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Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 44
  2. Negative: 3 out of 44

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  1. MiamiTom
    Mar 4, 2007
    Hey ... Lucinda - "Are You Alright?" - AWESOME TRACK ... can't wait to meet you some day ...
  2. ChrisJ
    Apr 30, 2007
    Pitchfork sucks! Inaccurate reviews almost every time. No credability there.
  3. george
    Feb 17, 2007
    Brilliant. The only singer whose voice can make me horny and make me cry at the same time.
  4. AdrianoC
    Mar 5, 2007
    And I thought I was crazy for loving "Wrap my head around that" so much (thank you, Dave S). It's the best song on an amazing album - beautiful, serene and fierce. It has the mood of "Essence" and the rawness of "World without tears" (still my favorite one).
  5. PaulM
    Feb 27, 2007
    Album I've been waitin for from lucinda I can give Car Wheels a rest for a while Excellent
  6. ThomasW
    Apr 19, 2007
    West is a truly amazinlg dark and honest album. Same calibre of World Without Tears and Essense.
  7. VictorP
    Apr 22, 2007
    Another great album from one of the premiere songwriters today. I do think that this is an album that does not immediately jump out at you and its richness unfolds over multiple listening. But, I think this is one of the strengths of great songwriting.
  8. doglovevee
    Jun 20, 2007
    West is best! I thought she could never out do her previous work, but I can't play anything else after this. This album is flawless, perfect. She is the most brilliant songwriter/singer alive. Tom Waits would like these songs.
  9. markb
    Feb 22, 2007
    One review noted that it was hard to relate with the lyrics that Lucinda sang......and i'm sure that when she wrote the lyrics she wrote what she was going through...what she was feeling......As a songwriter myself...that's just what you do. Anyhow...i related to what a lot of the songs where saying...and the ones I didnt......she was good enough to take me somewhere.....The One review noted that it was hard to relate with the lyrics that Lucinda sang......and i'm sure that when she wrote the lyrics she wrote what she was going through...what she was feeling......As a songwriter myself...that's just what you do. Anyhow...i related to what a lot of the songs where saying...and the ones I didnt......she was good enough to take me somewhere.....The songs are lengthy.....But there's a point to that..... Expand
  10. andyB
    Feb 23, 2007
    The only thing this album lacks is obviousness. It's a classic, as good as anything she'd produced. the less-than-stellar crits say more about the reviewers than the album.
  11. CarsonW
    Apr 19, 2007
    West is deep, and dark, and honest. Her true feelings reach out just like on every other album. I think the negative critics wish they could come out with an album as real as this...unfortunately they cant, and instead criticize.
  12. JaniceC.
    Dec 29, 2007
    This CD is ahead of its time; it has legs and you know it.
  13. MichaelJ
    Feb 15, 2007
    Once again Lucinda delivers a superb CD. I don't consider there is a bad song here.
  14. BillR
    Feb 16, 2007
    Grows with repeated listens. Compares very favorably with earlier releases. Hypnotic in places. Overall an excellent release.
  15. Russ
    Mar 13, 2007
    I wanted to listen a number of times before I rated this cd. Unlike a movie, some music needs time to appreciate. Well, sure it's no "Car Wheels", but Da Vinci painted only 1 Mona Lisa. But,cmon, it's Lucinda, the top female songwriter in America. The more I hear it, the more it grows on me. I even find myself humming the tunes. But then, I love slow sad songs with lots of I wanted to listen a number of times before I rated this cd. Unlike a movie, some music needs time to appreciate. Well, sure it's no "Car Wheels", but Da Vinci painted only 1 Mona Lisa. But,cmon, it's Lucinda, the top female songwriter in America. The more I hear it, the more it grows on me. I even find myself humming the tunes. But then, I love slow sad songs with lots of feeling. The only thing that stops it from a 10 are a couple tunes near the end that don't fit with the rest. Overall, a definite classic that will be heard for years to come! Expand
  16. stevew
    Feb 23, 2007
    raw power and lyricism, all the songs are good, some are wonderful, a great cd
  17. Iowa
    Mar 13, 2007
    Before you listen to or judge this album know that the vocals on this CD were from her original demos only. Her producer wanted it that way and added the band in later. If she didn't think it was a good idea artistically, she would never have agreed. Lucinda has had some knock down drag out fights with producers she disagreed with over the years, which is why she never hits the Before you listen to or judge this album know that the vocals on this CD were from her original demos only. Her producer wanted it that way and added the band in later. If she didn't think it was a good idea artistically, she would never have agreed. Lucinda has had some knock down drag out fights with producers she disagreed with over the years, which is why she never hits the mainstream in terms of popularity. Artists are special. You have to cut them some slack sometimes. Not everything is going to be loved her loyal fans. I really like this album and could care less about reviews or what other people think. Expand
  18. Michael
    Feb 13, 2007
    One of a few artists that have the ability to move me to tears and she does it again. Her own pain is so raw that you feel it yourself.
