• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Sep 22, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
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  1. Sep 21, 2017
    The record charms because its ridiculousness is sincere and his sincerity is ridiculous--two qualities that make him and his art messy and quite genuine.
  2. Sep 25, 2017
    The knock on them has always been that their albums surround great singles with skip-able filler, but this time out they’ve put together a relatively tight, cohesive record. It’s not without its flaws, but Wonderful Wonderful still might be the best Killers album yet.
  3. Sep 25, 2017
    Aside from a few big hitters, Wonderful Wonderful has too many middle-of-the-road moments. ‘Life Itself’, ‘The Rut’, and ‘Have All The Songs Been Written’ are barely distinguishable, and instantly forgettable.
  4. Sep 19, 2017
    Wonderful Wonderful is likely the most self-conscious Killers album ever.
  5. Sep 22, 2017
    An album without an obvious theme or concept it may be, but somehow, it’s still quintessentially The Killers. It may not be the all-out stadium epic we’ve come to expect from the band but it’s still wonderful (wonderful).
  6. Sep 20, 2017
    In all, it’s an album with an admirable sense of ambition and innovation, a band pushing themselves sonically and lyrically in new directions; that they at times come up short is therefore a shame.
  7. 75
    Although the new album doesn’t live up to its effusive title by recapturing the glory of Sam’s Town--there’s no “When You Were Young” here--it affirms that the Killers are far from dead yet.
  8. Sep 22, 2017
    Despite its flaws, Wonderful Wonderful is a welcome course correction, a relatively personal record from a too-often facile group.
  9. Oct 9, 2017
    While Wonderful Wonderful certainly isn’t The Killers’ best record--or even their second best--it is a welcome return to form after some time in the wilderness.
  10. 80
    [Flowers] bares more on Wonderful Wonderful than ever before, and the result is the band’s best album since 2006’s ‘Sam’s Town’.
  11. Sep 22, 2017
    The beauty of The Killers is that you can start at any point. Each album is as good as the last and those that came after it. To that end, Wonderful Wonderful works as a perfect introduction or a delightful continuation.
  12. Sep 22, 2017
    No tens here—sixes and sevens abound, for sure, a few fives, maybe an eight. Even mired among the sixes, though, you can feel the palpable yearning.
  13. Sep 25, 2017
    Wonderful Wonderful is the sound of a band rediscovering why they’re even making music in the first place, embracing their eccentricities instead of merely playing into what’s expected of them. It will never be anyone’s favorite Killers album, but it’s the most fun we’ve had with them in years, and a hopeful sign of truly wonderful things yet to come.
  14. 58
    On Wonderful Wonderful, there are glimpses of that ambition on an otherwise routine album from a top-notch band on autopilot. But if the Killers want to capture the moment like they did a decade ago, they’ll have to want it more.
  15. Q Magazine
    Sep 19, 2017
    Wonderful Wonderful is a glossy indie-pop album with sonics as slick and glistening as a brand-new Vegas skyscraper. [Oct 2017, p.110]
  16. Sep 22, 2017
    What's great about Wonderful Wonderful, though, is that they seem in on the joke, doubling down on their hugeness fetish while wink-winking their way to the bank.
  17. Sep 20, 2017
    Wonderful Wonderful finds them more comfortable in their own skin: They've managed to condense their operatic impulses into an album of tight, relatively low-key pop songs.
  18. Oct 2, 2017
    Wonderful Wonderful is the Killers’ strongest statement since 2005, a more than okay affirmation of their power to keep a global audience.
  19. Sep 25, 2017
    The band is out of gas and has been for a while now. Wonderful Wonderful fills the same role as Battle Born, taking mid-tempo pop-rock with aimless verses and marrying them to one stab-at-the-radio chorus after another.
  20. Sep 20, 2017
    That lack of any real direction or purpose colors all of Wonderful Wonderful, a record that, even by The Killers’ standards, boasts little depth beneath its glossy surface.
  21. Sep 21, 2017
    This is certainly big music, which is all the better for its more intimate, touching soul.
  22. 60
    Wonderful Wonderful is an album that doesn’t let the listener look forward to the next track, because the album is restlessly glancing backwards over its shoulder, haunted by past successes of The Killers, and the great artists who came before them.
  23. 80
    Wonderful Wonderful is not an about-turn, not an exercise in New Earnestness, but the latest step in becoming the most concise version of themselves--it is true because it concentrates the traces of what they have always been.
  24. Sep 25, 2017
    The most striking song (discounting the Personal Jesus reenactment The Calling) draws on Flowers’ own childhood experience: the surging, synth-laced Tyson vs Douglas, inspired by his shock when the champ hit the mat, could touch gloves with the band’s best.
  25. Sep 27, 2017
    Despite a committed effort, Wonderful Wonderful isn't a title that accurately reflects its content.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 138 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 138
  1. Sep 22, 2017
    Five years have passed since the last studio-album of the Killers. Five years in which the band-members potentially had time to reshape,Five years have passed since the last studio-album of the Killers. Five years in which the band-members potentially had time to reshape, rethink and reevaluate what they wanted to deliver, in which direction they wanted to go. And they definitely had to reshape some things to an extent. Because what exactly are The Killers at this point?

