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Generally favorable reviews- based on 241 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 36 out of 241
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  1. Aug 19, 2023
    Every single song on this album is absolutely genre defining. From the immediate aggressiveness of "Stop Breathing" and "On That Time" to the bouncy wobbly beat of "Slay3r" and "Place", Cartis artistic vision is just perfect. Best song on the album "Meh".
  2. May 24, 2023
    This album changed my life. I enjoyed every single hour of my life listening to this album whether it be the amazing 808s, Carti's flows, and the pace and uniqueness of each song, it really cuts deep and makes you wonder what he will do next, other than not drop another album of course.
  3. Feb 7, 2023
    El mejor album de playboi carti.

    Regresa con un estilo diferente en literalmente todo, fashion, sonido y voz, me gusta la inclusion de sonidos punk y canciones agresivas tales como Rockstar Made, Stop Breathing, On That Time, etc etc. La tendencia vampira que tiene playboi carti y su fanatismo hacia lo dark grunge se ve reflejado en tracks como Vamp Anthem, Go2DaMoon y No Sl33p Buen
    El mejor album de playboi carti.

    Regresa con un estilo diferente en literalmente todo, fashion, sonido y voz, me gusta la inclusion de sonidos punk y canciones agresivas tales como Rockstar Made, Stop Breathing, On That Time, etc etc.

    La tendencia vampira que tiene playboi carti y su fanatismo hacia lo dark grunge se ve reflejado en tracks como Vamp Anthem, Go2DaMoon y No Sl33p

    Buen album en mi opinion y gran cambio de playboi carti, aunque hubiese preferido que metiera por lo menos una cancion de la version anterior (algo como Cancún)
  4. Dec 20, 2022
    jump out the house is ass but rockstar made is my favourite christmas carol
  5. Nov 16, 2022
    One of the best albums I’ve ever listened to!
    I’ve listened to it at least 100 times in the past year
    Always makes me tear up at the end because of how beautiful the album is.
  6. Nov 4, 2022
    Great album! Love how it’s a new style compared to his previous works. I also love the vampire-like theme throughout the album. Has some of my favorite songs.
  7. Oct 4, 2022
    very good liked the song a lot made by Playboi carti jhbjbnbkjnjjbbjbjbbbj
  8. Aug 17, 2022
    No começo estranhei o estilo de Playboi Carti, mas acabei caindo na onda dele, o álbum é cheio de músicas eletrizantes e produção incrível! Todas as músicas são boas, mesmo que algumas sejam mais fracas que outras, sinto que esse álbum será lembrado com bons olhos pelo público. Canções que eu gostei: Rockstar Made, King Vamp, Vamp Anthem, Slay3r, Stop Breathing, Over
  9. Jul 18, 2022
    Whole Lotta Red aged like fine wine

    Carti received a lot of hate for this album at its release because everyone expected leaked songs and didn't even try to listen (and not hear) this masterpiece. But i'm glad he decided to change his style and the theme and vibe of the album because now, after 2 years, WLR is receiving what it deserves. Remember that this albus has Kanye as crative
    Whole Lotta Red aged like fine wine

    Carti received a lot of hate for this album at its release because everyone expected leaked songs and didn't even try to listen (and not hear) this masterpiece. But i'm glad he decided to change his style and the theme and vibe of the album because now, after 2 years, WLR is receiving what it deserves.
    Remember that this albus has Kanye as crative producer, and he never misses. People is finally starting appreciate WLR and we can notice it by seeing how Carti's songs are ruling TikTok trends.
    With this album he created a new wave, for example Yeat's songs are children of this vamp style.

    Each song sounds new and different and I understand at the first listen it sounds trash, but this vamp releases a lot of inner energy that everybody needed after the pandemic we lived.
    My certified classics:
    - Stop Breathing
    - Jump out the House
    - NoSl33p
    - New Tank
    - Vamp Anthem
    - On That Time
    - Sky
    But all the songs are good. What is missing is the LUV featuring :(
  10. Jul 2, 2022
    This album feels like the culmination of '10s trap: Future's energy with Young Thug's vocal stretches over Lil Uzi Vert-ish simplistic rhyme schemes. It's a present that I didn't expect at this point in time where all these above-named greats are rapidly declining.

