• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 8, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 317 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 29 out of 317

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  1. Jun 24, 2011
    Fantastic, massive, true, limitless, full of hope, full of energy... Volta has a beauty in not a normal way, it lives not in you ,but, through you, all around you... It`s eternal like energy itself.
  2. ChrisK
    Oct 2, 2007
    Bjork is my favorite singer of all time. The only problem with her is that she is soo ahead of her time it is ridiculous and that is why alot of people(including myself when i first heard her) don't get her music.... but after seeing her live performing volta i was blown away..... if you want to hear volta at its best download the mp3 of her at coachella 2007.
  3. ChrisG
    May 9, 2007
    Profoundly experimental, sketchy, brilliant (at points), head-scratching and quasi-fun. Some tracks really shine like Pneumonia and Innocence, while others flounder and become restless beasts (The Dull Flame of Desire / Declare Independence). But a good B album is better than many. She's still a unique force in the music scene and shows no signs of musical fatigue.
  4. k.
    May 10, 2007
    I think the only Ms. step Bjork made on this album was proclaiming it 'pop' and setting up false expectations. 'Volta' is one step away from 'Drawing Restrant #9' and three steps away from 'Vespertine'. Gorgeous, challenging and strange.
  5. rheom
    May 9, 2007
    theres nuthin really much to argue about bjorks album; watever bjork does in her carrer I will still support her;shes a legend and I luv her!
  6. OlegV.
    Feb 2, 2009
    Dull Flame Of Desire is an incredibly amazing and touching tune - my favourite in last 5 years. It brings me to tears every time I listen to it (ok, now - not but first 20 listens it did :). I See Who Your Are is another tune here which brings to tears. Declare Independence is an amazing electroindustrial energetic, but Pheumonia is one of her most beautiful "quiet" songs. The whole album Dull Flame Of Desire is an incredibly amazing and touching tune - my favourite in last 5 years. It brings me to tears every time I listen to it (ok, now - not but first 20 listens it did :). I See Who Your Are is another tune here which brings to tears. Declare Independence is an amazing electroindustrial energetic, but Pheumonia is one of her most beautiful "quiet" songs. The whole album is as good as her other work, here are only two songs which did not work for me: Wanderlust and My Juvenile. Interesting a lot of fans claim Wandelust as on the the best :) And I think Innocence is too poppy and has too much of Timbaland but it's fine. Earth Intruders shows a perfect balance betweet Timbaland's and Bjork's producing. Expand
  7. HarryK
    May 3, 2007
    One of the best albums in many years. I was amazed with some of the songs, 'Declare Independence' being the greatest. This is a keeper!
  8. BM
    May 8, 2007
    I seem to find the joy out of this records that the critics don't. The moments of beauty in this record "The Dull Flame Of Desire" & "Vertebrae by Vertebrae" matched with the ferocity and driven songs as "Innocence" & "Declare Independence" suggest a fond welcome back to the Bjork we all knew from Debut - Homogenic. Impressive record from one of the most important forces in Music today.
  9. triumphofaheart
    May 8, 2007
  10. JeromeF
    May 9, 2007
    Volta is a fantastic effort. It covers so much ground (emotionally and musically) so it can seem scattered. And it kind of is, which is one of it's few downfalls. It is so nice to hear something exuberant (aside from the calm ones of course) after the beautiful sweeping Vespertine and experimental vocal Medulla. Volta kicks off with a jungle-inspired, fun track, called "Earth Volta is a fantastic effort. It covers so much ground (emotionally and musically) so it can seem scattered. And it kind of is, which is one of it's few downfalls. It is so nice to hear something exuberant (aside from the calm ones of course) after the beautiful sweeping Vespertine and experimental vocal Medulla. Volta kicks off with a jungle-inspired, fun track, called "Earth Intruders." This is one of the better songs on the album, and I was dancing around when I heard it, but then the 1 minute+ brass outro, while pretty, completely through me off. And so begins the 8-track downfall. the tracks are all fine, but I dislike how they are all strung together by little nature sounds. It's kind of sweet at first, then you realize "wait... if I want to just listen to one song, I'll get this annoying, unmatching outro." And if theyre not strung together in a way, they end PRECISELY when the next one starts. This works well once ("Dull Fame" to "Innocence") but overall this stringing bothers me. "Wanderlust" and "Innocence" are two of my favorites, and the former may rank among her best songs ever. "Dull Flame of Desire" is beautiful, but I will only listen to it's 7.5-minute structure sometimes when I listen to the album as a whole. From "I See Who You Are" and "Pneumonia," Volta takes a bit of a slowdown, losing some melodic power. These songs are very beautifully crafted though, which makes up for it's bridging. The song I dislike highly is "Hope." It has a terribly trying-too-hard-to-be-political scheme about it ("What's the lesser of two evils, if a suicide bomber made to look pregnant, hits her target or not?") I think it's the worst line on the album. But, then we're saved, by one of the best tracks I've ever heard, "Declare Independence." An industrial-sounding, powerful shouting song where it's repetition works in it's favor. The album closes with the "okay" song "My Juvenile." It's nice, but I don't love it as much as the others. Overall, Volta is not her best album, by FAR. But it's a nice sign that Bjork is not settling down any time soon, and she'll be back with something different (as always) in a few years. Expand
  11. juanm
    May 9, 2007
    give it a couple of tries... and then you'll have no scape to its charm
  12. BrSm
    May 9, 2007
    It seems like a lot of critics and fans thought that the Timbaland collabarations meant this was going to sound like Nelly Furtado. Did you really think Bjork would stoop to that level? I can't imagine anyone who's been listening since Homogenic would be shocked or disapointed by this album.
