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  1. Aug 10, 2019
    Beautifully brutal - satisfying beyond description. Surpassed the high hopes I had for this album, which is the demonic butt-baby of Iowa & Vol. 3 (& I mean that in the best way possible) - the only critique I have is greedily wishing for more of these songs. F'ing awesome & addictive - some of Slipknot's best ever. As a guitarist, my favorite riffs are on Not Long for This World. Too manyBeautifully brutal - satisfying beyond description. Surpassed the high hopes I had for this album, which is the demonic butt-baby of Iowa & Vol. 3 (& I mean that in the best way possible) - the only critique I have is greedily wishing for more of these songs. F'ing awesome & addictive - some of Slipknot's best ever. As a guitarist, my favorite riffs are on Not Long for This World. Too many solid tracks to pick an overall favorite...which isn't a bad problem to have. If only every album I buy from other bands henceforth could be HALF as good as this, I'd gladly sacrifice toy goats to The Dark Lord every night until I die :] Expand
  2. Dec 24, 2019
    Raw,brutal and at the same time beautiful and carefully crafted.This is Slipknot at their prime.
  3. Aug 9, 2019
    An amazing album to cater to the old fans while bringing in new ones. Filled with so much emotion and energy you'll be head banging all the way through.
  4. Aug 9, 2019
    I really enjoy this album but Iowa and Slipknot are better albums for me. Solid 8/10 for me.
  5. Aug 9, 2019
    Better than the gray chapter, but not as good as all hope is gone .Critical darling, fantastic track!
  6. Aug 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album, great songs e lyrics. Slipknot is so perfect. Congratulations! Expand
  7. Aug 9, 2019
    Their greatest album since Vol. 3
    Everything on this album is better than what we saw on they Gray Chapter
  8. Aug 9, 2019
    Amazing album, it’s experimental like .3 . Definitely one of there best albums in years, Corey’s vocals are amazing it’s overall an amazing album.
  9. Sep 2, 2019
    Really weak album. Liar's Funeral, Red Flag and Orphan are so boring. There are no catchy songs except Unsainted, Nero Forte and Spiders.
  10. Aug 9, 2019
    Possibly one of their best. Relentless drum bashing metal brilliance from start to finish
  11. Aug 9, 2019
    This album is a testament to having a vision and seeing that vision through. It contains the “Alice in Chains” influences while meeting the Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” experimentation and conceptual writing. This is a legacy-writing piece of art.
  12. Aug 9, 2019
    Great album. August will be a great month for music.

  13. Aug 11, 2019
    This is Slipknot's strongest album in quite some time. I personally didn't enjoy The Gray Chapter. This album perfectly fits between Self-Titled and Vol3 with slight hints of IOWA.
    Most of the songs are perfect! And songs like Spiders are very catchy. Might give a few Stone sour hints.
  14. Aug 11, 2019
    Constant tension, the imposition of grandiose darkness. Excellent balance between heaviness and melodiousness. The album brings something new but with a recognizable style.
  15. Aug 12, 2019
    Absolutely brilliant! Best since Vol 3, or even Iowa. Massive, strong, full of energy.
  16. Aug 13, 2019
    Solid album! While a return to roots of sorts, it's also completely new and different than any other slipknot album. Love the brutality of Solway Firth.
  17. Aug 13, 2019
    Solway firth makes me headbanging also while sleeping.
    Perfect album.
    Not an hardcore slipknot fan but this album simply rocks.
  18. Aug 13, 2019
    Листая Яндекс.Музыку, наткнулся на новый альбом nu-metal группы Slipknot. Без раздумий я включил его и послушал.

    Всего на альбоме 14 песен. Не так уж и мало. По иронии, то что помечено как «Популярно у слушателей» и являются главными синглами Если кратко — альбом получился среднячком. За 5 лет можно было выпустить что-то и более мощное. Но это не значит, что альбом провалился. Он
    Листая Яндекс.Музыку, наткнулся на новый альбом nu-metal группы Slipknot. Без раздумий я включил его и послушал.

    Всего на альбоме 14 песен. Не так уж и мало.

    По иронии, то что помечено как «Популярно у слушателей» и являются главными синглами
    Если кратко — альбом получился среднячком. За 5 лет можно было выпустить что-то и более мощное. Но это не значит, что альбом провалился. Он хорош. Хорош по своему.

