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Universal acclaim- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 85
  2. Negative: 6 out of 85
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  1. Jul 29, 2021
    Another masterpiece, such a beautiful release like none other. One of the rare cases of an album making me excited about music again.
  2. May 24, 2021
    It's fifty years or more since the greatest rock albums were created. Blue, Hunky Dory, Maggot Brain, Deja Vu, Electric Ladyland, After the Goldrush, Blond on Blond, ALL the Beatles albums, Led Zeppelin 1,2,3 and 4 were all in the can by then. This era generated works of unmatched creativity, with (then) new musical technologies and sincerity, even hopefulness.

    But you can't live in
    It's fifty years or more since the greatest rock albums were created. Blue, Hunky Dory, Maggot Brain, Deja Vu, Electric Ladyland, After the Goldrush, Blond on Blond, ALL the Beatles albums, Led Zeppelin 1,2,3 and 4 were all in the can by then. This era generated works of unmatched creativity, with (then) new musical technologies and sincerity, even hopefulness.

    But you can't live in the past. Music, and the technology involved in making it evolves. Even so rarely are modern works capable of holding a candle to the Boomers. Until now - We Will Always Love You is a musical tour de force, that speaks to the eternal, it is glorious, happy, and sounds like the best party you have never been to. Far from the lonely vigil of the typical singer-songwriter the creative process is energised, focused joy from a talented rabble who clearly loved every minute. Thematically, the fragility of the human spirit, life, love, dreams and our existence on this planet and in the universe are all brought together in a form that sounds important and epoch making, they will be playing this in 50 years time and people will wish they were young then, so they could have seen The Avalanches like people used to wish they were at Woodstock.
  3. Mar 4, 2021
    What else is there to say? How did they go decades without putting out music? I was too young to be aware of their first album but now that I know about them I can't stop listening
  4. Mar 4, 2021
    Over the years, The Avalanches have still not lost the feeling with which they approach creation, which brings with it a unique atmosphere and, thanks to all those samples, also a nostalgic feeling. At the same time, however, they do not try to be out of the mainstream at all costs and organically add modern and relatively pop elements to their music. The balance that the album We WillOver the years, The Avalanches have still not lost the feeling with which they approach creation, which brings with it a unique atmosphere and, thanks to all those samples, also a nostalgic feeling. At the same time, however, they do not try to be out of the mainstream at all costs and organically add modern and relatively pop elements to their music. The balance that the album We Will Always Love You carries evokes in the listener a feeling of peace and security, and although it is sometimes quite specific and addressable, it still retains the essence that the band carries from the first record. Personally, one of the best albums of the past year. Expand
  5. Jan 18, 2021
As I listened to the third album from the Australian Electronic band The Avalanches “We Will Always Love You” which was released on December 11, 2020, it keeps on growing on me, constantly giving me nostalgic flashbacks as various samples featured in this album such as The Carpenters’ Hurting Each Other in track 11 “We Go On”, Sergio Mendes’ Magalenha in track 14 “Wherever You Go”
As I listened to the third album from the Australian Electronic band The Avalanches “We Will Always Love You” which was released on December 11, 2020, it keeps on growing on me, constantly giving me nostalgic flashbacks as various samples featured in this album such as The Carpenters’ Hurting Each Other in track 11 “We Go On”, Sergio Mendes’ Magalenha in track 14 “Wherever You Go” featuring Jamie xx, Neneh Cherry and CLYPSO, to Frank Ocean’s Moonriver, Leon Bridges’ Bad Bad News in track 23 “Born To Lose” the list of samples goes on and on projecting feelings of various eras while tackling themes about life and after death experience. This album is packed with appearances of eclectic artists including Weezer’s River Cuomo. Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Jamie xx, Blood Orange, MGMT, Johnny Marr, Leon Bridges, Tricky, Mick Jones of the Clash, Cola Boyy, Denzel Curry, Sampa the Great, Pink Slifu, etc.

