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  1. May 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maravilhoso, um dos melhores álbuns desse ano com toda a certeza. Espero que ela ganhe um Grammy Expand
  2. May 13, 2019
    Never liked the mental health/ substance abuse theme probably because there are no actual roots for it. Also the constant distortion effect and mumbling vocal style are so annoying that the last guitar songs even felt a bit fresh to me.
  3. May 12, 2019
    É uma ótima narrativa entrelaçada que segue um movimento contínuo e fluido de “demonios” presentes na paralisia do sono.
  4. May 9, 2019
    This is a super generic 'im edgy' pop album. The same repetitive effects are used on every song and she relies on her 'deep' lyrics to soothe the population. One or two songs are catchy, but they're not worth buying the entire album for. I really liked dont smile at me because it displayed her vocals nicely.
  5. May 1, 2019
    Last year, I thought Billie Eilish was just another tumblr kid. Back in fall 2018 I really fell in love with her EP and her singles from this album. The album finally came out at the end of March, my most anticipated album this year, and I LOVED IT! She is so cool! She reminds me of Fiona Apple but she is much more mainstream. Also love how she does lots of ballads which are becomingLast year, I thought Billie Eilish was just another tumblr kid. Back in fall 2018 I really fell in love with her EP and her singles from this album. The album finally came out at the end of March, my most anticipated album this year, and I LOVED IT! She is so cool! She reminds me of Fiona Apple but she is much more mainstream. Also love how she does lots of ballads which are becoming obsolete nowadays. I find it funny how it's always the least expected artists that make it big and resonate with the GP. She's doing really well right now. Best wishes to her! Expand
  6. Apr 26, 2019
    This is an interesting album, though a bit overrated in my opinion. I like the creepy/dark vibe of the album cover and songs like Bury a Friend and Bad Guy, but I think the album would have been much stronger if she had stuck with that sound more consistently. Instead, about half the tracks have a bit of an old-fashioned feel to them, 8 and Xanny in particular, which kind of ruins theThis is an interesting album, though a bit overrated in my opinion. I like the creepy/dark vibe of the album cover and songs like Bury a Friend and Bad Guy, but I think the album would have been much stronger if she had stuck with that sound more consistently. Instead, about half the tracks have a bit of an old-fashioned feel to them, 8 and Xanny in particular, which kind of ruins the effect. In addition, ending the album with 3 slow tracks was not a good decision, in my opinion. I think if she had chosen the best 6 or 7 tracks this could have been a pretty good EP.

    Standout tracks: When the Party's Over, My Strange Addiction, Bury a Friend
  7. Apr 25, 2019
    Vey unique album. Has a mostly dark tone with a few bright moments thrown in. Definitely one of the most creative albums in recent time. when the party's over is absolutely amazing.
  8. Apr 25, 2019
    Billie was one of the few artists that got me just on the first album. She brought such a snap of the dark but the light at the end and her sweet and soft voice of the will to listen, over and over again. This is good in an album because it does not bring fatigue and power to stop listening. Sensational.
  9. Apr 19, 2019
    I don't have words. Solid album. The production is on point. The lyrics are killer. I don't know, I love this.
  10. Apr 16, 2019
    I'm gonna be real with you. I vibe with bad guy and bury a friend. But everything else is pretty boring and not as "experiemental" or "groundbreaking" as everyone says it is.
  11. Apr 16, 2019
    As a debut album this is a great combo of music and voice, we seem to forget that Billie only has 18 years. Some of the songs are slow and do not have the vibe of the album but her voice is nothing extraordinary but it works perfectly.
  12. Apr 14, 2019
    Overall, a solid project. Love some of the slower/ darker tracks towards the end. Production is A+. No complaints.
  13. jmo
    Apr 14, 2019
    While Billie Eilish's Debut Album features snappier production, catchier hooks and a more diverse sound her major label full length album falls apart from weak lyrics and a not fully capitalized dark aesthetic. Once in a while you can find sticky, memorable and even sometimes funny lyrics like in Bad Guy where Billie mentions "Seducing Your Dad." But Most of the time Billie's lyrics relyWhile Billie Eilish's Debut Album features snappier production, catchier hooks and a more diverse sound her major label full length album falls apart from weak lyrics and a not fully capitalized dark aesthetic. Once in a while you can find sticky, memorable and even sometimes funny lyrics like in Bad Guy where Billie mentions "Seducing Your Dad." But Most of the time Billie's lyrics rely on cliches and a overtly fake deep emo persona. Despite all of these gripes i still find some of this record enjoyable. The Dark melodic and bass heavy "Bad Guy" is a great intro to the album and the albums outro "I love you" sees the most lyrical and heartfelt we've seen Billie on a track ever. Songs like this hint to the potential of Billie but tracks like the contradictory titled "All Good Girls go to Hell" is just what annoys me about Billie. Her fake deep persona and cliches are all on display on this track and shows just what critics and fans dislike about Billie's music. Deeper into the tracklist we find more oddball tracks like 8 where Billie sounds like she is literally 8. The Effects put onto this track don't enhance the vibe or have any deeper meaning. Even Ignoring the vocal effects the production on this track is meh and Billie's lyrics don't change my opinion on this track. Overall Billie's Debut album has a few killer tracks but more is hinting at her potential as a young figure in pop music. If you're a Billie Fan this album will be right up your alley but for any hater this album will surely not change your opinion on Billie's music.

