
Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Watershed marks a new chapter for Opeth, one that promises infinitely more than its predecessors.
  2. Alternative Press
    What Opeth do best is flat-out shred, and at its finest moments, Watershed howls like the unholy union of Queensryche, Yngwie Malmsteen and Morbid Angel. [Aug 2008, p.166]
  3. A substantial addition to the band's catalog.
  4. 80
    Prog was rarely as songful as the brutal beauty here.
  5. If anything, the group's latest is another musical masterpiece from a band known for putting out musical masterpieces.
  6. Watershed has friction, and friction brings heat. Those left cold by metal's po-faced tendencies might well warm up to it.
  7. It’s their most crucial album since 1999’s stunning "Still Life," and its title could not be more appropriate.
  8. Q Magazine
    Patience, persistence and a good set of headphones will uncover fragile melodies here amid the maelstrom, though the guitar noodling can veer dangerously close to Mark Knopfler territory. [July 2008, p.101]
  9. Watershed, the new Opeth album, broad enough to encompass death-metal pummeling as well as cello and English horn, is typically engrossing--symphonic, and in a way organic.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 95 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 90 out of 95
  2. Negative: 4 out of 95
  1. fetidbreath
    Jun 18, 2010
    David is a moron. This is a very fresh album. Perhaps he needs to grow up a little and put away his toys. This is a man's band and he is David is a moron. This is a very fresh album. Perhaps he needs to grow up a little and put away his toys. This is a man's band and he is a little out of his league. Full Review »
  2. kyleb
    Jul 10, 2009
    Breathtaking album.
  3. AlexD
    Nov 12, 2008
    Simply breathtaking, an album that starts up like Deliverance does, enging up like Damnation / Blackwater Park, but with more memorable Simply breathtaking, an album that starts up like Deliverance does, enging up like Damnation / Blackwater Park, but with more memorable riffs. Definitely a must get for Opeth fans! Full Review »