
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Even with its flaws, When Your Heart Stops Beating possesses a surprising vulnerability, which gives the album an understated strength and makes it such an enjoyable listen.
  2. Songs like "Baby Come On" and the spooky "Little Death" show the musicians finally delivering the substance that was promised on Blink 182's self-titled 2003 release.
  3. 60
    blink-182 without the humor.
  4. Blink-182 aficionados will find plenty to enjoy here, but for those who grew wearisome of the stale pop-punk formula years ago, +44’s debut album is an unnecessary purchase.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Downbeat but still catchy, tracks like "baby come on" or the New Order-ish "155" could easily have featured on blink's bleakly impressive last CD. [17 Nov 2006, p.125]
  6. The lack of experimentation isn't necessarily a bad thing, though, and the album's finer moments come when Hoppus and Barker stick with what they know.
  7. [Many] of the songs sound like Blink castoffs.
  8. +44's first effort is an enjoyable diversion, but it's not apt to stop anyone's heart.
  9. New Musical Express (NME)
    There are more ideas here than Blink-182 had in their entire career; it's just that they're the same ideas that Jimmy Eat World had on their last LP. [11 Nov 2006, p.41]
  10. Q Magazine
    Hoppus, whose flat vocals once dovetailed deftly with Delonge's nasal whine, is sorely exposed as sole frontman. [Dec 2006, p.132]
  11. Alternative Press
    A bit flat. [Jan 2007, p.131]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 57
  2. Negative: 5 out of 57
  1. Sep 11, 2010
    The harmony in a lot of the songs is sort of sad. The use of minor chords create this atmosphere of sad ,yet catchy. a lot of these songsThe harmony in a lot of the songs is sort of sad. The use of minor chords create this atmosphere of sad ,yet catchy. a lot of these songs you'll end up singing in your car or something, but the album is missing a climax i didn't hear a song that really made me go "WOW" just kind of bland. Full Review »
  2. Nov 26, 2011
    Mark Hoppus should have taken a break during the hiatus rather start his own band, I found 2 of the songs from the album fun and amusing butMark Hoppus should have taken a break during the hiatus rather start his own band, I found 2 of the songs from the album fun and amusing but the rest is mediocre and lame, don't get me wrong Mark Hoppus songs in Blink 182 are far more superior than this entire album. Some bad decisions in choosing band members, bringing Travis along was a smart move but adding the girl was a super bad idea it made the album really annoying. Mark hoppus definitively seen better days Full Review »
  3. bob
    Dec 13, 2006
    possibly the most bland and mediocre album i have heard this year.