• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Mar 10, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Apr 20, 2017
    Mostly, it’s a fascinating listen that requires a few times through to really connect with the vibe before you can fully appreciate it. Give it the time, though, and you will appreciate it, and maybe you’ll even appreciate your life a little more, too.
  2. Mar 31, 2017
    Employing a Drake-like emotional honesty (though thankfully minus the Canadian’s tendency for self-pity) he recounts unflinching vignettes of Seattle street-life shot through with harrowing biographical details.
  3. Mar 23, 2017
    While the productions are animated and spacious, creating openings for his jam-packed phrases, the sound doesn’t take the full step forward that would help spotlight and redefine Seattle rap.
  4. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2017
    His approach provides an intriguing adjunct to other boundary-pushing talents from further down the coast such as Vince Staples. [May 2017, p.111]
  5. Mojo
    Mar 9, 2017
    The street-wise intellect certainly lets his slightly off-pitched voice do most of the heavy-lifting over the stuttering spacey synthetics, phased keys and warped Rhodes of B-Roc's atmospheric production. [Apr 2017, p.95]
  6. Uncut
    Mar 9, 2017
    A star in the making. [Apr 2017, p.37]
  7. Mar 9, 2017
    Too often, however, he gets mired in sexual pursuits, as well as excessive drug talk. The album's vinyl edition is 18 tracks long, including bonus songs and instrumentals, but even the 13-track standard CD version is exhausting, at 52 minutes.
  8. Mar 9, 2017
    There’s a certain depth and outright honesty in Ray’s lyrics that sets him apart from many of his peers and shows that he’s not afraid to bare his soul in his music. That openness makes for incredibly powerful listening.

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