    Favorite Tracks: Bad Guy, Listen Before I Go, I love you, ilomilo, wish you were gay
    Worst Tracks: All Good Girls Go to Hell, 8

    Overall: 6/10
  14. Apr 13, 2019
    This album is very well produced. The moody beats, the whispering vocals, the themes covered, the different genres. Perfection. A solid 10/10 to me. It was definitely worth the wait. My top 3 songs at the moment are ‘bad guy’, ‘all good girls go to hell’ and ‘ilomilo’. Billie Eilish gave us what we needed in a debut album. This is the start to a big pop revolution that no one is ready for.This album is very well produced. The moody beats, the whispering vocals, the themes covered, the different genres. Perfection. A solid 10/10 to me. It was definitely worth the wait. My top 3 songs at the moment are ‘bad guy’, ‘all good girls go to hell’ and ‘ilomilo’. Billie Eilish gave us what we needed in a debut album. This is the start to a big pop revolution that no one is ready for.
  15. Apr 12, 2019
    the start of the album is not very good, but from 'bury a friend' it's too good.
  16. Apr 10, 2019
    The intention is clear, as creepy and hysterical sounds are forcefully put with soft music, that Billie and her brother are just trying to copy Lana Del Rey or Melanie Martinez because they think it would be a good formula to gain success in alternative. The ghosty look of the album cover and all non-capital song titles also prove how bad Billie is trying to look artistic and cool. To me,The intention is clear, as creepy and hysterical sounds are forcefully put with soft music, that Billie and her brother are just trying to copy Lana Del Rey or Melanie Martinez because they think it would be a good formula to gain success in alternative. The ghosty look of the album cover and all non-capital song titles also prove how bad Billie is trying to look artistic and cool. To me, it just sounds like dead and lifeless music stiffly stay in the same pattern for the whole album. The music is the same old sad slow song, with low volume and high pitch, but really doesn't offer good melodies and aesthetic values. Unlike Lorde and Lana Del Rey, who people compare her with, Ellie is a rip off version who doesn't know how to write songs with passion nor meaningful lyrics. Expand
  17. Apr 9, 2019
    sometimes billie says weird things for a 17 yo but the production on this record slaps
  18. Apr 9, 2019
    Billie expresses in a clear and beautiful manner her dark and vibrant genius. The combination between FINNEAS stunning production and Billie’s angelic voice makes out of this debut album a total beauty with so many pleasing songs
  19. Apr 8, 2019
    The cartoonish undertone turn Billie’s inescapable mental hurt into a silly haunted maze with funnel cake waiting on the other side. She isn’t the victim of some elusive villain playing her sadness, she is the villain, she has control, she has an exit. Unlike most Pop artists coming off an Ep of accessible hits, it’s quite impressive to find Billie presenting a cohesive sound palette thatThe cartoonish undertone turn Billie’s inescapable mental hurt into a silly haunted maze with funnel cake waiting on the other side. She isn’t the victim of some elusive villain playing her sadness, she is the villain, she has control, she has an exit. Unlike most Pop artists coming off an Ep of accessible hits, it’s quite impressive to find Billie presenting a cohesive sound palette that still carries great replay value. Expand
  20. Apr 7, 2019
    Dark, creepy, and captivating. Great first album from Billie! Favourite songs from the record are 'bury a friend', 'bad guy' and 'my strange addiction'.
  21. Apr 6, 2019
    Billie's album is a not exactly a surprise, but it definitely passes certain standards many modern singers don't pass. She dives deep into her emotions with every song seeming creatively influenced. The quality is fine to my personal opinion, the vocals aren't challenging but unique, and the lyrics help create beauty in every song. I fell in love with how her ability creates a pretty damnBillie's album is a not exactly a surprise, but it definitely passes certain standards many modern singers don't pass. She dives deep into her emotions with every song seeming creatively influenced. The quality is fine to my personal opinion, the vocals aren't challenging but unique, and the lyrics help create beauty in every song. I fell in love with how her ability creates a pretty damn good storyline. Her songs are also really strange, but that good strange. For example, Xanny's loud vibrations warp her voice in such a way where the sound becomes my strange addiction (ha get it.)