    DON'T expect rapping from this album, it's- I think I can genuinely say that this is simply not a rap album; see it more as
    This album feels like the culmination of '10s trap: Future's energy with Young Thug's vocal stretches over Lil Uzi Vert-ish simplistic rhyme schemes. It's a present that I didn't expect at this point in time where all these above-named greats are rapidly declining.

    DON'T expect rapping from this album, it's- I think I can genuinely say that this is simply not a rap album; see it more as an exercise or rather experiment in vocals. I expected a Die Lit 2 when I first listened, and I got disappointed, but that is not this.

    I first wanted to coin this album a "fun" album: one with little depth, but rather interesting musically. But this is not true on further inspection: He talks about his brother; about PTSD; about the people he lost; about his relationships. It's simply not dumb. And even though he doesn't present it as verbose, the feeling he tries to communicate lands- no, it lands even better because of the lack of verbosity and intellectualism. I feel like I came a bit closer to understanding what PTSD feels like after "No Sl33p" - not about its connsequences nor its nature nor its numbers - it feels alienating, aggressive, scary (now I'm using words again that can never cover the true concept). And is this communication of experiences not exactly what art is about?
  11. May 4, 2022
    An album full of hype and energy. The production is genius and the features are few which let's Carti shine.

    Favourite songs: Vamp Anthem, King Vamp
    Least favourite songs:

  12. Mar 30, 2022
    rockstar made! rockstar made! rockstar made! rockstar made! Album is fire!!! playbi carti has a great voice and his lyrics are so thought out like an average person would never think of the words rockstar made
  13. Mar 20, 2022
    the album is amazing a whole new sound from playboi carti this is his best album
  14. Feb 27, 2022
    I don't think it's the perfect album any means, but I like the risks carti takes here. He's not reinventing the formula too much cuz on sum songs you still got familiar carti sounds and ad libs. On the other hand the different/new things he incorporates here works mostly. rockstar made is a solid intro that goes hard and sets the tempo for what essentially is a fuse of industrial,I don't think it's the perfect album any means, but I like the risks carti takes here. He's not reinventing the formula too much cuz on sum songs you still got familiar carti sounds and ad libs. On the other hand the different/new things he incorporates here works mostly. rockstar made is a solid intro that goes hard and sets the tempo for what essentially is a fuse of industrial, transylvanian and punk influences. It a whole lotta crazy **** on here for samples too, the production is probably the best it's been on carti album given the high expectation that Die LIt created, it's actually wild. I think were it falls short is fuily and adeptly landing the whole gothic vampire aesthetic and how for sum songs it kinda dont smooth over well with sum of his bars and themes in the songs. Actually sum songs do seem out of place to mention it, not that thier bad but in the grand scheme of cohesion, anyway.. fire album, haters need to stop carti here to stay. Expand
  15. Feb 17, 2022
    eu te amo carti eu te amo estetica muito foda eu te amo carti te amo porraaaa
  16. Feb 14, 2022
    I haven't really connect with this album the first time I listened to it. However for some reason I kept coming back to it regularly each time liking it more and more. It really grows on you with time I would even say that it's addictive. What I love about this project now? great punk energy, simple but really good harsh hypnotic beats, catchy hooks, satanic or even vampire likeI haven't really connect with this album the first time I listened to it. However for some reason I kept coming back to it regularly each time liking it more and more. It really grows on you with time I would even say that it's addictive. What I love about this project now? great punk energy, simple but really good harsh hypnotic beats, catchy hooks, satanic or even vampire like atmosphere. Pure expression of emotions and first and foremost fantastic vocals experimentation by Carti. It has so much character. It has some skips and its not the type of album where you really get into the lyrics but it is absolutly great for what it is. Expand
  17. Feb 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is absolutely groundbreaking it has to be the GOAT!!!!!! I heard lyrics like "Put my glasses on, I can't see you b!tch!" and I was freaking out bro!!!! when I heard "I take my shirt off and all the hoes stop breathing"I stopped breathing and blasted my monitor!!!! Carti is da GO@T Expand
  18. Feb 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Expand
  19. Feb 11, 2022
    The anticipated third album by the weird trap saviour playboi carti thought years due from it's original due date arrives at the perfect time. Fueled with divisive punk, rock,electronic experimentation he pushes the boundaries. The "Yeezus" parallels enhance it's impact. The sequencing is stellar whilst the production deserves an album on it's own. The abstract and repetitive lyrics(nvr inThe anticipated third album by the weird trap saviour playboi carti thought years due from it's original due date arrives at the perfect time. Fueled with divisive punk, rock,electronic experimentation he pushes the boundaries. The "Yeezus" parallels enhance it's impact. The sequencing is stellar whilst the production deserves an album on it's own. The abstract and repetitive lyrics(nvr in a boring sense)keep this billboard 200 no.1 album ahead of anything in the game. This is a masterpiece. Favourites:punk monk,stop breathing,f33l lik3 dying,vamp theme Expand
  20. Jan 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. When you feel like this cant nobody tell you ****

