• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 3037 Ratings

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  1. Jun 9, 2017
    Definitely her best album vocally and production wise. Highlights include 'Power', 'Tsunami', and 'Into Me You See'. Personal favourite is 'Act My Age' which is only available on the deluxe version. Would definitely suggest buying this album.
  2. Jun 9, 2017
    An amazing comeback. It can not have bad reviews. Just envy or spite.
    You have to be objective and listen to every song and know that it is a work of art.
  3. Jun 9, 2017
    Congrats for this new era katy. We can feel your soul on Witness and it's beautiful. Thank you for exploring new styles, creating this awesome album. It was really worth the wait.

    TOP 5:
    Miss You More
    Swish Swish
  4. Jun 10, 2017
    Album do Ano ! Katy Perry volta com um hinário e se consagra novamente como um ícone pop. Witness, Hey Hey Hey, Roulltte, Tsunami, Pendulum como podem ser tão perfeita ?
  5. Jun 9, 2017
    Amazing album! Witness, Power and Tsunami are my favorites by far. Lyrics and vocals are on point. She tried new things and she succeeded. SHE DID THAT!
  6. Jun 9, 2017
    I just can't believe people give bad reviews. This is her best album yet. Doesn't deserve all these hate. Oh wait, the bad reviewers are little monsters and swifties. We been knew.
  7. Jun 9, 2017
    This is the album of 2017! I'm so proud of Katy. Every song is unique. This album is a top of the line production. It's number one in 40 countries already!
  8. Jun 9, 2017
    its her best album ever i like it she did it she will top at number 1 with sales 700k or more she deserve it she did that its a worthy album to buy and listen to ! worth it
  9. Jun 9, 2017
    I'm surprised with this album! Katy Perry did that once again! Truly a pop masterpiece of the millenium. I didn't get the hate that she received so far. Give that girl a break. She release an album to inspire us and express herself. The production is so good! The concept is great too. I love the "Me witnessing you and you witnessing me" concept. Katy once again delivered this era! ThisI'm surprised with this album! Katy Perry did that once again! Truly a pop masterpiece of the millenium. I didn't get the hate that she received so far. Give that girl a break. She release an album to inspire us and express herself. The production is so good! The concept is great too. I love the "Me witnessing you and you witnessing me" concept. Katy once again delivered this era! This album deserves a high score from critics but I think they are kinda bias and deaf because they still can't believe Katy did that! Certainly a 10/10 album. Deserves a Grammy, really. No filler, purely pop masterpieces with different stories. It's like a visual diary for me and I like that. Highly recommended! Expand
  10. Jun 9, 2017
    All the song in this album is perfect. my favorite one is power, i suggest that to become a next single because is catchy song and make me wanna sing along and the others are Pendulum and Witness is also good. good job katy.
  11. Jun 9, 2017
    Álbum com visual excelente, nunca vi nada melhor se falando em Katy Perry, músicas relaxantes e dançantes ao mesmo tempo, amei, amei amei, amei amei e amei.
  12. Jun 9, 2017
    This is one of the best pop albums I’ve have ever heard, and the best and more mature album from katy, she's experimenting with many underground producers (duke dumont, jack garratt and hot chip), and with different genres like dance and house. It’s remarkable her growth lyrically. All the songs are enjoyable to listen, she's growing and that's what the album is reflecting to us.
  13. Jun 9, 2017
    This is one of the best release of 2017! It's her best and most cohesive album. It has dark vibes in most songs, this is the dark Katy Perry album we've been waiting for.

    Outstanding tracks: Tsunami, Power, Witness
    Personal Favorite: Power, Tsunami, Deja Vu
  14. Jun 9, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well well well... The fist time I listened to it I was like "what is she doing"' but I listened a second time and i love the album, it's not as good as Teenage Dream or PRISM, but I love it! She changes her style and I love it ! Save as Draft is one of my favorite with Witness and the three singles :D I'm still waiting for my deluxe edition to hear the two bonus tacks :) I didn't give it a 10/10 because all of the songs are kinda the same, the same vocals, the same instrumentals, but it's a good album tho! Expand
  15. Jun 9, 2017
    Her best album. i have never found an album with only AWESOME songs. Katy hasn't put songs just to fill it. And for who is asking I'm not a fan. Remember: the "0" reviews are from Haters who maybe hasn't listened to the album or have listened but they secretly love it.
  16. Jun 9, 2017
    I've multiples feelings with this album. First, Chained to The Rhythm was amazing, video included. Her message, her way to focus actual problems with music. Then, Bon Appetit, with Migos. Girl, this was not what I expected, but with few listenings, I can say is an OK song. Not good, but OK. And finally, with Queen Minaj and Swish Swish, promoting her feud with Taylor Swift, we were amazed.I've multiples feelings with this album. First, Chained to The Rhythm was amazing, video included. Her message, her way to focus actual problems with music. Then, Bon Appetit, with Migos. Girl, this was not what I expected, but with few listenings, I can say is an OK song. Not good, but OK. And finally, with Queen Minaj and Swish Swish, promoting her feud with Taylor Swift, we were amazed. My question was: what can we expect with her new album? And we got this. Good songs, like Pendulum, Witness, Into Me You See, and others. But sometimes it gone hard to listen from the first to the last song. Her 3 lead singles were good, but I expected more with the album. But, in my opinion, she did a great job. Congratulations Katy and keep slaying. From a Little Monster! We love you Expand
  17. Jun 9, 2017
    "Witness" is a step forward for Katy Perry. It's mature yet fun. It features a lot of great songs and some less interesting ones. The opening track of the album, "Witness", give us a lot of hopes for what's coming next. Its production is magnificent and, in my opinion, it's the best song on the album. Roulette stands out as a throwback song to 00's, mixed with a modern sound, creating a"Witness" is a step forward for Katy Perry. It's mature yet fun. It features a lot of great songs and some less interesting ones. The opening track of the album, "Witness", give us a lot of hopes for what's coming next. Its production is magnificent and, in my opinion, it's the best song on the album. Roulette stands out as a throwback song to 00's, mixed with a modern sound, creating a pleasuring result. The collaboration with miss Minaj, "Swish Swish" (witch serves as the third single) really represents the whole sound of the album. "Deja Vu" is one of my faves here. It's influenced by Deep House and Chill music, making it a relaxing yet catchy track that should be released as a single. "Chained To The Rhythm" and "Bon Apettit" are pretty catchy songs that scream single material. "Bigger Than Me" and "Pendulum" are also great summer anthems. Of course, there is no female album that does not feature any ballad. Katy offers three well produced ballads, with great lyrics and vocals on point. Songs like "Hey Hey Hey", "Power" and "Mind Maze" are not anything special, but still, they are well written. Generally speaking, "Witness" is better than "Prism" and equally exciting as "Teenage Dream". The four-year wait was worth it. Expand
  18. Jun 9, 2017
    Katy Perry expresses her full emotion and creativity with this album, which is a huge pro. She also knew exactly what she wanted to do with the album which adds another layer of depth and love to it. It is much more different-sounding than her other records and I applaud her for striving for something new and releasing another record breaking hit album.
  19. Jun 9, 2017
    This is what i call an album.
    TOP 5:
    Mind Maze
    Miss You More

