• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2015
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Nov 9, 2015
    Boring as anything, Ryder-Jones drones through track after track with throwaway lyrics with very basic and raw instrumentals. Production on this album is very much lacking in quality and I swear to god, if he counts in the music one more time, I will scream with frustration.
  2. May 16, 2017
    A few uplifting and sweet pop/rock singles in "Two to Birkenhead" and "Catharine and Huskisson", which break up the very dark-nostalgic theme throughout. "Daniel" is an acoustic ballad with gut wrenching lyrics; 'Show us where it hurts, we'll see what we can do' Ryder-Jones sings in reference to his little brother Daniel, who sadly passed away.

    The little brother Daniel theme crops up
    A few uplifting and sweet pop/rock singles in "Two to Birkenhead" and "Catharine and Huskisson", which break up the very dark-nostalgic theme throughout. "Daniel" is an acoustic ballad with gut wrenching lyrics; 'Show us where it hurts, we'll see what we can do' Ryder-Jones sings in reference to his little brother Daniel, who sadly passed away.

    The little brother Daniel theme crops up once again in the proceeding track "Put It Down Before You Break It" that appears to show Ryder-Jones narrating his parents emotions, following the aftermath of Daniels death.

    Bill Ryder-jones has mastered a lyrical formula, that gives his words the power to imprint within the neurones of your brain and paint the listener a very detailed picture of events. None more so than "The dogs from downstairs started barking, Jill from next door is on nights and she'll be, **** fuming" as he dismissively hushes with a woolly-scouse twang.

    This album is patchy in moments, there's many broad lyrics on here that know what they want to say but fail to hit the point. "Wild Roses" showcases this, and so I find myself skipping this song. Having said that, the heights hit on songs such like "Daniel" and "Two Two Birkenhead" are so masterful, that the lesser moments are redeemed.

    A fantastic album from Ryder-Jones, If he deliberated on a few more of the songs in the track-listing I feel like he may have had a real masterpiece on his hands.

    Favourite Tracks = Daniel, Two To Birkenhead, Catherine and Huskisson, Put it Down Before You Break It, Tell Me You Don't Love Me Watching.

    Least Favourite Tracks = Wild Roses, Seabirds.

  3. Nov 9, 2015
    Bill Ryder-Jones shows his strength as a songwriter and musician in both the fragility of the soothing sounds as the intensity of his emotions. His artistic qualities grow further in the interaction between tempos and instrumentation. Where his previous work contained too much repetitive sounds, on West Kirby County Primary he carries himself through different musical styles. With hisBill Ryder-Jones shows his strength as a songwriter and musician in both the fragility of the soothing sounds as the intensity of his emotions. His artistic qualities grow further in the interaction between tempos and instrumentation. Where his previous work contained too much repetitive sounds, on West Kirby County Primary he carries himself through different musical styles. With his profound lyrics, touching vocals and variety of melodies Bill Ryder-Jones has put down his best work to date. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Dec 14, 2015
    West Kirby County Primary sounds like it was recorded anywhere but. It’s a beautifully performed and produced record, tender, intimate and close, yet with moments of real physical power.
  2. Nov 9, 2015
    As personal and inward-gazing as Ryder-Jones' songs are, he imbues them with a weary comfort, inviting listeners along rather than detaching himself, and if making fine albums like West Kirby County Primary is his form of therapy, he's bound for success.
  3. Nov 9, 2015
    Having listened from beginning to end scores of times, it always retains its singular charm.