
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    A set of irresistible tracks both danceable and desolate. [28 May 2004, p.124]
  2. The most entertaining and lushly melodic work of Morrissey's solo career.
  3. For a handful of decent Morrissey songs – and, it must be said, some of his best ever vocal performances – we should be grateful. Ultimately though, for all these tantalising reminders of greatness, "You Are The Quarry" still feels like a man unnecessarily trapped by the limitations of his band and the extent of his loathing.
  4. At this level of lyric artistry, these warmed-over arena rock backdrops are a waste.
  5. Uncut
    Flares dazzlingly on initial contact, but dims a little. [Jun 2004, p.92]
  6. At times, the misery borders on cliché, but luckily, "Quarry" sports some of Morrissey's most direct vignettes in years.
  7. Los Angeles Times
    A little heavy on the lugubrious ballads, but it's all Morrissey all the time. [16 May 2004, p.E40]
  8. But, and here's the catch, at times the arrangements just don't cut it.
  9. While 'You Are The Quarry' is a very good album it's not the earth shattering masterpiece many had hoped for, nay, expected.
  10. And flaws there are, with many of the tracks sinking into a midtempo morass with decidedly underdeveloped melodies and daft instrumentation.
  11. The Moz croon is more succulent than ever, and the music productively splits the difference between Your Arsenal's thrusting butchness and Vauxhall & I's voluptuous enervation.
  12. It's not so much a return to form as it is a simple return, Morrissey picking up where he left off with Maladjusted, improving on that likeable album with a stronger set of songs and more muscular music.
  13. But just when he seems more relevant than ever, Morrissey has somehow contrived to make an album that sounds incredibly dated.
  14. As a singer, Morrissey has never sounded better than this.
  15. Under The Radar
    If you wade through some horrid lyrics and mediocre songcraft, you will find You Are The Quarry stands solidly as a long overdue return to a formative sound. [#7]
  16. He submits a dozen songs to crystalline modern engineering and arrangements that place selective bits of mandolin, flute, harp and synthesizer in guitar-and-rhythm grooves, moving forward without losing his identity.
  17. ‘You Are The Quarry’ sees Morrissey back in the ring, lean, limber and fighting fit.
  18. Mojo
    Those who have grown up with him will find much to love here. [May 2004, p.90]
  19. Of course, anyone expecting a new Smiths album from this was always going to be disappointed. However, anyone expecting a good album from it is going to be disappointed as well.
  20. The music doesn't impress much, serving as more a backdrop for Morrissey's lovely chops.
  21. Quarry doesn’t have great songs, just not-so-clever quips.
  22. Despite his gray hairs, Moz's approach to You Are the Quarry is youthful and energetic -- perhaps even punk.
  23. Despite the intervening years, Quarry sounds cut from exactly the same cloth as the last couple of Morrissey albums, which is to say that at best, it represents a bit of a holding pattern and at worst, it continues the slow artistic decline begun with 1995's lackluster Southpaw Grammar.
  24. Only when Morrissey's wickedly funny side emerges does Quarry find moments worthy of sharing shelf space with his finest.
  25. Morrissey's songs rattle and hum with swagger and sour pride.
  26. A fantastic record for Morrissey fans.
  27. Blender
    His best album since Vauxhall & I. [#27, p.140]
  28. 70
    Even a half good Morrissey album is streets ahead of the competition.
  29. Q Magazine
    Those looking for the kind of soaring poetry that defined The Smiths will surely be depressed by lyrics that are often boringly solipsistic and prosaically worded. [Jun 2004, p.106]
  30. Filter
    Might well be his most brilliant yet. [#10, p.86]
  31. Clicks in all the places his failures did not.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 91
  2. Negative: 2 out of 91
  1. EndaM
    Mar 14, 2007
    Absolutely excellent. I often return to this record and have SUCH a soft spot for it even now.
  2. Feb 6, 2023
    Fantastic Album full of poetic lyrics and fabulous vocals as usual. One of his best albums. Very hard to find a bad song on this.
  3. Aug 22, 2021
    I adore this album for so many reasons. It's one of his best. I have a personal connection to the transformative "I Have Forgiven Jesus" andI adore this album for so many reasons. It's one of his best. I have a personal connection to the transformative "I Have Forgiven Jesus" and have such boundless love for Morrissey for this song alone. Irish blood American heart this I'm made of. it adapts well. will never marry Full Review »