• Record Label: Sire
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 77
  2. Negative: 15 out of 77

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  1. AnnaG.
    Oct 1, 2007
    Yes, i consider *Venus Doom* is an amazing thing, witch includes awesome guitars, kristall keyboards, and deep voice by Ville. In the whole, album looks like a very tragic and melancholy book, and i'm ready to read it again and again.
  2. Dahlia
    Oct 12, 2007
    I honestly think this album is really fucking great, i wont discard any of the songs, because each one of them is just charming, i can see the guys really put their souls in it. The guitars are wonderful, the voice the feeling it transmits... i really loved everything and i think that is something that's worth to listen.
  3. Ville'sPrincess
    Oct 1, 2007
    Best album ever! The boy's have done it again. I have not stopped listening to it since I got. You don't make it to #12 for nothing.
  4. Toni
    Sep 23, 2007
    Just perfect HIM-album!!Dark,heavy,beautiful..Best performance from HIM since Razorblade Romance.
  5. DavidS.
    Sep 28, 2007
    One of the best HIM album Its really rocks, thanks God, HIM back there perfect sound! ))) Sleepwalking Past Hope...is also one of the best HIM's song ever!
  6. KalenaB
    Nov 21, 2007
    This album is very refreshing and different from the past albums. HIM manages to reinvent their sound while drawing on influences from their past. I think this album is beautifully done!
  7. mindulios.
    Oct 2, 2007
    This stuff is amazing...one of the best albums overall in 2007!!!
  8. JamesA.
    Oct 29, 2007
    I love them because they are very good and Ville Valo has a very good voice.Plus he pulls off the gothic look so well!
  9. SpiderW.
    Sep 22, 2007
    Excellent album from a great band. Heavier yet without sacrificing melody.
  10. JainaT.
    Sep 22, 2007
    This is the best album HIM has ever put out. I can't stop listening to it!
  11. EllieC.
    Sep 25, 2007
    This album gives me chills in the very best way. Ville Valo's vocal range is amazing on all the albums, but on this one he really blows me away, especially in the song Sleepwalking Past Hope. H.I.M. is innovative in their music in this album and have gone back to where they sound best.
  12. MakE.
    Sep 25, 2007
    This album is Rock. Everything else out there is just lending its support to it.
  13. MarkasL.
    Dec 15, 2007
    Having not heard the entire album I find it profoundingly easy to say it's a really good album. besides I'm a HIM fan in the rising.
  14. PoisonGrl666
    Sep 23, 2007
    Venus Doom is HIM's best album to date. The guitar rifts are amazing, and Ville's voice and lyrics are simply beautiful. Venus Doom is a perfect 10!!
  15. TimP.
    Sep 23, 2007
    Best HIM album so far. Great songs and performances and the production is immaculate.
  16. JohnD.
    Sep 24, 2007
    Dark light was a little too mainstream, this is him going back to its roots and doing a great job at it. I'm glad they got away from the mainstream s*** and got back to their roots. not the best album up there, but second to razorblade romance isn't that bad.
  17. ToryE.
    Sep 24, 2007
    This is the HIM that the fan's of the band have been waiting to come back. Dark Light was a horrible record and for those of you not familiar with HIM and there music it may have left you with a bad taste it even made me question why i loved the band in the first place. Venus Doom has made that clear in my mind. Check this out along with the rest of HIM's catalog Love Metal goes This is the HIM that the fan's of the band have been waiting to come back. Dark Light was a horrible record and for those of you not familiar with HIM and there music it may have left you with a bad taste it even made me question why i loved the band in the first place. Venus Doom has made that clear in my mind. Check this out along with the rest of HIM's catalog Love Metal goes great with this album and was also produced by guy. Venus Doom is the best HIM album to date in my opinion and I have been a fan for many years now. Expand
  18. Wendy
    Sep 28, 2007
    One of the best rock albums ever!!! You just can't rate it 0.
