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Universal acclaim- based on 97 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 80 out of 97
  2. Negative: 12 out of 97

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  1. DannyH.
    Oct 8, 2001
    i give this album a 10 because i like nelly's music and i love her cd!! she's a great women and i hope that she kan make a lot of cd's!!! nelly success with your sing career!!! greetings and kisses ..... me!
  2. DannyH.
    Oct 8, 2001
    i give this album a 10 because i like nelly's music and i love her cd!! she's a great women and i hope that she kan make a lot of cd's!!! nelly success with your sing career!!! greetings and kisses ..... me!
  3. AshanthiR.
    Aug 6, 2001
    I Love Nelly
  4. SofiaL.
    May 6, 2002
    I think this is the HOTTEST album in a very long time. She has a awesome voice and I lov the beats to her songs.
  5. zigiz007
    Mar 17, 2007
    great album
  6. Elly
    Nov 8, 2009
    One of the best albums of the new millennium. A few months after buying it I fought the special edition for almost thirty bucks and it was worth every penny. This is one of those rare albums that i keep listening to even though I've fad it for years and years. She's a super talented songwriter, and has a unique writing style which is stream-of-consciousness so she is always One of the best albums of the new millennium. A few months after buying it I fought the special edition for almost thirty bucks and it was worth every penny. This is one of those rare albums that i keep listening to even though I've fad it for years and years. She's a super talented songwriter, and has a unique writing style which is stream-of-consciousness so she is always singing in unexpected ways and there a lot of over- lapping vocals . I love her voice which is so unique, but throughout the cd she plays around with her voice going from nasally (which instead of making her sound like an inexperienced singer whose voice has not yet matured, sounds playful) to using her head voice quite expertly ( #&!* On The Radio) and singing those bigger notes (Hey Man!,) and even rapping or flowing (I will make You Cry, Legend, Trynna Find A Way) and she manages to sound like completely different when she harmonizes and sings the backup vocals. I love how she mixes musical genres and makes it work without sounding like it was too overdone. I recommend it if you like adventurous music, pop that is mixed with bossa nova, R&B, Trip-hop, samba, fado, folk, great lyrics. Get out there and get it! It's not too late!! Expand
  7. KristaS.
    Dec 31, 2001
    Nelly is fantastic! not only does she have a unique singing voice but she have very creative writing skills. You go girl!!
  8. WolfT.
    Oct 25, 2001
    What can I say?? It's just fuckin' awesome!!!! The best album in many years because of its rich music content.
  9. JorgeV.
    Jan 8, 2002
    Its the best album of the year
  10. OrlaA.
    Jun 20, 2002
    One Word : AWESOME! I wish there were more Nelly Furtados in the world. She is the best artist out today, no doubt about it.
  11. LawrenceP
    Jul 16, 2004
    I'm sorry BABY ANGEL MARTINEZ that this cd is not up to Miss/Mrs Spears high quality. Fuc......
  12. CarlisleH.
    Apr 14, 2001
    Truly one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. I cannot believe that something this good is a debut. I really believe that Nelly has alot of potential. I cannot wait to see that happens next.
  13. GabrielleB,
    Jul 16, 2001
    I love this CD! In fact... I love Nelly Furtado! Her music is FABULOUS! It is so different from today's bubblegum pop shit! I wish there were more artists showing their true expressions as she does in her album.... It brings joy to me every time I turn on my CD player... it really does....
  14. ZsoltB
    Mar 31, 2007
    It's such a creative and colourful album.
  15. Nov 24, 2021
    I love Nelly Furtado's voice and charisma, her songs and lyrics are so great
  16. Nov 25, 2021
    I'm Like a Bird is one of my favorite songs ever, Nelly Furtado's debut is amazing!
  17. Nov 25, 2021
    Perfect album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. May 23, 2011
    Hopscotching consistently between pop genius and Bjork-esque outlandishness, this is a pop gem you'll be dying to hear all over again. It's a shame she had to grow from it musically.
  19. Sep 17, 2012
    One of the best albums of that time. Insanely creative, inspirational, fresh and brave. The spirit that Furtado once had, lost quickly and never got back again. A must have, a must listen.
  20. Jan 13, 2019
    This album still sounds so fresh and cool to this day. The production is so daring.
  21. May 10, 2022
    A sonoridade e os versos bilíngues soaram perfeitos. Quando a nelly mistura o português com inglês na música uau. On the radio foi a maior canetada desse álbum
  22. Oct 12, 2022
    I gave this a 6 because some songs are just something else.. I can’t explain like the song baby girl likes what’s going on with the production
  23. BabyAngelMartinez
    Sep 8, 2003
    I only like one song, that's why I gave it a 1.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. 80
    Weaving fragmented elements of hip-hop, folk, and bossa nova, Whoa, Nelly! is one wildly entertaining multicultural jam.... Though her lyrics are a lot smarter than today's average pop offering, they do wear the more common clichés of hippy-chick wisdom a little too proudly at times. But that's OK: If she's got to get her cosmic ya-yas out, the first record's the place to do it.
  2. Okay, so it suffers from repetition in places and the last pair of songs are arguably disposable, but this collection shines and sparkles as an impressive debut.
  3. From that first play, it's evident that Furtado is indeed an audacious songwriter, not at all hesitant to bare her emotions, tackle winding melodies, and bend boundaries to the point that much of the record sounds like folk-pop tinged with bossa nova and backed by a production designed for TLC.