User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 91
  2. Negative: 18 out of 91

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  1. Dec 9, 2015
    I was trying to figure out why this has such a low score, and then I looked at some of the reviews. A bunch of 0's posted in the same week with no other reason for the 0's other than something like "horrible." This album is the most blissful thing to bump in a car, with tracks like saturate and do it again that will work your speakers and blow your mind. This is one of thoseI was trying to figure out why this has such a low score, and then I looked at some of the reviews. A bunch of 0's posted in the same week with no other reason for the 0's other than something like "horrible." This album is the most blissful thing to bump in a car, with tracks like saturate and do it again that will work your speakers and blow your mind. This is one of those albums that you shouldn't listen to single tracks of, but rather listen to the whole album even if you're just looking for that certain song, because the progression of the album helps make the songs what they are. If you like it when electronic music moves and feels organic, you're gonna love this album. Oh and please don't post a bunch of 0's on user review sites, just leave one and move on. Collapse
  2. Jul 10, 2012
    I adore this abum, one of my favourite by the Chem brothers. It sounds much like their older albums which I like and their collaboration with other bands seems to only improve the overall effect.
  3. PaulF.
    Sep 21, 2007
    All Rights Reserved is untouchable. The fact that this song exists makes this album an 8... The rest of the album serves as a good listen, but leaves you yearning for a new album as soon as its done. Push the Button is still in the car case. We are the Night is back in the CD jacket. But, man... All Rights Reserved... Genius.
  4. RandallH.
    Sep 16, 2007
    There are some pretty chilled out gems on this album. Certainly not disappointed. Still doesn't top Exit Planet Dust, Dig Your Own Hole, or Surrender.
  5. Cyber
    Aug 25, 2007
    First time i heard "we are the night" i thought it was a joke. "No, it cannot be the Chem. Bros.... no, no... where's the real album?". Then I realized that, finally, those glorious days of "Exit Planet Dust", "Dig your own hole" or "surrender" where gone... forever... I want my money back!
  6. NathanH.
    Aug 24, 2007
    Hello Boys and Girls...*skip*...
  7. DSD
    Aug 14, 2007
    Lots of rithm
  8. NeilL.
    Aug 6, 2007
    I'll admit, the first time I heard this album I was underwhelmed. Granted, a lot had being going on in my personal life that may have affected its first few listens -- or maybe this is just one of those CD's that grows. This is the only Chemical Brothers album, besides 'Come with Us', which has taken time for me to get in to. And, suprise suprise, it has become one of I'll admit, the first time I heard this album I was underwhelmed. Granted, a lot had being going on in my personal life that may have affected its first few listens -- or maybe this is just one of those CD's that grows. This is the only Chemical Brothers album, besides 'Come with Us', which has taken time for me to get in to. And, suprise suprise, it has become one of my favorite albums ever and super fast... these boys, Tom and Ed, have NEVER dissapointed me. It may take a while to fully grasp the CD but once you do (for those of you that have been fans ALL these years) you will see this as another chapter in their legendary careers and as a new passage in your own life. That's how it makes me feel... and it will make me feel more alive in this world for the next several years than any artist could possibly muster. Take that for what you will. Expand
  9. RamonaS.
    Aug 3, 2007
    Three words: Salmon Dance. Now, wait...If you think I'm stupid, you should hear the song.
  10. JoS
    Jul 28, 2007
    what is this dreck? Listened to it a few times through and through. Unimaginative, not memorable, mediocre beats, and the WORST song of their entire repertoire is here for your listening DISpleasure: the Salmon Dance. NOT CREATIVE and nothing to recommend in it.
  11. RobbyL.
    Jul 28, 2007
    The Salmon Song? Save me, please. What is this!? No no no no no.
