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Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7

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  1. Aug 10, 2011
    The album starts out with Rush Hour. It has a tight 80's/early 90's beat filled with clingy vocal breaks. The chorus has a new age style mixed with a sound unique to The Cool Kids. The production from Chuck Inglish stays on the fine line between gritty and minimal. Some tracks such as Boomin' and Bundle Up have the outcome of being minimal, with a repetitive drum loop that may make youThe album starts out with Rush Hour. It has a tight 80's/early 90's beat filled with clingy vocal breaks. The chorus has a new age style mixed with a sound unique to The Cool Kids. The production from Chuck Inglish stays on the fine line between gritty and minimal. Some tracks such as Boomin' and Bundle Up have the outcome of being minimal, with a repetitive drum loop that may make you want to turn the song. The album at times has the potential to become a influential hip hop staple, but ends up falling short. It fall short in depth and connection. The duo still provides solid tracks have commercial and feel good beats like Rush Hour, Swimsuits, and Summer Jam. With guests of Pharrell Williams of the Neptunes, and Travis Barker, along with appearances from Bun B, Ghostface Killah, Travis Barker, and Asher Roth the album has added appeal and added volume. The highlight is the outro song Summer Jam, partly because of The Neptuneâ Expand
  2. Feb 20, 2020
    When Fish Ride Bicycles is a modern callback to the roots of hip-hop. The beats and overall sound especially can remind listeners of tracks that dominated the 90's, especially in the west coast scene. The album also has a few fantastic songs that are very memorable and the overall theme of the album is quite cohesive and easily brings up memories of a hot summer day. The weaknesses of thisWhen Fish Ride Bicycles is a modern callback to the roots of hip-hop. The beats and overall sound especially can remind listeners of tracks that dominated the 90's, especially in the west coast scene. The album also has a few fantastic songs that are very memorable and the overall theme of the album is quite cohesive and easily brings up memories of a hot summer day. The weaknesses of this album come from the rest of the tracks. Beyond the handful of fantastic songs, the others fall flat and personally are constant skips. The flow can often come off awkward, and perhaps that is due to the devotion to the sound of the album. Overall the album as a whole is simply okay, and while listening through is certainly worth the time, it's probably only necessary to keep a few of your favorite tracks in rotation.
    Favorite Song: Gas Station
    Least Favorite Song: Boomin'

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Dec 7, 2011
    The kinetic, mini-funk monster "Swimsuits" with Mayer Hawthorne puts it over the top, making the long wait forgivable and the album highly recommendable.
  2. Sep 21, 2011
    While there's nothing wrong with the production displayed on When Fish Ride Bicycles, Inglish laid down the blueprint for supporting this duo so well that the oft busier and more varied work on this outing feels like too much to digest and too much for them to wade through.
  3. Aug 9, 2011
    The Cool Kids don't want people debating over the underlying message of every song, picking apart and arguing over every little lyric. Rather, the duo wants listeners to simply sit back and enjoy the ride, and those who do so will almost certainly not be disappointed with the often quirky rhymes and unique production from Chuck and Mikey.