    На этом альбоме вы найдёте как и психоделичные синтезаторы, так и тяжёлые гитары, агрессивные ударки. Но почти на всех песнях есть одна цепляющая «изюменка» — вокал Тейлора. Очень мощный экстрим, глубокий и пронизывающий чистый вокал. И остросоциальные тексты, куда же без них.

    По атмосфере альбом довольно неодназначный. Начинается альбом психоделическими синтезаторами, а дальше идёт мощный и агрессивный ню-метал. Эта агрессия временами перебивается медленными и мелодичными балладами или инструментальными композициями. Хорошо это или плохо — уже зависит от слушателя. Лично мне это не очень зашло — ты готов крушить и ломать всё и вся, как вдруг начинается мелодичная баллада под которую только курить на фоне ночного города и думать о смысле бытия. А дальше начинается опять крушилово. Но это оправданно тем, что это не концептуальный альбом. Он просто связан общей темой альбома, но песни друг с другом не переплетаются.

    Разбирать каждую композицию я не вижу смысла, ибо это тот же Слипнот. Лишь приведу список композиций, которые лично мне очень зашли.

    И что в итоге:
    Альбом вышел не плохой, но и не самый лучший. Я бы это назвал «в меру хороший».
  19. Aug 18, 2019
    The album has it all — the rawness, the addictive melody, the classic Slipknot lyricism — it is truly the culmination of a 20 year-long career, with songs that should get you emotional, angry, and head banging all the way. It sounds new and refreshing, enough to make you understand that this is a new and improved Slipknot, but still attached to the roots that allowed the band to captivateThe album has it all — the rawness, the addictive melody, the classic Slipknot lyricism — it is truly the culmination of a 20 year-long career, with songs that should get you emotional, angry, and head banging all the way. It sounds new and refreshing, enough to make you understand that this is a new and improved Slipknot, but still attached to the roots that allowed the band to captivate the minds (and necks) of a whole generation.

    What really differentiates We Are Not Your Kind from any other Slipknot record is not only, as I said before, the combination of their previous work, but also the great range of styles present on the record. The undeniable explosiveness and rage-filled trip that tracks like "Red Flag" and "Orphan" bring, one or two tracks away on the tracklist from the more melodic and experimental experience present in tracks such as "Spiders" and "My Pain". Also the mix of genres the band has shown over the years is heard on such tracks as "Critical Darling" and "Not Long For This World". Really, I could list all the songs here, but you know what? Pick the record up and figure it out for yourself. You'll thank me later.

    In other words, this is one of those records where there is no single bad track. It might take you a couple of listens, but the ultimate feeling of not knowing which song to pick as your favorite will come along shortly.