    If you will not listen to the whole album, I recommend listening to "Xanny," "i love you," "wish you were gay", and "all the good girls go to hell". "my strange addiction," "listen before you go," and "you should see me in a crown," were all very good. "8," "ilomilo," and "bury a friend," we're all okay. "bad guy" was the only song I could describe as talking. Then there was "!!!!!!!" which wasn't a song, and "goodbye," which was a mix of all songs, that made a beautiful bop.

    No songs can be described as bad, they all have their weak sides. I think you need to be in the right mood to fully feel the feels, otherwise, it may not be a monumentally amazing piece. Together the imperfections make the album perfect.
  22. Apr 6, 2019
    The key words are 17 years old... SHE'S 17! at that age, being able to come up with such a complete album, it's says a lot on what is coming in the following years from Billie. Almost every songs give me chills every single time i listen to them. Yes, i consider myself as a fan, but i was scared that her album would go 5 directions For all those reasons, i give it a 9/10.
  23. Apr 4, 2019
    Absolutely love her album. I think it's refreshing in an era filled with monochrome pop beats and chords. It really strikes the hearts of teenagers, singing about problems that many others are afraid to touch. Pure, simple, yet genius.
  24. Apr 3, 2019
    perfeito! o hype para esse album estava enorme, e a billie cumpriu seu papel, trouxe letras e uma produção impecável, álbum bastante coeso e um ótimo debut!
  25. Apr 3, 2019
    Billie wears her abominable behavior proudly on her sleeve, with creeping vocalizer effects and brooding bass. Perhaps it would work if her rise to fame was more organic. It's hard not to hear the boardroom of old, white executives at Interscope snickering as they unleash this cacophony onto the masses. Maybe it's time they stop trying to give youth culture a hellish ethos and just retire already.
  26. Apr 2, 2019
    I started this adventure out by hearing “Bury A Friend” on the radio and being utterly blown away. I got on the internet to find out who the artist was only to find that this “Billie Eilish” character is so,etching of a “thing” right now and I had no idea. I immediately sought out the record and within just a few tracks had determined that I was listening to a new classic along the linesI started this adventure out by hearing “Bury A Friend” on the radio and being utterly blown away. I got on the internet to find out who the artist was only to find that this “Billie Eilish” character is so,etching of a “thing” right now and I had no idea. I immediately sought out the record and within just a few tracks had determined that I was listening to a new classic along the lines of Garbage 2.0 or Fiona Apple’s Tidal. But as the album wore on I found myself being less excited with Billy’s flat vocal performance over the course of the album. I enjoy her style, but it seems identical in a[roach on every single track. The manic, textured, screeching and thumping production cannot cover what feels like an uninspired vocal approach. Vary the energy, vary the volume, change the key or vary the mic placement. Do SOMEthing to mix it up, the end result is that the strongest songs like Bury A Friend are made weaker by how similar they sound to any other song on the album.

