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Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 80
  2. Negative: 14 out of 80

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  1. BradleyM
    Jun 10, 2008
    A breath of fresh air in the somewhat stale halls of indie pop misic. Catchy, fun and memorable
  2. CristobalG.
    Sep 9, 2008
    Really great, fun, with an incredible production...It's probably the only truly pop album I've listened to this year, and I simply loved it since the very first time I gave it a spin...there's something about this duo that makes them really special, it might sound subjective, but I'd say it's charisma. Anyway, get this one ASAP, but be careful, it won't leave Really great, fun, with an incredible production...It's probably the only truly pop album I've listened to this year, and I simply loved it since the very first time I gave it a spin...there's something about this duo that makes them really special, it might sound subjective, but I'd say it's charisma. Anyway, get this one ASAP, but be careful, it won't leave your stereo as soon as you might think. Expand
  3. KT
    Jun 5, 2008
    Danceable, fun, and entirely summery.
  4. Aug 20, 2017
    "We Started Nothing" nos remete a um álbum com grandes referencias retrô. Nos bate uma nostalgia do EDM anos 80/90 que os críticos da época não souberam interpretar. Certamente se este álbum fosse lançado nos dias atuais seria obviamente aclamado. Este é o melhor álbum da The Ting Tings sem dúvidas. Temos letras com batidas dançantes, temos uma baladinha dançante e contagiante, tipo"We Started Nothing" nos remete a um álbum com grandes referencias retrô. Nos bate uma nostalgia do EDM anos 80/90 que os críticos da época não souberam interpretar. Certamente se este álbum fosse lançado nos dias atuais seria obviamente aclamado. Este é o melhor álbum da The Ting Tings sem dúvidas. Temos letras com batidas dançantes, temos uma baladinha dançante e contagiante, tipo aquelas de inicio de festas. Uma pena grandiosa a banda não ganhar o devido reconhecimento que realmente merece, com um álbum fantástico. Expand
  5. Jan 26, 2021
    It's a great effort from Ting Tings. Sad that they didn't follow the same achivement on the following works.
  6. JuliaA.
    Jun 24, 2008
    Not really original (We Walk somehow reminds me of Franz Ferdinand's Take Me out), but still fun to be heard. Maybe Katie got her voice slightly off on some tracks (like Keep Your Head and Be The One), but still this is an album you don't really feel guilty when decided to buy or try to give a spin.
  7. JoeH
    Sep 23, 2008
    A good album let down bya couple of tracks. Odd that no one else can hear a little pixies, breeders in there. Must just be me
  8. zachp.
    Aug 14, 2008
    This record is one of the most fun pop debuts in years. no, not every song is great. but it's so refreshing to hear a band not take themselves seriously. keep your head; shut up and let me go; that's not my name.
  9. Feb 16, 2011
    We Started Nothing is a catchy pop album with endless chants and crazy beats. When you listen to it, it somehow talks no sense because the tracks' meaning are actually covered up by the duo's vocal and instrumental performances. The album is fresh and fun but some ridiculously catchy and good.
  10. May 31, 2012
    An album with good quality and poppy feel. Whilst a bit more ballad would seem to some as being neccessary for a band of this type, the slight rock edge not only make the songs more interesting but show off the up beat nature of the duo. Some songs don't live up to the standard set by the album, but overall is a delight.
  11. Jun 11, 2012
    A pleasantly surprising pop record with a couple of tracks you can't help but dance to and a few other nice numbers in there as well. Granted it's got a couple of duds on it but there's more good than bad on it.
  12. JeJesus
    Jun 16, 2008
    Sounds like a band writing songs specifically to be used in iPod commercials. A couple of decent tracks, the rest are kinda throwaway. I give it a resounding "meh".
  13. Oct 25, 2011
    Not worth all the hype the British music press heaped upon them. Just stock standard pop music nothing more nothing less.
  14. May 24, 2011
    I was expecting chanting anthemic thats not my name-esque bangers all the way through. Instead I got an album that disintegrated quicker than sugar in tea. Absolute DRIVEL.
  15. FelipeP
    Jun 6, 2008
    Don't Believe the Hype! This album is horrible, just 3 songs listenable. One more hit wonders.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. We Started Nothing sounds exuberant and chiefly concerned with pleasing itself. Which--as is always the way--only makes it more pleasing to others.
  2. These glimpses of something unexpected are few and far between, much of We Started Nothing tonally muddled into a weird new form of MOR: cool for five minutes amongst the fashionable crowd but unlikely to reach audiences beyond those fascinated with the hot and happening.
  3. De Martino and White are on an unashamed mission to make perfect pop, but seem to have treaded the path too literally.