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Generally favorable reviews- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 39
  2. Negative: 5 out of 39
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  1. Dec 26, 2013
    "The World from the Side of the Moon" features Platinum hit songs "Home" and "Gone, Gone, Gone" both entered successfully into the US Billboard Hot 100 inside the Top 40, and both hitting number-one the Adult Contemporary chart. The lyrical content is positive, however I wished Interscope would send out some more "experienced" writers, but still there were plenty of songs I likened, such"The World from the Side of the Moon" features Platinum hit songs "Home" and "Gone, Gone, Gone" both entered successfully into the US Billboard Hot 100 inside the Top 40, and both hitting number-one the Adult Contemporary chart. The lyrical content is positive, however I wished Interscope would send out some more "experienced" writers, but still there were plenty of songs I likened, such as "Man On the Moon", "Home", "Gone, Gone, Gone", "Hold On", "Where We Came From", "Drive Me", "Can't Go Wrong", and"So Easy". Vocals on the record were breathtaking on some songs I've listed. I like Phillip Phillips, he's got this special voice that I like, and he seems to be one of the Rising Stars, and one of the most relevant idol contestant since Chris Daughtry and Adam Lambert and as well as Kelly Clarkson. I hope Interscope doesn't ignore him like they did to Nelly Furtado and 50 Cent. He is very good. Expand
  2. May 12, 2013
    This is amazing. I don't even need 150 characters to explain why this is amazing. Go check the album out, and you will totally agree with me. Best AI album.
  3. Mar 24, 2013
    My sister asked me to download this album for her. I took a listen, but for me, after two or three decent songs, the rest become a bunch of Phillips' irritating vocals going on and on about nothing. The melodies become bland after awhile also and gel into one big bore.
  4. Mar 12, 2013
    This album is nothing but a Munford & Son/Dave Matthews clone. Nothing new or original. Not really impressed with any track on the record. Phillips doesn't have that great a voice with limited range, but that doesn't stop anyone in the industry today with the likes of the invention of autotune.
  5. Nov 28, 2012
    decent album, but you have to keep reminding yourself that its not actually dave matthews singing. it becomes so distracting that its hard to judge the record on its own.
  6. Nov 20, 2012
    The performer so nice, they named him twice. Phillip Phillips from Leesburg, Georgia is a 22-year-old singer-songwriter and musician. Most notable for his season 11 victory of American Idol, Phillip
  7. Nov 20, 2012
    Okay, first of all, I need to be honest about one thing that I didn't watch this season of American Idol, mainly because of judges and the Idol winners that they have given us in past few years. Anyway, I did know about the contestants though and Phillip was my favorite from the begining and I wanted him to win. Watching him win the show and giving us the beautiful single 'Home' was moreOkay, first of all, I need to be honest about one thing that I didn't watch this season of American Idol, mainly because of judges and the Idol winners that they have given us in past few years. Anyway, I did know about the contestants though and Phillip was my favorite from the begining and I wanted him to win. Watching him win the show and giving us the beautiful single 'Home' was more than amazing. I loved the song and I started waiting for his debut album and now that it's here, I gave it a try. This album is brilliant! I never expected an Idol winner to make a record like this one, it's unique, it has strength and soul, and moreover, you can not include it easily in the pop rubbish you get to listen to these days. His voice is captivating as well as his songs has melodies. Best thing about this album is that Phillip has co-written almost all of the songs which is really important for an artist, because an artist can feel more connected to their own songs. My favorite on the album are "Home", "So Easy", "Wicked Game", "Gone, Gone, Gone", "Wanted is Love", "Tell Me a Story" ...Oh, who am I kidding? I love all the songs! This is one of the best Idol debut albums. A must listen for everyone especially for the fans of baroque-pop, folk, and art rock. Expand
  8. Nov 20, 2012