    Still 9/10. Just not as instant a classic as I was hoping for.
  27. Apr 2, 2019
    I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this album as much as I do. "Xanny" legitimately gives me an Aladdin Sane/Mike Garson vibe with the glammy piano and smoky vocals, and that's high praise indeed coming from someone who stans Bowie! "When the Party's Over" reminds me a bit of Fiona Apple and Banks, all powerful, stirring vocals paired with striking lyrics. "Bad Guy" smacks—in the words ofI really wasn't expecting to enjoy this album as much as I do. "Xanny" legitimately gives me an Aladdin Sane/Mike Garson vibe with the glammy piano and smoky vocals, and that's high praise indeed coming from someone who stans Bowie! "When the Party's Over" reminds me a bit of Fiona Apple and Banks, all powerful, stirring vocals paired with striking lyrics. "Bad Guy" smacks—in the words of Eilish herself—and overall is an empowering, strutting bop that would be a welcome presence on the radio. Really, this album is a fantastic debut, and y'all *should* believe the hype. Pop music like this is truly what the zeitgeist needs! Expand
  28. Apr 2, 2019
    Overall, the album does it’s job. O’conells work felt so good on most tracks, with creepy and noisy sounds that kinda mark Eilish’s own music style, but unfortunally it kinda pass it’s concept and the track-transition felt forced sometimes like “all the good girls go to hell” to “wish you were gay”, and especially on the introduction, it didn’t passed the real vibe of the album and makedOverall, the album does it’s job. O’conells work felt so good on most tracks, with creepy and noisy sounds that kinda mark Eilish’s own music style, but unfortunally it kinda pass it’s concept and the track-transition felt forced sometimes like “all the good girls go to hell” to “wish you were gay”, and especially on the introduction, it didn’t passed the real vibe of the album and maked it a little incohesive, like, i literally listened 2x times to it and didn’t understood what’s the point of the album overall. But, due to the sick production and some good lyrics by the O’conells, “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO” is a listenable and good album to feel calm and noisy at the same time. (6.8/10) Expand
  29. Apr 2, 2019
    I don’t know where we all go when we go to sleep but I do know that I almost fell asleep listening to this.
  30. Apr 2, 2019
    SO GOOD, the 0's are just sad haters trying to feel diferent and mature, but you should listen to the album and make your own opinion. I said opinion, not garbagetalk
  31. Apr 2, 2019
    This is honestly one of the few times where the sum of it's part is LESS than the whole. I liked some songs on the album and I would give them average scores but the whole thing together is so boring
    Same delivery, same whispery voice, I was really happy when I heard something different for 15sec on the track "Bury a friend". At times she is really trying too hard to be relatable and edgy
    This is honestly one of the few times where the sum of it's part is LESS than the whole. I liked some songs on the album and I would give them average scores but the whole thing together is so boring
    Same delivery, same whispery voice, I was really happy when I heard something different for 15sec on the track "Bury a friend". At times she is really trying too hard to be relatable and edgy with the lyrics.
    The beats were alright most of the time but I just got bored listening to it.
  32. Apr 2, 2019
    I actually enjoyed it, not my type of music but I liked the instrumentals and Billie's strange personnality
  33. Apr 2, 2019
    There's not one bad song on this album. This is her debut album and it is already breaking records. Iconic.
  34. Apr 1, 2019
    It's a shame that the popularity and promotion behind Billie Eilish has poisoned the well a bit, as When We All Fall Asleep is actually an artful, well-crafted, and unique pop album.