    Ghhhgghhhhgf GMC bhhhgghhhhghhhbbbb
  21. Jan 9, 2022
    high on energy and filled with bangers, this albums biggest flaw is that it felt like a compilation of songs where some just felt unnecessary.

    best tracks: Sky and Stop Breathing
    worst track: Not Playing or Go2DaMoon ft. Kanye West

    rating: 7.7
  22. Jan 8, 2022
    Away of his time. With a cyberpunkish vibe this album is such a masterpiece.
  23. Jan 5, 2022
    While I was listening this album for the first time I didn't like it at all but I gave it a chance and now it is my favorite album. Weird but true.
  24. Nov 30, 2021
    I have never heard anything like it before. You can say it's one of a kind.
  25. Nov 27, 2021
    Genuinely amazing album meshing together Hip Hop and alternative elements while keeping an original high energy feel up until tracks like Over and Feel Like Dyin come on where Carti gives a more reserved theme about certain emotions. Production does not disappoint at any time F1thy, Ye, Ojivolta and Pierre matched Cartis energy on all these tracks with some of the best most unique TrapGenuinely amazing album meshing together Hip Hop and alternative elements while keeping an original high energy feel up until tracks like Over and Feel Like Dyin come on where Carti gives a more reserved theme about certain emotions. Production does not disappoint at any time F1thy, Ye, Ojivolta and Pierre matched Cartis energy on all these tracks with some of the best most unique Trap beats i’ve ever heard. This album was made to preform so i also recommend seeing a video of the King Vamp Tour. Expand
  26. Nov 24, 2021
    This whole album is on different level from all the past rap albums it's experimental of punk rock and trap. Playboi Carti's baby voice like instrumental in this. One of the best rap albums so far in the rap history
  27. Nov 18, 2021
    My life changed after listening to WLR. My wife got pregnant and I had two beautiful kids that I named after WLR songs. When Lord Carti said "I take my shirt off and all the hoes stop breathing" I started crying immediately. Otherwise, when he said " When the sun goes down, yeah it's time to creep" I suddenly got horny and blasted cum all over my dining table. The production by Kanye WestMy life changed after listening to WLR. My wife got pregnant and I had two beautiful kids that I named after WLR songs. When Lord Carti said "I take my shirt off and all the hoes stop breathing" I started crying immediately. Otherwise, when he said " When the sun goes down, yeah it's time to creep" I suddenly got horny and blasted cum all over my dining table. The production by Kanye West is incredible, Carti's vocals are angelic, and pretty much everything on this album is a 10. If I had to make the last wish in my life, it would be 4-hour sex with Lord Carti. I love this man. 10/10 Expand
  28. Oct 27, 2021
    Amazing album. One of the best albums in 2020. Like the vamp-punk atmosphere
  29. Oct 13, 2021
    SLATT*¬!! WE BEEN ON OPIUM FOR THE LAST 10 DAYS, better then Polo "The Piano Merchant" Gs whole existence imo
  30. Sep 29, 2021
    A punk-rap classic. Wlr is a certified masterpiece that every human being must listen to it before they die.
  31. Sep 26, 2021
    Hated this at first but it grew on me, I like every track and the production is otherworldly. Highly recommended.
  32. Sep 18, 2021
    this is literally the best work of art ever made carti does not have a single miss in the album
    PD: Free Lil Tip
  33. Sep 13, 2021
    Incredibly innovative and grows on you heavily.

