
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Aug 24, 2021
    So, yes, the album will disorient you and space you out like a psychedelic trip. That’s her intent but there are serious notions at work as well. ... It’s a lot to take on but somehow, she pulls it off. Grab your headphones and take the trip.
  2. Aug 20, 2021
    The end result is vast and ambitious yet deliberately welcoming. Its many sounds and rhythms greet listeners wherever they are and compel them to invest in an altogether wondrous sonic journey for body, mind, and soul.
  3. The Wire
    Jul 28, 2021
    Her ability to overdub against herself, creating the illusion of live interaction, is startling and thrilling to hear. Too often, one person music has a certain sterility and airlessness, but Thackray’s work is loose and groove-oriented, shuffling with an energy that brings to mind Erykah Badu’s New Amerykah albums while singing about opening one’s third eye. [Jul 2021, p.71]
  4. Jul 27, 2021
    It’s taking what is inherently a complex form of music – and is still highly technical in the hands of these players – and makes it into something for all to enjoy. It’s the kind of album that ‘purists’ will possibly scoff at for its accessibility and poptimism, but you get the feeling that Thackray wouldn’t want them as fans anyway. All she wants from her listeners are open ears, open hearts and open minds.
  5. Jul 27, 2021
    Few people would dream up an album as endearingly obtuse and gleefully dysfunctional as Yellow, let alone have the skill to realize it.
  6. Jul 23, 2021
    Self-consciously designed to echo a transformative lysergic experience, ‘Yellow’ comes to embody everything Emma-Jean Thackray strives towards, and describes: you emerge in a quite different space than the one you entered in, the world around you subtly transfigured.
  7. 80
    The record – which is equally rewarding to both newcomers and devotees of the genre – nails the transcendental and transportive qualities Thackray aims to showcase.
  8. Jul 22, 2021
    While ‘Yellow’ mixes it up nicely with freak-outs, group chants, P-funk and mellowing R&B, it is lyrically where the album wearies.
  9. Mojo
    Jul 21, 2021
    Yellow scatterguns through P-Funk, Alice Coltrane, gospel, Sun-Ra, electric-era Miles Davis and '70s jazz-fusion with glee. [Aug 2021, p.85]
  10. Uncut
    Jul 21, 2021
    Some of the best moments here are twitchy funk miniatures, driven by tuba basslines, distorted Fender Rhodes riffs and chant-based vocals, which leave you wanting more. [Aug 2021, p.35]
  11. Jul 21, 2021
    Despite the abundance of compositional ideas, they are all executed with attention to clarity, cohesion and detail. Thackray's auteurist approach in the studio combined with her peerless precision and control feel like a whole new genre unto itself.
  12. 70
    Yellow has the cosmological foundation, but Thackray sounds nothing like the spiritual jazz artists of the twentieth century, nor like Shabaka Hutchings. She’s a unique voice in the London scene, and, as Yellow shows, her range is vast.
  13. Jul 21, 2021
    Yellow brims with kindness and connection through its musical messages, reminding us refreshingly of what it is to be a human among humans.

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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Aug 5, 2021
  2. Jul 23, 2021
    This Is A Review That Was Written In Portuguese:
    Sim, um Álbum muito bom, passei todo o meu dia para degusta-lo da melhor forma, as musicas
    This Is A Review That Was Written In Portuguese:
    Sim, um Álbum muito bom, passei todo o meu dia para degusta-lo da melhor forma, as musicas são muito legais, algumas me fizeram refletir sobre oq estou passando no momento, foi muito bom ter encontrado tal de surpresa pois fez meu dia e minha semana bem melhor. Emma-Jean Thackray novamente me surpreendeu muito.
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