    At first, this album was overwhelming but as soon as I play and dissect each song it reminded me of what the band described this album as

    “An exploration of the vibrational relationship between light, sound, and spirit” giving me great satisfaction, a calming effect to my mood which gave me an overall experience of pure blissful joy. I will play this album over and over in 2021 giving this a personal rating of 8.5/10. Favorite Track: Running Red Lights (feat. Rivers Cuomo & Pink Siifu)
  6. Jan 11, 2021
    Quickest hour and 15 mins I’ve ever experienced! Album flow is immaculate and a really beautiful combination of The Avalanches signature use of samples and traditional song structure. Truly a wonderful musical experience.
  7. Dec 30, 2020
    We will always love this album... and Take care in you dreaming such a perfect song, the best album if eared this year.
  8. Dec 27, 2020
    Superb! Most mature and seemless offering to date. Flow is fantastic from beginning to end. Album is a new direction for the band but still very much their own. Very little filler for a 71 minute album
  9. Dec 17, 2020
    The craftsmanship of this album is out f this world. The sonic palette, the collaborations and the themes all come together in an album that you can truly get lost in because you never know what's coming next. Bravo!
  10. Dec 16, 2020
    I’m not one for hyperbole, but this is the album of the year in a year of generational records. Among the most cohesive, diverse, creative and memorable records ever made and the crowing achievement in this group’s already incredible output of quality.
  11. Dec 15, 2020
    Bon voyage! Amazing record .. it takes 2-3 listens to get the full appreciation of what these guys have done with this record.
  12. Dec 15, 2020
    Such an amazing journey from start to finish. Beautiful songs mixed with some mesmerising intros that make the album flow perfectly. The guests all work well with the band and while there are some big names on the album they don't ever take away the genuine sound that is the Avalanches. Quite easily the album of the year.
  13. Dec 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. We Will Always Love You is a masterpiece. My worries for this album were instantly wiped when I heard it fully for the first time. It’s tight, while not feeling like it is. It uses less samples then their prior albums, but the samples are all used to their maximum potential. The singles made me think the samples weren’t going to work, and because this album only took them 4 years (a VERY short time compared to 16 years) I was expecting it to flop horribly and sound rushed and terrible. However, immediately I found the album to sound incredible. It immersed me in a world where I’m floating above all my problems, like I could reach up and touch the sky. It’s not comparable to Since I Left You, because of the completely different sound, but personally I think it’s on the same quality and is just as good. The Avalanches somehow make incredible music while constantly reinventing themselves.

    The album is so much better if listened to all the way through, and The Avalanches keep the art that we’re starting to lose of full album listens a thing. No song in this album sounds like filler. If you’ve listened to Wildflower and Since I Left You, you probably think you could tell what samples could sound like, but the samples in this album are blended so well that I rarely realize they’re there. The main issue I will take from this album is one specific detail that may or may not ruin a song for you. Music Makes Me High has a high pitched tone in the beginning of the song.

    I’m sure it has to do with the sample used in it, but my god couldn’t they just use an audio editor to change it? They’re The Avalanches man, they are incredible audio editors. Other than that, the song’s great, and the album is amazing. Just as good as Since I Left You (in my personal opinion).

    Standout track: Oh the Sunn! (feat. Perry Farrell)

    Least favorite: I don’t really hate any songs in this album, but Music Makes Me High only because of that high pitched noise which isn’t present anywhere else. Maybe they’re getting old and can’t hear high pitches anymore.

    Overall: Godlike album.
  14. Dec 13, 2020
    It's not at the same level as "Since I Left You", of course. I mean, it's almost impossible to knock it out. But I may say this album is way more consistent that "Wildflower", more low key but really really good. Obviously the sound will not be the same: the songwriting is more conventional here. The essence of The Avalanches is pretty clear. As SILY, there are technically no filler tracksIt's not at the same level as "Since I Left You", of course. I mean, it's almost impossible to knock it out. But I may say this album is way more consistent that "Wildflower", more low key but really really good. Obviously the sound will not be the same: the songwriting is more conventional here. The essence of The Avalanches is pretty clear. As SILY, there are technically no filler tracks here... it tells a beautiful story. 95/100 Expand
  15. Dec 13, 2020
    Surprisingly fresh and harmonious. Musically superb and enjoyable from the very first listen.
  16. Dec 12, 2020
    This is about love and the sound is eternal. This album represents the choice of light in the aftermath of darkness. The production along with writing/arrangement has much to be praised. Overall, this is a sonic tapestry of carefully woven musical vistas. The world this album paints is filled with human emotion and spiritual awareness. There is a story to this whole project, from the coverThis is about love and the sound is eternal. This album represents the choice of light in the aftermath of darkness. The production along with writing/arrangement has much to be praised. Overall, this is a sonic tapestry of carefully woven musical vistas. The world this album paints is filled with human emotion and spiritual awareness. There is a story to this whole project, from the cover to the samples. It is far beyond what is normally offered in music today. Expand
  17. Dec 12, 2020
    The singles were definitely the high point for me. And that's rare as I tend to be a "deep cut" gal. I was SO looking forward to the Karen Carpenter sample and was stoked to see names like Karen O in the credits, but both seemed criminally underused... more of an afterthought than a feature. 25 songs is a bit bloated, though many of them are talking/short skits. Which was anotherThe singles were definitely the high point for me. And that's rare as I tend to be a "deep cut" gal. I was SO looking forward to the Karen Carpenter sample and was stoked to see names like Karen O in the credits, but both seemed criminally underused... more of an afterthought than a feature. 25 songs is a bit bloated, though many of them are talking/short skits. Which was another drawback for me. There just wasn't a lot of 'oomph' or emotion at least in the first 1/3rd of the album. I was proper BORED until about track 8 or so. The tracklist seems like it was poorly ordered.

