• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jun 14, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
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  1. Jun 27, 2019
    Western Stars is Springsteen at his most novelistic, scratching out pocket portraits that owe as much to the printed word of John Steinbeck, Raymond Carver or even Jack Kerouac as they do a lineage that would boast weather-beaten troubadours like Kris Kristofferson, Jimmy Webb, or his younger self.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 26, 2019
    It's getting late, but Springsteen's dusty art shows no sign of fading. [Summer 2019, p.84]
  3. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    Bruce Springsteen began making this album in 2010--like golden reflections late in the day, it's been worth the wait. [Aug 2019, p.88]
  4. Jun 17, 2019
    Western Stars is, annoyingly, another fantastic album to add to your rotation. But then it is a Bruce Springsteen album. Of course it’s superb.
  5. Jun 17, 2019
    In Western Stars, the old adage about finding meaning through the journey couldn't feel truer. And that's an idea that Springsteen can relate to—leaving a little bit of yourself in a landscape that feels immortal.
  6. Jun 17, 2019
    Springsteen sings brilliantly throughout, gritty on Hitch Hikin’, Orbison-operatic on the more elaborate pieces, and though the high notes can prove elusive, he retains the cadence of a born narrator. Brave and intriguing.
  7. Jun 14, 2019
    Simple orchestral riffs and warm west coast production are thickly glooped onto a collection of songs that otherwise may have been too mellow for his rock canon, yet too nice for a stripped-down solo Bruce record.
  8. Jun 14, 2019
    The singer dials down his boisterous rock ’n’ roll attack in pretty, midtempo songs lush with the type of string-and-horn arrangements that once kept session players busy in recording studios up and down Sunset Boulevard. ... What lifts this album above the other is the shapeliness of Springsteen’s tunes, catchier than they’ve been in years, and the vivid images in his lyrics.
  9. Jun 14, 2019
    If Springsteen’s characters aren’t all that multifaceted, they’re at least part of songs that are. ... When Springsteen cuts into his characters’ pain is when Western Stars stands out as one of his best late-period works.
  10. Jun 14, 2019
    Rest assured, Springsteen sounds confident and comfortable on Western Stars. His 1984 self that hoped to make different kinds of records would be proud, maybe even surprised.
  11. Jun 14, 2019
    These avatars introduce a record that favors new sounds and perspectives—he often sings as a shadow or a visitor, giving credence to a recently revealed habit for crashing strangers’ funerals—but remains carefully rooted in his history.
  12. Jun 14, 2019
    This isn't a piece of nostalgia on Springsteen's part, though. These references deepen a collection of songs that are sweet, sad, and searching, songs that feel finely etched on their own terms but gather a deep, lasting resonance when collected on this enchanting album.
  13. Jun 14, 2019
    The large-scale orchestrations rarely complement the mood. Instead, they barge in, a river of syrup that drowns the sense of betrayal in “Stones,” gushes through “The Wayfarer” and inspires some of Springsteen’s most egregious Gene Pitney-style over-emoting in “Sundown” and the disastrously overdone “There Goes My Miracle.”
  14. Jun 13, 2019
    Casual fans may even enjoy it more than his other so-called solo records, like “Devils & Dust” and “The Ghost of Tom Joad.” The writing here isn’t as consistently strong as on those projects, but the overall feel is less dour. ... His genius for filling in particulars returns the more he gets to characters who know they’re stuck.
  15. 75
    Western Stars is simply a classy record from a man growing increasingly comfortable with his status as an elder statesman of classic rock. And I absolutely cannot wait to listen to it in a car.
  16. Jun 13, 2019
    Springsteen drives proceedings with acoustic strumming, the rough tones of his voice rooting the symphonic gorgeousness in gritty reality. It stands comparison with his very best solo albums. Lyrics offer character sketches, lives caught with a few deft lines and evocative melodies.
  17. Jun 12, 2019
    “Western Stars” finds Springsteen in character study mode with finely detailed storytelling about broken (sometimes literally) men on a quest to find meaning, renewal, or maybe just a bit of love. At their core and stripped of their orchestral flourishes and diverse musical dynamic, most of the songs here would not be out of place on his dark, acoustic efforts, “Nebraska,” “The Ghost of Tom Joad,” or “Devils and Dust.”