  35. Apr 1, 2019
    I like this album a lot more than her prior one. Her voice feels quiet and peaceful while retaining sick beats through most of the songs. Some of the tracks provided a lot of controversy, therefore her boldness is really prevalent. For such a young artist, she is really good and has a great singing range. What I didn't like was how so many of the songs sounded the same; she doesn't reallyI like this album a lot more than her prior one. Her voice feels quiet and peaceful while retaining sick beats through most of the songs. Some of the tracks provided a lot of controversy, therefore her boldness is really prevalent. For such a young artist, she is really good and has a great singing range. What I didn't like was how so many of the songs sounded the same; she doesn't really experiment with different genres outside of the spunky style she has. Hopefully she keeps it up though, she definitely has a good start here. Expand
  36. Apr 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. No tiene vocales este album no es para inspirar a que mas personas hagan más musicá Expand
  37. Apr 1, 2019
    Solid album, nice production but the vocal is not interesting for the most part
  38. Mar 31, 2019
    WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? is anti-pop material that covers multiple genres & tells different stories. Following the footsteps of Fiona Apple, Lana Del Rey, & Lorde, Billie Eilish proves that music doesn't always have to be the conventional generic Billboard-charting sound. She is a disruptive force to be reckoned with.
  39. Mar 31, 2019
    Billie asserts her position as one of the world's top upcoming artists, this debut album just proves that point. There is definitely room for improvement, but she has done amazing considering her age and how long she's been in the game for. Her potential is so high, and I'm positive she'll reach it in her next album.
  40. Mar 31, 2019
    It bothers me that most of these bad reviews are coming from Ariana Grande stans and not people who are objective with their arguments.

    Anyway, I love how every song has a theme/concept you can play with in your mind. It's very interesting listening to an album different from what mainstream music has released so far. 'When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?' was a great experience for
    It bothers me that most of these bad reviews are coming from Ariana Grande stans and not people who are objective with their arguments.

    Anyway, I love how every song has a theme/concept you can play with in your mind. It's very interesting listening to an album different from what mainstream music has released so far. 'When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?' was a great experience for me. I admire Billie and Finneas' mind for coming up with great ideas while writing this record; not like certain pop artists who need 15 people to write just ONE song.

    I wish the album was full dark/heavy-bass (except for the last three songs).
  41. lei
    Mar 31, 2019
    Mediocre voice, lyrics and production. Production often sounds outdated. For example You Should See Me in a Crown has a dubstep wobble straight out of 2011. The lyrics are something you'd expect from a 17-year old more or less but it's nothing soundcloud rappers haven't already been rapping about for years. Most interesting song is Bury a Friend. All in all this sounds like a 13 ReasonsMediocre voice, lyrics and production. Production often sounds outdated. For example You Should See Me in a Crown has a dubstep wobble straight out of 2011. The lyrics are something you'd expect from a 17-year old more or less but it's nothing soundcloud rappers haven't already been rapping about for years. Most interesting song is Bury a Friend. All in all this sounds like a 13 Reasons Why soundtrack. Nothing groundbreaking at all but very marketable. Expand
  42. Mar 31, 2019
    I kinda like this album. It's creative and the songs sound good. F. O'Connell made a very good job. (he produced all tracks). Billie is only 17 and it's her debut album!
  43. Mar 31, 2019
    Хз, мне очень понравилось. Необычно достаточно и разнообразно. Не нашёл проходных песен, все с каким-то своим шармом.
  44. Mar 31, 2019
    A modern day fiona apple, with talent and time to burn. Like all true artists, says we’re here now, i know you and you know me. You know it when you hear me, because you feel me. Like I feel you. I’m eager and young and strong enough to try things. And tell you about them. I’m beautiful, the best of you. Where do we go from here. Let’s go together. I’ll show you. You show me. I love you.A modern day fiona apple, with talent and time to burn. Like all true artists, says we’re here now, i know you and you know me. You know it when you hear me, because you feel me. Like I feel you. I’m eager and young and strong enough to try things. And tell you about them. I’m beautiful, the best of you. Where do we go from here. Let’s go together. I’ll show you. You show me. I love you. Love me

