• Record Label: New West
  • Release Date: Jun 2, 2023
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    With a new album after 8 years, he comes back fearless to go big and sound alive, which is very well appreciated. There is a cute, playful sound on this project, which makes it very accessible. Going from happy to kind of melancholic, he seems to be clever on the way he is making his music born again. There is a precious piano playing here and there on the album that keeps it all shining.With a new album after 8 years, he comes back fearless to go big and sound alive, which is very well appreciated. There is a cute, playful sound on this project, which makes it very accessible. Going from happy to kind of melancholic, he seems to be clever on the way he is making his music born again. There is a precious piano playing here and there on the album that keeps it all shining. There are some nice arrangements and the lyrics are tender enough to make of this a quick and easy friend. If this is a comeback from Ben Folds, then he is starting a path towards something amazing and wonderful. Hopefully he knows how to follow his path. Expand
  2. Jun 21, 2023
    I've listened to Ben folds since the first ben folds five album. This is comfortably his best work since since "songs for silverman" in 2005. First of all the production here is impeccable, brass, strings, guitars and even harmonicas combine with folds' signature piano to create a gloriously sounding record. Insightful and humorous lyrics litter every song. Perhaps "clouds withI've listened to Ben folds since the first ben folds five album. This is comfortably his best work since since "songs for silverman" in 2005. First of all the production here is impeccable, brass, strings, guitars and even harmonicas combine with folds' signature piano to create a gloriously sounding record. Insightful and humorous lyrics litter every song. Perhaps "clouds with ellipses" is the only song i would describe as under par with the rest of the album fantastically written. As with all my favorite music the album grows on you with each listen with some of the songs feeling a bit reserved at first. " moments " being my personal favorite currently. Well worth the wait. Hoping he creates a new album with less of a gap this time. Expand
  3. Jun 3, 2023
    This album is an absolute masterpiece. 10 songs with magnificent melodies and intelligent lyrics, produced and arranged perfectly. Folds does not have to prove anything anymore, with his abundance of musical brilliance and lyrical wit in full display on his previous records and on stage. But this album definitely adds another cornerstone to his catalogue, speaking so eloquently about lifeThis album is an absolute masterpiece. 10 songs with magnificent melodies and intelligent lyrics, produced and arranged perfectly. Folds does not have to prove anything anymore, with his abundance of musical brilliance and lyrical wit in full display on his previous records and on stage. But this album definitely adds another cornerstone to his catalogue, speaking so eloquently about life in these times, with his special mix of soulfulness and irony. Every song here is a winner, and "Kristine from the 7th Grade" is probably one of his best songs ever, so heartbreakingly true and beautiful. Listening to this album is inspiring, nurturing and life-affirming. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. 70
    It’s a feeling of abject determination that makes this album different from many of Folds’ earlier endeavors, and, as a result, a somewhat more earnest offering as well. In that sense, What Matters Most reflects all its name intends to claim.
  2. Jun 14, 2023
    What Matters Most ends up being a mixed bag. Musically, this is a strong record. .... As much as I like Ben Folds, though, hearing him come back with a new pair of songs about women who are borderline crazy is disheartening, and it casts a pall over the rest of the album. Some longtime fans might not have that same visceral reaction, and they’ll probably enjoy What Matters Most more than I did.
  3. Jun 12, 2023
    Ben Folds has made a welcome return to the world of popular music with What Matters Most. While some of his contemporaries are content to peddle nostalgia, Folds continues to stretch out and try new styles for size. Fortunately for us, they all seem to fit him perfectly.