    We Are Not Your Kind is a thank you letter to the classic Slipknot fans, while also being a flag of hope, that stands proudly for heavy metal in this and future generations to come. Definitely one of Slipknot's finest. An instant classic.
  20. Aug 13, 2019
    Everything you’d want in a heavy metal album. Corey Taylor’s vocals are unreal. The chorus in Nero Forte sounds like two Coreys going back and forth. The scratching by Sid at the end of Not Long For This World escalates until the song explodes. The guitar part as Liars Funeral ends is both sweet as it is uncomfortable. My only grip is All Out Life isn’t on the album. While I admire andEverything you’d want in a heavy metal album. Corey Taylor’s vocals are unreal. The chorus in Nero Forte sounds like two Coreys going back and forth. The scratching by Sid at the end of Not Long For This World escalates until the song explodes. The guitar part as Liars Funeral ends is both sweet as it is uncomfortable. My only grip is All Out Life isn’t on the album. While I admire and respect the pacing of My Pain, All Out Life should have been on instead of this song. I’ve listened to heavy metal for 30 years and this album is among the most unique, original, confusing, experimental, and heavy I’ve ever heard. This is a flheard. Expand
  21. Aug 14, 2019
    One of the best albums so far heavy, dark, and very well produced im a fan of slipknot since they first album and this is a masterpiece every fan of slipknot should be proud of them. Congratz and enjoy the music life its to short. PEACE
  22. Aug 14, 2019
    A brilliant album. A perfect amalgamation of everything slipknot have done over the years. Their experience and emotions all coming together in an album that is fitting for the current climate of the world. I have been a fan since 1999, I have struggled with some of their experimental work and stayed the course. I’m glad I have because this is rapidly becoming my favourite album of Slipknots.
  23. Aug 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album has plenty of the Slipknot brand experimentation, but also maturity and subtlety that you don’t expect, for whatever backass stupid selfish reason. In addition to the raw power we’ve habitually come to expect from the IA metal powerhouse, another big thing that hits like a brick in this album is the buildup. It’s there all the time: expectation of **** to come and blast it to hell, anticipation of good stuff that awaits, hope and sorta knowledge it’s coming. When it comes, it’s ultimate deliverance. How the hell do the guys do it? I’m really glad that they do. They DID it again, Bravo! Expand
  24. Aug 21, 2019
    In my opinion this is the best album made by slipknot, it is so good all the songs are so fantastic
  25. Aug 24, 2019
    In short, WANYK is a top 3 knot album along with s/t and IOWA and it combines all the good elements from those albums as well as vol. 3 and little bit of AHIG. It somewhat retains the production of .5 (especially in the drum sound), but musically and lyrically its way more impactful and relevant. Its definitely a grower the more you listen to it, hint: make sure to read the lyrics whileIn short, WANYK is a top 3 knot album along with s/t and IOWA and it combines all the good elements from those albums as well as vol. 3 and little bit of AHIG. It somewhat retains the production of .5 (especially in the drum sound), but musically and lyrically its way more impactful and relevant. Its definitely a grower the more you listen to it, hint: make sure to read the lyrics while listening, context is very important to get the right atmosphere for this album (and that vocal delivery from Corey is just ungodly), and even initial stinkers like My Pain will start to make sense in a weird way, while all the heavier songs are A-grade and as good as their best material. AOTY for me so far. Expand
  26. Aug 25, 2019
    Between renew and old style. A good Slipknot album! Need some full listening to appreciate it but after that, just listen it again and again.
  27. Aug 31, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This along Fear Innoculum by TOOL,are the best albums of 2019!!
  28. Sep 7, 2019
    Exactly what you could hope for from a mature heavy metal band still kicking after more than two decades. There are heavy moments, there are creepy moments, sad, funny, exciting. And you know what? It blends incredibly well. A particular favorite of mine is "My Pain", a song I never would've imagined entering the discography of this group. Hard to find a bad song on the album though, and IExactly what you could hope for from a mature heavy metal band still kicking after more than two decades. There are heavy moments, there are creepy moments, sad, funny, exciting. And you know what? It blends incredibly well. A particular favorite of mine is "My Pain", a song I never would've imagined entering the discography of this group. Hard to find a bad song on the album though, and I really look forward to more from the group as time comes. Expand
  29. Sep 7, 2019
    Didn't expect anything less, slipknot is still strong as ever, songs are heavy in lyrics and melody
    this masterpiece is an amazing combination of experience, emotion and hard work
    nice job slipknot m/
  30. Oct 23, 2019
    Not all of the songs are same good quality, still deserves it's attention and mention among 2019's metal greatest
  31. Sep 13, 2019
    You'll have to listen to this a couple of times before you can really understand some songs. Anyway, We are not your kind achieves to bring the well known metal heaviness and new fresh sounds together in this masterpiece. It might not be as dark as some previous albums but with several compelling hit songs it definitely succeeds to be one the best albums from Slipknot so far!
    This album
    You'll have to listen to this a couple of times before you can really understand some songs. Anyway, We are not your kind achieves to bring the well known metal heaviness and new fresh sounds together in this masterpiece. It might not be as dark as some previous albums but with several compelling hit songs it definitely succeeds to be one the best albums from Slipknot so far!
    This album might not reach Slipknot's old fans but is still an awesome piece of fresh wind.
  32. Sep 17, 2019
    За что хочется сразу похвалить релиз Slipknot, так это за сочетание фирменной агрессивной подачи и техничного инструментала с мягкими элементами трека — если раньше чувствовалась несостыкованность партий, и они словно существовали в разных плоскостях, то теперь припевы в лице Кори Тейлора не рушат целостности композиций.

    Да и сам экстремальный вокал претерпел хоть и небольшие, но
    За что хочется сразу похвалить релиз Slipknot, так это за сочетание фирменной агрессивной подачи и техничного инструментала с мягкими элементами трека — если раньше чувствовалась несостыкованность партий, и они словно существовали в разных плоскостях, то теперь припевы в лице Кори Тейлора не рушат целостности композиций.

