• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 605 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 35 out of 605

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  1. Jon
    Jun 26, 2008
    This album stinks of Arcade Fire and Brian Eno influence. This is the good part. Yet many perceive and are vocal about Coldplay's direction as groundbreaking when clearly it's not
  2. SteveO
    Jun 27, 2008
    I'm guessing "Zia" is a girl... yeah don't listen to girls, pick up this cd. It's worth it. It isn't girl rock.
  3. LeandroC.
    Jul 11, 2008
    The best album of the year!
  4. MarkT.
    Jul 11, 2008
    The album was good aside from the double tracks, which was a bad idea. I would probably say this was their third best album of the four.
  5. DaveN
    Jul 13, 2008
    Not as good as their last two, but very good non the less.
  6. angel
    Jul 17, 2008
    I can't stop listening to it its beautiful and moving I haven't been a coldplay fan since Parachutes.
  7. PaulL.
    Jul 18, 2008
    Best album yet. Brilliant song writing and performance.
  8. LuisA
    Jul 18, 2008
    very disappointing, the band´s betting on being the next u2 instead of continuing the great job doing on Parachutes and on A Rush Of Blood To The Head. They´re pretending they´re making an avant garde record, while all their making an over-produced product with no heart whatsoever.
  9. JoeS.
    Jul 22, 2008
    After 3 or 4 complete listens, I'm afraid I'm just not feeling this album like I have older Coldplay releases. Unlike most albums I actually spend money on, there's not a single song on the entire album that I feel driven to put on repeat, listen over and over to, etc. Both musically and regarding emotional impact, I feel like this is the weakest of their albums to date.
  10. ChrisC.
    Jan 18, 2009
    This is proof that Coldplay are worth the hype and the fame. The album is adventurous, experimental, and emotional. It's nice to hear an album of songs that take you on a journey. I think they are one album away from making an actual classic...
  11. ZachB
    Feb 12, 2009
    This is, honestly, one of the best albums that I have ever listened to. The first track goes perfectly with the last track with the sort of synthy sound and coming back with that at the end of the album. It gave me goosebumps. Then, Viva la Vida is one of my favorite songs of all time. Violet Hill and Cemeteries of London also bring dimensions of Coldplay in which has not really been seen This is, honestly, one of the best albums that I have ever listened to. The first track goes perfectly with the last track with the sort of synthy sound and coming back with that at the end of the album. It gave me goosebumps. Then, Viva la Vida is one of my favorite songs of all time. Violet Hill and Cemeteries of London also bring dimensions of Coldplay in which has not really been seen before in other albums, but is still fantastic. The Chinese Sleep Chant after Yes is a song that mesmorizes and is a wonderful addition. While this does sound U2'ish, that is not a bad thing. U2 is one of the most established bands of all time and to say that it sounds like U2 is a compliment more than anything else. Expand
  12. DJC
    Mar 29, 2009
    I till don't get why everyone hates coldplay all of a sudden is it because it's unfashionable to like great music. I think that this record is one of the best of 2008 and anyone who disagrees is obviously not listening properly.
  13. ColdplaymeCokdplayme
    Nov 12, 2008
    Amazing a rare album , youll never hear in years , instant classiic, anyone should get their hands on.. Its like an artwork wherein first you say okay.. then the more you visit it the more you start appreciating it until youve completely fallen in love with it. Coldplay have never been more consistent as a band ! All their albums are amazing keep it up!!! Although AROBTTH is still a Amazing a rare album , youll never hear in years , instant classiic, anyone should get their hands on.. Its like an artwork wherein first you say okay.. then the more you visit it the more you start appreciating it until youve completely fallen in love with it. Coldplay have never been more consistent as a band ! All their albums are amazing keep it up!!! Although AROBTTH is still a contender also is X&Y.....THe new BEATLES they are. Expand
  14. GabrielM
    Nov 23, 2008
    Great album, the best of coldplay!
  15. Aug 14, 2010
    A truly remarkable album that shows Coldplay as one of the best experimental rock bands out there.

    This is probably their finest hour yet. Coldplay has crafted a wholesome album that sounds uniform yet entirely unique from their previous sound. What each listener gets is not just a good collection but a musical journey that sonically varies from song to song creating a beautiful
    A truly remarkable album that shows Coldplay as one of the best experimental rock bands out there.

    This is probably their finest hour yet. Coldplay has crafted a wholesome album that sounds uniform yet entirely unique from their previous sound.

    What each listener gets is not just a good collection but a musical journey that sonically varies from song to song creating a beautiful experience. There's no real tale because the concept is to take one on an adventure. Chris Martin probably has poured himself out the most on this album, spinning tales of war, love, and pain. On the title track, Martin describes himself as a king in his past life over a background that sounds like the theme music for the appearance of a celestial body. Violet Hill features shredding guitar riffs against the piano and Martin's megaphone-like verses.