  13. BL
    Jun 2, 2007
    Very human and magnificent.
  14. M.T.
    Apr 29, 2007
    its a mix of her last 3 studio albums. 'Declare Independence' is a political version of "Pluto". "I See Who You Are" is very intimate and touching. All of the Timbaland/Danja/Bjork collabs are on point! Bjork always surprises and scares.
  15. DiegoR
    May 11, 2007
  16. MungoB
    May 11, 2007
    Keep listening and you will see. I'm really digging it but wasn't so sure at first.
  17. MarcD
    May 13, 2007
    Bjork comes back swinging!
  18. QimmahN
    Jul 17, 2007
    I am a big fan of Volta. But like all of her last 3 albums -it had to grow on me as I grew in my ability to appreciate such a unique musical mind. I truly see her music as an inspirational, heart melting brilliance. She is consistently genius and if you can see that, you just don
  19. Jul 30, 2012
    Her sixth album, I felt, it was a recap of all the work she had done until. It brings up the vicious beats from 'Debut' and 'Post', the high level songwriting of 'Homogenic' and the passionate voice tone from both 'Vespertine' and 'Medúlla'. That said, she sounded a bit tired along the songs, as if she knew it was just a big remix of all her other albums. But even Bjork in herHer sixth album, I felt, it was a recap of all the work she had done until. It brings up the vicious beats from 'Debut' and 'Post', the high level songwriting of 'Homogenic' and the passionate voice tone from both 'Vespertine' and 'Medúlla'. That said, she sounded a bit tired along the songs, as if she knew it was just a big remix of all her other albums. But even Bjork in her lowest levels can stand out making an album better than other artists. Expand
  20. Nov 15, 2015
    Although Bjork's vocals are on point, I find this album to be a weaker effort than her previous work; however, it is still good. The main issue I have with this album is that the horn sections in the songs all kind of sound the same which makes this album seem redundant. On the bright side, I love the spunk and energy of this album especially on tracks like "Innocence" and "Wanderlust".Although Bjork's vocals are on point, I find this album to be a weaker effort than her previous work; however, it is still good. The main issue I have with this album is that the horn sections in the songs all kind of sound the same which makes this album seem redundant. On the bright side, I love the spunk and energy of this album especially on tracks like "Innocence" and "Wanderlust". It's not her best, but it is still worth the listen. Expand
  21. Jan 28, 2016
    I like how its both thoughtful, introspective at sometimes like in Pneumonia and My Juvenile and both energitic and effortless like Earth Intruders and Wanderlust. The thing about this album that make it seem bad for some, are the way the music flow throught the album. there are many inteeruptions like I See Who You Are right after the Explosive Innocence, Veertebrae by Vertebrar rightI like how its both thoughtful, introspective at sometimes like in Pneumonia and My Juvenile and both energitic and effortless like Earth Intruders and Wanderlust. The thing about this album that make it seem bad for some, are the way the music flow throught the album. there are many inteeruptions like I See Who You Are right after the Explosive Innocence, Veertebrae by Vertebrar right before the reflexive Pneumonia. Expand
  22. Jul 24, 2017
    Volta is the pop-album of Björk's discography. Each song have a different volume. From the slowest intimate ballad ("Pneumonia"), to the biggest electronic dance rhythms ("Declare Independence"), the album is the reflect of the human feelings rainbow. "Vertebrae To Vertebrae" is a highlight in her discography.
