is an album that will grow on you and I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if this record is hailed as a classic many year from now.

    If anything, 'You Won’t Get What You Want' is a little too abrasive for me personally, as listening to it the whole way through the first time can feel exhausting; I mean this in the best way possible, if you can digest it you'll probably love this album. Don’t let it's intensity deter you as there is tons of effort and great music on this terrifyingly great record.

    Edit: About a year or so later, this record is a damn masterpiece. I've found the more time I spend with this material the more I enjoy it. Changing this to a 10 feels necessary.
  2. Oct 26, 2018
    Scary, dark, disturbing, weird, hypnotic, and euphoric. Those are the best words to describe this album. From the opener til the end, this beast does not let up. It is a perfect album for this time of year, with Halloween just around the corner. It's not quite perfect because the opener could've used a little more something, but outside of that I can't really find a flaw. The synths andScary, dark, disturbing, weird, hypnotic, and euphoric. Those are the best words to describe this album. From the opener til the end, this beast does not let up. It is a perfect album for this time of year, with Halloween just around the corner. It's not quite perfect because the opener could've used a little more something, but outside of that I can't really find a flaw. The synths and drums drip dread and uneasiness at every moment throughout the entirety of the album. Definitely check this record out if you want something original and strange. Expand
  3. Oct 26, 2018
    With their comeback album Daughters have managed to create something beyond wonderful. To say the least I got what I wanted, and more. A musical experience unlike any other, prepare for a dark and wild ride.
  4. Oct 27, 2018
    This is one of the most intense albums released this year. The haunting atmosphere it builds, the dark lyrics, the powerful vocal and instrumental performances... It's a lot to digest but it's really worth it
  5. Jan 19, 2019
    best album of 2018, best rock album of all time, and one of the best albums i've ever heard
  6. Oct 26, 2018
    It's like Daughters never disappeared for 8 years. This is one of those albums that comes along every decade or so, and changes the landscape of music. It is a work of controlled, passionate anger and emotion, that progresses like a suspenseful horror film. While it is much different than Daughters' previous releases, it is still propelled by insane instrumentation, sudden turns, andIt's like Daughters never disappeared for 8 years. This is one of those albums that comes along every decade or so, and changes the landscape of music. It is a work of controlled, passionate anger and emotion, that progresses like a suspenseful horror film. While it is much different than Daughters' previous releases, it is still propelled by insane instrumentation, sudden turns, and sadistic vocals. There is something for every kind of Daughters' fan here, and that is an achievement in of itself. This is their masterpiece and most likely my favorite album of the year. Expand
  7. Nov 2, 2018
    You Won't Get What You Want is one of the most authentic and deep records I've ever heard in a while. When the album gets to you, it stays inside your head for days. This is one of the most effectively horrific and bizarre experiences I've ever had in an album ever. One of the reasons why Noise Rock is such a great music genre is that in its loudness, the listener gets drowned in the musicYou Won't Get What You Want is one of the most authentic and deep records I've ever heard in a while. When the album gets to you, it stays inside your head for days. This is one of the most effectively horrific and bizarre experiences I've ever had in an album ever. One of the reasons why Noise Rock is such a great music genre is that in its loudness, the listener gets drowned in the music and its waves of emotion. And in this case, I got captured by the loud ambiance of this album and feel the pain, sorrow, and terror of this record. I have no more words to say for this album, other than it's a captivating and terrifying masterpiece that shall be remembered for decades to come in music history. Even though, this type of album won't be something that I'd listen to very often, it's a flawless experience that gets to me every time I listen to it (I listened to the album twice). And although this record is not for everyone, I think you should give this LP a listen either ways.

    Favorite Tracks: Satan in the Wait, The Flammable Man, The Lords Song, Daughter, The Reason They Hate Me (standout), Ocean Song, and Guest House.
  8. Feb 28, 2019
    After listening to this on the headphones with the volume cranked up I had to go for a walk to clear my head. It's intense, it's stark and a dark assault. Best album of the year hands down.
  9. May 26, 2021
    This is one of the best and most terrifying noise rock albums I've ever heard.

    FAV TRACK: Daughter
    LEAST FAV TRACK: Ocean Song
  10. Mar 2, 2021
    Dark, chaotic, terrifying, incredibly immersive. This is an album that will stick with me for a REALLY long time, I've never listened to something as grim as this in my entire life, and I don't think I'll find something that tops it anytime soon.
  11. Sep 7, 2022
    one of the best noise rock albums of all time. The sour guitars, heavy bass, and thick daunting, and scary atmosphere of this album give it a lot of character.
  12. Feb 13, 2019
    I won't get what I want.

    Instead, Daughters sowed the creepy **** out of hell to the brain of every listeners with terror from a psychopath, and they seem to have a lot of fun. The sensation that won't be found anywhere else. The concept stays put and unbothered.
  13. Nov 3, 2018
    A **** show of a record, in the best way to put it. It kind of pisses me off the fact that many people won't appreciate it because of the limited scope this genre has, and when an outstanding record as this comes out and even though it receives critical acclaim and such, it still walks unnoticed by many. But somehow, Daughters and You Won't Get What You Want represent a true form of cultA **** show of a record, in the best way to put it. It kind of pisses me off the fact that many people won't appreciate it because of the limited scope this genre has, and when an outstanding record as this comes out and even though it receives critical acclaim and such, it still walks unnoticed by many. But somehow, Daughters and You Won't Get What You Want represent a true form of cult music which is not interested in or made to be in the spotlight. We might not have the latest Swans line-up anymore, but 2018 gave us this, and in a friendly comparison, I'd say I'm horrifiedly glad I've given myself a chance to dig into this album. It's a nightmare; one that makes you feel like a psycho every time you seem to enjoy it. Expand
  14. Apr 14, 2022
    Один из самых бескомпромиссных альбомов, которые я когда-либо слышал. Сравнится разве что "Flowers of Romance" от PiL. Однозначно рок-альбом 2018 года. Тёмный и мрачный, альбом сначала запутывает, отторгает, но как это обычно бывает с хорошей музыкой – привлекает для повторного прослушивания. И это работает. Вновь и вновь открываешь для себя что-то новое. Это не музыка одного дня, тем этотОдин из самых бескомпромиссных альбомов, которые я когда-либо слышал. Сравнится разве что "Flowers of Romance" от PiL. Однозначно рок-альбом 2018 года. Тёмный и мрачный, альбом сначала запутывает, отторгает, но как это обычно бывает с хорошей музыкой – привлекает для повторного прослушивания. И это работает. Вновь и вновь открываешь для себя что-то новое. Это не музыка одного дня, тем этот альбом и ценен. Expand
  15. Jan 19, 2023
    The only issue I got with this record are 2 things
    1. The wait is kind of long
    2. It's kind of chaotic(more chaotic than Death Grips no way)
    Everything else is good.
  16. Jun 22, 2022
    Alexis Marshall writes about doing terrible things to people that he's actually done in real life.

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Dec 7, 2018
    In looking to capture the ugliness of humanity and parse through the despair that slithers malevolently in its wake, Daughters have crafted their most vital outing to date.
  2. 90
    It is just such a cut above everything they’ve done that it warrants a listen from anyone into fearless and challenging, yet still melodic, experimental rock. It's their finest work, and probably this year's best rock album.
  3. Nov 9, 2018
    Daughters’ accessibility is directly proportional to their uncompromising compositional choices—hypnotic dissonance, martial drums cranked to incapacitating volumes, scathing vocal repetition, all rendered through impossibly vivid production. This is not music interesting in growing on you: it consumes and dominates.