    Without a doubt, this is Carti's "Yeezus" and is the best album in his discography.
  34. Sep 4, 2021
    Absolutely incredible.
    Innovative and amazing.
    This album shaped my life.
    Vamp Carti +-+
  35. Sep 3, 2021
    Carti is up there with Pluto and Thugger in terms of being an legend within the trap genre. No trap album other than Barter 6 and DS2 has been this influential and sonically perfect. Was the best album of 2020 - not exaggerating
  36. Sep 3, 2021
    One of the best albums of 2020 and could be one of the most influential albums like 808s and heartbreaks.
  37. Sep 3, 2021
    Innovative and unlike anything in modern-day rap, and a ridiculously GOOD listen.
  38. Sep 2, 2021
  39. Jul 31, 2021
    cArti*- loVe _CarTi#* caRTi^c*aRti"wHenC^arT#i+iS=cARTi**&cArtI-_lOvE*iGgY#*
  40. Jul 22, 2021
    My personal favorite Carti album, definitely over self titled and just ahead of Die Lit. Some of the Highlights include Teen X, Vamp Anthem, On That Time, Sky, and Over. On first listen, these tracks may not stick out, and it may blend together. Stick with it, give it a second, third listen, taking some time in between. This one needed to marinate for me, and it likely will for you too.My personal favorite Carti album, definitely over self titled and just ahead of Die Lit. Some of the Highlights include Teen X, Vamp Anthem, On That Time, Sky, and Over. On first listen, these tracks may not stick out, and it may blend together. Stick with it, give it a second, third listen, taking some time in between. This one needed to marinate for me, and it likely will for you too. However, the further removed from Christmas, the more I've grown to enjoy this album. also shoutout ye Expand
  41. Jul 22, 2021
    Carti's ambition and charm on this record is unrivaled; I honestly can't think of a more pure, unadulterated exhibition of confidence on an album in the history of music.
  42. Jul 11, 2021
    The first time i listened to this album i was really disappointed, but after a few months of easing up to the album i decided to take a second listen and it actually wasn't as bad as i remembered it being. looking back, the hate this album got was really unwarranted. Pretty good album overall, but not as good as Die Lit.

  43. Jun 25, 2021
    Playboi Carti has demonstrated once again he is capable of genre-breaking music. Backed up by a different variety of beats to what we are used to, he sets himself apart and independent to his co-worker Pierre Bourne.
  44. May 25, 2021
    the energy in this album is amazing and authentic. the replayability is the best in carti album. if you're a teenager, or in your early 20's, this album will help you be more comfortable with being yourself. this is the best punk trap record out there.
  45. May 5, 2021
    Carti’s evolution as an artist is more evident on this album than on any of his previous work. The production from F1lthy provides the punk aesthetic for the album with his HARD hitting, high energy, noisy beats which Carti compliments better than you could ask anybody to. Whole Lotta Red is a turning point for the landscape of hip hop and the ripples being cast from this album will beCarti’s evolution as an artist is more evident on this album than on any of his previous work. The production from F1lthy provides the punk aesthetic for the album with his HARD hitting, high energy, noisy beats which Carti compliments better than you could ask anybody to. Whole Lotta Red is a turning point for the landscape of hip hop and the ripples being cast from this album will be felt for years to come. Expand
  46. Apr 4, 2021
    Whole lotta red is an experimental project to say the least. Most of his eerie punk-rap experimentation works in this case, creating a unique and unexpected vibe for Carti. Despite its flaws, (weird mixing, some bad vocal inflexions,) the majority of these tracks can be quite enjoyable.