  19. MinaS
    Nov 27, 2007
    as a lifelong fan- just perfect!
  20. Dec 10, 2010
    The band finally goes back to their darker, heavier roots in this album, which is welcome after their last effort- Dark Light (Which, beside screamworks, is my least favorite). Dont get me wrong, Im a HUGE him fan, but sometimes they fall short. Anyway, this album finally brings back the band that I fell in love with. You can hear echoes of 'Greatest Lovesongs' in almost every track,The band finally goes back to their darker, heavier roots in this album, which is welcome after their last effort- Dark Light (Which, beside screamworks, is my least favorite). Dont get me wrong, Im a HUGE him fan, but sometimes they fall short. Anyway, this album finally brings back the band that I fell in love with. You can hear echoes of 'Greatest Lovesongs' in almost every track, heavy, heavy tracks, transitioning into slow melancholy ballads. Epic win. I must say though, that this album left me feeling like they were going to go darker, and heavier on their next album....sadly I was let down. Expand
  21. JenH
    Oct 1, 2007
    This album is amazing. I saw the song list and noticed there were only nine songs, but then I listened to it and all nine of those songs are awesome. They're long so it makes up for the short list. By the way...the people who gave it a zero...go to hell. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its awful...and for your information all music is technically noise. Also, I This album is amazing. I saw the song list and noticed there were only nine songs, but then I listened to it and all nine of those songs are awesome. They're long so it makes up for the short list. By the way...the people who gave it a zero...go to hell. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its awful...and for your information all music is technically noise. Also, I would really like to ask if the assholes that gave this album a zero, have ever put an album out. Guess what, its not the easiest thing in the world to do. You can't please everybody so SHUT UP! Expand
  22. SnakeX
    May 3, 2008
    I don't give it 10 only because I believe they can do even more amazing stuff in the future
  23. SnakeX
    May 3, 2008
    I don't give it 10 only because I believe they can do even more amazing stuff in the future
  24. Hottramp
    Sep 23, 2007
    Almost perfect! Add a touch of RR for spontenaiety & rawness & a pinch of DL for it's brilliant lyrics to VD's kickass sound and you'd end up with the PERFECT 10 H.I.M album.
  25. AshleyN.
    Sep 23, 2007
    I've been a HIM fan for a very long time, and this album is definitely one of their best. Out of the 6 albums, this ranks as their second best. (in my opinion, anyway. :P) 6. Greatest Love Songs Vol 666 5. Dark Light 4. Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights 3. Love Metal 2. Venus Doom 1. Razorblade Romance Best songs: Sleepwalking Past Hope, Love in Cold Blood, Passion's Killing I've been a HIM fan for a very long time, and this album is definitely one of their best. Out of the 6 albums, this ranks as their second best. (in my opinion, anyway. :P) 6. Greatest Love Songs Vol 666 5. Dark Light 4. Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights 3. Love Metal 2. Venus Doom 1. Razorblade Romance Best songs: Sleepwalking Past Hope, Love in Cold Blood, Passion's Killing Floor, and The Kiss of Dawn. Expand
  26. XDeviantXXDoomX
    Sep 22, 2007
    Its awesome...love it or hate it...its VD baby!
  27. EricY.
    Nov 15, 2007
    I like that it is heavier than their older stuff.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. H.I.M. isn't a band known for profound lyrics, but, at the same time, most fans of the band don't want to philosophize, they want to hear the group rock out, and this release shows them doing precisely that, even harder than before.
  2. Blender
    When Ville lets loose a rare scream on 'Love in Cold Blood,' it's a downer. Dude: We know you've come to suck our blood, but at least have the courtesy to romance us first! [Oct 2007, p.110]
  3. Though it's pretty easy to be the best band in their self-created genre of 'love metal', if you can ignore the cartoon goth twaddle that comes out of Valo's mouth, you'll find an extremely well-executed pop-metal album underneath.