  19. AlvinT
    Feb 13, 2007
    I enjoyed it more than World Without Tears or Essence, but it's still not as strong as Car Wheels on a Gravel Road. Worth listening to, and perhaps buying.
  20. MarkB.
    Mar 11, 2007
    Brilliant album...the best since "Car Wheels". Something for everyone. Perhaps the most vital female recording artist we have today. Thanks Lucinda!
  21. MartinB
    Mar 15, 2007
    This album took 2 listens for me to get it, but it is right up there with "Car wheels". You really get to feel a whole load of emotin as this appears to be a very personal collection of songs. After seeing her at the Shephards Bush Empire last year (06), I have been waiting for this album since then and it hasn't dissapointed.
  22. VanceH.
    Nov 26, 2007
    Count the number of pompous, bombastic sentences in the negative reviews of this album. That number will tell you a lot. West is low key,contemplative and beautifully produced. What a crime!
  23. Darnell
    Sep 10, 2007
    Lucinda is tortured, but quite thoughtful here. A little forced on some lyrics and music, but generally easy to overlook the shortcomings with the highs here. She is touching many nerves most wouldn't dare and has put forth her petitions towards healing. Not a classic, but give it time.
  24. BrianK
    Feb 13, 2007
    I have to agree with some of the reviews. Great lyrics, same great band, guitars, etc...but doesn't have her usual "soaring" and edgy vocals. This one is quieter and tamer. Maybe that's on purpose but it's not what I've come to expect from her vocally. However, just reading through the lyrics and following along with the meter in the songs, these are just as artful and I have to agree with some of the reviews. Great lyrics, same great band, guitars, etc...but doesn't have her usual "soaring" and edgy vocals. This one is quieter and tamer. Maybe that's on purpose but it's not what I've come to expect from her vocally. However, just reading through the lyrics and following along with the meter in the songs, these are just as artful and brilliant as her previous work. Expand
  25. juniorm
    Feb 26, 2007
    Excellent record. LW is a woman with brains, guts and experience to go along with great voice and songwriting. The music is quite one-paced, but I think that gives it a distinctive character or "feel" that really works. This is definitely a world weary survivors record, but I think it is well worth hearing.
  26. ThomasO
    Mar 8, 2007
    Not as good as "Car Wheels" (that's a pretty tall order), but very good anyhow. Credit her for putting out another CD that sounds different from what she's previously done. I think producer Hal Willner was perfect for this set of emotional songs and the CD is unique sounding. However, the two bonus "demo" tracks cut with her great touring band do stand up to those of the CD -- Not as good as "Car Wheels" (that's a pretty tall order), but very good anyhow. Credit her for putting out another CD that sounds different from what she's previously done. I think producer Hal Willner was perfect for this set of emotional songs and the CD is unique sounding. However, the two bonus "demo" tracks cut with her great touring band do stand up to those of the CD -- perhaps there's another great version of this CD awaiting some future release. Lucinda's last CD also caused similar consternation among her fans, but was a damn fine CD as is "West". Expand
  27. randyg
    Mar 13, 2007
    Always a good offering from Williams...Again, following Car Wheels it is difficult to make some fans/critics happy. That said, is there a more enticing sultry soul out there bellting out such emotion??
  28. Mikemusicguy
    Feb 7, 2009
    Remember the most depressing Neil Young album you ever heard? Well Lucinda goes beyond it. I like it, I respect it,its real good in a Lenny Cohen kind of way( most cuts) but can't see myself playing it much except when I want to be bummed out or am already there. She's your cup of tea . I wish she'd switch it up a little. Surely shes happy about something ???
  29. DaveS
    Feb 23, 2007
    Am I the only person who thinks that "Wrap My Head Around That" is the album's main triumph? I'm not usually a fan of the slow and the drawn-out, but this isn't the first time Lucinda's made something of her obsessive side. Too bad it comes right after "What If", by far the worst -- (dismayingly naive, emptily whimsical rather than clever) song she's ever put on record.