    High points for me on first listen: Oh the Sunn!, Reflecting Light, Wherever You Go, We Will Always Love You, Always Black & Music Is the Light. They definitely chose the right songs for singles. Maybe I'm just spoiled after hearing their previous work (including the singles from this album, lol). I don't know what I was expecting but this album just felt a bit pretentious. (The last track "Weightless" is just 2:57 minutes of beeping!) It's absolutely gorgeous compared to 95% of today's popular fare; don't get me wrong. But by Avalanches standards it's not my favorite.
  18. Dec 11, 2020
    Off-the-charts creativity packaged in such a lovely, satisfying way. If aliens one day ask us what "music" is, we'll just send them this.
  19. Dec 11, 2020
    The avalanches are back and tell a sad story of addiction and lost love. It’s kind of like a breakup album but for drugs. But with a lot of spacey **** in the middle.
  20. Dec 11, 2020
    I love the back story, I love the sound especially the varied voices and styles, most of all I love how the message meets the moment. You can love this album on several different levels from just a zone out listen to deep analysis and everything in between. Gold Sky with Kurt Vile is stunningly beautiful, other highlights Song for Barbara Payton, The Divine Chord, and the title track. FindI love the back story, I love the sound especially the varied voices and styles, most of all I love how the message meets the moment. You can love this album on several different levels from just a zone out listen to deep analysis and everything in between. Gold Sky with Kurt Vile is stunningly beautiful, other highlights Song for Barbara Payton, The Divine Chord, and the title track. Find the back story for the last track it will change your response Expand
  21. Dec 11, 2020
    Wildflower is one of my most favorite albums of all time, and when the first single for The Avalanches' upcoming album We Will Always Love You dropped in mid-February, I already had a feeling it would be just as good, if not better than their last two albums. Somehow my expectations were surpassed, making this quite possibly my most favorite album by The Avalanches... Not that there's manyWildflower is one of my most favorite albums of all time, and when the first single for The Avalanches' upcoming album We Will Always Love You dropped in mid-February, I already had a feeling it would be just as good, if not better than their last two albums. Somehow my expectations were surpassed, making this quite possibly my most favorite album by The Avalanches... Not that there's many albums to pick from. Collapse
  22. Dec 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don't know where to begin with this album. When the singles first dropped back in February and March, I wasn't as hyped as I was with Wildflower (Even though that album had its downs, I think it was still a really good album). When the second and third sets of singles dropped this summer, I was kind of getting an idea of the direction they were going, but I could not have ever expected this is how the completed project would turn out.

    With the full album in my hands, the singles make a lot more sense now and I am able to appreciate them much more. They finally feel part of a whole, and not just a 3 mins song with random noises in them. With this album, they once again are able to capture some feeling, take you somewhere you never expected you could even go.

    In my own opinion, the only place they kind of get scrambled up, like on Wildflower, is that the last couple tracks (Born To Lose, Music Is The Light), seem really isolated from the general mood of the album, featuring more electronic musicians as features.

    The last track, while I was expecting it to be a full song (with a 3 mins run time) surprised me once I figured out what it actually was, and though it's not really music to listen to I feel like it seals the deal for this album pretty well, just like how Saturday Night Inside Out did. It kind of sums up what it's all about, and says good night.

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Jan 4, 2021
    We Will Always Love You is an impressive mediation on everything that matters, and of letting go of what doesn’t.
  2. Mojo
    Dec 21, 2020
    This never feels thrown-together, which is some achievement. Instead, the album feels like one to spend ample amounts of time with as you travel its far-flung corners as it reaches for the stars. [Feb 2021, p.84]
  3. Dec 18, 2020
    We Will Always Love You is an emotional rollercoaster, and a lovingly put-together tapestry that signals The Avalanches entering the 2020s as vibrant as ever.