• Record Label: Anti
  • Release Date: May 20, 2014

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. May 19, 2014
    Holland not only delivers her most intuitively crafted and realized collection to date, but she expands the boundaries and possibilities for American roots music in the process.
  2. 70
    It’s Holland at her most beautiful; that’s something worth savoring.
  3. May 21, 2014
    Ultimately, Wine Dark Sea is all about the mystique, making it nothing less than a fascinating ethereal excursion.
  4. May 20, 2014
    This is Holland in full bloom: singular and wild-eyed.
  5. Magnet
    May 19, 2014
    This album is magnificent. [No. 109, p.54]
  6. Mojo
    May 19, 2014
    At times you'd think she's finally stepped around her natural sophistication and freed her true nature. But then her rooted unwillingness to share, via comprehensible diction, the lyrics she's carefully crafted does step between the different intimacies of sound and sense. [Jun 2014, p.88]
  7. Jul 17, 2014
    Wine Dark Sea is a brilliantly track-listed album, stronger as a whole than broken into parts.
  8. May 20, 2014
    As much as some of the songs on Wine Dark Sea fail to reach the level of some of her previous efforts, Jolie Holland deserves praise for the risks she took with it.
  9. May 21, 2014
    With Wine Dark Sea Holland has put her own enduring stamp on American music.
  10. May 29, 2014
    The quality of the songs is uniformly excellent, the performances electric and, moreso than ever, Holland’s vocals are a drawling, tightrope-walking treat as she veers between lust and heartbreak with real abandon.
  11. Uncut
    May 19, 2014
    A complete rethink has resulted in the most uninhibited and visceral album of her career. [Jun 2014, p.78]

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