    So amazing....truly amazing!!!
  20. Jun 9, 2017
    THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM OF 2017! It's refreshing to listen to new Katy Perry tunes that I've been waiting for almost 4 years and it's really worth the wait, this album is very different from her other albums, I'm in love with her vocal because is on point and I think she really outdid herself with WITNESS, I recommended this!

    Here's my 5 favorite songs from the record : 1. WITNESS 2.
    THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM OF 2017! It's refreshing to listen to new Katy Perry tunes that I've been waiting for almost 4 years and it's really worth the wait, this album is very different from her other albums, I'm in love with her vocal because is on point and I think she really outdid herself with WITNESS, I recommended this!

    Here's my 5 favorite songs from the record :
    1. WITNESS
    2. Swish Swish
    3. Power
    4. Roulette
    5. Pendulum
  21. Jun 9, 2017
    The queen of pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooooooooooooooopppppppppp
  22. Jun 9, 2017
    This album is totally Different from all her stuffs before. Haters gonna always give a bad review no matter how good is this album. But this album is 10/10 for me.
  23. Jun 9, 2017
    Even tho the artwork isnt that good, we shouldn't judge the book by it's cover. Witness is a masterpiece. It's a new sound for katy, and only haters will say it's bad. I'm a rihanna fan but tbh katy perry did that!
  24. Jan 5, 2018
    Witness is an incredible album, full of art, its lyrics and rhythms are different from their previous albums, they are more mature and I love their new style
  25. Jul 25, 2017
    Katy's best album so far!!
    i loved the new sounds that she's expiring and i loved how all the songs connected with each other in some magical way, this album is very underrated!! and deserves better 100%
  26. Sep 12, 2017
    Witness is proof that Katy Perry has changed as a person but mostly in the way of singing and composing. With strong lyrics about empowering female and full of social causes, Perry builds an album with good intentions but perhaps fails in the balance of tracks, the album has songs that do not seem to be from the same set and in the middle of it, we get a little lost . But finally,Witness is proof that Katy Perry has changed as a person but mostly in the way of singing and composing. With strong lyrics about empowering female and full of social causes, Perry builds an album with good intentions but perhaps fails in the balance of tracks, the album has songs that do not seem to be from the same set and in the middle of it, we get a little lost . But finally, highlight the tracks "Bigger Than Me" and "Pendulum" because they have a good vocal structure and harmonious Expand
  27. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is pure pop perfection and might be the best album of 2017. Katy truly made a masterpiece with this album, every song is unique and the production is ahead of it’s time. It consists of outstanding tracks such as ”Power”, ”Roulette” and ”Witness”. The track ”Witness” is the perfect first track for the album. This album is definitely worth listening to.
  28. Jul 25, 2020
    Underrated masterpiece. Katy made an amazing album with different sounds. Witness,Save as draft and Chained to the rhythm are the best songs in this album. Miss Katy, you deserve more with this album.
  29. Nov 5, 2021
    I am not a fan of this kinda music but Kety Perry is my favorite singer of this style , I also like to write eview o my fav music albums . Some of them I ordered on essays writer https://essays-writer.net/
  30. Nov 25, 2021
    Pior álbum que já ouvi na vida. Essa fracassada morreu quando separou daquele produtor bandido!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. 75
    While it's certainly missing any form of coherency, Witness does feel like you're growing with Perry - going on this journey that's helped her find new ground and a reinvigorated appreciation for all walks of the pop music spectrum.
  2. Jul 6, 2017
    While she may have slipped down the pecking order, Witness proves she’s still a more interesting pop star than she’s often given credit for.
  3. Jun 28, 2017
    It’s a real shame Witness has come out as a bit of a disjointed mess, as there’s a decent record somewhere in there, but it gets lost in the fog of endless guest productions and co-writes that miss the point entirely.