    But even some of those verses really stop Viva La Vida from becoming a classic. As much as the sound is sonic majesty, Chris Martin seems at a loss for words and at times weak against the superior background. His topical interests are as Paste Magazine says it, vague.

    Take out all of that and you have one of the greatest 47-minute musical experiences of a lifetime. However, there is no doubt that Viva La Vida is far away from becoming the definitive Coldplay album.
  16. Aug 29, 2010
    Nothing special I'd say. Much better than "X&Y", but not even close to the synthesis band made with their debut. Of course, there are some good songs: "Cemeteries of London", "42" or "Lost".
  17. CRL
    Aug 17, 2011
    Viva la Vida is a paradox, a collection of catchy yet graceful, deep yet entertaining, thoroughly enjoyable yet mentally stimulating songs that elevates Coldplay even higher into the titans of alternative rock. The title song is one of my all-time favorites; it along with the harder-sounding Violet Hill and the flowing, graceful all-instrumental Life in Technicolor make up the best of the album.
  18. Sep 11, 2011
    Whenever music acts trying anything new, they often fail. Where X&Y failed in its ambitions, Viva La Vida triumphs gloriously!! This is Coldplay's greatest album!! X&Y reeked of U2 and had an unmemorable second half, but Viva La Vida is original and memorable all the way through. Chris Martin and his fellow band members have proved themselves talented once again, this time away from theWhenever music acts trying anything new, they often fail. Where X&Y failed in its ambitions, Viva La Vida triumphs gloriously!! This is Coldplay's greatest album!! X&Y reeked of U2 and had an unmemorable second half, but Viva La Vida is original and memorable all the way through. Chris Martin and his fellow band members have proved themselves talented once again, this time away from the extreme commercialism of X&Y!!! I really want Mylo Xyloto to be good!!!! Expand
  19. Oct 2, 2011
    A great album, full of surprises. You can feel yourself in french revolution once more. It has a nice sense of continuation and a lot of experimentation
  20. Sep 21, 2013
    Viva la Vida could be the most ambitious and impressive Coldplay album. Tracks such as Viva la Vida, Violet Hill, Yes, Lovers in Japan, 42, and Life in Technicolor prove that Coldplay can be new and inventive while still staying true to their previous records.
  21. Dec 7, 2017
    Album number 4 from Coldplay came with the band at a sort of crossroads. Its predeccessor, X&Y was decent in parts but overall felt bloated and sounded like a band who had gotten lost in their own enormity. "Viva La Vida....." is a huge improvement and for me this was one of the albums of 2008. Looking back, it also ranks as a career highlight. Coldplay show signs of experimentation forAlbum number 4 from Coldplay came with the band at a sort of crossroads. Its predeccessor, X&Y was decent in parts but overall felt bloated and sounded like a band who had gotten lost in their own enormity. "Viva La Vida....." is a huge improvement and for me this was one of the albums of 2008. Looking back, it also ranks as a career highlight. Coldplay show signs of experimentation for the first time really here (Brian Eno's influence is obvious on it). The results elevate them to the level of the likes of their heroes U2. The songs are strong throughout, the production is top class without being suffocating as it was on X&Y and on some of the material the band have released since. The ideas that are explored are genuinely exciting. This record reignited my interest in Coldplay and proved, as U2 have time and time again, that just because your songs are really radio friendly doesn't mean your not a credible artist. Superb effort. Expand
  22. Dec 16, 2011
    Hearing most of these songs live makes it ten times larger than life. You never forget a Coldplay concert, that's for sure. Especially one advertising some of their best songs yet.
  23. Sep 18, 2012
    Also I've only got three single songs that are a 10 for me, the album is really fantastic. One of the best in my iTunes library and also Coldplay's best work yet. Their music is a work of art and so is this album. Chilling, diversified and also airplay capable. Very nice job!
  24. Aug 21, 2012
    this is simply the best album of coldplay , i really really love the songs, it's lyrically thrilling and the music just amazing,. viva la vida is the song that made me love this band and discover their music, i can't get enough of this album, every single song is beautifull in every single way, long live the king (coldplay)
  25. Aug 22, 2012
    I almost gave this album a 9 but decided to give it a 10 which is something I don't do very often. I don't really understand how this album didn't get mostly great reviews from critics as in universal acclaim. This album might be even better than A Rush of Blood To the Head but I won't say it is. My least favorite track from this one is Violet Hill but it's still a great song. The album isI almost gave this album a 9 but decided to give it a 10 which is something I don't do very often. I don't really understand how this album didn't get mostly great reviews from critics as in universal acclaim. This album might be even better than A Rush of Blood To the Head but I won't say it is. My least favorite track from this one is Violet Hill but it's still a great song. The album is classic Coldplay from start to finish. The final track along with the hidden track is just simply beautiful! Other GREAT songs include Viva La Vida, Lost!, 42 and Lovers In Japan/Reign of Love. The other songs I didn't mention are wonderful too. Is this album better than Rush of Blood? I don't know but it should be Coldplay's defining album along with A Rush of Blood To the Head. Expand
