
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Feb 22, 2012
    Second album Waking Up is a set of polished arrangements so middle of the road they make Snow Patrol sound like Animal Collective.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    OneRepublic sophomore disc reflects that studio experience with loads of slick synth licks and jucy percussion tricks; it's much more flavorful than the band's Fray-like debut. [20 Nov 2009, p.87]
  3. Fortunately, on OneRepublic's second album Waking Up, they've internalized a lot of the things that made Timbaland such a compelling producer--that good sounds are paramount, songs should move in odd directions and many different ideas can constitute a hook.
  4. Ultimately, OneRepublic takes what all of those bands already do and pushes it to an even lower common denominator of slick, disposable melodrama.
  5. As the marginal progression of Waking Up attests, OneRepublic gladly mix things up a little. Unfortunately, whether it be through compromise, confusion or otherwise, they are still to find their consistent sweet spot.
  6. OneRepublic adds many production flourishes to their second album Waking Up: sawing strings, children's choirs, minor-key piano, cavernous U2 reverb, long ponderous instrumental sections of piano and orchestra duets, a title track that bears echoes of the Killers.
  7. Waking Up boasts enough intertwining pop melodies backed with anthemic vocals to show fans of the 2007 Timbaland-remixed track "Apologize" that OneRepublic can deliver more addictive hooks while still maintaining its own graceful and introspective sound.
  8. What's indisputable is that every last song is incredibly catchy.... The other side of the coin, though, is their penchant for quivering balladry and bland arrangements that make Maroon 5 sound like Fuck Buttons.
  9. Q Magazine
    Having cornered the market in MOR pop, he brings these well-honed chops to bear on OneRepublic's second album, throwing up an immaculately mixed cocktail of soft-focused rock, white-bread R&B and heartstrung balladry. [Mar 210, p.107]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 72 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 72
  2. Negative: 7 out of 72
  1. Barry
    Nov 21, 2009
    Solid solid album!great listen and at least 5-7 songs that you will love from it my face is waking up:Dbuy it!
  2. Nov 24, 2019
    OneRepublic has emerged into the music business with 2007’s platinum album “Dreaming Out Loud”. The album was an awesome kickstarter to theirOneRepublic has emerged into the music business with 2007’s platinum album “Dreaming Out Loud”. The album was an awesome kickstarter to their career. It had two big hits in “Apologize(the Timbaland Remix)” and “Stop and Stare”. Along with two hits, the album had many songs still beloved by fans today. After that, it was important that OneRepublics follow up had to be good. Two years later OneRepublic released their sophomore album “Waking Up” and it was as if they took any flaw from the first album, and made it a strength. “Waking Up” is truly a gem. This album is overflowing with style, personality, and sounds that will have you bopping your head to them long after they’re finished. The album starts off with the song “Made For You”. This song has to be one of OneRepublics most re-listenable songs, with its incredible piano beat and it’s infectious melody. The song ends with a children’s choir which perfectly leads into one of OneRepublics best, “All the Right Moves”. This song is one of OneRepublics biggest hits and for good reason. Everything about this song is music to the ears. “Secrets” is next and this has to be one of my favorite songs ever. The amazing lyrics which are about a man regretting his life of lies and is going to straighten up. The melody which has been playing in my head since I was a child. After that, “Everybody Loves Me” soars onto the track list and dominated its 3 minutes. It’s so catchy, and is something you want to play again and again. “Good Life” is of course one of the bands most known songs. The songs catchy melody, classic whistle, and lyrics about living a good life even when their are ups and downs to life have stayed with me for years. After that “All This Time” is one of the best songs on the album undoubtably. It’s slow melody and romantic lyrics are unforgettable. “Fear” is one of the bands most underrated songs, and “Waking Up” is one of their most unique. “Marchin On” is also awesome. As you can tell, I hold most of the songs on this album very highly. I hope people are not off put by the mediocre Metacritic score, because I really think something is on the album for everybody. I didn’t hear this until years after it’s release, and I was shocked by the number of songs I grew up with and also how many of the other songs on the album we’re just as good. In my opinion, this is the bands third best album(after Native and Oh My My” and putting it third is almost hard. My problems with this album are very minimum, and I hope you give it a try. Full Review »
  3. Dec 30, 2013
    I remember I initially hated Good Life but at this point, I do like the song a lot. All the Right Moves and Secrets are also very nice. TheI remember I initially hated Good Life but at this point, I do like the song a lot. All the Right Moves and Secrets are also very nice. The album as a whole is also very good too. I think the songs released as singles are the best (as they should be) Full Review »