• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Apr 2, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
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  1. Apr 5, 2020
    This mixtape gives me auditory satisfaction. I feel like I'm hallucinating.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    ( 81/100 )

    Yaeji nació en Flushing, Queens con una fuerte descendencia Koreana que aprovechó para inspirarse al comenzar a hacer música. Presente desde el 2017, Yaeji se ha destacado por su propia producción de sonidos LoFi y Electronic-Indie cuyo Experimental es suficiente Pop para ser accesible, agradable, Chill y, hasta cierto punto, Luxury. Yaeji pasa de lo popular a lo Underground
    ( 81/100 )

    Yaeji nació en Flushing, Queens con una fuerte descendencia Koreana que aprovechó para inspirarse al comenzar a hacer música. Presente desde el 2017, Yaeji se ha destacado por su propia producción de sonidos LoFi y Electronic-Indie cuyo Experimental es suficiente Pop para ser accesible, agradable, Chill y, hasta cierto punto, Luxury. Yaeji pasa de lo popular a lo Underground y Ambient con facilidad que, en general, este Mixtape la estipula como una productora importante e influyente en el futuro.
    Yaeji was born in Flushing, Queens with a strong Korean descendency which she took as inspiration to make music. Present since 2017, Yaeji has been distinguished by her own production with Lo-Fi and Electronic-Indie which experimental is enough Pop to be accessible, nice, chill, and, to a certain point, luxury. Yaeji goes from popular to underground and ambient with ease that, in general, this Mixtape proves her as an important and influential producer in the future.
  3. Jan 10, 2022
    Yaeji, combina energia com os estilos ambiente e experimental, nos trazendo para uma nova atmosfera, What We Drew é uma viagem ao seu mundo, pode ser verde, azul, amarelo, ou um arco íris inteiro, sua obra faz nos sentirmos que podemos viajar para onde quisermos.
    Faixas favoritas: When I Grow Up, Free Interlude, Waking Up Down, These Days e Never Settling Down,
  4. Apr 21, 2020
    Switched off after the „testing 1,2,3“ song.. NME use the term Naïve.. i‘ll leave it there

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jul 30, 2020
    Her productions have become far more ambitious, abandoning the straightforward house beats of much of her earlier material in favor of more expansive, detailed arrangements that incorporate trip-hop, electro, and drum'n'bass. Her lyrics are significantly more personal this time, and a far cry from the club-dwelling, cheekily hedonistic persona of earlier hits like "Raingurl" and "Drink I'm Sippin On."
  2. Apr 22, 2020
    It’s anything but disappointing.
  3. Apr 13, 2020
    The production here is both crisp and sinuous; ethereal indeterminacy trades off with crackling attention to detail.