• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Feb 23, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. By eschewing the instrumental grandiosity and working into a clean cut sound of their own, Work moves you to great feelings of warmth and a feeling of great joy.
  2. While Work doesn't feel emotionally engaging or really deviate from an amiable pace, it's still engaging enough to hold one's attention for most of the 41 minutes.
  3. 76
    While not all of Work is as infallible--album closer "Too Late, Too Slow" has a title that aptly sums itself up--it's still exciting to see Shout Out Louds breaking away from the Robert Smith adoration that was so present on previous efforts.?
  4. Work sometimes lacks variety, but the mostly unrelenting, feel-good rhythms and sweet vocals are sure to get your head bobbing.
  5. Work is a more subtle, subdued album than Shout Out Louds' previous LPs. It is also a far more consistent one, capturing the band maturing artistically.
  6. Shout Out Louds have long been a case for the positives of going singles-only, and they probably keep that reputation here. But by a minor degree, Work is Shout Out Louds' finest album-length statement.
  7. Work finds them owning their sound, and treating the nostalgic pangs they stir as a platform from which to express something sincere. The result is a record a little less giddy and more workmanlike than prior SOL albums.

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