• Record Label: Ipecac
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2018

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Dec 7, 2018
    In looking to capture the ugliness of humanity and parse through the despair that slithers malevolently in its wake, Daughters have crafted their most vital outing to date.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Nov 7, 2018
    Daughters have never sounded so strong and they've never got it so right. [Dec 2018, p.86]
  3. Oct 25, 2018
    Fans hoping for a repeat of the accessibility and groove of the self-titled album or the spasticity and rawness of earlier albums might be disappointed, but You Won’t Get What You Want is a brave and excellent addition to Daughters’ discography.
  4. Oct 25, 2018
    By far their most dynamic offering, Daughters have pulled off one of the great comeback albums and further cemented themselves as a band with such singular creativity that they're nearly peerless. It may not sound like the album you thought you wanted, but the open-minded listener might find it's precisely what was needed.
  5. Oct 29, 2018
    Daughters have provided a soundtrack to satisfy our ghoulish intrigue with a rare beast that is both thrilling and wholly singular. Yet, however darkly disturbing You Won’t Get What You Want is at times, its matchless quality elicits awe and wonder, and strangely, that brilliance provides a surprising and curious warmth.
  6. Nov 9, 2018
    Daughters’ accessibility is directly proportional to their uncompromising compositional choices—hypnotic dissonance, martial drums cranked to incapacitating volumes, scathing vocal repetition, all rendered through impossibly vivid production. This is not music interesting in growing on you: it consumes and dominates.
  7. Oct 25, 2018
    While aspects of the band's creative vision have been altered and their sound has further evolved, the core elements remain intact. The asphyxiating sound has been augmented with the inclusion of longer, heavier sludge influenced moments. ... They truly deliver.
  8. 90
    It is just such a cut above everything they’ve done that it warrants a listen from anyone into fearless and challenging, yet still melodic, experimental rock. It's their finest work, and probably this year's best rock album.
  9. Nov 1, 2018
    You Won’t Get What You Want is a slow build rather than a shrieking onslaught, but it still has an inherent sense of danger.
  10. Oct 25, 2018
    Whatever voodoo made their unapproachable sound so damn fun and cathartic is completely gone. In its place is a something altogether darker and uglier, but ultimately more brilliant and enrapturing than ever before. You Won't Get What You Want is Daughters finest moment and everything I’ve wanted.
  11. Oct 31, 2018
    Everything about You Won’t Get What You Want is carved out of sheer insert-synonym-for-unhappiness-here, from the guitars to the drums to the vocals, but there’s more than enough nuance and versatility to earn your respect, even if it’s not something you’re typically drawn towards.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 128 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 128
  1. Feb 13, 2019
    I won't get what I want.

    Instead, Daughters sowed the creepy **** out of hell to the brain of every listeners with terror from a
    I won't get what I want.

    Instead, Daughters sowed the creepy **** out of hell to the brain of every listeners with terror from a psychopath, and they seem to have a lot of fun. The sensation that won't be found anywhere else. The concept stays put and unbothered.
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 26, 2018
    Scary, dark, disturbing, weird, hypnotic, and euphoric. Those are the best words to describe this album. From the opener til the end, thisScary, dark, disturbing, weird, hypnotic, and euphoric. Those are the best words to describe this album. From the opener til the end, this beast does not let up. It is a perfect album for this time of year, with Halloween just around the corner. It's not quite perfect because the opener could've used a little more something, but outside of that I can't really find a flaw. The synths and drums drip dread and uneasiness at every moment throughout the entirety of the album. Definitely check this record out if you want something original and strange. Full Review »
  3. Nov 3, 2018
    A **** show of a record, in the best way to put it. It kind of pisses me off the fact that many people won't appreciate it because of theA **** show of a record, in the best way to put it. It kind of pisses me off the fact that many people won't appreciate it because of the limited scope this genre has, and when an outstanding record as this comes out and even though it receives critical acclaim and such, it still walks unnoticed by many. But somehow, Daughters and You Won't Get What You Want represent a true form of cult music which is not interested in or made to be in the spotlight. We might not have the latest Swans line-up anymore, but 2018 gave us this, and in a friendly comparison, I'd say I'm horrifiedly glad I've given myself a chance to dig into this album. It's a nightmare; one that makes you feel like a psycho every time you seem to enjoy it. Full Review »