• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Apr 21, 2022
    The record is easily accessible on a surface level, and as a series of irresistible moments, it’s almost unparalleled.
  2. Apr 15, 2022
    Funny, weird, irreverent, a bit messy in places, Wet Leg’s debut feels like a rollicking night out at your local indie disco compacted into thirty-six brisk and breezy minutes. Across a dozen by turns funny and fraught tracks, the highs and lows of twenty-something life are captured with zinging joie de vivre.
  3. Apr 11, 2022
    The album could have been a niche critical favourite that marked them out as just curious oddities. Instead every preconception has been firmly smashed. Firmly on track to become the biggest band in the country, Wet Leg are here to shake the post pandemic culture out of its slumber.
  4. Apr 8, 2022
    Its authenticity is what makes it so addictive, so accessible.
  5. Apr 8, 2022
    [Wet Leg] is witty, self-referential and danceable, loaded with anthems for the extroverted introvert.
  6. 70
    It’s the careful balance of lyrical self-awareness and indifference amidst post-punk guitar that keeps you on your toes.
  7. Apr 8, 2022
    There are no dull moments on Wet Leg. With the winning pairing of two incredible guitarists and excellent songwriting, this is a near-flawless introduction. The record holds such a compelling collection of songs.
  8. Apr 8, 2022
    Above all, “Wet Leg” delivers on the infectious pleasure of music that was made by friends trying to make each other laugh — and we’re all in on it.
  9. Apr 8, 2022
    Wet Leg is by all means a daring debut for the duo, demonstrating that the success of “Chaise Longue” was not at all an accident.
  10. Apr 8, 2022
    While Chambers and Teasdale are still discovering what they can do, they're having a lot of fun finding out, and Wet Leg more than delivers on the promise of their viral beginnings.
  11. Apr 8, 2022
    In many ways, it’s Wet Leg’s small imperfections that make it the perfect debut – an impressive, tantalising exploration of their core talents that leaves just enough room for improvement.
  12. Apr 8, 2022
    Their debut doesn’t skimp on outlining the horrors of being a youngish woman—but its giddy, wild-eyed pleasures are also a testament to creating your own reality to survive.
  13. 80
    It is an absolute blast, a crunchy, punchy, smart, deliciously goofy charge through new wave pop rock. It bursts with earworm hooks, snappy choruses and the delightful sense that the duo at its heart are having such a hoot they don’t really care what anyone else thinks.
  14. Apr 7, 2022
    The album is packed with hilariously nasty kiss-offs like “Piece of Shit” and “Ur Mum” — it’s got hooks for days, cheek for weeks.
  15. Apr 7, 2022
    This album does have its missteps, enough of such to stunt its growth to a noticeable degree. Nevertheless, in many senses, Wet Leg undoubtedly shows great promise in their choice of which sounds they choose to greet the music world.
  16. Apr 7, 2022
    It’s also apparent to anybody with an open mind and ears that they have the legs to carry on crafting melodically uplifting idiosyncratic earworms for as long as it remains fun.
  17. Apr 7, 2022
    Put aside your cynicism, and dial into the fireworks: ‘Wet Leg’ is an exceptional debut album.
  18. Apr 7, 2022
    Wet Leg have certainly got people listening, and by channelling their sense of humour and showmanship into a series of tracks that are far more nuanced and three-dimensional than the infuriatingly repetitive song that made their name, they’ve ensured their debut album is well worth hearing – again and again and again.
  19. 80
    The proof is in the pudding; that pudding being a deliciously prickly collection of songs as lyrically bawdy as ever.
  20. Apr 6, 2022
    It’s the slightly wonky worldview of the band themselves that really elevates ‘Wet Leg’ into the realms of the truly special.
  21. Apr 5, 2022
    Wet Leg’s debut album is simultaneously of its time, ahead of its time, and evokes past times.
  22. 100
    It rushes with liberating, infectious joy that makes you want to grab your own partner-in-crime and speed off on an adventure to find somewhere that’s, as ‘Angelica’s mantra suggests, is “good times all the time”. With Wet Leg as your soundtrack, it seems inevitable you’ll find that place.
  23. Apr 4, 2022
    Brisk and adrenalised, Wet Leg leaves little room to get bored, and is impressively low on filler for a debut. Even the sketchy minor tracks earn their place here. [May 2022, p.33]
  24. Mojo
    Apr 4, 2022
    The sound of a plan coming together - the novelty wearing off, but a different light switching on, all day long and beyond. [May 2022, p.88]
  25. Apr 4, 2022
    Their songwriting is tight, their lyrics are brazen, smart and amusing, and they are at ease shifting through various indie styles. ... The duo often sound on Wet Leg as though their songs are intended primarily to entertain themselves, and each other. The rest of us are lucky to be along for the ride.
  26. 60
    A handful more tracks and now, the full monty, reveals that there seem to be two Wet Legs high-kicking for supremacy: the knockabout, sly, absurdist outfit and a band that turn out to be quite like a lot of other bands.
  27. Apr 4, 2022
    When it feels like life’s moving too fast, and that things are starting to get away from you, it doesn’t hurt to revel in the small things. Across their debut album, Wet Leg do exactly that and it makes those precious moments of nothingness feel that little bit more special.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 68
  2. Negative: 3 out of 68
  1. Apr 8, 2022
    En la moodboard de Wet Leg aparecen películas filmadas con cámaras de seguridad como Clerks, Slacker, muy populares como mean Girls, sonidosEn la moodboard de Wet Leg aparecen películas filmadas con cámaras de seguridad como Clerks, Slacker, muy populares como mean Girls, sonidos de minimo esfuerzo disonante de tres dedos con chispas de Sleater Kinney, The Breeders, la voz e ingenuidad sexy de Deerhoof y Yeah yeah yeahs, música de cajeras de tienda hablando de sus rupturas frente a clientes, bromeando con doble sentido sobre el sexo, escape, frustración y tristeza para olvidar lo detestable que es trabajar todo el día friendo papas, solo es Música de fiesta para gente triste que busca música de fiesta para darle algo de humor a su angustia y viendo cómo llegas a los 30 y sigues haciendo lo mismo, bueno Wet Leg ya no volverá a la caja de ningúna tienda de grifo, eso es seguro. ¿Que haces ahí sentado? Deberías estar en horizontal teniendo sueños húmedos de piernas mojadas, recostado todo el día en un diván y oyendo el debut de la banda con más zumbido mediático para la Gen Z en años. Full Review »
  2. Apr 11, 2022
    Incredible sweet and funny it's like a sunny morning with cold soda at the beach!
  3. May 11, 2022
    Wet Leg proff that the indie-rock still has something to say in the music industry.