  45. Mar 30, 2019
    After the EP "Don't Smile at Me", Billie makes a big jump in composition, production (in collaboration with her brother Finneas) and style, which is not common to watch in the industry nowadays. The 17-year-old star has accomplished to satisfy our wishes and expectations towards her debut. "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" may be the trampoline to a bright future in this path sheAfter the EP "Don't Smile at Me", Billie makes a big jump in composition, production (in collaboration with her brother Finneas) and style, which is not common to watch in the industry nowadays. The 17-year-old star has accomplished to satisfy our wishes and expectations towards her debut. "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" may be the trampoline to a bright future in this path she has taken. 74/100 Expand
  46. Mar 30, 2019
    Creative and cohesive. Lyrics are definitely written with thought and creativity. Brings something different to the table. It's not just all dark and "edgy", there are moments where Bilie's soft and layered voice and FINNEAS' production give the album its sweet moments, The album is haunting in different ways and it's pretty amazing that it (mostly) only took a 17-year old and her brotherCreative and cohesive. Lyrics are definitely written with thought and creativity. Brings something different to the table. It's not just all dark and "edgy", there are moments where Bilie's soft and layered voice and FINNEAS' production give the album its sweet moments, The album is haunting in different ways and it's pretty amazing that it (mostly) only took a 17-year old and her brother to make this. Expand
  47. Mar 30, 2019
    It is without doubt one of the best releases of 2019.
    Sincere compositions and comes bringing something new in the music.
  48. Mar 30, 2019
    It seems like billie and her brother finally got to play with their voice changer over some cool beats and creepy instruments, most of the songs sounded so boring and dull and shallow nothing outstanding like some of the locals claim , only 4 songs are worth the listen , i think she wasn't ready yet to put on a full album , she should've sticked to releasing ep's with a better songs likeIt seems like billie and her brother finally got to play with their voice changer over some cool beats and creepy instruments, most of the songs sounded so boring and dull and shallow nothing outstanding like some of the locals claim , only 4 songs are worth the listen , i think she wasn't ready yet to put on a full album , she should've sticked to releasing ep's with a better songs like she used to , sad to see the mess she has turned to Expand
  49. Mar 30, 2019
    this definitly is something new and amazing. She comes across different and does her own thing. This record is one of the best pop albums ive heared past years. Its so refreshing to actually see a good person becoming famous.
  50. Mar 30, 2019
    This album is like cornflakes with milk for breakfast, you feel like eating them everyday, although there are other good things. Lyric content, unique atmosphere, great vocal and amazing production make the album one of my favorites.
  51. Mar 30, 2019
    Billie and Finneas did a great job. This debut, better than the EP, definitely shows her personality, sonically and lyrically. She has already found her distinct sound at the age of 17. Her voice is beautiful, the idea is cool, and the production is insane. The visuals are also very good. Although some of the tracks are not my favorite, they have the potential to grow on me. She areBillie and Finneas did a great job. This debut, better than the EP, definitely shows her personality, sonically and lyrically. She has already found her distinct sound at the age of 17. Her voice is beautiful, the idea is cool, and the production is insane. The visuals are also very good. Although some of the tracks are not my favorite, they have the potential to grow on me. She are getting the recognition she deserves, which makes me really happy.
    Personal Rating:
    !!!!!!:(not gonna give a score but it's not a song. It's fun but I don't think it's necessary here. She can simply use Bad Guy as the intro)
    bad guy: 10/10(the beginning is crazy, the production throughout the song is wonderful especially in the chorus. The last part is unexpected but it spices the track up. Single worthy.)
    xanny:9.5/10(When I first listened to song, I hate it due to the excessive distortion. However, I soon realized that it's because the quality of the headphone I was using. It sounds much better on a better headphone.)
    you should see me in a crown: 9/10 (I didn't enjoy that until the album releases, now it sounds good)
    all the good girls go to hell: 9/10 (not a big fan of the sound but the idea is cool)
    wish you were gay: 10/10 (a huge grower)
    when the party's over: 9.5/10(beautiful sound but feels flat somehow)
    8: 8.5/10(sonically not my favorite but the title is fun)
    my strange addiction: 9.5/10(the verse is really promising!! When Billie teases the song I was really excited, but the chorus is not that good for me)
    bury a friend: 10/10(intriguing theme and production)
    ilomilo: 9.5/10(the connection between bury a friend is interesting, the track is good)
    listen before i go: 10/10(really good ballad)
    i love you: 9.5/10
    goodbye: 9.5/10(the lyrics are from other tracks, which is so interesting!)
  52. Mar 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's the worst album that you can hear in your life and just one word : horrible. muito ruim e incoeso Expand
  53. Mar 29, 2019
    A surprisingly cohesive, diverse and strong debut album, Billie Eilish rises the bar for alternative and indie musicians. The experimenting sounds are one of the album keys, along Billie and her brother's songwriting team. Though some songs might be difficult to follow or listen (xanny) is notorious that Billie has already cemented her sound on the music industry at the age of 17.
  54. Mar 29, 2019
    íconico, simplesmente! Em letra, em produção, em harmonias, tudo é perfeito neste álbum! Billie Eilish rainha do indie, parabéns.
  55. Mar 29, 2019
    It is very difficult to express what this album becomes along the tracks, it is something so charming and majestic that makes us appreciate the work even more, besides the sensitivity it carries, certainly one of the greatest revelations of this generation.
  56. Mar 29, 2019
    Years after she first went viral with 'Ocean Eyes' on Soundcloud, and then releasing her debut project, stellar EP "don't smile at me", Billie Eilish removes her teeth aligners and laughs while saying "This is the album" on the intro, and it's enough for us, along with the 4 pre-released kick-ass tracks, to know this album is gonna take us for a ride.