    Да и сам экстремальный вокал претерпел хоть и небольшие, но значимые изменения — в преимущественной части композиций нет ощущения «скрима ради скрима» и он используется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть темноту и накал трека.

    И если большая часть треков выполнена в фирменной манере Slipknot и не станет для фанатов откровением, то вкрадчивая «Spiders» и космическая «My Pain» это определённо эксперимент группы.

    Так что Slipknot склепали крепкий, ни капли не опопсевший (и это в середине 2019 года!) альбом, за который уж точно не стыдно. Определённо хочу посоветовать его тому, кто как и я не жалует экстрим вокал — надеюсь, ты будешь приятно удивлен :)

    Читай больше рецензий в канале Телеграм:
  33. Sep 15, 2019
    This album is amazing, it's like you are in a movie with the history of Slipknot, in some moments your fell like you is listening a bit of Iowa and Self-titled, but att the same time you fill some Recent Slipknot vibes.
  34. Sep 17, 2019
    Amazing Masterpiece!!! My Favorite album after Self-Titled! In podcast on Spotify, Clown said everything i wanted to. I can just say go and buy it!
  35. Sep 26, 2019
    Their previous album (0.5 Grey Chapter) put them back on the map after a career decline. On that album, every track was great, heavy, to-the-point, and had its place on the larger album. Every music critic said "oh wow, look, Slipknot is making a comeback now".

    Leading up to this album, there was a great amount of hype. In fact, it seems they are more popular now in 2019 than in 2002!
    Their previous album (0.5 Grey Chapter) put them back on the map after a career decline. On that album, every track was great, heavy, to-the-point, and had its place on the larger album. Every music critic said "oh wow, look, Slipknot is making a comeback now".

    Leading up to this album, there was a great amount of hype. In fact, it seems they are more popular now in 2019 than in 2002! Unfortunately, this album wasn't able to deliver and I think it's because 1) they sat on the album too long, and 2) tried being more experimental, but this was never their strength.

    1) Interviews show that they took their time on this album and wanted to ensure there was "replay" value and sat on the album for about 3yrs. I think this drove the passion stale and lengthened the songs. The majority of songs are over 5:00 minutes. And that's okay for some bands...if they are changing, innovative. But instead it is just a over-lengthened repeating guitar riff. To sum up, Criticism 1 of 2, songs should have have been put into 3:30-4:30 timeframes to capture the best of each track, as it does sound like there is a lot of boring filler.

    2) Oh no, why did you have to expirement and do stupid synth things? They've done this on other albums, and honestly it never added to the value - at best, their synthy "interludes" gave a 1-3min break from the heaviness. On this album, they had full-length songs which basically were more synth than metal, and this is something Slipknot should never do again.