  12. MattF.
    Jul 25, 2007
    This is, by far, the Chems best album since "Surrender" There were a few incredible songs on "Come with us" and "Push the button" but as for an all-around awesome album from begining to end, this is it! I've been a fan of CB since "Exit planet dust" and I had kind of lost faith after surrender, but this album is almost as good as surrender. There isn't a dull track and if your This is, by far, the Chems best album since "Surrender" There were a few incredible songs on "Come with us" and "Push the button" but as for an all-around awesome album from begining to end, this is it! I've been a fan of CB since "Exit planet dust" and I had kind of lost faith after surrender, but this album is almost as good as surrender. There isn't a dull track and if your not too much of an elitist to enjoy the salmon dance, sucks for you! This album is pure chemical brothers sound thru and thru. Instantly recognizeable and 100% awesome. 10/10. Expand
  13. JoelC
    Jul 22, 2007
    Long time Chemical Brothers fan from the beginning. I was let down by this one. With the exception of maybe 3 tracks, especially the title track "We are the night" which is awesome, this album is really lacking. I mean, whats that Salmon Dance song about. Its horrible. Theres just so many things wrong with this album and I'm not used to saying that with a Chemical Brothers album. My Long time Chemical Brothers fan from the beginning. I was let down by this one. With the exception of maybe 3 tracks, especially the title track "We are the night" which is awesome, this album is really lacking. I mean, whats that Salmon Dance song about. Its horrible. Theres just so many things wrong with this album and I'm not used to saying that with a Chemical Brothers album. My vote is listen to your friends copy, PASS. Expand
  14. DecepticonPom
    Jul 22, 2007
    The Chems treading water is still miles better than most other dance act efforts at their best in 2007.
  15. JasonW
    Jul 20, 2007
    I've had this album for weeks now and still find it incredibly amazing with each subsequent listen. I don't know what these guys are all complaining about; we are the night is a worthy addition to their already outstanding catolouge. give it a chance. its incredible.
  16. JosephA
    Jul 20, 2007
    Incorporating an excellent blend of pop, hiphop, rock, funk, and even a bit of folk music in exquisitely and masterfully sewn together quilts of electronica, The Chemical Brothers have created an album that is indeed very good from start to finish.
  17. AlainD
    Jul 19, 2007
    This album pales in comparison to their previous work. As some have already mentioned, alot of the new tracks seem to be inspired of other major innovators. Saturate for instance, while a great track, is almost plagiarism of Booka Shade's Mandarine girl. The rest of the songs are decent but not Chemical brother worthy. They all seem to lack something, whether it be a lil more kick, This album pales in comparison to their previous work. As some have already mentioned, alot of the new tracks seem to be inspired of other major innovators. Saturate for instance, while a great track, is almost plagiarism of Booka Shade's Mandarine girl. The rest of the songs are decent but not Chemical brother worthy. They all seem to lack something, whether it be a lil more kick, punch or a modified bass line. Disappointing... unfortunately. Expand
  18. GavanB
    Jul 18, 2007
    Enjoyable, but you can't help but notice their new styles (plural), have been borrowed from the new great innovators of the genre. Its like listening to a "Electro's Greatest Styles 2004-2007" album. But, this doesn't mean the album is not awesome.
  19. mikes.
    Jul 17, 2007
    horrible, probably their worst album in their discography. Not even worth a listen. They've tried to be more alternative in their approach and widening their appeal by including snippets of rock anthems and lyrics in their samples (which is nothing new to them). They've tried this before and as a result this effort feels even less inspired or original. Chemical brothers are horrible, probably their worst album in their discography. Not even worth a listen. They've tried to be more alternative in their approach and widening their appeal by including snippets of rock anthems and lyrics in their samples (which is nothing new to them). They've tried this before and as a result this effort feels even less inspired or original. Chemical brothers are struggling to evolve with the times to create a fresh album, basically they're still stuck in the 90's. If your an electronic artist you're sole success is based on your ability to come up with innovative production trickery and innovative creative ideas. For a much better album that has old school appeal but with modern production, listen to the excellent digitalism which mixes old school chemical brother with daft punk. Expand
  20. simoner.
    Jul 16, 2007
    wow easily their best yet....
  21. AndyP.
    Jul 16, 2007
    This is a serious grower of an album. On my first few listens there was one stand out track (the title track 2) but on repeated listening it takes on a life of its own. Saturate, Battle Scars and the immense Burst Generator (whack that on your ipod at full blast for its full glory) are majestic. The only down side for me is its actual cohesiveness as it doesn't flow as well as it This is a serious grower of an album. On my first few listens there was one stand out track (the title track 2) but on repeated listening it takes on a life of its own. Saturate, Battle Scars and the immense Burst Generator (whack that on your ipod at full blast for its full glory) are majestic. The only down side for me is its actual cohesiveness as it doesn't flow as well as it might. Oh and the truly appalling The Salmon Dance - what were they thinking. Overall well worth investigating. Expand
  22. StevenG.
    Jul 13, 2007
    Upon first listen of this LP, you can't help but feel a little put off. The Chemical Brothers have changed... a lot. Like electronic music counterparts Underworld and The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers have evolved over the years. But rest assured, We Are The Night is their most solid album since Surrender. It oozes with style and vibrates with funk, and after a few listens through, Upon first listen of this LP, you can't help but feel a little put off. The Chemical Brothers have changed... a lot. Like electronic music counterparts Underworld and The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers have evolved over the years. But rest assured, We Are The Night is their most solid album since Surrender. It oozes with style and vibrates with funk, and after a few listens through, I can almost guarantee that you'll be hooked. Expand
  23. IsaacA.
    Jul 12, 2007
    What other dance act around today can actually create an full length album of this quality and variety, rather than pump endless repetitive singles into the market? True, We Are The Night doesn't match the heights of their heydey, but not many acts ever scale such a height at all.