  26. May 18, 2013
    Excellent album, well worth the positive critical reaction. The music is great, and I love that they're trying something new. For me, the low point of the album is "Reign of Love", and even that's pretty good.
    Favourite tracks: "Cemeteries of London", "Lost!", "Violet Hill", "Strawberry Swing", "Lovers in Japan".
    Honourable mentions: 1. Chris Martin's vocals on "Yes". 2. The arena
    Excellent album, well worth the positive critical reaction. The music is great, and I love that they're trying something new. For me, the low point of the album is "Reign of Love", and even that's pretty good.
    Favourite tracks: "Cemeteries of London", "Lost!", "Violet Hill", "Strawberry Swing", "Lovers in Japan".
    Honourable mentions:
    1. Chris Martin's vocals on "Yes".
    2. The arena moment ("woah-ah-oooh") on "Viva La Vida".
  27. Feb 9, 2013
    While I can say, as a Coldplay fan, this is NOT their best record (that would go to A Rush Of Blood To The Head), it's up there. This album, as produced by Brian Eno of U2 production fame, brings many experimental elements to the album, giving the band all new sounds to utilize like soaring string sections (almost the and combining that with their pre-existing sound. You get excellentWhile I can say, as a Coldplay fan, this is NOT their best record (that would go to A Rush Of Blood To The Head), it's up there. This album, as produced by Brian Eno of U2 production fame, brings many experimental elements to the album, giving the band all new sounds to utilize like soaring string sections (almost the and combining that with their pre-existing sound. You get excellent songs like "Violet Hill", "Yes", and "Lovers in Japan". I praise Coldplay and Brian Eno for experimenting their sound. So at this point you're wondering why this hasn't got a 9 or 10. Well, honestly, I can say that my problem is that the album covers almost too much; I have to keep resetting my mind that "Wait, 'Viva La Vida'? That's Coldplay right?" Some songs are too far from their sound. Overall, It deserves a thorough listen, and if you're a fan of Radiohead (or experimental rock in general) this album would appeal to you more than their others. Expand
  28. Nov 27, 2019
    Coldplay 4 is probably the best of their albums in terms of blending creativity and mainstream success into one cohesive album. It has hits (Lost!, Viva la Vida, Violet Hill) It has excellent deep cuts (Death and all his Friends, Lovers in Japan). It has different and out in left field success (Yes, Strawberry Swing). Arguably their best album, though I personally prefer Ghost Stories.
  29. Feb 3, 2014
    Coldplay, in each of their albums, find the way to stand out from the ordinary, thanks to two or three really great songs. It is the case in this one, with "Violet Hill", a really beautiful rock hit. But we can remember something else this time : much more than in their previous albums, Coldplay seem to have wanted to renew their style, making more complex and varied songs. In this album,Coldplay, in each of their albums, find the way to stand out from the ordinary, thanks to two or three really great songs. It is the case in this one, with "Violet Hill", a really beautiful rock hit. But we can remember something else this time : much more than in their previous albums, Coldplay seem to have wanted to renew their style, making more complex and varied songs. In this album, the group surprises, in the right way. Expand
  30. May 24, 2014
    It was a mistake giving this album below 10. I regret it with all my life. Because this album lifts me up high and just makes me happy whenever I listen to it. Death and All His Friends is absolutely one of the best records I have ever heard. I love how Coldplay transforms cliched lines like 'Big fish in a little pond' into musical masterpiece. They simply breathe life to such lifeless andIt was a mistake giving this album below 10. I regret it with all my life. Because this album lifts me up high and just makes me happy whenever I listen to it. Death and All His Friends is absolutely one of the best records I have ever heard. I love how Coldplay transforms cliched lines like 'Big fish in a little pond' into musical masterpiece. They simply breathe life to such lifeless and corny words. This album proves they are simply one of the best bands in modern generation. If not, the entire history of music. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Given Eno’s quarter-century of Bono-fides, this isn’t surprising. Martin’s interests are frequently vague--on 'Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love' he sings about soldiers who must soldier on and runners who must run until the race is won. Seriously?
  2. The greatest thing Coldplay may have learned from Eno is his work ethic, as they demonstrate a focused concentration throughout this tight album--it's only 47 minutes yet covers more ground than "X&Y" and arguably "A Rush of Blood to the Head"--that turns Viva la Vida into something quietly satisfying.
  3. They try hard, Coldplay, but it just isn't enough; their fourth album might just be their best yet, but it's still a long way from being the epochal classic that Chris Martin is desperate to create.