
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 23
  2. Negative: 2 out of 23
  1. For every catchy electro-dance, there's a tune that leaves you scratching your head.
  2. It's quickly evident on We Are The Night that the Chemical Brothers are making a serious go at being contemporary.... They pull it off relatively well for the most part.
  3. While you may know what you're getting with a Chemical Brothers album, they remain damn good at what they do.... You get the impression that their next album may have to be a bit more adventurous if they're to survive.
  4. While there are moments that have the summer days – and daze – of ’99 flooding back, too much of this sixth long-player proper sounds disjointed and manhandled.
  5. 'All Rights Reversed', the Chems' collaboration with Klaxons, saves 'We Are The Night' from sounding like it's still stuck in the mid-'90s and with Willy Mason and Midlake cropping up, Tom and Ed have again found just enough cool mates to save them from a general feeling of naffness.
  6. 60
    Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons continue to smear psychedelic synth cheese and stereophonic airplane noises over chewy grooves that veer closer and closer to straight disco.
  7. We Are The Night feels bloated and ornate amongst the elegant functionalism of post-millennial club music.
  8. We Are the Night is no departure, although it does reveal Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons showing some build-to-suit character instead of angling for the straitjacket-tight and over-serious dance music of their past ten years.
  9. We Are The Night, like most high school reunions, fails to kick-start anything other than nostalgia.
  10. The end result is a record that runs quite average, there are some quality songs that can be picked from it ("We Are the Night," "Do it Again," "All Rights Reserved") but by itself it will lose many listeners.
  11. On We Are the Night, Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons pull out all their tricks, delivering an album of euphoric psychedelic electronica, quirky guest appearances, and danceable grooves.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 91
  2. Negative: 18 out of 91
  1. DaveA
    Jul 10, 2007
    Back to their best!
  2. Dec 9, 2015
    I was trying to figure out why this has such a low score, and then I looked at some of the reviews. A bunch of 0's posted in the same weekI was trying to figure out why this has such a low score, and then I looked at some of the reviews. A bunch of 0's posted in the same week with no other reason for the 0's other than something like "horrible." This album is the most blissful thing to bump in a car, with tracks like saturate and do it again that will work your speakers and blow your mind. This is one of those albums that you shouldn't listen to single tracks of, but rather listen to the whole album even if you're just looking for that certain song, because the progression of the album helps make the songs what they are. If you like it when electronic music moves and feels organic, you're gonna love this album. Oh and please don't post a bunch of 0's on user review sites, just leave one and move on. Full Review »
  3. Jul 10, 2012
    I adore this abum, one of my favourite by the Chem brothers. It sounds much like their older albums which I like and their collaboration withI adore this abum, one of my favourite by the Chem brothers. It sounds much like their older albums which I like and their collaboration with other bands seems to only improve the overall effect. Full Review »