    Conclusion: too much filler, songs too long, lack of hooks, lack of cohesion, unnecessary synthy tracks, about average in terms of catalogue heaviness. Even the best songs could have had some alterations to make them hit the mark (Nero Forte, Orphan, Red Flag, Spiders). Only Unsainted and All Out Life (which was stupidly cut from the album) were amazing songs start-to-end.
  36. Oct 29, 2019
    Better than The Gray Chapter, but way worse than Iowa and Slipknot. The production and mix is fine, but some of he songs are just filler. Also all of the interludes suck balls. Still, the best slipknot album since Subliminal Verses.
  37. Jan 5, 2020
    way better than 2 previous albums .............................................................
  38. Nov 29, 2019
    It’s easy to say that Slipknot has rekindled their fire and is once again makes the head banging anthems we all know and love from them. Corey’s vocals are great screaming or singing, the writing is amazing as usual, the guitars on this album are SOME OF THE BEST FROM SLIPKNOT AND THE GENRE AS A WHOLE that I have seen in a very long time. Insane riffs reminiscent of thrash while stillIt’s easy to say that Slipknot has rekindled their fire and is once again makes the head banging anthems we all know and love from them. Corey’s vocals are great screaming or singing, the writing is amazing as usual, the guitars on this album are SOME OF THE BEST FROM SLIPKNOT AND THE GENRE AS A WHOLE that I have seen in a very long time. Insane riffs reminiscent of thrash while still keeping the nu metal feel. Though clocking in at about an hour, it flies by. This one of the best albums of the year by a long shot. It does not dip in quality once. I think this might be my favorite album from them at the moment. Expand
  39. Jan 6, 2020
    Álbum maravilhoso, sem palavras para descrever essa obra prima do Metal !!!
  40. Jan 8, 2020
    We Are Not Your Kind is mediocre for Slipknot, especially following the Gray Chapter. The album WANYK reminds me most of Vol. 3, with a style change and heavy keyboard usage - as well as some songs that don't really stand out among the others. I'm not a big fan of the album art either. Some stand out tracks for me are Nero Forte, Orphan, Birth of the Cruel, Spiders, and Solway Firth.We Are Not Your Kind is mediocre for Slipknot, especially following the Gray Chapter. The album WANYK reminds me most of Vol. 3, with a style change and heavy keyboard usage - as well as some songs that don't really stand out among the others. I'm not a big fan of the album art either. Some stand out tracks for me are Nero Forte, Orphan, Birth of the Cruel, Spiders, and Solway Firth. Tracks like My Pain, Critical Darling and Liars Funeral leave some to be desired. First off, I am not into the keyboard parts on this album. They feel to sparkly and simple, and don't fit the classic grungy natural sound that Slipknot has created in the past. I am assuming the new member is involved in the creation of these parts. If the keyboard were absent and replaced with different instruments and samples, I would probably like this album a lot more. Another issue I have is of the over simplicity in primarily the guitar parts, pertaining to melody. A lot of the melodies lie within more major scales, straying away from a heavier sound. Slipknot has done this in the past on all of their albums, but I believe they pulled it off much better then. I am however, a very big fan of Jay Weinbergs drum parts, especially in songs like Orphan and Solway Firth. The speed and precision, as well as the compositions are pretty stellar and hold the classic Slipknot attitude very well. Overall, the album is pretty good, but leaves a lot to be desired in certain departments. It's worth a listen nonetheless. Expand
  41. Mar 1, 2020
    Sublime best Slipknot for years! Raw, gritty and just everything you expect from Slipknot.
  42. Apr 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The only criticism I have with this album are the interludes, they ad nothing to the experience and you could skip them and lose nothing.

    Insert Coin: Decent intro, but not at the level of (515) or 742617000027. Still ok

    Unsainted: Heavy, dark, and really good as a single. Wouldn't say it's one of the highlights of the album, but still pretty good.

    Birth of The Cruel: I honestly don't know why they made this one a single. It is ok, but far from the best Slipknot has done. And I would go as far as to say that it is one of the weakest from this album.

    Death Because of Death: Totally unnecessary interlude. Nero Forte: Damn this song is good! A lot of people say is their favorite and I totally get why. Heavy, really heavy, the falsetto in the chorus is unlike anything else Corey has done, and the drums are on point, which is something you'll see me say throughout the whole album.

    Critical Darling: This screams single all over it. Heavy riffs, clean almost pop chorus, but that breakdown is some heavy stuff. Really good support song. For some it might even be one of the best.

    A Liar's Funeral: This is Snuff, but heavy. This song hits hard. In my opinion it is one of the best from the album, however, it is very different from anything else in here, some people love it, some others hate it. Listen to it and think for yourself.

    Red Flag: Another highlight. Wow those vocals, and that riff, and that drum, oh that drum. It is so good you'll want it to be longer than just 4 minutes.

    What's Next: Completely pointless interlude Spiders: This is a weird song. It is so bizarre that it makes it amazing! Not heavy at all, in fact if it had "Maroon 5" next to it it would be sounding all over the radio. But this doesn't mean that it's bad, not at all! You have to listen to it and draw your own conclusions.

    Orphan: Wow, WOW! What a beast of a song! Seriously one of the best from the band ever! It sounds similar to Heretic Anthem, but the production is so much better and cleanner. The lyrics hit hard as well. And those drums. Jay did an amazing job with those drums! Overall a song you can't miss, even if you don't like the band or this album.

    My Pain: After Orphan I expected something better, but we got the most boring song from the band. More boring thatn scissors, more boring than Iowa, than any other song they've made. Probably one of the most strange songs they have done. It's not bad, but it is boring.

    Not Long For This World: Wow, WOW! This one is another highlight. What an amazing song! This is kind of like A Liar's Funeral, but more extreme. Heavier, darker, hits even harder. Overall it is amazing!