  23. TPJ
    May 17, 2007
    The more you listen, the more you'll love. Certainly better than the rather average Medulla but nowhere near as good as her earlier stuff, then again not much is.
  24. JuliaA
    May 20, 2007
    I found this album can be felt more deeper when I heard it by my discman. And I think each songs in Volta are paired up, a sort of short story: Earth Intruders (crazy beats) & Declare Independence (my favorite, it's so fierce) The Dull Flame Of Desire-I See Who You Are (so lovely)-My Juvenile Wanderlust & Innocence Vertebrae By Vertebrae-Pneumonia-Hope A little scattered in themes, I found this album can be felt more deeper when I heard it by my discman. And I think each songs in Volta are paired up, a sort of short story: Earth Intruders (crazy beats) & Declare Independence (my favorite, it's so fierce) The Dull Flame Of Desire-I See Who You Are (so lovely)-My Juvenile Wanderlust & Innocence Vertebrae By Vertebrae-Pneumonia-Hope A little scattered in themes, but Volta's just gorgeous. Expand
  25. JustinT
    May 4, 2007
    People, especially reviewers are morons. This isn't Bjork returning to her "Debut" or "Post" days as some have said. Nor is it a "pop" album as many have been led to believe. I think people were expecting something much more superficial, "catchy" and commercial. But it isn't any of those things. We are talking about Bjork. Just like all her previous albums it's daring, People, especially reviewers are morons. This isn't Bjork returning to her "Debut" or "Post" days as some have said. Nor is it a "pop" album as many have been led to believe. I think people were expecting something much more superficial, "catchy" and commercial. But it isn't any of those things. We are talking about Bjork. Just like all her previous albums it's daring, emotional, inventive and brilliantly odd. Standout tracks:Earth Intruders, Wanderlust, Declare Independence, Innocence and Dull Flame of Desire. Please don't buy this album unless your an estatic Bjork fan, because it is NOT FOR YOU otherwise. Expand
  26. LeoF
    May 8, 2007
    Bjork's albums were never easy and this one is probably her most difficult yet. Definitely, not for everyone.
  27. WesS
    May 12, 2007
    Not her best by a long shot. In fact this may be her weakest album ever besides Drawing Restraint which is not even really a true Bjork vocal album, but more instrumental in nature. I love Bjork, but this album disappoints.
  28. AlanS
    May 4, 2007
    I love Bjork and expected, based on early reports, for this CD to be slightly less experimental and more groovy. Now I am in it for the ride no matter what she does but I would have preferred more to dance to. That said, Dull Flame of Desire, Wanderlust and Declare Independence are some of her best ideas ever. There is a certain lack of polish to the CD that is sometimes refreshing and I love Bjork and expected, based on early reports, for this CD to be slightly less experimental and more groovy. Now I am in it for the ride no matter what she does but I would have preferred more to dance to. That said, Dull Flame of Desire, Wanderlust and Declare Independence are some of her best ideas ever. There is a certain lack of polish to the CD that is sometimes refreshing and sometimes a bit disappointing. Expand
  29. iieee
    May 7, 2007
    on paper this album does read very well, i expected high energy and it's not here!? parts of it remind me why i fell in love with her years ago but other bits bring me back to why she gives me a headache!? i'm pretty mixed about this one. hardcore fans with LOVE it others might eject it the moment of entry!? anyway Bjork...love ya! but it's all starting to feel a bit old!? on paper this album does read very well, i expected high energy and it's not here!? parts of it remind me why i fell in love with her years ago but other bits bring me back to why she gives me a headache!? i'm pretty mixed about this one. hardcore fans with LOVE it others might eject it the moment of entry!? anyway Bjork...love ya! but it's all starting to feel a bit old!? and that's sad. Expand
  30. frankm
    May 7, 2007
    why does metacritic use reviews from a terrible magazine like NOW?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Volta is arguably Bjork's loosest and most ruminative record, and though it touches on everything she's ever done, it's not as gripping or coherent as her best stuff.
  2. Listen intently, repeatedly, and you'll hear much to widen your consciousness... But listen for, you know, enjoyment and you'll be left wanting.
  3. Every song on Volta sounds like it was birthed in no fewer than 10 months, if not five years. "Fun" hardly has an opportunity to enter the picture when Björk's now seemingly permanent fastidiousness remains her métier.