  30. AloysiusJ
    Feb 15, 2007
    With West, Lucinda Williams has finally lost her edge and joined the likes of Norah Jones as an artist who can help you relate not only to your parents, but your grandparents as well.
  31. MattD.
    Feb 22, 2007
    That heartbreaking voice of hers just sounds disinterested on too much of this CD. Yes, she can still have a way with a lyric, but when she tries to rev things up, it sounds desperate. I am a big Lucinda fan, but this is just generic modern folk, with a couple bluesy moments that are out of place. I'm really not sure what happened here.
  32. BiffD
    Apr 18, 2007
  33. JamesJ
    Mar 3, 2007
    I adore this woman's music, have flown 1/2 the way across the country to just to see her. However this album is a major disappointment. There are a couple of keepers, but nothing I'd put on my favorites list, which is quite long. By the way, live in concert she is incredible, a lifetime concert and i've seen Janis Joplin.
  34. DaleM
    May 1, 2007
    The music on this album is slow and monotonous. Lucinda's voice is as beautiful as ever but she seems to not even be trying. The album lacks the passion of her previous albums.
  35. scotts
    Feb 19, 2007
    I, like many, am her number one fan. But even I have to admit that this is her weakest effort to date. Vocally: not as interesting. Musically: much less so. And too many themes are redundant from past, and better, albums. Normally, Lucinda's lyrics and delivery can overcome weak production. Not this time. Blame Lucinda, and especially producer Hal Willner, for a mediocre outing.
  36. ChrisR
    Apr 13, 2007
    Why does everyone keep bringing up Car Wheels? She's many albums past that now, so it's not "following" it. She's a different person now obviously. After giving West many listens, here are some good songs on this album. But all the songs sound like they were made on the spot. Most of them wouldn't even sound good if they actually were improv. With Hal Willner Why does everyone keep bringing up Car Wheels? She's many albums past that now, so it's not "following" it. She's a different person now obviously. After giving West many listens, here are some good songs on this album. But all the songs sound like they were made on the spot. Most of them wouldn't even sound good if they actually were improv. With Hal Willner co-producing on this, it could have been a home run, but I don't think she made it past first base. I'm giving this a 5 because i love her and because i know how hard the creative process can be sometime. Expand
  37. DavidD
    Feb 16, 2007
    I really feel that the NY Times review is the only one that nailed it.. There are parts of this album that are cringe-worthy and much that is just OK. To call it her "best", nah.
  38. KateiR
    Mar 8, 2007
    Disappointing. I realize it's hard to live up to an album like Car Wheels on a Gravel Road, but I can't believe it's even the same artist. Car Wheels had this incredible, raw, honest, real feel to it. West just lacks it.
  39. BillyB
    Mar 9, 2007
    Coming from an artist like Lucinda, this album is very very bad. Some of the lyrics would be embarrasing to hear even from the most idealistic / heartbroken 18 year old. There are 3 or 4 fine songs on here, but not even close to approaching her past records.
  40. ClintB
    Feb 15, 2007
    I hated this album. Her Car Wheels album is a million times better!
  41. takealookateverything
    Aug 29, 2007
    I wanted to find something nwew in this but come on! LW writes the same thing over and over again! I mean, ten years ago she was writing these words. "I'm pissed off and drunk and lonely. You left me. I'm going to get you back. You'll see. You're not a man. You're a line for a song." As a man, I find it sexist and hypocritical as all get out. I'm just so over I wanted to find something nwew in this but come on! LW writes the same thing over and over again! I mean, ten years ago she was writing these words. "I'm pissed off and drunk and lonely. You left me. I'm going to get you back. You'll see. You're not a man. You're a line for a song." As a man, I find it sexist and hypocritical as all get out. I'm just so over reading about these poor men in Lucinda's ever changing tumultuous personal life who, once they finally get the sense she's just using them for drama value, leave her and then are gutted and fried so she can get revenge and another paycheck from her record company. I thought it was new. A decade ago. Grow up Miss Williams. At nearly sixty years old, it's about time. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 28
  2. Negative: 3 out of 28
  1. West may well be her best album. It is easily her most musically adventurous, and often her most lyrically inspired.
  2. Often harrowing, although Williams's emotional odyssey finds resolution on the title track.
  3. Spin
    Let those [few sub-par] parts slide into the ocean and enjoy the remaining hour of perfectly golden brilliance. [Feb 2007, p.89]