    Solway Firth: I have waited to get to this one. If you're reading this. STOP! Whatever you are doing, stop it! Go listen to this song and then come back. This is by far the best song of the album and in my opinion the best song of the band. Heavy as **** Dark, the drums are flawless, the vocals are the best we've heard from Corey. I just can't describe how much I love this song. It is perfect!

    If you like Metal, Slipknot, or both. Then go listen to this album right away, you will not be disappointed.
  43. Jul 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Slipknot proved that original members not being around can't stop them from conquering the world agian. Masterpiece Expand
  44. Aug 21, 2020
    This album encompass all the best bits from Slipknots' earlier work. It gots the chaos and rawness of ST and Iowa, the emotion of Vol 3 and All Hope is Gone and the musical technicality of vol 5. Every song stands out and it will be difficult for Slipknot to release a better album than this one.
  45. Jul 16, 2021
    Una majestuosa forma de anunciar que aun queda mucho de Slipknot por ver y que gran trabajo de los miembros nuevos
  46. Nov 14, 2020
    Return Of Slipknot
    After Iowa Slipknot came out with more meh albums with Corey having a drinking addiction and no one wanting to record another album, they put out Vol 3 which didn't have many heavy tracks then they put out the final album with Paul which was pretty good then we went back to mediocre with the gray chapter, 5 years later they decide to put out We Are Not Your Kind, or as I
    Return Of Slipknot
    After Iowa Slipknot came out with more meh albums with Corey having a drinking addiction and no one wanting to record another album, they put out Vol 3 which didn't have many heavy tracks then they put out the final album with Paul which was pretty good then we went back to mediocre with the gray chapter, 5 years later they decide to put out We Are Not Your Kind, or as I call it Iowa Part 2. It has all the elements that made that album so great, heavy vocals, clowns drumming, dope **** riffs nothin lacks with this project each track is something special, there's Only 2 or 3 where Corey's heavy vocals we've come to love aren't there due to me liking Iowa so much I shall put this album at a 10
  47. Dec 29, 2020
    I hear people say ''they've gone back to the IOWA roots!'' Yeah right, seems more like they're delusional to me. Slipknot ''We Are Not Your Kind'' pretty much a sequel to The Gray Chapter more than anything. Feels very overproduced and generic. This caters to the radio friendly rock channels and the boring masses. They did manage to get a lot of praise for this album but **** me is itI hear people say ''they've gone back to the IOWA roots!'' Yeah right, seems more like they're delusional to me. Slipknot ''We Are Not Your Kind'' pretty much a sequel to The Gray Chapter more than anything. Feels very overproduced and generic. This caters to the radio friendly rock channels and the boring masses. They did manage to get a lot of praise for this album but **** me is it bland. Do whatever the hell you want corey but Slipknot haven't been the same after the third album came out, that's where they started to decline.

    Very disappointing but then again I shouldn't expect anything when they haven't made a good album in 19 years.
  48. May 18, 2021
    I was hoping for more than this, Nero Forte and Unsainted are really good but all the other songs kinda just mixed together, they weren’t bad but also nothing special. Excited for their new album that they have been teasing though.
  49. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  50. Jul 1, 2022
    good album, probably one of my favorite slipknot album since self-titled and vol.3.
    sounds good, kinda like a mix from Iowa and vol.3.

    favorite song: nero forte, liar's funeral, orphan.
    least favorite: solway firth

    overall 7/10
  51. Jul 4, 2022
    Anybody who doesnt get goosebumps while listening to the, filled with rage riffs and the perfect combination of noises and atmosphere provided by this album, just has a very pretentious approach to possibly most music they listen to. If this is you, definitely consider enjoying instead of hating.
  52. Oct 12, 2022
    I love this album so much,is one of my favorites from slipknot without a doubt
  53. Mar 24, 2023
    It's a fun album, a nice combination of all of Slipknot's music. Some real bangers on there, others are ehh but listenable. It's sometimes feels like it's going on too long. But nonetheless the songs I really like, I really like. So still gives the album a boost!

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Aug 20, 2019
    Wonderfully cohesive hour of vein-popping indignation. [Sep 2019, p.82]
  2. Aug 15, 2019
    Slipknot make an unexpected impact with their newly-discovered tenderness, but it’s those instantly-recognisable throat-shredding roars that really shine.
  3. Aug 14, 2019
    For better or for worse, Kind is a Slipknot record, one that has more to offer than expected and is still sometimes frustratingly short-sighted.