
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Among Sheik's albums this ranks among the best, showcasing his subtle skills and sense of quiet adventure in ways his sometimes fussy earlier records never did.
  2. The ethereal timbre to Brook's voice fits nicely into the world Sheik's created on Whisper House--a world that never escapes the feeling of being a soundtrack to a film or play you haven't seen, but a world that's worth visiting nonetheless.
  3. Whisper House just isn’t strong enough to hold up to his previous work. There’s no doubt that a great deal of meticulous work went into the orchestration and songwriting of the album, but the end result isn’t a coherent whole.
  4. Sounding like a hybrid of epic, Frames-like angst-rock and unabashedly earnest musical theater, Whisper House is simultaneously more satisfyingly rich in sound than Sheik’s early work and more off-puttingly story-driven.

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