    Best tracks- Stop Breathing, New Tank, Sky, Vamp Anthem, Beno!, Slay3r, Rockstar Made, Teen X. Worst
    Whole lotta red is an experimental project to say the least. Most of his eerie punk-rap experimentation works in this case, creating a unique and unexpected vibe for Carti. Despite its flaws, (weird mixing, some bad vocal inflexions,) the majority of these tracks can be quite enjoyable.

    Best tracks- Stop Breathing, New Tank, Sky, Vamp Anthem, Beno!, Slay3r, Rockstar Made, Teen X.

    Worst Tracks, No Sl33p, JumpOutTheHouse, Control.
  47. Feb 24, 2021
    Against the grain bangers, too long and rushed 7/10
    Against the grain bangers, too long and rushed 7/10
    Against the grain bangers, too long and rushed 7/10
  48. Jan 21, 2021
    this is easy the best album of 2020 people say they were dissatisfied are also the same people who would leak the songs so be happy and glad that he still popped off when y’all took away the best track list of all time from the goat
  49. Jan 17, 2021
    this album is amazing, the first part is wildly experimental and full of bangers and the second half is full of die lit style carti vibes. I personally wanted more of the experimental tracks but this was great anyways. I recommend everyone who didn’t like this to listen again because it really grows on you every time you listen. My favorite track is definitely the 3rd because of thethis album is amazing, the first part is wildly experimental and full of bangers and the second half is full of die lit style carti vibes. I personally wanted more of the experimental tracks but this was great anyways. I recommend everyone who didn’t like this to listen again because it really grows on you every time you listen. My favorite track is definitely the 3rd because of the energy, the wild adlibs and flows he delivers. Expand
  50. Jan 15, 2021
    Carti has progressed his sound since his last single, @meh. Long gone are the days of his baby voice, with light, fun, bouncy beats. Carti has leaned into a punk sound, making his music harsh and gritty, pushing himself vocally, straining often. It is polarizing on your first listen. However, It is still very good. He has managed to keep the infectious nature of his rapping style, heavy onCarti has progressed his sound since his last single, @meh. Long gone are the days of his baby voice, with light, fun, bouncy beats. Carti has leaned into a punk sound, making his music harsh and gritty, pushing himself vocally, straining often. It is polarizing on your first listen. However, It is still very good. He has managed to keep the infectious nature of his rapping style, heavy on its repetitive lines, with less than previous work but still, full of adlibs. His use of features is much more conservative, with special appearances from Future, Kid Cudi and Kanye, the executive producer. It's mixing is odd at first, but it really gives a darker atmosphere, sounding very underground as if it wasn't highly produced commercial project adding to its authenticity. its mixing is more like a UK drill song than anything resembling his previous works. My only real complaint is that a lot of the songs are too short, reducing each songs impact. On the whole, a very solid, innovative album. If you didn't enjoy it on your first listen, I implore you to go back and try it again. And if you wanted more of a Die Lit 2, maybe you shouldn't have leaked all of it and you would have got that. Expand
  51. Jan 9, 2021
    Overhyped but overhated. I mess with the beats, and I mess w the overall sound of the album. I also like how Carti is saying more than his previous works on some of these songs. Overall good to great album.
  52. Jan 9, 2021
    WLR was a huge disappointment to me after first listen. However, the album quickly began to grow on me with time, as good music tends to do. In this album, Carti is pushing the limits of everything he's done in music before. The beats are blown out and pixelated, like an old Atari machine that got addicted to meth. The album is undeniably punk, experimental, and I love it. He doesn't hitWLR was a huge disappointment to me after first listen. However, the album quickly began to grow on me with time, as good music tends to do. In this album, Carti is pushing the limits of everything he's done in music before. The beats are blown out and pixelated, like an old Atari machine that got addicted to meth. The album is undeniably punk, experimental, and I love it. He doesn't hit on every song, which is why I can't give this a 10/10. Batting .750 ain't bad though and Carti easily has more hits than misses. Expand
  53. Jan 8, 2021
    One of the most hyped and hugely over-hated albums to come out recently, but this album is great. Carti really evolved his sound in a good direction which is dark, aggressive and hypnotic at some points. Carti returns to his old sounds on some songs which are probably my least favorite songs on the album. Hopefully Carti continues to evolve past this sound but with all the hate he may justOne of the most hyped and hugely over-hated albums to come out recently, but this album is great. Carti really evolved his sound in a good direction which is dark, aggressive and hypnotic at some points. Carti returns to his old sounds on some songs which are probably my least favorite songs on the album. Hopefully Carti continues to evolve past this sound but with all the hate he may just return to his Die Lit Days. Best songs are "Slay3r", "Rockstar Made", "New Tank", "Punk Monk", "Vamp Anthem", and "F33l Lik3 Dyin". Expand
  54. Jan 7, 2021
    First and foremost I would like to stress that Whole Lotta Red was not made to appeal to the mainstream rap audience. This is an album in which Carti pushes the boundaries of the trap genre and builds on his already unique style by drawing inspiration from hyperpop, punk and the 'trap metal' scene. If you are looking for some different, boundary pushing and forward-thinking trap music,First and foremost I would like to stress that Whole Lotta Red was not made to appeal to the mainstream rap audience. This is an album in which Carti pushes the boundaries of the trap genre and builds on his already unique style by drawing inspiration from hyperpop, punk and the 'trap metal' scene. If you are looking for some different, boundary pushing and forward-thinking trap music, this album will interest you.