    There is no way to put a label on Phillips' genre of music; it just 'is'. I expected to like a few songs on his new album, but it's bigger than that - and I think Phillips is going to be bigger than anyone expected. I wish him luck! You see the same players on the charts and their music runs together - it is hard (for me) to distinguish between songs, I don't expect anyone to have thatThere is no way to put a label on Phillips' genre of music; it just 'is'. I expected to like a few songs on his new album, but it's bigger than that - and I think Phillips is going to be bigger than anyone expected. I wish him luck! You see the same players on the charts and their music runs together - it is hard (for me) to distinguish between songs, I don't expect anyone to have that problem with World From the Side of the Moon. My recommendation: Buy it! Expand
  9. Nov 19, 2012
    What a wonderful time for this album/CD comes out. Just in time for Christmas!! "The World From The Side of the Moon" is one of the best written, soulful and sung that is right up there with Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. Here Phillip Phillips did in just a not even a year as what these awesome ladies as done. Phillips and his musicians as really out done themselves. I and most ofWhat a wonderful time for this album/CD comes out. Just in time for Christmas!! "The World From The Side of the Moon" is one of the best written, soulful and sung that is right up there with Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. Here Phillip Phillips did in just a not even a year as what these awesome ladies as done. Phillips and his musicians as really out done themselves. I and most of his Phanatics do see a great deal of awards in his future. We love how in his life he brings other future artists in. All in all Phillip Phillips is an all around star. Not just musically but as a human being. We love Phillip Phillips and we are very Proud of him here in Albany/Leesburg Georgia!!! Kudos!!! I rate Him a 10 all the way!!! Expand
  10. Nov 19, 2012
    THE BEST ALBUM A MALE AMERICAN IDOL WINNER HAS MADE! Its truly a strong and powerful album to listen too with Phillip Phillips Smooth Vocals. Only Four Artists from American Idol have what it takes to have a bright future which is Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Haley Reinhart, and now Phillip Phillips.
  11. Nov 19, 2012
    Phillip Phillips has wowed us all. He has lived up to his promises and more. This album shows us his heart. Done with a down to earth manner, this album represents Phillip well. Bringing back true artists, done well Phillip, done well.
  12. Nov 19, 2012

    Phillip Phillips delivers a "Mumford & Sons" infused album that is damn good. We all thought the "WGWG" would end up like the majority of other failed American Idol artists, but this strong album proves that he is here to stay after his hit, "Home". There are absolutely no filler songs, with the best being "Home" and "Gone, Gone, Gone". He has written every

    Phillip Phillips delivers a "Mumford & Sons" infused album that is damn good. We all thought the "WGWG" would end up like the majority of other failed American Idol artists, but this strong album proves that he is here to stay after his hit, "Home". There are absolutely no filler songs, with the best being "Home" and "Gone, Gone, Gone". He has written every track, so considering that this album came from an American Idol winner, he did a pretty damn good job.
  13. Nov 19, 2012
    As the 11th winner of American Idol, we all thought that that show cannot produce more artist with the likes of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. But this 'white guy on guitar' proved us wrong. "The World From The Side of the Moon" is by far the strongest debut album by an 'Idol' winner to date. Almost every track on the album is written by 'Phillips' himself, and considering that it isAs the 11th winner of American Idol, we all thought that that show cannot produce more artist with the likes of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. But this 'white guy on guitar' proved us wrong. "The World From The Side of the Moon" is by far the strongest debut album by an 'Idol' winner to date. Almost every track on the album is written by 'Phillips' himself, and considering that it is well-written. "Gone, Gone, Gone" is my favorite track from the album and SHOULD be a single. The track celebrates love and all the other things you would do for it. Accompanied by an anthem-ic chorus which would leave listeners mesmerized by this tune. "like a drum my heart never stops beating for you" - mine to, Phillip. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. AllMusic
    Dec 3, 2012
    If you don't listen closely, it goes down easy, but listening with just a slightly critical ear reveals those similarities [to Dave Matthews] as near farcical.
  2. Nov 26, 2012
    The World from the Side of the Moon is ultimately a polite, conservative album that balances Phillips's genuine affection for roots music with the commercial bent that comes with being part of the American Idol franchise.
  3. Nov 20, 2012
    Phillips may be an artist of just a few ideas, but he believes in them. And he's not afraid to use them over and over.