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Generally favorable reviews- based on 241 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 36 out of 241
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  1. May 18, 2022
    TERRIBLE album for guys who lean all time, nice for mattew 13 years old and skinheads
  2. Jan 19, 2022
    کص دالگت - sincerely thyed
    purest form of **** shout out to taipei story.
  3. Dec 9, 2021
    It’s amazing this album has been given album of the year by the Washington Post. Truly one of the worst albums i’ve ever heard. Terrible vocals, terrible beats for the most part. Only reason it’s not a zero is because some of the songs have little instrumentals that sound good but they get old quickly. Everyone says it aged well, i heavily disagree.
  4. Nov 13, 2021
    This album contains a performance with some notes and rhythms and lyrics. If you haven't heard music before you might even be deceived into thinking something about this album is good. But make no mistake. This is trash. The same twenty seconds may as well be on repeat for its duration. Everything about it is low effort, low skill, low intellect waste of the Listener's time.
  5. Nov 12, 2021
    Playboi Carti is extremely formulatic and repetitive, not in a good way though, lacks lyrical variations, production is lackluster, with irritating melodies most of the time, mixing is sometimes off, I do have to say some attempts on this album were good and Carti's voice sometimes is good.
  6. Jun 13, 2021
    these people in the comment are not valid 10/10 album of 2020 you are just not experamental if you dont like this
  7. Mar 25, 2021
    I understand what carti was trying here, but it really just didn’t work in my opinion. it just sounded too irritating, and for me it almost feels like he’s not trying. I understand people who like this album, but I don’t
  8. Feb 5, 2021
    I've never listened to an album this bad all the way through. This is on the level of Speedin Bullet to Heaven, it might actually be worse because Speedin Bullet to Heaven occasionally had little moments of good throughout it, but WLR is just 0/10 almost all the way through. The only reason I give it a 1/10 is because of the song Rockstar Made.
  9. Jan 15, 2021
    Its trash, not good, Go2DaMoon with kanye is the only good song cause Carti is barely on it
  10. Jan 12, 2021
    Very disappointed. This album should've been his "die lit"/"cash carti" style, this album was a joke of an album and I will never listen to it again. This man could've dropped any other Friday over the last 2 years and the album would be significantly better. Way to let down the true fans Carti! You should rekindle with Ethereal and Uno to make better music. Selling your soul wasVery disappointed. This album should've been his "die lit"/"cash carti" style, this album was a joke of an album and I will never listen to it again. This man could've dropped any other Friday over the last 2 years and the album would be significantly better. Way to let down the true fans Carti! You should rekindle with Ethereal and Uno to make better music. Selling your soul was definitely not worth it smfh. Expand
  11. Jan 7, 2021
    This album was pure trash. Nothing else needs to be said. Let’s make that clear as crystals.
  12. Jan 7, 2021
    Probably one of the most overhyped things I listened to Every song is just the same loop of 10 sec
    Nothing exciting there
    It could be a decent album but the whole lotta album sound like they made it in a week so bummer
  13. Jan 5, 2021
    Not much redeemable on this one from carti, beats were fun and good usually but lyrics rhyme style don't click for me. On top of that the mix is AWFUL i can barely hear carti at all in the first half of the album
  14. Jan 5, 2021
    I mean no. It's definitely a hard no. No inspiration, no substance. Sad excuse for an album.
  15. Jan 5, 2021
    Uninspired project, generic music and washed out lyrics - i didn't enjoy it at all.
  16. Jan 5, 2021
    Uninspired project, generic music and washed out lyrics - i didn't enjoy it at all.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. The Wire
    Apr 6, 2021
    Carti’s voice here sounds rough and occasionally hoarse. His famed knack for repeating phrases ad infinitum seems to lead into cul-de-sacs, and the rumbling PC beats don’t float as easily as his earlier work. But there’s plenty to appreciate on Whole Lotta Red. [Feb 2021, p.61]
  2. Jan 19, 2021
    While losing some of the pop appeal of his previous work, Whole Lotta Red represents Playboi Carti coming into a new phase of his artistry, however jagged and disorienting the process may be.
  3. Jan 11, 2021
    Whole Lotta Red is a demonstration of Carti's commitment to dynamic growth and experimentation. However, it's painfully apparent that Carti needs more features (his divine harmony with Pi'erre Bourne shines on their single collaboration "ILoveUIHateU").