    Carti essentially delivers a mix of three 'aesthetics' on this album. One is the repetitive and hypnotic style of 'Die Lit' that we have grown accustomed to. This is more prevalent on the latter half of the album, which I think plays it safer and experiments less than the first half. Tracks that come to mind are New N3on, Place, Over and ILoveUIHateU, all of which are great. The next aesthetic that Carti brings is an aggressive, screamed style of vocals over abrasive beats. These moments remind me of the works of artists such as Zillakami, City Morgue, and Scarlxrd; 'trap metal' as it has come to be known over the past few years. Carti executes this very well on tracks such as Rockstar Made and Stop Breathing. The third aesthetic draws influence from hyperpop and PC music on tracks such as Slay3r, Teen X and Control. These three elements are often melded together throughout the album, such as on the track JumpOutTheHouse, on which Carti takes his Die Lit formula, but elevates it to a trap metal banger by putting it over an abrasive beat and rapping in a half-scream half-whispering voice. Such fusions of styles make for a varied but surprisingly cohesive experience.

    One of the greatest strengths of Whole Lotta Red is Carti's voice. Over the past few years, Carti's baby voice has become iconic. Tracks such as 'Flatbed Freestyle' and 'Pissy Pamper' were major artistic milestones for Carti. On Whole Lotta Red, Carti experiments with not only the baby voice, but with a variety of different kinds of vocal inflections. Carti has one of, if not the most unique and creative voices in the rap game right now. Whether he be screaming on JumpOutTheHouse or autocrooning on Control, his voice consistently compliments the aesthetics of the album and elevates the quality of the songs. He is significantly more expressive and creative than he was on Die Lit. Some of the vocal inflections remind me of Young Thug, such as on the track Stop Breathing which at points is reminiscent of 'Harambe' from Jeffery. I just love the heck out of Carti's voice on this album, and cannot praise it enough.

