• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. Blender
    Is there another "Float On"? It scarcely matters: 10 years into their career, Modest Mouse have stumbled into their best album yet. [Mar 2007, p.137]
  2. Under The Radar
    Not just an album that revisits the dancey guitar-pop that made "Float On" an unlikely #1 hit, but sharpens and emboldens it for their most accessible album to date. [#16, p.93]
  3. Like everything the band has released since signing with Epic in the teeth of a millennial panic, it's louder and somewhat less twisty than the group's indie output.
  4. We Were Dead... is denser than its predecessor with tunes that seem willfully harder to penetrate.
  5. This 14-track-strong album is very much good news for people who loved Good News for People Who Love Bad News.
  6. At 62 minutes, this album feels self-indulgent, and some of the 14 songs leave little impression.
  7. Another solid (if not necessarily great) record.
  8. The results are enthralling, even when they seem to be thrashing at coherence. [19 Mar 2007]
  9. Music dignitaries and primordial fans will be contented. If they’re smart, they’ll rejoice.
  10. Billboard
    There's more melody than usual to be found here. [24 Mar 2007]
  11. Brock’s idiosyncratic worldview, so much a part of what made Modest Mouse special to begin with, has left the building.
  12. Easier than ever to grasp, yet still constantly, joyously vexing, We Were Dead is another terrific set from a band that couldn't make something dull even if drowning were the only other option.
  13. A disproportionate amount of the album's tracks sound like a commercialized knockoff of previous songs, past highlights revisited after a process of radio ready distillation.
  14. Too often it seems as if Modest Mouse plays it safe on We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank.
  15. Imagine the cheerful fatalism of "Float On" without the hooks, which is bizarre: Hooks would seem to be Marr's specialty.
  16. It's a successful experiment... largely because the differences between Marr and Mouse turn out to be more harmonious than anyone could have expected.
  17. The album as a whole does drag on, and the songs aren't as immediately grabby as those on their last disc, but We Were Dead is more interesting and varied than Good News.
  18. Clearly, what we’re dealing with here isn’t a new Modest Mouse, but one with a few new, calculated tricks.
  19. Spin
    While Brock's pop instincts have never been more refined, his jitteriness has never run more rampant. [Apr 2007, p.85]
  20. It’s inoffensive, painfully so, with the smell of something run through focus groups from the get go, written and produced by committee to sell the greatest number of copies.
  21. While it is, at times, a challenging listen, there are enough catchy moments to prompt enough listens for the thing to grow on you.
  22. The Modest Mouse frontman has the kind of overbearing personality that seems to bring out the best in Marr: their collaboration on the band's fifth album is thrilling.
  23. This is a band working at the very top of their game, and this album is a beautiful, brilliant beast.
  24. If "We Were Dead . . ." is a little much to take in all at once, the sheer mass of the tunes becomes easier to manage over repeated listens.
  25. In fairness, We Were Dead... excites almost as much as it frustrates; the problem lying not so much in its commercial aspirations per se as an occasional inability to integrate them into a satisfying whole. That, and there’s too much shouting. And it’s way too long.
  26. Both Marr and MM mainman Isaac Brock have a weakness for bombast that can make them sound like Snow Patrol playing Gogol Bordello, but the album heaves with vim and variety.
  27. We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank is a really good, if not necessarily phenomenal, rock record.
  28. The problem is, there's simply too much record here.
  29. There are some excellent moments.
  30. This could be Modest Mouse's finest hour were it not a little long - the nuances are occasionally rather swamped by the effort of listening to the hour-long record through.
  31. In the end, it's not as excellent as their early work, but still pretty entertaining.
  32. Alternative Press
    Much of We Were Dead feels like a culmination of the sound that Modest Mouse have spent the last decade or so honing. [May 2007, p.145]
  33. Uncut
    [The album] adds a newfound sang-froid to their quiet/loud approach. [May 2007, p.100]
  34. Mojo
    A winner. [May 2007, p.106]
  35. We Were Dead sounds like Modest Mouse, only better.
  36. Q Magazine
    A fantastic voyage. [May 2007, p.128]
  37. It’s a sincere album that is as friendly and rewarding as any of their previous works.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 256 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 256
  1. Jan 6, 2011
    We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank has some really good tracks on it. Modest Mouse has made another solid album. The sound of it is aWe Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank has some really good tracks on it. Modest Mouse has made another solid album. The sound of it is a little different from their previous work "Good News For People Who Love Bad News". It sounds pretty good for the most part. My favorite song on the album is "Spitting Venom". Amazing song. And "Dashboard", "Little Motel", and "Fire It Up" are all great tracks. All In All, a solid album with a handful of great tracks. B Full Review »
  2. Djimi
    Jun 14, 2007
    More pure quality from Modest Mouse. I think some critics are just being pathetic and trying to go against the grain by giving it mediocre More pure quality from Modest Mouse. I think some critics are just being pathetic and trying to go against the grain by giving it mediocre reviews just because they've become popular and had good sales, 'cos it really is a great band on top form. Full Review »
  3. DylanS
    May 30, 2007
    Another quality release from Modest Mouse. A nice mix of the Good News and Moon and Antartica sound to create the second best release of Another quality release from Modest Mouse. A nice mix of the Good News and Moon and Antartica sound to create the second best release of their career and one of this years best. Don't be afraid of the accesibility of their sound, it's still Modest Mouse, just with exceptional song structure + Johnny Marr was a great addition. Full Review »