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Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Mar 22, 2020
    ( 86/100 )

    Realizo un descubrimiento muy feliz con este álbum. La banda se demuestra como un contendiente muy importante en Rock de este año. Se presentan después de 6 años para sorprender al público con una visión completa, solida y compleja que sabe equilibrar e intercalar emociones. El juego que realiza con la intensidad de la música y la sensibilidad del discurso es exitosa y
    ( 86/100 )

    Realizo un descubrimiento muy feliz con este álbum. La banda se demuestra como un contendiente muy importante en Rock de este año. Se presentan después de 6 años para sorprender al público con una visión completa, solida y compleja que sabe equilibrar e intercalar emociones. El juego que realiza con la intensidad de la música y la sensibilidad del discurso es exitosa y atractiva para todos aquellos amantes del Progressive-Rock.
    I realize a very happy discovery with this album. The band shows themselves as an important Rock contender in this year. They appear again after 6 years to surprise the public with a complete, solid and complex musical vision that knows how to balance and insert emotions. The game that happens between the intensity of the music and the sensibility of the speeches in the lyrics is successful and attractive for those who love good Progressive Rock.
  2. Jan 24, 2020
    Their 10th album is a tremendous mixture of everything they do well. Hoping they get some good recognition for this one, it's a gem and they deserve it.
  3. Jan 21, 2020
    It’s been a while but the Trail of Dead have found their creative mojo again. The heavily melodic sound of Source Tags & Codes combined with the energy of Madonna even channeling in some of their early Sonic Youth-influences, works wonders. And many of the songs are exciting like anything on Worlds Apart, the bombast kept to a minimum.

    An invigorating rock n roll achievement and a
    It’s been a while but the Trail of Dead have found their creative mojo again. The heavily melodic sound of Source Tags & Codes combined with the energy of Madonna even channeling in some of their early Sonic Youth-influences, works wonders. And many of the songs are exciting like anything on Worlds Apart, the bombast kept to a minimum.

    An invigorating rock n roll achievement and a record like no other we heard in the last decade or so. It is miles better than their latest "XI" and with enough experimentation, exceptional drumming throughout and fuzzy guitar layers to keep the song structures interesting you could call "X" almost refreshing. Even when, ironically, it’s a glorious throwback to everything TOD have done so well before.

    Highlights are Into the Godless Void, Something Like This, Don’t look Down, Gravity, Blade of Wind, All Who Wander and the crescendo/bridge in Children of the Sky...
  4. Jan 21, 2020
    Easily their most consistent and accessible collection of songs since 2005's Worlds Apart. It's a little less abrasive than their early releases and less wildly ambitious than their brilliant later opuses, but Godless Void will, somewhat miraculously for a band celebrating a quarter century as a going concern, serve as a perfect starting point for new fans to work back from while tickingEasily their most consistent and accessible collection of songs since 2005's Worlds Apart. It's a little less abrasive than their early releases and less wildly ambitious than their brilliant later opuses, but Godless Void will, somewhat miraculously for a band celebrating a quarter century as a going concern, serve as a perfect starting point for new fans to work back from while ticking nearly all of the boxes asked of them by their long-standing and loyal fanbase who'll find this a perfect companion to their undoubtedly well worn copy of 2002's Source Tags & Codes. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Feb 21, 2020
    Summation of their best recorded moments, X echoes the pulverizing claustrophobia of Source Tags & Codes (2002) and sheer aggression of bone-crushing 1999 debut Madonna, erecting walls of drill-bit noise and floating ennui codas.
  2. Kerrang!
    Feb 4, 2020
    The Texans still sound like a band capable of stealing hearts forever. [1 Feb 2020, p.55]
  3. Uncut
    Jan 27, 2020
    Trail Of Dead have always made music to get lost in and this one's a maze. [Mar 2020, p.23]