  24. MarkL.
    Jul 11, 2007
    Being a big Chemical Brothers Fan. I was disappointed with it. It is a little dry
  25. MarkD
    Jul 11, 2007
    Have loved the Chemical brothers since '96. This album is shockingly good. Especially ' A modern midnight conversation'. Still discovering beautful things in other songs.
  26. DaveA
    Jul 10, 2007
    Back to their best!
  27. MattC.
    Jul 9, 2007
    Do it again does get a little annoying but other than that the album is extremely solid especially Das Speigel and the last track. And to all the people who gave this a 0 rating I must ask why? I don't think any album no matter how bad it is deserves a 0 rating.
  28. rogerm.
    Jul 9, 2007
  29. allinr.
    Jul 8, 2007
    The best chemical brothers album ever. The best album of 2007 for electronic efforts. For a band to pull off a balad as good as 'the pills won't help you now' is a clear indication that they are exceeding only their own talents. The Chemical Brothers do not need to worry about being ahead of their game because they are! Fantastic work, Timbaland should be shaking in his boots.
  30. om
    Jul 7, 2007
    Really boring :'(
  31. JohnS.
    Jul 7, 2007
    Contrary to what everybody else is saying, I believe this is one of their best works. Sure "Do it Again' sucks pretty badly, but everything else more than compensates for this (especially "Saturate"). And how is WATN worse than Push the Button? That makes no sense.
  32. k.
    Jul 6, 2007
    What's all the thumbs down about on this ablum? Miles better then the last one!
  33. MarcusL.
    Jul 6, 2007
    Just crappy songs, chemical brothers are not the same anymore, they are too old to produce a new thing.
  34. DelB.
    Jul 6, 2007
    A blistering return to peak form. Burst Generator is one of the best things that they've ever done, and the record is coherent and fresh. Legends.
  35. KellyM.
    Jul 6, 2007
  36. MarkF.
    Jul 5, 2007
    Brothers have to "Do it Again". Disappointed.
  37. MarthaR.
    Jul 5, 2007
    This album is Horrible! Zero!
  38. Derek
    Jul 4, 2007
    With some of the best tracks on the album I can understand the direction the Chem Bros were going with this release, but as it stands this album is terrible. Half the tracks are embarrassingly bad, and the remaining ones fall far below the creative peaks reached on previous releases. A disappointment all around. If you want to save yourself some money and disappointment, buy just these With some of the best tracks on the album I can understand the direction the Chem Bros were going with this release, but as it stands this album is terrible. Half the tracks are embarrassingly bad, and the remaining ones fall far below the creative peaks reached on previous releases. A disappointment all around. If you want to save yourself some money and disappointment, buy just these tracks - and only these tracks - online: Saturate, Das Spiegal, Burst Generator Expand
  39. RalphS.
    Jul 4, 2007
    The worst record in their carreer
  40. geppofreak
    Jul 4, 2007
    probably not their best album
  41. SlobB.
    Jul 4, 2007
    weak. after being let down by the repetitive Beastie's "Mix-Up" and then hoping for salvation with the Chem's, I'll stick to Limewire and give up iTunes for good.
  42. ReenaA.
    Jul 4, 2007
    buy dig in your hole, is there best, disgusting this album
  43. JulianM.
    Jul 3, 2007
    worst album of the year
  44. AnnaB.
    Jul 3, 2007
    I think they are old enough to do a better record like in the 90's
  45. RenamK.
    Jul 3, 2007
    the worst album of the year so far....
  46. MarkZ
    Jul 3, 2007
    Don't buy this album!
  47. FelipeP.
    Jul 3, 2007
    The worst record of CB.
  48. DanP.
    Jul 3, 2007
    Absolutely awesome - from a veteran Chemical Brothers fan.
  49. AidanW.
    Jul 3, 2007
    Good album. Good background electronics.