    WLR takes a very different approach to mixing than Carti's previous projects. The appeal of Die Lit is rooted in its simplicity and hypnotic qualities. It is an album where Carti's vocals meld with the beat. WLR is the complete opposite in this regard because Carti's vocals are so standout e.g. on "Rockstar Made". This is because Carti is taking inspiration from rock music. I personally love this aspect of WLR, but I understand if it is a negative for some people. As always, it comes down to personal taste.

    One flaw that I would point out is that the tracklist is a bit bloated, with some tracks not hitting as hard and feeling like filler e.g Meh. I think that M3tamorphosis is a tad bit too long. I would have liked it better if it was 3 or 4 minutes. Also, there is a pause at the beginning of Place and a 40 second sample of DJ akademics voice at the beginning of Control. These moments kind of ruin the flow of the album, but again, they are minor issues for me.

    Overall, Whole Lotta Red manages to be boundary-pushing, genre-blending, experimental, and eclectic while also being quite accessible. It is my favourite Carti project to date.
  55. Jan 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Carti combines a Punk aesthetic with his usual catchy hooks and ad-libs, this time round with consistently flawless production behind him and more bars than we’ve ever seen from Carti. Absolutely amazing. Expand
  56. Jan 6, 2021
    A statement album with colorful layered and dynamic beats that are candy for the ears. The energy is so high that moshpits are inevitable if played at concerts. The anticipation leading up to its release was well acquainted for and giving a 10/10 is an understatement.
  57. Jan 6, 2021
    Best album of 2020, I'm thinking maybe the best of Carti's as well. It's too soon to tell.
  58. Jan 6, 2021
    This album is innovative! Satanic... somewhat... but innovative, and that’s exactly what Carti has been making: innovative trap music. This album will take some getting used to, and possibly won’t be as impactful as Die Lit, but this, in a way, is Carti’s Yeezus. And just like Yeezus, it grew on fans over time.
  59. Jan 5, 2021
    This a decent project, it could be better but it's actually good, maybe the people that listen to this album, don't like the album because it doesn't have the classic leaks of carti.
  60. Jan 5, 2021
    Carti in his bag on this one. Elegant production and sharp vocals. Worth the wait
  61. Jan 5, 2021
    Ignore the hate this album deserves, but also keep in mind it’s not perfect. What Carti does here is the same thing that Uzi does with Eternal Atake (but not as good as that album obviously). He projects this album to have a different theme and sound from all the other previous projects that he’s released. Dracula/Nosferatu theme and style with the beats of Vamp Anthem and Go2DaMoon makeIgnore the hate this album deserves, but also keep in mind it’s not perfect. What Carti does here is the same thing that Uzi does with Eternal Atake (but not as good as that album obviously). He projects this album to have a different theme and sound from all the other previous projects that he’s released. Dracula/Nosferatu theme and style with the beats of Vamp Anthem and Go2DaMoon make this record unique in many ways, however, there are definitely some songs that won’t digest well for others. Still, I give this a must listen because not only are people trashing on it for not being what they want, but there are also some really good hidden gems on this album that people have gotta listen to again to really feel the vibe!! Expand
  62. Jan 5, 2021
    Mind blowingly hard. Like trap trimmed of all its a fat; just a leaner, tastier meal.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. The Wire
    Apr 6, 2021
    Carti’s voice here sounds rough and occasionally hoarse. His famed knack for repeating phrases ad infinitum seems to lead into cul-de-sacs, and the rumbling PC beats don’t float as easily as his earlier work. But there’s plenty to appreciate on Whole Lotta Red. [Feb 2021, p.61]
  2. Jan 19, 2021
    While losing some of the pop appeal of his previous work, Whole Lotta Red represents Playboi Carti coming into a new phase of his artistry, however jagged and disorienting the process may be.
  3. Jan 11, 2021
    Whole Lotta Red is a demonstration of Carti's commitment to dynamic growth and experimentation. However, it's painfully apparent that Carti needs more features (his divine harmony with Pi'erre Bourne shines on their single collaboration "ILoveUIHateU").