    It kicks off with 'bad guy', which
    Years after she first went viral with 'Ocean Eyes' on Soundcloud, and then releasing her debut project, stellar EP "don't smile at me", Billie Eilish removes her teeth aligners and laughs while saying "This is the album" on the intro, and it's enough for us, along with the 4 pre-released kick-ass tracks, to know this album is gonna take us for a ride.

    It kicks off with 'bad guy', which is absolutely brilliant, having several twists, a demonic Billie voice proclaiming "I'm the bad guy...", before diving into an outro that'll just have fans and listeners boping for days on end. The album then dwells into 'xanny', which asserts that Eilish is one of the few artists who can pull off distorted vocals and make them sound so appealing, and 'all good girls go to hell' which has the most thought-out lyrics on the record.
    All over the album, Billie is heard whispering rather than singing, which is such a beautiful approach to take, and the productions are just absolutely magnificent. 'my strange addiction', sampling lines from The Office, is Billie's attempt at making a commercial, mainstream song, and it still manages to sound personalized and of superior quality. Towards the end of the album, Billie decides to wreck us with the whole trinity of wearing-your-heart-on-your-sleeve ballads 'listen before i go', 'i love you', and 'goodbye' which are respectively about death/suicide, the heartache caused by love and losing it, and at the end a recapitulation of all the songs on the album, citing a line from each one.

    All in all, "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" is a very solid first record, consisting of pop songs that sound like nothing anyone else is doing in music right now. The vocal production on the project is especially to be taken in account. It's safe to say that, even though she doesn't have an answer to all the questions (like where we actually go when we fall asleep), the album fulfills its purposes and definitely installs Billie Eilish among the most interesting things happening in music right now.
  57. Mar 29, 2019
    I couldn't agree more for user srtafozex's comment about all those "Billie is only 17 years old and comes with 'When We All Fall Asleep', a dark pop. It reminds me of Lorde's 'Pure Heroine', who at the time was also 17 years old. Both of them knew how to produce an album beautifully."
  58. Mar 29, 2019
    This isn't usually my kind of music, in fact, the only song I recognise prior to listening to this album is "you should see me in a crown". I came into this expecting to be bored to death, to my surprise, I wasn't.

    As soon as "bad guy" (in my opinion the song with the grooviest, catchiest beat on the entire record) came on it set the mood for what turned out to be for the most part a
    This isn't usually my kind of music, in fact, the only song I recognise prior to listening to this album is "you should see me in a crown". I came into this expecting to be bored to death, to my surprise, I wasn't.

    As soon as "bad guy" (in my opinion the song with the grooviest, catchiest beat on the entire record) came on it set the mood for what turned out to be for the most part a fairly good debut from Billie Eilish.
    Whilst there is for me some lull's on this album, particularly the slow, depressing songs that for the most part don't appeal to me at all, it's when she switches up the tempo and hits us with these bass-heavy bangers that really let the album shine.
    Fortunately, there is plenty of them. I was pleasantly surprised by this album, and while I know all the songs aren't going to stick immediately, I can just tell that they will over time (no doubt I won't be hearing the end of this album for quite a while anyway as this screams infectious mainstream music). Overall, I'm impressed and interested to see where she goes next.

