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Generally favorable reviews- based on 241 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 36 out of 241
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  1. Jan 12, 2023
    I know a lot of people love this album, which I do not intend on taking away from them. I thought it was very meh and boring, however there are still some cool highlights on here. A couple of the features are amazing, but the album as a whole and especially Playboi Carti's performance is extremely underwhelming. My favorite songs are Go2DaMoon, M3tamorphosis and Control.

    I changed my
    I know a lot of people love this album, which I do not intend on taking away from them. I thought it was very meh and boring, however there are still some cool highlights on here. A couple of the features are amazing, but the album as a whole and especially Playboi Carti's performance is extremely underwhelming. My favorite songs are Go2DaMoon, M3tamorphosis and Control.

    I changed my mind. It's a 5 out of 10. My favorite songs are Rockstar Made, Go2DaMoon, Stop Breathing, M3tamorphosis, Control, Feel Like Dyin.
  2. Apr 15, 2022
    Playboi Carti 3º album , was not that much of enjoyable.
    Mostly consists of hype music.
    I would say half of the album are decent tracks.
    But there are others that...... Not good at all.

    This review can have some English grammatically mistakes , because English is not my first language.
  3. Jan 7, 2022
    I have to give respect to Carti and his team for experimenting and creating a different sound. There are also some great tracks on here like iLoveUiHateU, Sky, Over, On That Time, Place, On That Time, and M3tamorphosis, but there is no denying the amount of questionable tracks on this record (Jumpoutthehouse, No Sl33p, Die4Guy, F33L Like Dyin, King Vamp in particular). Songs likeI have to give respect to Carti and his team for experimenting and creating a different sound. There are also some great tracks on here like iLoveUiHateU, Sky, Over, On That Time, Place, On That Time, and M3tamorphosis, but there is no denying the amount of questionable tracks on this record (Jumpoutthehouse, No Sl33p, Die4Guy, F33L Like Dyin, King Vamp in particular). Songs like Jumpoutthehouse especially are unbearable and are obnoxious in their minimalism and unbroken, mindless repetition. By and large it feels like the true quality of this record is somewhere in the middle; it's certainly not "trash" but it's also not a classic like some Carti fans are saying. It's a decent effort that tends to be a mixed bag that contains the whole spectrum of bad, decent, and great material. The sound they made here is respectable and lends credit to the album's power; but it is no doubt held down by some flaws like questionable songwriting, bloated tracklist, and unfocused material. Expand
  4. Dec 28, 2021
    Carti is diving headfirst in this surreal world filled with heavy metal bands with trap vampires replacing the long-beards. It's catchy and massive at times, but also stretched out. Bring it back to the studio, cut down half the album, and we have a perfect one.
  5. Dec 3, 2021
    its just so good from release day to noe i cant believe that its almost been a year since this dropped
  6. Jun 6, 2021
    Pretty mid album.
    Too long, boring, lyrics are not understandable, most of the songs are skips and we waited 2 years for this.
    Absolutely mid album.
  7. Apr 2, 2021
    Was very excited about a new Carti album but this was just not it. I was expecting an album similar to Die Lit but that's not what we got. I think a lot of the opening tracks are decent but the features from Kanye and Kid Cudi. When it gets to the second half and it's just him the album dies so quickly. Hopefully we can get an album just as good or better than Die Lit but for now we'llWas very excited about a new Carti album but this was just not it. I was expecting an album similar to Die Lit but that's not what we got. I think a lot of the opening tracks are decent but the features from Kanye and Kid Cudi. When it gets to the second half and it's just him the album dies so quickly. Hopefully we can get an album just as good or better than Die Lit but for now we'll have to have this very mediocre album. Expand
  8. Mar 2, 2021
    For Carti, this is ok. But it’s meh. Some songs are bland, some are boring, some are both and some are alright. That’s it, that’s the review.
  9. Jan 10, 2021
    I don’t know what was he thinking in the studio but this just shows as a result some songs without any type of uniqueness. It’s a mediocre album and a downfall compared to his previous works.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. The Wire
    Apr 6, 2021
    Carti’s voice here sounds rough and occasionally hoarse. His famed knack for repeating phrases ad infinitum seems to lead into cul-de-sacs, and the rumbling PC beats don’t float as easily as his earlier work. But there’s plenty to appreciate on Whole Lotta Red. [Feb 2021, p.61]
  2. Jan 19, 2021
    While losing some of the pop appeal of his previous work, Whole Lotta Red represents Playboi Carti coming into a new phase of his artistry, however jagged and disorienting the process may be.
  3. Jan 11, 2021
    Whole Lotta Red is a demonstration of Carti's commitment to dynamic growth and experimentation. However, it's painfully apparent that Carti needs more features (his divine harmony with Pi'erre Bourne shines on their single collaboration "ILoveUIHateU").