• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jul 16, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Ultimately, Mayer Hawthorne has created his most complete and compelling piece of art yet, taking risks, experimenting, and looking to expand his already defined palate.
  2. Jul 15, 2013
    Wherever this door does go, it is a place that calls for boat shoes, a relaxed attitude, and a returning fan's patience.
  3. 80
    Hawthorne mines polyester grooves, crackly sample beds and rich, analog production for his vintage soul sound, and it’s a wonderfully sumptuous thing.
  4. Jul 16, 2013
    Despite dipping into hip-hop and reggae, there are footnotes to ’70s pop throughout. That doesn’t diminish the sheer pleasure of the tunes’ playful intentions, but Hawthorne’s DJ crate-digging tendencies seem to be bleeding into his songwriting.
  5. Jul 16, 2013
    For those awaiting more of Hawthorne’s soul revivalism, his new carefree mentality has also had a positive effect on the songwriter’s more straightforward soul affairs.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    Jul 16, 2013
    Hawthorne finally finds the right sonic escort for his L.A. lounge-lizard croon: Pharrell Williams. [19 Jul 2013, p.87]
  7. Jul 15, 2013
    With Where Does This Door Go, Hawthorne's falsetto-inflected voice has become more commanding, his production more intriguing and his indie-soul aspirations have morphed into mainstream ambitions.
  8. Jul 16, 2013
    Where Does This Door Go feels like a once-promising OK Cupid date that's gone off the rails.
  9. Magnet
    Aug 16, 2013
    Hawthorne's songwriting, crisply appointed arrangements and effortlessly gratifying croon feel more casually confident than ever, making This Door a third straight slam dunk. [No. 101, p.55]
  10. Jul 16, 2013
    Upon a first listen, Where Does This Door Go may be a lot to take in, as it covers a wide range of sounds and styles in its 52-minute runtime, but it also packs an immediate punch, and Hawthorne’s growth as a composer is evident by the end of the first song, making this easily his best album to date.
  11. Jul 18, 2013
    Inconsistency or complexity? Depends on how much you believe in this music as sincere self-expression versus its status as smartly crafted, artist-as-listener-proxy pop.
  12. Jul 15, 2013
    Where Does This Door Go improves over his last effort, which was already pretty good to begin with, and may go down as one of the year’s most exceptional releases. Where Does This Door Go is as refreshing as a tropical breeze, if not a good cup of joe at your favorite hangout.
  13. Jul 16, 2013
    From modest goals come modest returns.
  14. Jul 16, 2013
    For all of his apparent devotion to the genre, Hawthorne comes off somewhat soulless on Where Does This Door Go.
  15. Jul 15, 2013
    Packed with cleverly crafted production, Where Does This Door Go may be a sonic adventure, but it's not quite slick enough to challenge the current crop of R&B luminaries.
  16. 80
    Hawthorne's muse is steeped in '70s influences--notably falsetto and symphonic-soul giants like Curtis Mayfield and Barry White, while trailing threads of piercing lead guitar through songs like “Wine Glass Woman” and “Corsican Rose” bring to mind Ernie Isley's work on “Summer Breeze”.
  17. Michigan auteur Hawthorne has synthesised his influences into perfect power pop, with the help of producers including Pharrell Williams.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Oct 2, 2013
    This is my first Mayer Hawthorne album, but after several listens this is definitely better than a 73. My favorite songs are probably AllieThis is my first Mayer Hawthorne album, but after several listens this is definitely better than a 73. My favorite songs are probably Allie Jones and Back Seat Lover. Love the variety of sounds in this record. Full Review »
  2. Sep 9, 2013
    Since I recently heard this album, I had to review it because I'm really impressed with the direction Mayer Hawthorne decided to go on thisSince I recently heard this album, I had to review it because I'm really impressed with the direction Mayer Hawthorne decided to go on this album. There are so many good songs on his record but the "The Innocent", "The Only One", and "Kaila" are such good classics. "The Innocent" and "The Only One" have a seductive, playful 70's influence, they draw me in the most, musically and lyrically. "Kaila" has a cool Steely Dan vibe that I dig a lot also. Loved it! It's a must for anyone who appreciates good retro/soul music! Full Review »
  3. Jul 18, 2013
    At first listen, I didn't really like the album but after considerable deliberation, I listened again and somehow I came to like the grooves.At first listen, I didn't really like the album but after considerable deliberation, I listened again and somehow I came to like the grooves. I especially liked Crime and Allie Jones,among others. It is a great, consistent album. Go for it! Full Review »