    Favourite Tracks:
    bad guy, you should see me in a crown, all the good girls go to hell
  59. Mar 29, 2019
    This album is absolutely delightful, with an dark touch, and powerful lyrics, Billie makes us think about everything with each track.
  60. Mar 29, 2019
    Billie may even be considered a weirdo and quirky artist, but that doesn't make herself or her art a bad thing, but something different from what we are used to seeing and hearing in the mainstream industry. Her debut album is a perfect formula between insanity, creativity and complexity, showing an alternative facet between electronic music and dreampop. Also, a special thanks to herBillie may even be considered a weirdo and quirky artist, but that doesn't make herself or her art a bad thing, but something different from what we are used to seeing and hearing in the mainstream industry. Her debut album is a perfect formula between insanity, creativity and complexity, showing an alternative facet between electronic music and dreampop. Also, a special thanks to her brother and producer FINNEAS, he is a gatekeeper of Billie's art! Expand
  61. Mar 29, 2019
    Billie and Finneas did a great job, with great compositions and an impeccable and insane production! Favorite tracks: ilomilo, bad guy, i love you and bury a friend.
  62. Mar 29, 2019
    Creative, cohesive and dynamic. Billie delivered us a great debut album with quality songs that keeps us trapped in her somber, complex mind.
  63. Mar 29, 2019
    Amazing vocal talent and amazing production. All around one of the best voices of our generation.
  64. Mar 29, 2019
    "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" is simply amazing! Every single track give the listener the best feeling and also the worst they can hear, it's a perfect contradiction between madness and beauty.
  65. Mar 29, 2019
    boring and trashy album, the edgy emo aesthetic really doesn’t work. every song sounds the same and it’s just overall not anything unique
  66. Mar 29, 2019
    On her first album, Billie Eilish was able to make the best album of 2019 (so far). An impressive quality, total cohesion and talking tracks, differentiated and functional productions that Solange Knowles did not reach with his last album, besides the total sound maturity with great influences.
    The intro and the outro are spotless. "my strange addiction" and "all the good girls go to
    On her first album, Billie Eilish was able to make the best album of 2019 (so far). An impressive quality, total cohesion and talking tracks, differentiated and functional productions that Solange Knowles did not reach with his last album, besides the total sound maturity with great influences.
    The intro and the outro are spotless. "my strange addiction" and "all the good girls go to hell" are my favorites.
  67. Mar 29, 2019
    This album is a mix of the various sounds which created something very cohesive and extraordinary. For me, this is the album of the year by far
  68. Mar 29, 2019
    Billie is only 17 years old and comes with 'When We All Fall Asleep', a dark pop. It reminds me of Lorde's 'Pure Heroine', who at the time was also 17 years old. Both of them knew how to produce an album beautifully. Billie's record comes with a modern sound, far from all contemporary pop. Sometimes it sounds like "made in bed" and we confuse Billie with a real artist or just anotherBillie is only 17 years old and comes with 'When We All Fall Asleep', a dark pop. It reminds me of Lorde's 'Pure Heroine', who at the time was also 17 years old. Both of them knew how to produce an album beautifully. Billie's record comes with a modern sound, far from all contemporary pop. Sometimes it sounds like "made in bed" and we confuse Billie with a real artist or just another YouTuber cover. Still, the album complies with the concept proposed by the singer since the beginning of her career Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Dec 3, 2019
    When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go? is a startlingly good introduction to Billie Eilish, an album full of attitude but with the talent to back it up. Where she goes from here will be fascinating to see.
  2. Oct 4, 2019
    The 17-year-old sensation takes pop iconography and musical status quo and lacerates it, opting out of femme fatale for tomboy cargos and goth macabre, and sleek soundscapes for creepy eccentrics.
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 9, 2019
    This surprising, haunting album will speak powerfully both to her peers and to anyone who remembers how youth can sometimes feel like an overwhelming weight. [Jun 2019, p.110]