  18. 100
    Where most rock superstars sink into trad tedium by 69, Springsteen is still crafting sophisticated paeans of depth and illumination, a rock grandmaster worthy of the accolade. A must-have for anyone who has a heart.
  19. Jun 12, 2019
    On Western Stars, a few songs — “Tucson Train,” “Sundown,” “Stones” — sound like the E Street Band could be swapped in for the orchestra. But Springsteen strives to meet his chosen idiom more than halfway. He wrote songs that thrive on the swells and undulations of orchestral drama, and he sings with long-breathed phrases that aren’t exactly crooning — he’s not built for that — but that set out to sustain more than they exhort.
  20. Jun 12, 2019
    The arrangements roll and soar while leaving room for more intimate revelations, which is where Western Stars really finds its stride.
  21. 80
    Majestic in its scale, but traditional in its subject matter and narratives, Western Stars is a wonderful thing.
  22. Jun 12, 2019
    It’s a delight to hear the man summon the musical spirits of his past, but it’s all a bit overly tasteful and mannered to have the force as his usual work.
  23. Jun 11, 2019
    Despite the lower volume, Bruce Springsteen sounds positively invigorated on Western Stars. With a new sonic palette and renewed focus on the LP as a means of writing short stories, it’s easily his best album of new material since 2007’s Magic.
  24. Jun 11, 2019
    Western Stars is an understated triumph, righting the wrongs of his last few releases and more than emphasises the fact that Springsteen is still brilliant enough to be invested in.
  25. Jun 11, 2019
    Between 1975-84, he made Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town, The River, Nebraska and Born in the U.S.A.—five outright classics. Though Western Stars doesn’t rise quite to that level—it’s an impossibly high standard—Springsteen’s latest entry in such a storied catalog more than holds its own.
  26. 80
    Western Stars is erratic in the first half, as Springsteen’s need for exposition sometimes grinds uneasily against the sweep of the music. But the second half is a profound pleasure. ... It makes you wish that Springsteen could dash off an album full of such country songs. Until then, Western Stars will have to do, and it does just fine.
  27. 91
    Placing intricately detailed portraiture on massive musical backdrops has been a Springsteen trademark for years, of course, and Western Stars continues this legacy, transforming the enormous into the intimate. [14/21 Jun 2019, p.104]
  28. Jun 6, 2019
    It adds up to an album that manages to be both unexpected and of a piece with its author’s back catalogue. ... Western Stars is powerful enough to make you wish Bruce Springsteen would take more stylistic detours in the future.
  29. Jun 6, 2019
    With so much to unpack, Western Stars grows more satisfying with repeated exposure. Deeply moving, inventive and even a bit risky, Western Stars will take its place among Springsteen's solo gems.
  30. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2019
    If the delivery mechanism is different, the payload is pure Bruce. [Summer 2019, p.106]
  31. Jun 6, 2019
    A lushly orchestrated set of throwback, country-tinged folk pop that, despite some resemblance to previous works like Nebraska and The Ghost of Tom Joad, sounds like little else in his catalog. Frankly, its sheen is off-putting at first. But once you settle in, the set reveals some of Springsteen’s most beguiling work ever.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 103 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 103
  2. Negative: 19 out of 103
  1. Jun 16, 2019
    Western Stars is a masterpiece ! Best album since The Rising ! Magic was really great , working as a Dream , High Hope, Wrecking Ball wasWestern Stars is a masterpiece ! Best album since The Rising ! Magic was really great , working as a Dream , High Hope, Wrecking Ball was really great too ! But Western Stars it’s an instant classic like Nebraska, Tunnel of Love ! Thanks Bruce for this beautiful music ! Full Review »
  2. Jun 14, 2019
    The Boss latest work revolves (both musically and lyrically) around love, wanderlusting, loneliness and nostalgic moments from the past andThe Boss latest work revolves (both musically and lyrically) around love, wanderlusting, loneliness and nostalgic moments from the past and present, it is truly a masterpiece, full of anecdotes and brave, passionate messages. Full Review »
  3. Dec 11, 2019
    Western Stars is another masterpiece by the boss, is short kind of completely different album by Springsteen, had so many orcherstration,Western Stars is another masterpiece by the boss, is short kind of completely different album by Springsteen, had so many orcherstration, synths lines for me is a very welcome change, beautiful and intimidating songs, Bruce beautiful vocals with some guitar here some orcherstra there and synth lines. Full Review »