  50. nico-
    Jul 2, 2007
    best to date since the big beat went sour after surrender...thought i wish there were more straight ahead dance-able beats....the chem bro's are great at blowing one's mind. 10 !
  51. JoeT.
    Jul 2, 2007
    Thought they'd survive putting out a best-of (usually the kiss of death) with Push The Button... but I was wrong. Half the tracks are alright in a early-90s IDM kind of way. The other half are as embarrassing as the first single 'Do It Again.' Like an uncle trying to sound 'young and hip'. Still, 'Saturate' is one of the best things they've ever Thought they'd survive putting out a best-of (usually the kiss of death) with Push The Button... but I was wrong. Half the tracks are alright in a early-90s IDM kind of way. The other half are as embarrassing as the first single 'Do It Again.' Like an uncle trying to sound 'young and hip'. Still, 'Saturate' is one of the best things they've ever done, so I'm still hopeful for better things on the next album, unless they get dropped by their record label 'cos of this one. Expand
  52. FredericN.
    Jul 2, 2007
    A great work from Chems. I'm pretty sure that We Are The Night is a lot better than Push The Button and Come With Us. The single and "The Salmon Dance" are the worst tracks, but the others are really great. Especially the title track, "All Rights Reversed" and "Burst Generator" - they'll sound amazing in live performances.
  53. Joris
    Jul 1, 2007
    Chems go psychedelic again, and it's awesome... only negative point (besides the salmon dance, their worst song ever) is there should have been maybe one more (big)beat-driven track on We Are The Night to make it their best album yet, but that's maybe just me being a bit conservative... Best tracks: Burst Generator, A Modern Midnight Conservation, We Are The Night, Saturate (you Chems go psychedelic again, and it's awesome... only negative point (besides the salmon dance, their worst song ever) is there should have been maybe one more (big)beat-driven track on We Are The Night to make it their best album yet, but that's maybe just me being a bit conservative... Best tracks: Burst Generator, A Modern Midnight Conservation, We Are The Night, Saturate (you may have heard it yet as "Electeonic Battle Weapon 8"), Das Spiegel and the ambient interludium Harpoons Expand
  54. Timm
    Jun 28, 2007
    i hate, hate, hate the single. the rest is genius.
  55. EJH.
    Jun 21, 2007
    Lots of great moments, not a lot of great songs. If this was released by anyone else it would be hailed as a breakthrough album, for the Chems it seems like a phoned in effort.
  56. JamieS.
    Jun 13, 2007
    Amazing work, it's good to see them back at the top of their game, with only a few drop-kick tracks.
  57. patrickTM
    Jun 6, 2007
    Disclaimer: This used to be my favorite group of all time for a good oh, three years or so; I may be biased. That being said, the album is once again, far too collaborative-heavy. The Klaxons track is skipped almost every time I put in the album. The Midlake collab is lachrymose and arrestingly life-affirming. Why the hell do they do that, anyway? This is two straight albums where they Disclaimer: This used to be my favorite group of all time for a good oh, three years or so; I may be biased. That being said, the album is once again, far too collaborative-heavy. The Klaxons track is skipped almost every time I put in the album. The Midlake collab is lachrymose and arrestingly life-affirming. Why the hell do they do that, anyway? This is two straight albums where they propagate one third weak ones, through in a couple bangers, and then end on a jaw-dropping stunner. It only serves to undermine the previous tracks. It's like, Expand
  58. lowcompanion
    May 31, 2007
    A great return to form for the boys, who sound strangely re-invigorated (rather than the water treading we've become used to). The single ("Do It Again") is probably the worst thing on it, so don't judge by that.
  59. SquintOrz
    May 27, 2007
    This is a great album.... but it seems to lack a certain energy that I picked up from their previous releases. Still excellent though. Just remember dont listen to the hecklers when your doing the 'salmon'.
  60. AtRiskTeen
    May 24, 2007
    With "Surrender," the best Chemical Brothers album ever...Triumphant return!
  61. AlpG
    May 21, 2007
    Overall, more ominous than other Chemical Bros records. I love the moments of climactic bliss. The Salmon Dance is an oddity in the chems oeuvre, but seeing as it's insanely brilliant, it serves as a light-hearted break from their most mature record yet.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 23
  2. Negative: 2 out of 23
  1. Probably the most exquisitely integrated single listening experience the Chemical Brothers have yet come up with.
  2. For every catchy electro-dance, there's a tune that leaves you scratching your head.
  3. With their reputations at stake, the Chems have conjured their most brilliant work since 1999's "Surrender."