    Since they are such a household name, the Killers seem to have a very consistent style of music which numerous fans enjoy, yet in truth, there seem to be two styles of The Killers, not just one. The Killers from Hot Fuss to Sam´s Town are very different from the Killers from Day & Age to Battleborn and just as varying may be the degree to which a fan of one style can enjoy the other one. So what style did they choose for Wonderful Wondeful? Strangely enough, a little bit of both and somehow it works.

    It is fascinating to see that all the highlights of the album are fundamentally different and could fit inot either of the band´s two phases. The Man is a grooving, sarcastic and plain fun 80-s popsong while Run for Cover is a relentless onslaught of Hot Fuss/Sam´s Town postpunk-reminiscent energy. Still more fascinating, the other highlight, Wonderful Wondeful, is a wholly different, darker approach to their usual repertoire. In that sense, the album is even borderline experimental in changing up the typical Killers-sound to some extent. More sinister tones shine through on said Wonderful Wonderful while The Calling follows this approach, giving the band more room to experiment outside of their usual comfort-zone. And it checks out. Aside from this, Out of mind, Tyson vs Douglas and Life to Come congeal the guitar-driven and 80s-pop sound to a fitting whole and make up the other solid-very good part of the album.

    Yet there are two things which drag this album down a bit. Brandon Flowers has this special charisma oozing from his voice, so why he chooses to not have two ballads, but three on the album, baffles me to some extent. For me, the Killers have always worked best when they embraced this energy and ran with it unapologetically, forging strong narratives while not slowing themselves down musically (see for example: Uncle Jonny, Spaceman) The ballads, while all solidly written, take some of the energy and swagger away from Wonderful Wonderful and push it down a nodge. "Rut" works because the personal message feels genuine and there is an actual story worth telling, yet "Have all the songs been written" drifts off into what feels like a tad tedious, halfbaked reflections on Flowers´s writing-blockage and "Some kind of love" just isn´t terribly interesting. Besides this, while mixing up their style is commendable and it really works on a song-basis, the album does not exactly feel like an "album", it feels more like a compilation of singular songs. Some may say that the album lacks a bit of an identity or at least a common thread thorughout ... and they would not be easily disproven. So the question what the Killers are is left to debate after Wonderful Wonderful. Still, it´s hard to be really upset about this when many of these songs just work this well though.
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  2. Sep 24, 2017
    This album is right up there for me, with the best releases of the year. It's a soul-stirring album, where the band is experimenting with someThis album is right up there for me, with the best releases of the year. It's a soul-stirring album, where the band is experimenting with some new sounds and a new approach to their lyrical themes, that are more personal than ever. There are a few The Killers classic anthems in there, too. With this album, Brandon Flowers sets in as one of the most talented singer-songwriters of the music industry today. Either a longtime fan or new to the "Victims" (The Killers' fans) Wonderful Wonderful will not dissapoint. Full Review »
  3. Sep 22, 2017
    I have been a fan of The killers for many years and I had really low expectations towards this record, however, The Killers never disappoints,I have been a fan of The killers for many years and I had really low expectations towards this record, however, The Killers never disappoints, so much emotion and epicness in every song makes this album the best from the last 3. Full Review »